Smoking Paradise Island


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"That does sound tough!" Mike suggested with genuine concern.

"Tell me about it, before we came back to the island a few years ago Kate had actually managed to quit the habit, load of her friends she had made all had gone into a health kick, she had lost a few pounds and was looking great and she in herself was feeling and looking good."

"So why come back?" Mike asked as he lifted his rod in hope, rather than expectation.

"We missed it, we genuinely missed the people, and the way of life, and the big factor Kate missed smoking. She did so well, but ultimately the devil of temptation of nicotine and glorious sunshine was just too much, so back we came. Soon it was like we had never been away."

"Do you think you will leave again for a life on the mainland?" Mike enquired as John sat there thoughtfully smoking.

He exhaled though is nose shuffled up on his stool "I really hope I don't!" he said gently nodding and placed the cigarette back between his lips and focused on his fishing rod.


Carrie-Ann studied her fingers and looked down at her matching toes and smiled. "Wow, that is stunning, thank you so much Katya!" she grinned.

"It's genuinely my pleasure!" Katya stated as she extracted a cigarette from the pack beside them and placed it between her red lips and lit it, exhaling a cone up to the ceiling. Kate then came back around the corner, flicking her black bikini bottoms out from her bum crack as she waddled along with a freshly lit cigarette between her fingers of the other, her short bob of hair slightly shorter.

"Shall we get back to the cabin, the boys will be back without any fish in a bit." She stated and dragged on her cigarette. "Before we have another glass of wine with these two." She grinned and looked kindly at both of them.

"You got wine?" Carrie-Ann stated, "lucky you!" she grinned.

"You will have plenty up at the beach with Tanya!" Kate stated and then dragged on her cigarette.


They waved John and Kate off and after Carrie-Ann had lit another cigarette she carried her coffee mug across and settled in on the sofa watching the waves slap gently against the beach through the large bi-fold window.

"So where is my fishy lunch?" Carrie-Ann asked as the exhaled as then studied her red sparkly fingers nails through the smoke.

"Like hell that we managed to catch anything, had a good chat, plenty of sea, but no fish!" Mike stated before gulping down water from a water bottle.

"When do you think Tanya will be here?" Carrie-Ann asked before dragging on her cigarette again.

Mike smiled "Oh any...." his shoulders fell "hang on, I recognise those flip-flops!" Mike said tilting his head and raising his ear. "Think our expected guest is here!"

Carrie-Ann closed her eyes and leaned head back on the sofa and sighed her exhale through her nose before dragging hard again on her cigarette.

"Hello, morning you two!" Tanya greeted them as smiled as she poked her head around the door. "Oh, great you are up, and you've had breakfast, I have brought you some more milk for your coffees and another carton of reds for you Caz."

"Oh thanks, yes we've already been out this morning with John and Kate!" Mike stated from the sofa as Carrie-Ann wiggled her spare hand showing off her fingers.

"Oh, yes, I can see great nails Caz," Tanya smiled, "Anyway I don't know if you remembered but I said that the bar was open today on the beach, I was wondering if you wanted me to drive you to the other side of the island."

Mike looked at Carrie-Ann and then back to Tanya, "How far a walk is it?" He asked.

"Along the road, about thirty minutes, you can cut across the fields and it's quicker, but you can also easily get lost in the tobacco plantation!"

"What do you think Caz, lift or walk?"

Carrie-Ann thoughtfully dragged on her cigarette and spoke with her exhale "Tanya, after our adventures the other day trying to do walking the lift would be lovely, thank you." And then she dragged again.

"Great, no rush, I will grab a cigarette and we can go when you are ready!" she said turning the pack around on the table and taking a cigarette out and placing it between her lips.

"I guess we need to ask, do we need to pack anything?" Mike mused.

Tanya shook her head and then after a brief pause nodded and lit the cigarette with a sharp short inhale, exhaling slowly through her nose, "Beach stuff, towel, sunglasses and cream, that's about it, drinks -including water and food are supplied up there." She grinned before dragging again on the cigarette. "We shouldn't leave it too late, mind you." She said with her exhale, "the Germans will be up there taking the best deckchairs, they always do!"


Tanya bent down and placed a round of cold beers down on the little table.

"Here is a drink for you both, I am going to head off shortly, got to help my mom with some committee stuff, so I will see you both later and will take you back to your cabin." Tanya said moving the large wine glass beside Carrie-Ann and the beer beside Mike.

"Oh, you aren't staying?" Carrie-Ann asked slightly disappointedly her hand over her eyes after Tanya stood in front of her sun.

She smiled "I do think that you and your husband should be allowed some romantic holiday time on your own!" she grinned and extracted a cigarette from Carrie-Ann's pack, stuck the cigarette in the corner of her mouth and quickly lit it. "You've still got a pack and half there, that should last you?"

"Oh, yes of course thank you!"

"No problem, shall I come back and pick you up at, err, shall we say five?" Tanya asked looking down at them both, and then stepped aside and apologised as yet another grey haired, large, darkly tanned, and totally naked, lady slowly made her way down to the beach between the sun loungers.

Mike chortled "As I have no idea of time, I guess we will be both well lubricated by then! Sounds good, so we shall see you later! Cheers" and he offered up his drink before taking a gulp.

And with that Tanya smiled and waved and made her way up the beach pausing and chatting to others beach guests with her cigarette dangled in the corner of her mouth, before she hopped into the buggy at the top of the beach and drove off.

"How does anyone know what time it is around here?" Carrie-Ann mused as she picked up her cigarette burning in the ashtray beside her and took a drag.

"Caz, chill relax, smoke and drink and enjoy the rays. She will come back for us at some point!"

"Yes, boss," she saluted in a joking way, "sounds like a plan! Shall we have these drinks and then visit the water for a pee, then try and swim the short distance to that floating raft?" Carrie-Ann mused before dragging hard on her cigarette.

"Good idea, I don't mind the exercises as I haven't done anything other than drink and eat since we got here, so that sounds good, but are you okay with it?" Mike asked.

"I actually did have that enforced run yesterday, my legs haven't move so quick in years..." she smiled, "and didn't die...too much?" and then leisurely dragged on her cigarette before exhaling "so Mike, swimming only a little bit won't hurt!" Mike raised an eyebrow, smiled and sipped his beer.

"Finish these, and lets go down!" he grinned.


Carrie-Ann groaned "You can tell why the raft is empty as fuck!" she took a big laboured breath between panting, as she leant over as she slowly staggered back up the beach. "I was sure someone was moving it further away from us as we swam out to it?"

"Don't think so Caz!" Mike chuckled. "It would have been anchored down." He mansplained.

"Also, sure the beach was very much further away when we swam back, my arms, legs and fucking lungs are screaming!" she sighed, and her feet slowly stomped up the beach the sea water dripping off her naked body as she went.

"At least you can tick that off the things done on the island and won't do again?" Mike tried to suggest a positive and put his hand around her waist and squeezed her affectionately as they reached their spot.

"Ah bloody ha!" Carrie-Ann grizzled, and Mike let go of her as she leaned over and hurriedly extracted a cigarette from the pack, sniffed as she wiped a drip of water of her nose and picked up her lighter and straightened up, tilted her head back and conducted a large double pump inhale and her shoulders instantly relaxed.

She picked up her sunglasses and placed them back on her nose and then settled back down on the lounger and dragged again. "Wow, I needed that!" she said before gently coughing twice "Mike, whilst I finish this one, and potentially, okay definitely have the required second, can you go and order us some food, and get the next drinks in?"

"Only as it you darling!" Mike said busily towelling himself down. "Guessing you will have a cheese sandwich or burger?" he stated watching another beach goer demolishing a burger a couple of rows ahead.

"Yeah, something that's easy to eat on the beach." And she heavily dragged again and exhaled as she relaxed on the sun lounger and brought her knees together and relaxed down on to her lounger smiled at Mike and continued to smoke her cigarette.


Lunch was consumed and for Carrie-Ann, as was several cigarettes along with another beer and then cold glass of white wine. Mike was enjoying sitting on the beach with his sunglasses on constant stream of smoke escaping the collection of very naked women and of course men who were surrounding him.

He waved at Jessica as her large breasts swung and then bounced up down along with her bulging stomach as she and Hannah, who was conservatively wearing her full blue swimming costume, laboured their way up the beach from their latest swim in the sea, to their loungers. They smiled and waved back; he was surprized to see Hannah was taking cigarette from the pack that Jessica picked up before they sat down. He nudged Carrie-Ann and whispered, "That hypnotist did make, err, that girl Hannah a smoker look" and he tried to subtly point with his elbow and they both watched as she took a very gentle, almost nervous drag on the cigarette.

"Or maybe Mike she is just surrounded on this island by the pure pleasure of smoking, and couldn't resist the delightful temptation, I sometimes wish he could have done something with you?" Carrie-Ann smiled cheekily and dragged harder on her cigarette to bring Mike's head back around to look at her, and then exhaled her smoke directly into his face.

They did have another splash and short swim as nature called, and then with the warm sun, the waves gently lapping against the shore, they both fell asleep on the loungers.


Tanya eventually returned and sauntered down the beach in her dark sunglasses, cigarette perched in the corner of her mouth.

"Hey afternoon, or by the looks of it, morning to you two, how are you doing?" she asked after gently touching Mikes' shoulder

Mike slowly opened his eyes bringing his hands to his face to work out he was still wearing sunglasses, trying to work out where he was and yawned, he stared at the topless Tanya in front of him "Oh great thanks!" he prodded Carrie-Ann "Caz wake up!" Mike stated as she stirred coughed and instinctively her hand flapped around beside her hunting for her cigarette pack.

"That's good to hear, did you have fun?"

Mike and Carrie-Ann went on to explain how they swam, drank, she smoked and drank, then she smoked some more before both of them fell asleep!

"Well, how about I join you for another drink, and then let's say take you back to ours as Mom has suggested we have a BBQ this evening?"

Mike and Carrie-Ann looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders and simultaneously sipped their current but now warm drinks.

"Great, do you want a top up?" Tanya asked looking at the nearly empty glasses in their hands.

Mike looked at Carrie-Ann for permission and nodded, "Oh, go on, you've twisted my arm!" Mike stated a little two quickly in a sense that it was going to happen anyway. "Do you want a hand carrying them back?"

"Oh, Mike, I should really go and visit the sea now!" Carrie-Ann stated quietly wiggling her knees together as she bopped gently.

Tanya laughed "Don't be a prude Caz! Just piss here. Do you see any of the other drunkards in the sea?" and pointed there was just one gentleman slowly swimming along the shore "Just sit there like the locals, you're in a sand box!"

Carrie-Ann shook her head "I am not drunk, so I am not pissing here!" she smiled "Help me up Mike!" she asked as she offered her hands up with her cigarette dangled in the corner of her mouth. Mike pulled her up to standing.

"Thanks Darling, I will meet you back here!" she grinned turned and slowly and carefully purposefully placing her feet in the warm sand as she made her way back down the beach to the water pausing halfway as Mike and Tanya watched as she dragged on the cigarette before continuing her way to the turquoise blue water which was slowly lapping up against the golden sand.

"Another beer?" Tanya asked as she followed Mike back up to the beach to the wooden hut with faux thatch roof and she paused to take a drag on her ever-present cigarette.

"Yes please, but I am just going to go and take aim at that tree over there!" He suggested and scooted off over to the side of the beach as Tanya stood in the queue alone exhaling and shaking her head watching Mike pee against the tree.

The three of them met back at the loungers as Carrie-Ann wrapped the standard issue blue striped beach towel around to chest crimping the end over to hold it up and then after a gentle cough practically dived at the red pack of cigarettes next to the full ashtray.

"It is so scary Tanya, I was only in the water for like ten minutes, and I really needed this!" she said exhaling "Oh and thanks for the drink, Tanya!" Carrie-Ann stated once she was comfortable lying down on the lounger.

"It's all part of amazing bonus of being on the island, needing and having a cigarette with absolutely no problems plus you are in easy reach of a drink!" She smiled at both of them side by side. "Plus, it was your husband who carried them back!" she grinned and sipped her beer, sighed as the cold fluid went down her throat and then licked the white froth from her lips and then inhaled on her cigarette.

Mike gulped his beer, and then wiped his hand across his face "So, what is the plan this evening?" he queried in a determined way.

"My mom has got a group of the council elders and hangers on together for a BBQ, and she has invited you too."

Mikes eyes widened in slight shock. "They don't need us newcomers there?"

"Oh yes they do!" Tanya nodded confidently, as she opened the pack and went through the chainlighting of a cigarette procedure with two cheek collapsing drags to get it alight before handing the pack over Mike to Carrie-Ann, who showed her just lit cigarette. Tanya shrugged her shoulders and put the pack down.

"If there are guests, I will need to go back to ours and get ready and remove the sand and salt!" Carrie-Ann stated brushing her stray hairs from her sunglasses as they dried.

"Nah, you will be fine!" Tanya suggested.

"Mike, I need to get home first, get ready, de-sand, and get my makeup on before going anywhere!" Carrie-Ann demanded before dragging hard on her cigarette.

Mike looked at Tanya and raised both eyebrows and winced asking for permission to go via their place.

Tanya nodded "Its fine Caz, there is no hurry; there will still be plenty of sausages and baps...available." Tanya attempted humour "yes, we can go via yours!" she smiled in a trying to be friendly way and then equally dragged hard on her cigarette.

As Carrie-Ann looked across at Mike with her eyebrows above her sunglasses as to say, 'I told you so', before taking a gulp of her wine, quickly followed by yet another deep drag on her cigarette.


"That's better, I am free of salt and sand in my hair!" Carry-Ann announced as she exhaled from her first drag on her post shower cigarette whilst sitting at the kitchen table with the towel wrapped around her chest. "Sorry to delay getting back to yours." She stated as she flicked her ash.

"Well, I am going to have a quick shower too, if that's ok Tanya?" Mike asked as he unbuttoned his shorts.

Tanya snorted "Absolutely, no problem with me." She stated casually flicking her ash too and then dragging on her cigarette.

"Great, I won't be long!" Mike stated as he got up, squeezed Carrie-Ann's shoulders "Just remember to get dressed!" and then practically sprinted into the bathroom.

"Don't you miss the mainland?" Carrie-Ann asked as she studied Tanya's face before cocking her head to the side and dragging on her cigarette.

"Not really, I guess I miss 'modern life' there is not really any internet here, no technology, it's a backward state of times gone by?" Tanya replied thoughtfully before slowly dragging on her cigarette thinking some more.

"I guess I am enjoying the digital detox, but I keep looking for my cell phone next to my pack and very much missing it!" Carrie-Ann stated tapping her hand on the table in the space next to her pack.

"Well, Mom, Dad and I have access to the net and stuff, we are not meant to, but for Dad's work and well I say it's like animal farm here, can't get away from it...everyone is equal accept some are more equal than others!" she giggled and dragged on her cigarette.

Carrie-Ann raised an eyebrow "You have searched Mike and I and our digital lives before we came out haven't you, you seem to know us?"

Tanya smiled and nodded, "Well, yeah, just the usual Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin. The community leaders are always desperate to know who is coming on to the island. We had a problem just after we came back, where a couple just like you and Mike turned up, she smoked a little tentatively, don't worry, we soon knew that you smoke rather heavily as you have a cigarette in your hand in every single selfie on Facebook and of course Instagram post for the last eleven years," she grinned knowingly "and he didn't smoke at all."

Carrie-Ann sat slack jawed "Should I be scared at being Facebook stalked by you?

Tanya grinned as she rolled the cigarette on the edge of the ashtray manicuring her ash "No, I wouldn't worry; it's just proof of you being legit. It must we are all impressed in your personal website work, that is impressive, much better than Jim's attempt for this place, he used to keep up with it five years ago apparently, but being out here, he is now a little behind."

"Yeah, styles change, I did say to Mike that your website is a little clunky when we searched!" she grinned and flicked her cigarette and inhaled.

"Shush, I won't tell him, if you don't?" Tanya replied grinning.

"I won't, but I'm intrigued by this couple who came to the island?" Carrie asked before dragging again on the cigarette making a wide V with her fingers as she pulled hard on her filter before clamping the cigarette securely between her fingers and removing away away from her lips as she exhaled the plume of smoke.

"We found out that they were both journalists, they weren't a real couple, you should have seen how nervous they looked at each other when they were in their underwear in the kitchen together every morning, I don't think their bosses told them quite how naked the island is...Anyway, the way she was nervously smoking and not really inhaling, you could easily tell something was fishy. And as you have found out the group up at the pub are rather inquisitive and confronted them one night, and whilst playing a drinking game, got them very drunk; apparently folklore is that those journalists, whilst not particularly good smokers, could drink! Anyway, before they got outed, the girl..." she paused inhaled thinking "...Lucy" she exhaled "That was her name they got her that evening smoking properly, chainsmoking the lot, she was seriously out of her smoking depth. Kate felt quite proud of herself!" She smiled and flicked her cigarette and dragged again. "Anyway, the push came to shove, and they were asked 'What are you doing here?' and they admitted they were sent to write a report how we were out of control hedonistic island of bed hopping, drug taking, drunk islanders." She finished the sentenced and relaxed herself with two short inhales on the cigarette.
