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"No. She wants him bad. Maybe she could cure him."

"She'd get tossed out of her practice. But maybe she could charge for other services, the bitch."

"No, Jane, she's okay. She just got hot when we described the role playing, and then Todd picked me right up in her office. I saw her face when he did that. I thought she might orgasm on the spot."

"Maybe her husband isn't as strong. Does she have one?"

"Yes. Well, she has pictures."

"Of her husband?"

"Yeah. And kids."

What does he look like?"

"He's shorter than she is. Oh. So maybe she likes a stronger guy once in a while."

"Yeah. Maybe. If Todd fucks her, that may not cure him. I'd be willing to give him an ego boost."

They discussed it.

Jane asked Todd out to lunch on a Monday. She had word from Maddie that Todd had not arisen over the weekend. Even on Sunday.

Jane had a private booth at Satire American, a nice restaurant.

Todd arrived on time and Jane was waiting for him. She was truly looking forward to the lunch.

They ordered and had some house wine. Jane slid next to Todd. She said, "I need a refresher from you."

"Huh? What?"

Jane stroked his crotch. His response was instant. Jane said, "Look at this." She held up her panties. They were pink and wet in the crotch. She wafted them under his nose, and then she unzipped him. She took his dick out and leaned over and kissed it. The booth had a curtain, and they had to press a button to get someone for service. Jane had used it before to good advantage and the staff was aware of how she used the booth. She wasn't the only one.

There was plenty of room for Jane to mount Todd, which she did. She slowly fucked him, while looking at him. She whispered, "You're a world class stud." Then she kissed him with tongue. Todd felt himself welling up inside Jane, and he also felt Jane's orgasm as he once more came inside her. She waited a minute before dismounting and using her napkin to clean up. Todd did the same. When they were ready, Jane pushed the button and a waiter appeared with their lunches. They ate.

Todd asked, "Have you done this before?"

"Yes. They know me here. It's part of the service, you know."

"Did Mattie put you up to this, Jane?"

"Not exactly. We have discussed your problem. I wanted to see how much of a problem it is."


"I was curious. I hope I didn't cause the problem. You know, before. But I can see that it isn't a loss of function problem."

"Some kind of block. I just have no desire for her. Well, after the pool. In the pool she was like a mermaid. A slutty mermaid."

"Do you have some Disney fantasy?"

"Not that I was aware of."

"But since then?"

"Nada. I'm hoping it....wears off. She's trying her best, within limits."

"Maybe you ought to see the therapist about it. It sounds like something they can handle."

"I have an appointment tonight at seven."

"Good. But, I did hear about her...well, that she likes you."

"Yeah. Maybe we'll just talk. She's married and she'll stop short."

"Uh huh. Dessert?"

Jane lowered her dress and spread some chocolate on her breasts. Todd ate it all.

When Jane went back to work, Maddie was waiting for a report. Jane had misled Todd about how much Maddie knew.

Jane said, "He's fully functional. Oh, yes. Fully."

"Shit. So, it's me."

"That seems to be the case. Well, maybe he can only get it up for me. What would I do?"

"Give me James, of course."

"No. Lend him, maybe. You know, Todd is seeing Margaret tonight at seven."

"I told you she'd try for him."

"But will she succeed?"

"How will we know?"

Todd showed up at Margaret's office at seven on the dot. He had eaten a small dinner with Maddie. The hadn't spoken much. She knew where he was going.

As he was leaving, she said, "Are you going to get therapy or get laid?"

Todd smiled. One of the few since the swap. He said, "Both, I hope."

Maddie frowned, but what could she say?

Margaret was dressed provocatively. Again, she sat across from Todd.

She said, "Tell me why you're here."

He did. In great detail.

Margaret said, "So you went through with the swap. You had a great session with Jane. Then it bothered you so much that you tried to run it off. And you screwed Maddie in the pool. But now you can't get it up for her. Yet Jane can have you whenever she wants. That's it?"


"Do you believe that Jane's the only woman for you, now?"

"Dunno. Maybe you."

Margaret stood up over him. She said, "I am married. That's my family. Don and I have an arrangement. So what will happen here will not involve me breaking any vows or promises to him. You understand?"

"I do." He stood up and took Margaret into his arms. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that he would be able to satisfy her.

After the hug, Margaret also had no doubts. She led Todd to her couch. It was a large one. Margaret said, "Off with those clothes. Our therapy begins now."

They both stripped. Each one had obvious lust for the other. Margaret asked, "Can you pick me up like you did with Maddie?"

Todd picked her up and entered her smoothly. Her legs wrapped around him, and her arms went around his neck. Todd fucked Margaret standing there in her office. He brought her off several times, with subtle shifts in angle. Then he filled her. Finally, he put her down.

After she regained some calm, Margaret said, "Well, I believe your problem is limited to your wife. Get dressed and we can talk."

Now Margaret moved behind her desk, and Todd in his regular chair.

Todd asked, "Is this a regular therapy tactic?"

"Never before. Most guys who come here would collapse in a heap if I came on to them. You're the one and only."

"Why can't I get it on with my wife?"

"If she was just some woman who you met at the candy store, could you fuck her?"

"Of course. She's beautiful."

"So, it's somehow because you're married to her."

"Married and she fucked James."

"Are you punishing her?"

"Not consciously. But I admit that I resent her. And I cannot get over the images of her with James pumping into her and her coming. I can see it like I actually saw it."

"So you see this when you and she try sex?"


"What if she disguised herself? Say Janis, or Grace?"

"That's an idea. I'll try it. If she agrees."

She agreed. The next night Todd entered their bedroom, naked, and Grace Potter was playing on the stereo. And Grace Potter was waiting in the dark for him in bed.

It worked. Todd fucked the shit out of Grace. Then he fell asleep. Grace was quite satisfied. But in the morning when they awoke, Maddie couldn't get Todd hard by sucking his dick. She was disappointed. But the vowed to keep trying.

They kept at it, with role playing. Maddie demanded that Todd become someone she'd like to fuck. He obliged. Famous people for a few weeks. Then Maddie wanted to pretend to be Margaret. That worked. It pissed Maddie off, though. But it had been Elvis that fucked Margaret.

Maddie wanted Todd to pretend she was Jane. He agreed. And that worked very, very well, indeed. Pissing Maddie off more. However, she was regularly getting fucked, so didn't have much to complain about.

Except. Except. They never made love as man and wife. Or as anyone else. It was always mad fucking. Anything else failed for Todd. Twice he tried to make love to Grace, and both times he only saw Maddie, dark or not. And he flopped. Literally.

They went to see Margaret.

It had been three months since Todd had sex with Margaret in her office. Margaret was surprised that Maddie wanted to talk - and bring Todd. But here they were, at four o'clock on a Friday.

Margaret asked, "What brings you here?"

They took turns explaining and Margaret simply listened.

When they wound down, Margaret asked, "Apart from the sex, do you two still have fun being around each other? Do stuff like you used to do?"

Maddie said, "No. No, we don't. The sex thing has gradually infected everything else."

Margaret turned to Todd. He said, "I agree. I'm so sorry. But we're not the same as we were. And. And. To be real, I can't see how to get back."

Margaret gave it some thought. She had an idea. But she couldn't just say it. Instead, she said, "I don't believe I can help you two. Everything since the swap has led to this moment. You're no longer compatible. In fact, you never were completely compatible. Sex is so important to a marriage. And it's broken for you two."

Maddie was crying. Todd wasn't. Maddie said, "So you advise us to split up?"

"Yes. What can you do to make things better? You've both really tried."

The divorce came on grounds of irreconcilable differences. Both of them were very sad about it, but it seemed like nothing could be done. They were basically unable to take joy in each other's company anymore.

Todd never really figured out why he couldn't at least get over his....his....inability to connect with his own wife. He decided that he had a deep-seated resentment of her for forcing the swap. Basically, for making it so clear that she wanted other guys, no matter what Todd did.

And, no matter how he rationalized it - that it was partly his fault, that he ended up initiating the swap - he couldn't wash that distaste and....dislike out of his mind.

After the two of them split, Maddie didn't have any sex for over a year. She felt dead inside when she thought about it. It was the opposite of what she'd been as Todd's wife. The divorce had been final for three months when Jane took Maddie out to a singles bar. It was James and Jane's hall pass weekend. Jane had a guy she was going to boff. But she asked him to bring a friend that she'd met when she met the guy - Harry. The friend was Johnny Gee. He was a big, lively red-headed man.

Maddie didn't want to go. But she did, and she had a good time dancing with Johnny. Also, with Harry. She let Johnny take her home. She had a one-bedroom apartment near the firm's office. She was responsive when Johnny stripped her and himself. He was well-built, hung and had a pleasant face. She enjoyed the sex, in a passive way. She didn't get off, but played like she did. He left after one am. He left Maddie very depressed.

Maddie believed that she was stuck. And she had no idea how to get unstuck. She thought that if Johnny couldn't do it, maybe no guy could. Except one. Maybe two. James. But she hadn't had sex with him since the swap, and she never would.

And Todd. But Todd was out of reach. And Elvis was dead. (So they claimed.)

Todd had withdrawn from James and Jane during and after the divorce. He had no desire to see them and be reminded of all that had happened. He got another golf buddy. But he couldn't replace Jane as a friend. She was smart and sexy. She was Maddie's good friend, though.

Todd had talked through his troubles with Margaret. They never repeated their sexual adventure. But Margaret knew Todd so well. So, when Todd felt down, he went to see her. Solely in her professional capacity.

He did date. He was an eligible, handsome, well-off, unattached guy. Many women were interested. Todd was always able to show them a good time, in and out of bed. But he made it clear to one and all that he had no interest in a permanent relationship. He'd been burned too badly.

Almost two years after the split, Margaret called Todd on his cell. She said, "Todd, I have an open weekend. My kids are at camp, and my husband is going in another direction this weekend. So I wondered...."

Todd took Margaret to a resort in West Virginia. Friday afternoon, come back Monday morning. The had a marvelous time, in and out of bed. Todd was surprised and gratified that Margaret liked sex with him, out of her office. And she was quite good at it. Saturday night he was Elvis. Margaret was enraptured. She was sad when they drove back Monday, because she could not see how sex could get any better than she'd had with Elvis. She'd reached the heights. All else might be downhill from there.

But she got over it. On the way home they talked over Todd's marriage. Todd found that he had lost his anger at Maddie. At least, he didn't feel so hot at her when he thought about her. But he thought about her less and less.

Margaret said, "Todd, I believe the problem you had was that you were married to her. The marriage and vows. She didn't see them as you did."

"Yeah. A good reason never to get married again."

"How are your boys doing? Have they been okay with the split?"

"Mostly. Maybe they're leery about women. Maybe."

"Well, I hope it works out for you."

"Margaret, how do you manage to keep married and still fuck around?"

"We have a tidy life, and we raise the kids. We still have sex. But, in many ways, we're friends with benefits. That happened when we opened up. It was gradual. But now, it just is."

Todd dropped her off at her office.

Two weeks later Todd was in New York on business. He went out with a guy from the firm after they finished work. The guy, Jay Deater, took him to a bar, where he said there'd be a lot of action. And there was.

Todd danced with two women, and then he was at the bar ordering another draft when some arms encircled his waist. He turned. It was Maddie. She said, "Buy a girl a drink?"

She looked great. He did buy her a wine, and they went to a table. Turns out that she was in New York for a three-week trial, which was just ending. Todd asked her to dance. They danced for an hour. Todd forgot about Jay.

At eleven, Maddie said, "We have a suite nearby. But Jane's with me."

Todd said, "Come to mine. I have a room at the Claridge."

They got to his door. Maybe there had been some tension on the walk over. But when they went inside the room, Todd kissed her hard and long. He found that he was in no way inhibited. He fucked her savagely at first. Then gently. Then hard again.

Maddie was about as happy and satisfied as ever she'd been in her life. She had been having bad sex since the break-up. Or no sex. She could count her true orgasms since that time on her fingers. She had more than that in this one night.

She had to leave at six am because she needed to get back to court and had to dress. She gave him her cell number.

Todd returned home that day - his business complete. He hesitated to call Maddie, but not for long. Todd had moved to a two-bedroom condo near his office. When he called Maddie, he invited her over for dinner. He cooked a fish soup and opened wine.

Todd thought it odd for him to be making this effort for his ex. But she was only his ex because of the sexual block he had when they were married. They weren't married now. Their marital home had been sold. They'd both had sex with multiple other people.

And they had sex with each other in New York. Really good sex. Todd saw that Maddie was so happy about that. He remained leery. But, he'd never lost his love for Maddie. Just his lust. His lust had returned.

When she arrived, Maddie was dressed well, but not over the top. She wanted to get fucked, but, more, she wanted to reconnect with Todd. As long as he could still fuck her.

He could. He demonstrated that all night.

In the morning, Maddie was making some breakfast when Todd came out from the room. She looked at him. She asked, "What's happening, Todd? Why can you now, and not before?"

Todd said, "I'm not real sure. I go with the flow, though."

And so they both went with the flow. Maddie had an apartment in town. The two split time between their places. But they were with each other five or six days a week. Their compatibility - outside of bed - had returned. Each was having a great time.

This went on for three months. Then Maddie asked, "Todd, I've been invited to the firm picnic. I get a plus one."


"Okay, you'll go?"

"Sure. I haven't seen much of James and Jane since we split. I assume they'll be there."

Maddie and Todd arrived a little late to the picnic. They were delayed by a trip to the bedroom. When they arrived, the first people they saw were Jamal and his wife, Tory. Their youngest son Jerome was there as well. He was sixteen. Maddie introduced Jerome to Todd. Todd and Jamal shook hands. Tory looked on, amused.

James and Jane were by the keg. Of course, they knew all about the reconnection. But they hadn't seen Todd for months, and then only in passing. Jane gave him a tentative hug. Todd shook with James, who waved at Maddie. James got Todd a beer. And the four of them walked to a pavilion where they sat and talked. At first all of them were tentative. But Jane finally said, "James and I are so very happy that you two are getting along. All that stuff before kind of ruined our...our mood. I'm sorry for my part."

Todd said, "It was only a matter of people doing what they thought best. No apologies needed." He was looking right at James.

James said, "Okay. Okay. How about those Nats?"

While it was obvious that the four of them all wanted to reconnect, Todd and Maddie spoke about it after the picnic.

Todd said, "It was nice seeing Jane and James. I'd like to see more of them. I do want to emphasize, though, that I will not want any sexual contact. Well, I may want it, but it might screw things up."

"I agree. I'm over that thing. I believe I aged out of it."

"But Jane hasn't, right?"

"No. She and James have their hall passes. Not our business."

And that discussion was repeated when Todd and Maddie visited their old neighbors. The social relationships resumed. And, in September, all four signed up for softball.

Maddie moved in with Todd the next spring when he bought a big farm outside of town. She didn't have to go to town for work as much. They settled in and raised vegetables.

Todd and Maddie had no intention of remarrying. Their finances were always separate. Their lives were intertwined.

Sometimes Todd thought about the years he and Maddie had missed with each other. He concluded that there was nothing they could have done, and that it had worked out for the best.


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B3ndoverB3ndoverabout 4 hours ago

Not a good story at all

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Hmm no just no.

He caught her about to cheat.

Set him up with that type therapist

Then she had sex in morning knowing he could hear.

Should have left when csught her

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

I liked this story a lot, especially in the first half but the last half and the ending kind of left me flat. Still worth a 4 for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Interesting story, but the conclusion is a bit of a wishful thinking. They got each other back more used up and damaged, this type of stuff should not be popularized, not unlike "diversity is a strength" or "we are all equal".

deependerdeependerabout 1 month ago

Oh, shit. Maddie's after Jerome now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I find it ironic that the woman who is paid to help other people fix their marriages describes her own marriage as "friends with benefits." Fix your own shit first.

"Todd, where are your principles?" Great question. He seems like a thoroughgoing hypocrite to me.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

sadly it takes a good kick in the ass sometimes to get past a problem . some people just aren't meant to be married .

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Didn't care for this one.

SeaChangerSeaChanger5 months ago

Excellent ... because orgies did not solve the problem ... lol.

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0355 months ago

Could have been a great story if everyone didn't turn into unquenchable sex machines. You must know some decent people you could model a character off.

RimmerdalRimmerdal5 months ago

Went from 3*s to 2*s on a second read.

Not that the writing was bad or full of spelling errors.

Just not my cup of tea idea wise.

These sites still need two tier score systems.

One for how well it is written.

One for the story line.

WargamerWargamer7 months ago

I’d given this 3/5 earlier and I still agree with that score. This story just missed the boat altogether, it just wasn’t likeable at all. 3/5 seems too good as well

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

He couldn't get over hearing her and James cause he knew James was better, and he had to her it. Knowing his best friend banged his wife better then he could ever do.

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