Something's Different About Mary 02


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Steve slowly removed it and looked at for a long moment. Kissing it he stood and walked over to Mary, "Yes mistress." Handing it to her he said, "How about a tattoo marking us as yours? I was thinking the words Mary's latex slave on our thighs." Looking at Susan he added, "Of course Susan's should say Mary's latex slut."

Julie giggled as Susan stuck her tongue out at Steve. She turned to Mary and said excitedly, "Can we?"

Mary nodded, "Yes though I think they all should read the same instead of you having a special one." She looked at Steve, "I think Mary's latex slut in cursive lettering would look nice." She stroked his cheek and added, "Though I'll let all of you pick the color ink you want."

Holding on to the collar Mary headed back to her desk while Julie and Susan when to Julie's. It only took a matter of minutes for her to type up the letter of resignation. While it was printing she looked at the pile of knick-knacks she had accumulated over the years and started piling them up. Once she was done, she went to the copy room and got an empty box. On the way back to her desk she was stopped by Jenny. "Mary, is it true? You and Julie got canned?"

Mary shrugged, "Not really, we are quitting instead."

Jenny looked towards the main office, "It's so unfair. I have a mind to go raise hell." She looked back at Mary, "So what if you two had a little fun in the restroom."

Mary was shocked, "You know about that?"

Jenny looked around and lowered her voice, "I saw you two go in and not come out. When Sara went to the restroom and came out with her face red I asked what was wrong." She took Mary's arm in hers and led her back to the copy room. Once they were alone she glanced towards the office, "She heard two people making out in there." She paused and didn't look at Mary as she finished, "Then I saw you and Julie come out looking fat and happy."

Mary sighed; she knew they had been too loud the day before. But after all it had worked out. Looking at Jenny she said, "Anyone else know?"

Jenny gulped and nodded, "Just about everyone in the office knows someone was making out in the restroom."

Mary nodded, "Figures." She looked back towards the office and then to Jenny, "They will know who it was the minute our resignations hit Mr. Sampson's desk." Smiling slightly, she added, "It's okay though. I am starting a new consulting firm teaching people how to find joy in their lives."

Jenny finally looked at Mary and asked, "How?"

Mary smiled more and said, "Well if I tell you now then I wouldn't be a very good business woman, would I?" She added, "Let me get set up first and then I can teach you." She hugged Jenny who stood shocked for a moment before hugging her back, "For you, I won't charge so don't worry on that account."

Jenny smiled as they broke apart and said, "Thank you Mary." She blushed and added, "What perfume are you wearing? It smells divine."

Mary smiled in return, "I'll tell you soon. Between now and then keep thinking happy thoughts." She made sure that she had Jenny's cell number before going back to her desk. Packing up her items took only a minute. Once she was done she walked up to Miss June, Steve's secretary and set the letter on her desk. "Would you see Mr. Sampson gets this?"

June looked at Mary in surprise, "That was you?" she paused and added, "Who was the guy?"

Mary started not to speak but June would know soon enough, "He was Julie."

June's eyes grew, "I didn't know you went that way. Damn girl why didn't you let me know long ago? I could have covered for you or..." Her voice trailed off as she licked her lips.

Mary leaned over and allowed June to see the latex covering her upper body. "How do you feel about latex?"

June's breath got short as she stared at the shiny rubber. "Latex?" she asked never looking away.

"Darling, you and I have got to link up," Mary replied as she stood back up. She traded cell numbers with June as Julie and Susan walked up with Julie's paper. Bending back down she said softly, "Call me later baby." Walking back to her desk with a grin she picked up her box of belongings and headed outside to wait for Susan and Julie.

Once her slaves joined her, they piled into Julie's car and headed to her apartment. It took only a few minutes for Mary to grab her jewelry box, the latex and clothes. However, Julie's collection of toys was impressive, and they spent time looking at them and trading ideas. Finally, they loaded everything up and with Susan giving directions from the back seat, drove to her and Steve's house.

Mary was shocked at the opulence and size of Susan's and Steve's house. While it was not quite a mansion in the proper sense of the term, it was huge and filled with expensive paintings and furnishings. She followed Susan through the house until they came to the master bedroom. Susan smiled and said, "Stevie and I will take one of the other bedrooms mistress while you sleep here."

Mary shook her head, "No sweets, the pair of you stay in this one and we will just visit. I hope you like snuggling."

Susan pouted and said, "Now mistress I thought we had settled this."

Mary kissed her protruding lip, "We just did."

Susan looked at Julie and said, "You talk some sense into her."

Julie giggled, "For once I agree with mistress. You and Steve should keep your bedroom intact." She wandered over to the closet and opened it to peek in. "Oh my god, are all these yours?" She looked at Susan, "You have more pairs of shoes then mistress and combined."

Susan blushed all the way to her toes and nodded. She looked at Mary and replied, "Well, Stevie has a thing about high heels."

"Oh?" Mary asked as she walked over to see what Julie was staring at. The closet was larger than the one in her apartment and was filled with nothing but pairs of high heels and boots. Picking up a pair that looked like the person wearing them would be never to walk she said, "You can walk in these?"

Susan walked over and looked at what Mary had in her hands. They were a pair of ankle boots that forced the wearer to walk on the balls of their feet. "They aren't bad once you learn how." Taking them from Mary she went over to the bed and sat down. Slipping off her pumps, she pulled on the ankle boots and stood up. Taking careful steps, she walked over to her mistress and spun around slowly. "What do you think?"

Mary looked at Susan and smiled, "They look H O T hot! Where ever did you find them?"

Susan giggled, "There is a place called, a shoe for all occasions, down on Maple Ave. that has them."

Julie caught Mary looking at her and shook her head, "I could never walk in those."

Mary looked at Susan and winked before turning back to Julie, "Is that a hard no or are you just being difficult?" When Julie didn't answer she pushed a little more, "So still needing an orgasm love?" Julie's mew of need was all the reply she needed. Walking closer she said, "I will sweeten the deal, 'If you and Susan go right now, buy yourself a pair like that, and wear them until I say you can remove them; I will let you orgasm with the rest everyone else." She leaned in and caressed Julie's breast, "Just think, being able to have an orgasm for me without waiting until tomorrow."

Susan moved up to the other side of Julie and started caressing her latex covered flower under her skirt, "Just think sister, you and I heeled and cumming all night for mistress."

Julie looked from one to the other and whimpered, "Please..."

"Please what?"

Julie looked at Mary, "Please can I go get some heels with Susan, mistress mine?"

Mary nodded, "Yes slave, the sooner you go...the sooner your back...the sooner you can both make love to me."

Mary smiled as Susan grabbed Julie and the both all but ran out of the house. A moment later she heard the roar of the engine and squeal of the tires as they left. She made her way down to the kitchen and after searching found herself some lunch meat. Making herself lunch she sat and looked around as she ate. Even the pots and pans were of a brand she had never heard of. She tried to guess how much money the Sampson's had sunk in the kitchen alone and decided it had to be more than she made a year.

After eating and washing her dishes, Mary wondered if they got distracted on the way back. Finally, after wandering around aimlessly for a while, she decided to take a long hot soak. The only problem with Julie's bathroom was that the tub was tiny. Slipping out of her beloved latex she filled the master tub and crawled in. She felt like a child again and said to herself, "No wonder they call it a garden tub, you could plant a crop in one of these."

Mary had found the whirlpool jets was laying back relaxing with her eyes closed as the water massaged her back when she heard Susan calling out, "We're back!"

Opening her eyes but not moving she called loudly, "Up here" It took only a moment for Susan to arrive at the bathroom door and look at her smiling. Not seeing Julie, she asked, "Where's Julie?"

Susan giggled, "She's coming. I took it on myself to not let her crawl, so she is using the walls to help steady herself."

Mary smiled, "Well just don't stand there, strip down and join me." Susan lost no time in getting undressed. When she removed and washed the latex panties, Mary had a chance to see how large the plugs were. "Much better than an egg," She said.

Susan crawled into the tub next to her and snuggled tight, "Oh I don't know mistress. You put the panties and egg on me yourself." She kissed Mary's cheek as her hand cupped her breast. "That in its self makes it better than anything I could do on my own."

Mary was about to reply when she heard soft cussing coming from the direction of the master bedroom. Finally, after a minute or so, Julie made her way to the door and stood there looking at her. She was dressed as before except she now had added the high heel ankle boots on her feet. "Welcome back," Mary replied.

Julie looked at her and said, "If I had known what these felt like in person, I would have..." she trailed off. She looked at Susan and added, "Did you tell mistress about our trip?"

Susan giggled again, "No, I was waiting for you, so you could add color commentary to it."

Mary looked from one to the other and then back at Julie. "I know I said you had to wear those until I said you could remove them. But," she paused and grinned. "How about a little respite?"

Julie's face lit up. She calmed herself and asked suspiciously, "What do I have to do to be allowed to take them off?"

Mary smiled, "Well..." she started drawing it out. "Only one little thing." She looked at Susan and winked before turning back to Julie. "Have an orgasm so strong that you pass out." She waited a beat, "Cum for me slave!"

Mary and Susan sat up as Julie fell to the floor like a sack of wet cement. Her body thrashed and twitched as if she were having a seizure for a good five minutes before slowing. From behind her she heard Susan say softly "Wow!"

Finally, Julie sat up and looked at her mistress with new eyes. The orgasm that had just swept through her had been unlike anything she had ever felt before. Never again would she question Mary on anything. No one had ever made her feel like that before and she would do anything to have it again. "What is your pleasure mistress mine?" she asked when she got her breath back.

Mary was impressed with Julie's orgasm herself. She had never seen anything like it before and frankly she was worried there for a moment. Holding out her hand she said, "Get naked and join us." Had she not been in the tub, she would have ravished Julie when the other woman peeled off the latex. Her flower and upper thighs were all slick with her honey and her musky scent filled the bathroom.

When Julie and settled in on the other side of Mary, Susan asked in a hushed tone, "What was it like?"

Julie reached across Mary and took Susan's hand in hers under the water. "Indescribable." She leaned in and kissed her mistress and said, "Thank you mistress."

"You're welcome." She looked at Susan and said, "So tell me about the shopping trip?"

"We went to the store, bought the shoes and on the way home stopped at a Chinese place for dinner."

Mary looked at Julie, "That doesn't sound so bad."

Julie rolled her eyes, "What Susan left out was that she parked all the way on the other side of the strip mall. So we had to walk to the store and back." She looked at Susan and giggled, "Then the Chinese place was in a grocery store and while there she bought some groceries also."

Susan giggled back at Julie, "And you helped me carry the bags in and put them up."

Mary smiled. It seemed that Julie's feet had been given a workout already. No wonder she was cussing after coming up the stairs to the master bedroom. "Good girls, both of you."

Mary looked at Susan and said, "How hard would it be to put a tub like this into the other house Susan?"

Susan thought for a minute before replying, "Not too hard mistress. If you tell me what changes you want in the house, I can draw them up and get the work started right away." She paused, "But while this is nice, why not have one like the tub in the basement installed. I could have that done by the time you move in."

"Basement?" Mary asked.

"Tub?" Julie added a split second later.

"Didn't I show you the basement?" Susan asked, "I'm sorry mistress." "We have two down there, a hot tub and one from the R&D at Stevie's work." She noticed the confused looks she received and continued, "Ohhh, you're going to love this!"

Mary looked at her and then Julie, "Well then, let's go down to the basement and try those tubs out." She started the water draining in the tub before standing and getting out. As she started drying off the other two women got out and dried also. She looked at Julie and said, "Don't forget to slip on your boots." Seeing Susan start to slip on her latex panties Mary added, "No we will just craw right into the other tub pet."

Once Julie was standing in her boots, Mary and Julie followed Susan to the basement. One wall of the basement was a bookcase filled with various paperback books and knick-knacks. Along one side was some older beat up furniture, a stereo system and television. Dominating the room was a large hot tub and a giant white pill shaped thing with a post next to it.

"What the heck is that?" Mary asked walking up to the white pill thing and resting her hand on the smooth surface.

Mary walked along the pill thing running her hand against its smooth surface. It dominated the basement and looked like nothing she had ever seen before. Again, she looked at Susan and asked, "What the heck is this thing?"

Susan smiled and said, "The newest thing in gaming mistress." She walked up and pushed a button on a column next to it and one end opened. Mary, followed by Julie, walked over to look inside it as Susan continued. "The salt water inside is kept at blood temperature and is as salty as the Dead Sea so you float." She motioned inside and said, "Mistress would you like to try it?"

Mary shook her head, "Not now thank you." From the corner of her eye she noticed Julie almost bouncing up and down and said, "How about you slave? Want to play a game?"

Julie jumped at the chance, she was out of her boots in record time and with Susan's guidance laying inside the machine. "Oh, it is warm... and I'm floating."

Susan gestured, "Do you feel down at your feet a pair of what feels like sandals?" She smiled and added, "Okay, now slip your feet in those. On either side is an arm rest and joystick." She looked at her mistress and added, "The game system has a feedback loop so to run you make little motions like your running and joysticks allow you to move the arms."

Mary looked in and wished she had tried it after all. "Wow this will really go over big with the military and gamers."

"Rest your head on the headrest Julie," Susan said next. She gestured towards the top of the tank and continued, "The area up here is a wide-angle screen. To look left you tilt your head and the camera will pan, the same for the right." After a moment she giggled, "Okay, now I have to tighten the straps. They will not be too tight, just enough for the feedback system to work." She looked at Mary, "With your permission that is mistress."

Mary nodded and watched as Susan walked over to the post and punched a button. Turning to Julie she saw the headrest sides move up and grip her head. "Okay in there?"

Julie tried to look up at Mary but only was able to move her head a little bit, "This is SO COOL!" she exclaimed.

Suddenly, the screen on the top of the game system lit up with a menu. "To play a game, all you have to choose what to play and it will take you there." Susan replied as she walked back over to Mary. She looked up at the choices and said, "My favorite is the dungeons and dragons game." She looked at Mary and said, "Of course Stevie likes to play the shoot um up war games." Looking back at Julie she asked, "Ready?"

Julie nodded, "Sure!"

Susan pushed a button and pulled Mary back as the system closed. She walked over to the television and turned it on. The screen split into two views. The first showing Julie laying in it and the second showing what she was seeing. "We can watch from the tub if you wish mistress."

Once they had settled into the tub, Mary lay back watching Julie play the game. "Damn this will make Steve's company a fortune when it hits the market."

Susan snuggled against Mary and smiled, "You mean make you a fortune mistress."

Mary looked at her and said softly, "All I want is your love and know you get pleasure from latex."

Susan kissed her and replied, "You have that mistress." She nibbled on Mary's neck a bit and said, "Would you like to hear about last night?"

Mary turned to face her and started caressing her under the water. "I would love to sweet slutty slave."

Susan blushed, "Just as you commanded, I met Stevie at the door wearing only the panties and egg buzzing away." She looked up towards the front of the house, "We made love for the first time right there in the hall." Looking back at Mary she added, "But I stopped before he could orgasm. Going up to the master bedroom I showed him what I bought and made love to him the second time."

Susan giggled, "Before he could orgasm, I moved away and modeled some of the yummy latex for him." Her hand slid down to rest on Mary's flower, "Only then did we make love for the third time. I let it build and then just as we were about to explode said orgasm for mistress now." She frowned and said, "Well Steve got mad and we had a bit of a fight."

Mary looked at her, "Oh no! I'm so sorry dear."

Susan's fingers started sliding up and down over her mistress's flower. "In the course of the fight I told him everything that happened and finally he said he wanted me to take the latex back and never wear any of it again."

Mary opened her legs and tried to keep her mind on track. "What happened to change his mind?"

Susan giggled, "Me..." Taking her hand from between Mary's legs she gestured towards the gaming machine. "He came down to play a game and while he was in, I changed the program so the better he did in the game, the more latex his character would wear. Then I placed my latex cum covered panties that you bought over the air intake, so he would smell the latex and my musk while playing."

Mary looked at the game system and said, "You could do that?"

Susan nodded, "When he came out, I begged if I could keep the latex and perhaps get him some. After a while he agreed and so we made up and went shopping."

Mary looked back at Susan, "Why didn't you just make him a latex slave in the process?"

"Oh, I couldn't do that, that would be mind control and not only wrong mistress, it is impossible. All it can do is a little behavior modification." Susan blushed, "I found out after Stevie got me a pair of high heels for my birthday." Her hand moved back to Mary's flower as she continued, "While I would wear high heels while at work, I tolerated them rather than loved them." I played a game that night and when I came out, I found that even looking at high heels excited me. I knew something was different but not what it was."