Solomon and Jadzia


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Jadzia looked panic-stricken. "Don't worry, sweetheart," Solomon assured her. "Nothing has changed for us. Okay?"

She looked relieved, but still concerned. She said, "I guess we should get dressed and go."

Solomon joked, "Lord knows, we're already clean!" His humor finally broke the tension, and Jazzie finally laughed.

An hour later, they arrived at the hospital. As Solomon found a parking spot, he cautioned Jadzia, "Sweetheart, we're gonna have to have the conversation about us as soon as your mom gets home. I'd rather have that conversation at home, and not in a hospital in front of strangers. So let's be on our best behavior, and not let her get any suspicions. Okay?"

"Okay, dad. That sounds like a good plan," agreed Jadzia.

Solomon asked for her at the nurse's station. When they asked who he was, and he answered, "I'm her husband," one of the nurses said, "I thought the guy she came in with was her husband." The other nurse shushed her, and Solomon and Jadzia shared a questioning look.

They were told that Carla was in good condition and would be released in the morning but was asleep for now. A police officer who was finishing her investigation found Solomon.

She introduced herself, "Hi, my name is Officer Simpson with the Sarasota PD, and I'm just putting together the details of what happened. It looks like, according to several witnesses, the accident was caused by an animal that darted into traffic unexpectedly. The driver, Mr. Rene Delacroix-"

"Rene Delacroix, the attorney?" interrupted Solomon.

"I'm not sure if he was an attorney, but it was a pretty nice, newer Porsche, so yeah, maybe. Anyway, he swerved and hit the guard rail at a point where no one was standing. But he hit it head-on, and that caused the car to crash through. Mrs. Zahn was the only other passenger. They both got a little banged up, both hit their heads and lost consciousness, but I think they're gonna be alright. I think the doctor is releasing them both in the morning. It looks like it was just an accident, and nobody's being charged. Everybody's lucky Mr. Delacroix is such a good driver. That's all we have for you. The doctors will let you know when you can see your wife." She shook his hand and left.

Jadzia took her dad's arm and said, "So mom was riding around with this guy? You know him?"

"I've only heard the name a few times. He does corporate law, too, like me, and he has family in France, I think. Seems like I've heard something about Delacroix Law, some kind of big case. Not sure. I also hear he's supposed to be like crazy good-looking or something," answered Solomon.

"Really?!" said Jadzia.

"What, looking to trade me in already? I thought I looked okay," protested Solomon.

Jadzia laughed, "Boys are so sensitive! No, dad, you're perfect. I think I'll hang on to you for a while." She risked a kiss on the cheek, just to stoke his delicate ego. "I wonder can we see her yet, or do we have to wait 'til morning."

Solomon checked with the nurses about seeing Carla now, but they were told that they wouldn't wake her. He could see her at 7:00 in the morning, they told him. By this time, it was already almost 3:00 a.m., it would take almost an hour to drive back home, even with zero traffic, and to get back here at 7:00, they'd need to leave their house by 6:00. Solomon decided to just wait there. His SUV would be much more comfortable than the waiting room, so he and Jadzia went out to the parking lot, parked off to the side, and waited. They decided to sit together in the back seat, and Jadzia happily snuggled up against her father. The windows were deeply tinted and in the dark, no one could see them inside the car. They both filed that fact away for later.

Solomon's alarm went off at 6:45. He looked at Jadzia, asleep in his arms. She'd slept in his arms a few times this week, and he was looking forward to that being an everyday thing. He nudged her awake, and said, "Let's do this."

She said, "You know, dad, this is really between you guys. I can wait in the car if it would be easier for you." She smiled hopefully, wanting to avoid what might be a very unpleasant talk.

"Okay, sweetie... I'll go. But don't take the car and run! This is our only ride!"

"I would never!" she exclaimed haughtily.

He kissed her deeply, morning breath and all, and said, "Well, here goes..."

A few minutes later, Solomon was finally able to see Carla. She was dressed, sitting on the bed. He came over and hugged her, saying, "You're okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

She did not return his embrace, but she did answer, "I'm fine. I'm not hurt."

Solomon just said, "So. It's like that, huh?"

She lowered her head and nodded. She sighed and answered, "Yeah. I guess it's like that." She looked up at him and said, "Sol, nobody in their right mind would want their husband to find out like this. But here we are. Can we at least try to be civil? Not make a scene?"

"Of course, we can. Are you ready to go?"

"Go? Go where?"

"Home, of course."

"Home? Look I don't—"

"Carla, I know you think that this is all there is to it. But there is a lot to discuss, and I'd rather do this in the privacy of our home. After that, you can do whatever you want. I won't lift a finger or say a word to stop you. Okay?"

"You're not in the fucking convertible, are you? I'm not ready to get back into some tiny-ass car."

"No, Jazzie's with me. We came in the Yukon."

It took them another half-hour to get all signed out, and they were on the road by 8:00. Solomon seemed to be on a mission, and they pulled into the garage at 8:45. The trip home was eerily quiet. Jadzia was sitting in the front seat. Carla thought they both looked nervous. Strange, since SHE was the one who was in a wreck riding in the car with her lover. But Solomon insisted they wait until they got home so he could focus on the conversation rather than the road. Whatever.

Finally, the three of them sat around the kitchen table. Carla looked at Jadzia and said, "This doesn't concern you. You don't need to be here."

Solomon said, "Yes, she does." He continued, "Carla, we both know that this marriage hasn't been a happy one for years. I don't think it's anybody's fault. I think we just grew apart. That happens to couples. It happened to us."

Carla, still feeling defensive, shot back, "Yeah, well maybe if you spent a little more time doting on your wife and less time hanging onto Jadzia's every whim, maybe things would be different."

Jadzia opened her mouth to retort, but Solomon cut her off, "That's a fair point. I do spoil her. I do dote on her. She's always been special to me. And she's always been closer to me than you." He took a deep breath and continued, "And over the last year or so, the attention we pay to each other, Jazzie and me, has gotten closer and closer to, well, to a line that shouldn't be crossed. Four months ago, that line was crossed, and we... we became... intimate."

Carla took a few moments to process what her husband, well, soon-to-be-ex-husband, had just told her. She could almost hear the tumblers clicking into place as the whole picture became clear and everything started to make sense. "Wait, what? Are you telling me that you fucked our daughter?!"

Jadzia spoke up, "No, mom, he didn't 'fuck your daughter.' You hadn't given him any attention, any affection, hell, any pussy, for almost a YEAR! I've always loved him, and after seeing him do without all the things his wife is supposed to provide, I decided to offer it myself. He just finally accepted what I was offering."

"This is sick! It's disgusting, and you," she pointed at Jadzia, "you need help! And you," pointing to Solomon, "should be in jail! I'll see to it!" She sat back in her chair, glaring at both of them, breathing heavily.

Solomon calmly asked her, "But why?"

"WHY?! I don't know... maybe because she's your goddamn daughter! You're not supposed to be fucking your daughter! What part of that don't you get?!"

Jadzia said, "Mom, I'm 22 years old. I'm a college graduate. I am a fully grown woman. Not a child, or even a barely legal 18-year-old. I can make my own choices. If this is who I chose, who am I hurting? You came in here ready to divorce him and throw him away. You don't want him. You're done with him. Why shouldn't he find happiness with me? Who's hurt by us being together?"

Carla said, "Say whatever you want. Rationalize all you want. It's still illegal."

Solomon said, "Yeah, about that, we're gonna need you to keep this secret."

"Well I won't! Hell, I can't WAIT to tell everybody I know. You'll be ruined!" No longer speaking from a weaker, defensive position, Carla seemed ruthless in her desire to hurt Solomon and this little bitch, Jadzia. Jezebel is more like it!

"That's true," Solomon admitted. "We'd be toast. That is, if you could prove it. I'll deny it, of course. Jadzia," he looked at his daughter. "Have you been having sex with your own father?"

"EWWW! That's disgusting! What the hell?! Of course not! Why would you even say something like that?!" she quickly responded, and then she smiled brightly at Carla.

Solomon shrugged and continued, "So. We'll be gone, of course, so we won't hear any of what they'll say, oh, and no jail time, either. But whether they believe you or not, you'll always be known as that poor woman whose husband left her for her own daughter. Everywhere you go, they'll smile sympathetically, ask how you're holding up, and as soon as you're gone, they'll whisper about you. 'What was wrong with her? How bad a wife is she that he'd turn to their daughter? Did she even try to stop this? She had to have known! I'll bet it was her idea and then she got jealous!' It'll never stop. In the end, your reputation will be as bad as mine. Worse, actually, because you'll be here to hear it all. Now really... is that what you want?"

Solomon said nothing, waiting for her to answer. This was the moment. Carla was waiting for him to blink. He never did. Finally, she said through tightly pursed lips, "So what do you suggest? We all live together like one big happy psycho family? 'Cause I'll take my chances with these society bitches before I sleep in this house while you're fucking our daughter in the next room."

Solomon said, "No, nothing like that at all. Something much better. We get a divorce. A regular, normal, reasonable divorce. We split everything 50-50, you go your way and I'll go mine. Jazzie and I will move away, maybe even out of state. No bumping into each other at the market, no awkward explanations. Irreconcilable differences, we grew apart, whatever you want to say. I moved away, Jazzie took a job out of state, so sad how the family just fell apart from each other. Oh well. But I will put in an NDA. You or anyone else reveal the truth about me and Jadzia, I'll sue you for a half-million dollars."

"What? Why?! And why that amount?"

"Because I don't want to uproot our life only to get settled and then be hounded by this scandal. And the half-million? It's small enough that you'll actually be able to pay it, and big enough that it would hurt like hell to pay. Just stay silent, and it never has to happen. You and Rene Delacroix can live happily ever after. Hell, tell everyone we died. Whatever you want to tell them. Look, we had a good run, and we built a great life. We're one of the few black power-couples in Tampa Bay. We've done well. It's just not enough for either of us anymore. But do it this way, we can all gracefully and quietly go on to the next part of our lives."

Carla looked at Jadzia. "And you? Is this what you want, too? You're in this willingly, by choice?"

Jadzia looked at her dad with love in her eyes. "Absolutely. I love him with all my heart. I can't believe you let such a good man go, but your loss is my gain. I will never be anything but good to him. Please, mom, let this happen," she pleaded.

Carla again took a few minutes to think it over. "Fine. Make it happen. Draw it up, and we'll sign 'em. But if you try to screw me out of so much as a nickel, everyone on the fucking planet will know about you and your little 'daddy's girl'."

"I'll call you by Friday."

"Also, I'll send movers to get my stuff on Monday or Tuesday. I trust you'll not try to hold onto anything of mine." She looked suspiciously at the both of them, now holding hands.

Solomon said, "No, don't do that."

"And why not?" Carla asked, warily.

"You should keep the house. We're moving out of the area, as soon as we can. Just buy me out and it's all yours."

"I'd assumed we both wanted it, and it would be easier to sell it and split it than fight over it."

"I do want it. But we're moving. And I'm not trying to make this any harder than it already is."

"Fine," she agreed. She added, "Hell, you'll probably pull it off. You damn sure don't look alike." With that, she went to the bedroom, packed another bag, and was gone in 15 minutes.

Friday afternoon, Solomon met Carla at her office. She'd already gotten the documents earlier that day and had looked them over. Solomon had been more than fair to her. She knew that even if they were to fight it out in court, she wouldn't get as much as what he was offering, plus then she'd have to pay some other lawyer's fees. This way, she got their gorgeous home, and Solomon had arranged it so that it was free and clear. He didn't try to screw her at all. If anything, he was pretty generous. Still, the ex-wife in her couldn't resist one last dig. "This is generous of you, Solomon. You're probably only being so nice because you're afraid you'll be exposed as an incestuous pervert who's banging his daughter," she taunted.

"No," said Solomon evenly. He reached over to the sheath of papers and flipped back to a page with a sticky-note arrow requesting a signature. He tapped the signature line and said, "That's what this is for." The top of the page read, 'NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT'. He waited for her to finally sign all the documents. Once it was all signed, he said, "I'm being so nice because frankly, it's the right thing to do. We had a good run, and it just ran its course. There's no need for acrimony. Don't you agree?"

She held his gaze for a minute, looking for any trace of guile or sarcasm. Finding none, she said, "I guess you're right. You don't have to leave town, you know. Tampa Bay is pretty big."

He answered, "I know, but Jazzie and I want to make it as a couple. Too many people here know us as father and daughter. No, staying here is a recipe for disaster. That's why I'm serious about that NDA. I'm gonna need to you to keep this secret, okay?"

"Don't worry. I've made my peace with it. Especially if you're moving away. That'll give me some space from the whole thing. And, and I can't believe I'm about to say this cliché-ass shit, but, Solomon, let's stay friends."

"I'd like that, Carla." He hugged her one last time, and they left her office together. Rene was waiting for her in the lobby. As they walked out, Jadzia walked up. She hugged her mom but said nothing. Solomon said, "Good luck, everybody," and he took Jadzia's hand and they left together.

As they drove off in Rene's new Porsche, he asked, "So it's all done?"

"Yep. Twenty-three years of marriage, and it's over just like that. Solomon knows somebody at the Clerk's office, and it'll be final on the 20th. I'll be officially single by Christmas."

"Damn! That fast?!"

"I know. Say what you will about Solomon Zahn. The man is good at his job, and he's connected. They'll be fine."

"They? Is he seeing somebody already?"

Carla took that NDA seriously. She'd personally lost cases where her client had violated them. Solomon's was pretty iron-clad, and she wasn't ready to test his resolve. So as far as Rene knew, she'd left Solomon to be with him, plain and simple. But she didn't like secrets. But Solomon was smart as hell... she COULD pay a half-million dollars, and it WOULD seriously hurt her to pay it. She asked Rene, "Baby, where are we going?"

He answered, "I thought we'd go get a really nice dinner to celebrate. And then go back to my place to celebrate some more. With chocolate and strawberries. Maybe some cream."

She said, "I like what you're thinking, but that's not what I mean. I mean, where are WE going? Are we serious, or are we just fucking around? I mean I just left my family to be with you, and you've barely acknowledged that fact. So really, Rene... what are we doing?"

"Look, C, the ink ain't even dry on your divorce yet. I figured it was way too early to be talking about planning the 'next part of our lives.' But since you asked, yeah, I want to be with you. I love you, and I love what we have. It's good, and it's fun, and it's easy. But I'm not gonna promise you this'll last forever. What we have is good now, but one day, it might still be enough for me, but not enough for you. Or it could still work for you, but I want something more. But I'm not gonna ruin today worrying about tomorrow. And today, I want this, and I want it with you."

"So you're not tryin' to put a ring on it?" she asked.

"Sorry, but I'm not that guy. Unlike the rest of my family, I'm not a big fan of marriage. But I am committed to you, to us. Right here, right now. I hope that isn't a deal-breaker," he answered honestly.

"No, it's not," she replied. "It's really just what I need. But one thing..."

"What's that?"

She reached over and patted his cock, "You use this on anybody else, I'll cut it the fuck off!"

"I believe you. But hey, it won't fit in anybody else!" They both laughed dryly.

"After dinner, I'll remind you of that," Carla said.


All the furniture and possessions they were taking had been packed, boxed, and shipped to a storage facility. The stuff neither of them wanted would be sold in an estate sale. Their marriage bed fell into that category. Carla didn't want a bed her husband had fucked their daughter in. Jadzia wanted them to pick out a new bed; THEIR bed. So this bed would stay behind to be sold. But on this last night in the house where she'd grown up, Jadzia was in that bed one last time, enjoying her father's thick cock slowly moving in and out of her tight pussy. She had recently exploded her orgasm into Solomon's waiting mouth, while he fired ropes of cum into her greedy mouth. Earlier, he had taken her from behind, pounding her deeply as she moaned and whimpered, begging him to never stop fucking her. Now, this was their favorite way to end a long lovemaking session: face-to-face, fucking slowly while kissing deeply. Jadzia felt especially loved when Solomon kissed her like this. As much as she loved his cock, she adored his tongue, both in her mouth and in her pussy. But the physical sensation coupled with the emotion that always swelled in her when they did this, always led to her hips moving faster and faster until they peaked together, mouths and pelvises joined together. They'd had a lot of sex in that bed. They'd made their baby there as well. This was a fitting way for it to go out.

After, as they lay there, Solomon stroking her still-flat tummy, Jadzia said, "So we're not going straight to the new house tomorrow? Where are we going again?"

Solomon had decided to move to Orlando. Far enough away that they could start over as a couple. But he could still service his clients. They'd need to always be vigilant, but he was sure they could make it as a couple. And like Carla said, they looked nothing alike. Most people assumed they were interracial.

"You'll need a bathing suit," he told her. "Before we move into the new house, we have to go to St. Maarten."


Seven months later

Carla was looking forward to the long Fourth of July weekend. Her and Rene were going to escape the brutal Florida heat for a few days and were heading to San Francisco. Rene had family business there, and she would be meeting his sister, Zanzine, for the first time. After, they planned to drive up the Pacific coast, find a B&B somewhere, and spend a couple of days hiding from the world. The last few months had been great professionally, and personally, it had been nothing less than idyllic. Solomon had kept his word, and she hadn't heard from them at all. Although by now, she'd let go of her anger, and sincerely wished them well. As she finished up at her desk and was about to grab her bag and head out, her phone buzzed. It was a text from Jadzia!