Smoking Paradise Island


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She smiled, "By the end of their week, they were as drunk by 10 in the morning staggering around the beach lost, but hey, both of them were one ever saw a single story written about the island by them! They probably got fired!" she grinned and pulled a fresh cigarette out of the pack and chain lit the cigarette stubbing the finished cigarette out once she had exhaled.

"Wow, what an amazing thing to have stopped! We are honestly just here for a holiday!" Carrie-Ann said defensively and tugged at her towel making sure it was still up.

"We know, don't worry," she laughed rubbing her thumb around the corner of her lips, "We know it's your wedding anniversary this weekend! Congratulations by the way." Tanya stated and brought the cigarette back to her lips.

"Yeah...thank you...this is all just head-spinning plain freaky." Carrie-Ann slowly questioned as the smoke drifted out of her mouth.

"It's fine!" Tanya said waving her hand away. "Anyway, do you feel disappointed that Mike doesn't smoke with you?" Tanya asked changing topics back to smoking and then dragging on her own cigarette.

"A little, but until we came here, I had genuinely had never really thought about it?" Carrie replied placing the cigarette between her lips for a short inhale. "As normally I can see how much pleasure my smoking gives him." She winked.

"I may have rolls please...Do you want him to smoke?" Tanya asked as she slowly drummed her fingers on the table as the shower water splashed loudly in the background.

"Well..." her eyes went off the left and focused on a crack on the far wall and thought about it "I guess it would be nice to be curled up in a ball together on the sofa on a wet and windy night, glass of red wine on the table, wood burner in front of us and to share a lighter and both of us sit there and enjoy that moment of smoking a cigarette together of a evening, doesn't that sound cute, romantic and such a nice thing to do?" she said now looking back at Tanya.

Tanya smiled and nodded "Very romantic! Leave it to me!" she stated as she manicured her ash as Carrie-Ann briefly raised an eyebrow and looked over her shoulder as the steam poured out the bathroom as naked Mike opened the door.

"Don't do..." Carrie-Ann started to say as the door of the bathroom flew wide open.

"Hello, you two..." Mike stated as he rubbed the towel down over his hairy but muscular thighs. "Nothing like removing sand from between your butt crack is there!" he grinned in a cheeky manly way. "What have you two been plotting, as you are still not dressed?"

Both women snorted, laughed, and coughed and looked at each other and then giggled.

"Nothing Darling..." Carrie-Ann stated after recovering by dragging on her cigarette.

"So, who are we meeting this evening?" Mike asked as he bent over emphasised that he was drying his cock and balls with the towel.

"It's a small gathering of the council; they would like to meet you!"

"I didn't pack a tie!" Mike indicated.

"Don't worry, nor will they either be loosely dressed or more likely mostly naked!" she grinned and fiddled with the button on her shorts with one hand and manicured her cigarette with the other, "it's my mom, couple of the Dr's and some of others, don't feel worried! All I've found over the years don't ask the Dr's off duty about any ailments!" she grinned and as Mike and Carrie-Ann gently laughed and she went through her own chain-lighting of a cigarette routine again, and then got up in a cloud of exhaled smoke and followed Mike to the bedroom to throw on some clothes.


Tanya followed Marion's instructions and had ensured that Mike and Carrie-Ann each had a glass of wine and then brought them in to the living room.

"Mike and Caz, please let me introduce you to one of excellent doctors on the island, this is Martha." Tanya stood back to let the thin lightly tanned blonde girl, her straight hair perfectly up in a ponytail, showing off her large gold ring earrings as she confidently shuffled forward in only a white cardigan with the one button in the middle just about containing her bouncing breasts and blue sarong and flip flops.

"Hey, great to meet you again, I think we met on Monday?" he said before introducing Carrie-Ann and offering his hand to shake trying to keep his head up as not to stare at her large pert breasts not exactly hidden behind her loosely buttoned cardigan.

"Yes, hello, I dropped my mother up at the cinema, how are you both finding the island?" She enquired as she pulled a pack squished in the hem of sarong and extracted a cigarette and placed it between her lips.

Carrie-Ann quickly offered her lighter, and they both lit up. "We are having fun, not quite sure which day of the week it is, or where we are, or who we are or what we are doing, but its good fun, isn't it Mike?" she said looking back at him.

"That happens, you're not alone my mom and sister, they are equally confused!"

"Oh, yes, I forgot, you are THE doctor?" Mike enquired.

"Pardon?" Martha replied, and brought her hand to her mouth, and placed her cigarette between her fingers and released them into a wide Vee as she dragged on her cigarette as she tilted her head, before releasing the cigarette and forcing the exhale away.

Mike explained the hypnosis show and the introductory video, and how her mom had sung her praises on both occasions.

Martha shook her head and then exhaled, "Can you tell me what Henry did with my sister?" she enquired, and her thumb caressed the corner of her lips before she flicked her ash to the floor.

"Nothing much, must admit we were still coming around ourselves, but I think he may have told Hannah that she was now a smoker?" Carrie-Ann stated thoughtfully

Martha grinned "Ah that explains why my stuck up, boring, do goody of a little sister on Sunday morning at breakfast quietly asked Mom if she could also have a cigarette! We both were shocked; I guessed it might have had something to do with Henry! He has his way with tourists, the council are extremely proud of what he does in such a short space of time." she stated smiled, dragged on her cigarette and exhaled out the corner of her mouth, "It just couldn't have been because she was around smokers on a boat just for one least I was right."

They all laughed. "All I can say is good on her!" Carrie-Ann smiled and quickly glanced at Mike and then dragged heavily on her cigarette.

Marion breezed past with the tray of prawn canapes in one hand a cigarette in the other "Please take one, John is busy on the barbeque, the food will be ready shortly, and can I offer anyone a top up?" She asked.

"We are okay, thanks Marion," she showed the full glass "Mike do you want to see if John wants any help with the food, you are good with a barbeque?" Carrie-Ann stated and briefly looked around and found leaned over to an ashtray to flick her long ash.

"Oh, okay Caz, I assume he is out the back?"

"I will show you Mike" stated Tanya "This way!"

"Oh, thanks, I will go, see you both in a bit!" and Mike nodded and squeezed Carrie-Ann's hand and then sauntered off following Tanya.

"Martha, can I ask you a little bit of advice, being a doctor and all?" Carrie-Ann asked.

Martha's shoulders sank a little "Yeah..." she said unconvincingly and placed the cigarette between her pink lips and dragged gently on it whilst keeping one eye on Carrie-Ann and exhaled politely a stream out of the corner of her mouth.

"No, nothing like that, I am totally fine, well apart from the usual things, anyway, is it totally mad after three or four days to fall head over heels for this place, even if you find it all a little disconcerting and strange?"

"Nope, not at all, its gorgeous location, totally expected and you are very much a confirmed smoker, just like the rest of us, so what is there not to like?" She smiled kindly and then again dragged on her cigarette.

Carrie-Ann lowered her voice a little "I'm just concerned that I have no clue as to how many I have smoked today, yesterday, this evening, I am just continually smoking!" and she made of point of dragging on her cigarette.

Martha smiled, her young looking face then deeply creased around the dimples of her mouth as she did "I have been on this island for nearly five years, and have been asked this questions several times and my standard answer to you is- imagine the scene, its nine thirty at night, you have drunk a bottle of wine each with your husband watching a movie, you are rather relaxed and you then just discover that you have finished your second pack of the day, did you genuinely really worry as you got up off the sofa and went to your hand bag and opened your emergency pack that you were secretly hoping you might have opened the following day, or did you peel the cellophane off, just flick it open and genuinely enjoy the cigarette or two that the pack gave you before going to bed?" Martha asked sternly and flicked her ash on the floor.

"Well, err; I will have, and definitely have done so, just opened the pack and enjoyed the next couple of cigarettes totally guilt free as I will have really needed them and definitely wouldn't have slept a wink without having them!" Carrie-Ann stated confidently as if she was giving the right answer to the doctor.

Martha smiled, "Great, whilst you are here, just continue treating every cigarette exactly the same, with absolutely no guilt or fear and just enjoy the pure pleasure from them, and more importantly yourself, I can tell you that's exactly what the rest of us here are doing!" and as if to make her point she then put the filter between her subtle pink covered lips and dragged on her cigarette.

"Oh, okay, if you are sure, thank you!"

Martha nodded and exhaled "Carrie-Ann," she then looked as if was then all serious "I could go home and work on the mainland in a real hospital, get paid a fortune, but there is a special life here, and I am truly besotted by the place and of course..." she coughed to clear her throat " beloved cigarettes. My mother got me to share her cigarettes when I was like 14...she is and was such a good, but equally bad influence on me, and I have never looked back, but hey I still managed to get through medical school loving smoking them!" She smiled wisely and dragged hard on the cigarette as Carrie-Ann followed suit.

Martha exhaled out the side of her mouth, "Call the advice of enjoying your cigarettes here on the island Smoking Paradise doctors' orders!" she smiled kindly and winked "any way I have got to get on back to my cabin and probably play nurse and look after what I expect a very drunk Mom and sister, I assume they were at the beach with you this afternoon?"

"Err yes, they were, we actually fell asleep in the sun!"

"That's what afternoon drinking does for you" she laughed and quickly drew on her cigarette.

"Yeah, we didn't drink half as much as we could have done, but the bonus is we are a little soberer this evening."

"That's always good, are you here for another week?" Martha asked before necking her glass of wine.

"Sadly not, we are back on the boat on Sunday? But I have no idea what day of the week it is!" Carrie-Ann snorted and then sipped her wine.

"For your info, it is Wednesday night...well enjoy the next couple of days, anyway I must get on, I will see you around." She dragged on her cigarette and turned as she exhaled and then abruptly Martha shuffled off in her loose sarong, as her black whale tail of her thong riding high above the hem covering her tattoo on her lower back as she casually flicked the ash on the floor from her cigarette as she went.

Carrie-Ann shook her head and then went to find Mike as she got to the door, she was accosted by the very topless Marion who offered, and Carrie-Ann graciously accepted a top up of her wine glass before heading outside to find Mike with a kitchen piny on deep in conversation with John deep within a cloud of smoke bellowing from the barbeque whilst sausages hissed away.

"Hey Caz," Mike said waving some of the barbeque smoke away from his face. "The sausages and burgers are nearly done, how was Martha?"

"All good and according to Doctor Martha I am also unequivocally fine!" she grinned.

"That's great to hear; she looks and sounds like she is a great doctor! Anyway darling, I have been talking to John here about the amazing things about living on the island."

Carrie-Ann introduced herself and flicked her ash from her cigarette and shook hands. "It is certainly amazing island; I am slowly getting to understand how brilliant it is!" Carrie-Ann exclaimed.

"We are extremely lucky, and we certainly enjoy meeting up with everyone, but as I explained to your husband, my wife and I are actually thinking of selling up and heading back to the mainland!" he said with a hint of sadness.

"Oh, but Kate seems to enjoy this place?" Carrie-Ann asked before casually flicking her cigarette beside her and dragging again.

John coughed as the barbeque smoke moved in a gust of wind into his face "Oh we both love it, what is there not to like, free beer..." he stated as he picked up his bottle from the brick wall beside the large black drum and took a gulp "...and all the food and cigarettes you could dream off."

"But?" Carried asked and then dragged on her cigarette.

"Grandchildren!" John beamed "Our early retirement out here has been great, but we now have a 1-year-old grandson who, according to a daughter is very much missing us! Think the daughter actually wants us back for the free childcare!" he grinned and flicked up the pack next to the beer and extracted a cigarette and bent down to the barbeque and lit it.

"Ah, I can understand." Carrie-Ann frowned as John dragged on his cigarette "We've made the decision not to have children, haven't we?" Carrie-Ann looked at Mike for confirmation.

"Yes Caz, we have!" Mike said with a supportive nod.

"That's always a tough decision, but very much understandable." John said giving some support.

"Ooh John, can I pinch a ciggy?" Carrie-Ann asked as she looked at her cigarette getting close to the filter.

"Of course!" he offered her the pack and she then quickly with three short drags got the chain lit cigarette alight.

"Thank you that was close," she said after exhaling and dropping the used butt on the floor and using her shoe to make sure it was out.

"That's definitely one of the advantages around here that I would miss" John replied and frowned as he thought about it and turned a dark brown almost burnt sausage over with the tongues to distract himself "Anyway the food is ready, can you go and gather everyone up?"

"Of course, Mike is probably starving standing in front of that food for any great period of time!" Carrie-Ann replied looking at her husband as he nodded, she flicked her ash, turned and headed off inside to find Marion and the group.


Mike and Carrie-Ann migrated back towards Tanya who was sitting on one of the outside chairs next to another youngish couple; all three of them were mid devouring the hotdogs.

"Hey, you two, hope you are having fun, and have got enough to drink?" Tanya asked after licking her ketchup smothered lips.

Mike and Carrie-Ann nodded.

"Great, let me introduce Alice and Ryan." She said looking at the deeply tanned topless couple beside her.

The four of them exchanged pleasantries.

"So, Caz, Mike you will never guess what?" Tanya said before picking up the cigarette in the ashtray in front of her and inhaling on it.

"Oh, go on...What?" Said Mike before sipping his beer.

"These two gorgeous reprobates are the islands police force!" she grinned "as you will have noticed from the detailed search for anything illegal in your bags on arrival?"

Carrie-Ann and Mike looked at each other confused. "Err, we didn't we found you straight away?" Mike replied slowly as if he was missing something.

"But you definitely met these two first didn't you, as you came down the gangway, it's difficult to not to remember Alice's gorgeous bright red hair?" Tanya said with a grin.

"Err, did we?" Mike said looking at Carrie and then back at Tanya his face showing how horrified he was as if they had done something terribly wrong.

Alice burst into a fit of giggles and then flicked her cigarette removing the ash than dragged on her cigarette as she pulled her green hair band off her wrist and tidied her died bright red hair out of her face and back into a ponytail revealing her small blue stud earrings.

"We will have looked on from the bars balcony with a beer and a ciggy in our hands" Alice grinned and glanced at the table and then picked up her wine and gulped some down, loudly sighing afterwards.

Tanya smiled as she looked at the two 'Police officers' and asked, "Shall I explain?" and they grinned and stated that it was wise for her to do so.

Tanya dragged on the cigarette, exhaling a small cone up and in to the night air flicking her ash on the floor as she began talking " we are officially still associated with the main land legally, err; we need to have a police force here to 'keep the peace' and remain totally legit. I know I said we try to self-police here, well we do, but by law, these two need to be here."

"So here we are!" Ryan interjected "we have been here in 'paradise' for like three years now, haven't we?" Ryan proudly asked Alice.

She nodded as she dragged hard on her cigarette, her cheeks collapsing as she inhaled.

"Think we have the best gig in the force!" she said as she exhaled and flicked her cigarette in the glass ashtray in front of them.

"I can imagine you quite a hard time turning such a blind eye to several things that go on?" Mike asked.

Ryan and Alice laughed, and Ryan pulled his aviator sunglasses down from the top of his mousey brown covered head "We saw nothing sir!" and they all laughed.

"It must be boring for you. Being police and being able to eat drink and smoke and not do any crime fighting?" Mike asked.

Alice nodded "On our infrequent returns to the mainland, as long as they don't ask for a medical, as three years on this island with unlimited supply of these cigarettes" she said patting her pack on the table as if it was a dog "has done nothing for my fitness, but the bonus is my all over tan is amazing!" Alice stated as she put her arm out in front of her and twisted it as studied how brown it was, and then bent it and placed her cigarette between her lips and dragged hard again.

"So have you got like cells, handcuffs and things, if people are naughty?" Carrie-Ann asked excitedly.

"The handcuffs are available to rent for a reasonable rate, if someone wants to be kinky naughty... we haven't had to actually use the cell in our three years here, and to be truthful I not sure where the key is if we were to lock someone up!" Ryan replied with a laugh.

"Sorry for all the questions, did you choose to come to the island?" Mike asked.

Ryan laughed and dragged on his cigarette "Yes we are the ones that are meant to ask questions around here, but hey, no we didn't choose this island, the last and first police couple retired and seeing as they had spent twenty five years on the island and had integrated way too much so they had decided to stay, Graham and Margarete, they live up on the far corner of island next to the Morris's. Oh Tanya, talking of those two, how is Margarete?" Ryan turned to Tanya as he spoke.

"Not too good last time I heard, but Graham is still out and about on his push bike walking the old dog Archie most mornings!"

"That's sad, they are such a nice couple. But the reception we got from the island when we turned up was not good, was it hon?" Ryan asked Alice, as he stubbed out his current cigarette and then extracted yet another one from the pack in front of him and lit up.

"You have to laugh now, don't you, we thought we were coming out to do a serious policing roll, they chose us as we were a couple, but head office hadn't clocked or warned us that Graham and Margarete had gone quite so native and things had, in our initial opinion turned rather slack." She laughed and then inhaled on her cigarette.
