Soon Pt. 03


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Geoff was sure a good lawyer would be able to help her. He made a mental note to talk to Max about it and get his opinion. Then again, he didn't want her to think she couldn't handle things herself or that he was taking over.

"Some people might think Poppy and I do have a boring life. Even before COVID, we didn't socialize much other than school activities, but everything costs so much. The little I make doesn't allow for name brand clothes or new cars or trips every few months. Kids can be cruel, even at Poppy's age. The wealthy kids teased her because she didn't have the latest sneakers or jeans. She handled it far better than I would have at that age. Then came the restrictions from the virus. She struggled in the beginning--we both did--especially when the schools closed and went to online classes. There were slow changes in her but once she met you..."

Geoff nodded. He understood all too well how mean kids could be. In his case, despite attending a private school his parents chose, he dealt with bullying because he was skinny. His years in the Army certainly changed that.

"You've been so patient with her right from the beginning." Her words were almost a whisper. "You'll make a great father someday."

Lost in her own thoughts, she didn't notice the look on Geoff's face.

"Without the guidelines and the masks, I would..." He closed his eyes and shook his head. "I care about you, Robin. I dream of kissing you, of holding you close, and more."

She faced him and stood, staring into his eyes as she held out her hand. He gasped as he rose from the patio chair and touched her warm skin. A haze of fog ran through his head when their lips met in a soft gentle kiss. He pulled her close to his body as his tongue slid between her lips. It wasn't enough--for either of them. Her body burned when she felt the bulge he rubbed against her until the sound of a car horn startled her. No one could see them but the intrusion reminded her where they were.

"Geoff, I... we... not out here, not--"

His mind cleared enough to understand what she was trying to say. He leaned his forehead on hers and just held her. It would have to be enough until he could figure out how to be sure Poppy didn't catch them.

"Soon," he said.

* * * * *

The beginning of the next year wasn't any better than the previous one. Social distancing and masking continued. School boards discussed letting the children return to class but changed their minds when the number of virus cases increased again. Geoff worked on small projects in the house while the assorted professionals did the main work. Each day he looked around after everyone left and imagined it done.

Max kept in touch as usual. Once again, he discovered a discrepancy in the contract of a new purchase that required the pair to investigate closer. As before, Geoff packed a bag for his stay in the city. He also called the contractor to reschedule work crews until he returned. Then he walked over to Robin's house to let her know he was leaving. He didn't want her worried when she realized he was gone.

He meandered across the countryside as a way to clear his mind. Unlike the last time he traveled to his office, he paid attention to the closed signs and boarded up buildings in each of the small towns he drove through. It wasn't only the owners of the stores who lost income. Employees did as well. However, when the government chose to increase and extend unemployment benefits, people ended up with more each week than by working.

It bothered him that he couldn't come up with any solutions. With all his knowledge of taking failing companies and turning them into thriving businesses again, he should be able to figure a way to improve the economy of a few small towns. He understood the intricacies of keeping a place running. It didn't matter if they were large or small. They all needed staff to stay open. The labor shortage could have an impact on both the growth and failures of businesses. As he often did, he tucked the problem into the back of his head, planning to ask Max later.

While thinking of his options, Geoff felt the rumble in his stomach reminding him he skipped lunch. He pulled in line at the same sandwich shop he went to the last time he was in town. Then he drove to the office, storing his bike before gathering his food and bag. Once sitting at his desk, he took out the documents he needed and ate while reading them. Then he called Max.

The men worked for two weeks before Geoff packed up his things and went back home. Max promised to search for ways to help companies stay open without going against the virus guidelines. They knew it might require a complete restructuring for some of the owners. Yet he hoped whatever idea they ended up with, the results would be profitable.

The problem stuck with him as he pulled into his driveway. He was tired from all the late nights and long calls required to correct what seemed to be an endless list of issues. Some were due to factory shutdowns because of the virus. He hadn't been the only one who had to scramble for alternate options to stay open. With all the stores that permanently closed, he wondered how much thought the owners put into restructuring the way they ran them in order to stay open. People didn't always think about what their decisions did for others.

He took his bag from the bike and turned to go inside. The air smelled fresh and clean. A light breeze rustled the leaves on the huge oaks and maples. Instead of opening the door, he dropped his bag on the steps and walked around the property. The peacefulness calmed his mind and settled the stress of work. A stump made the perfect place for him to sit and relax. He didn't go in until the mosquitoes annoyed him.

A glance at Robin's dark house made him realize it was too late to tell her he was home. It would have to wait until the next day, he decided as he closed the door behind him. Of course, he didn't know Robin watched out her bedroom window each night to see if he was home. They each slept that night with dreams of a future that didn't include a fence between them.

* * * *

After their conversation over Christmas, Robin and Geoff talked more about their pasts, including good and bad family history. They shared meals together several nights a week. Poppy helped him build some bird feeders while Robin caught up on her work. Yet Geoff still hadn't figured out a way to have Robin to himself for a night.

Then the COVID guidelines and restrictions changed. Restaurants and stores opened to the public again. The world was slowly making its' way back to normal, or close to it. Poppy was thrilled to hear she could go back to school. She was so excited she screamed and ran around the yard. Robin and Geoff watched her, glad to see the little girl so happy.

Schools had to devise new safety precautions for cleaning the classrooms. Restaurants struggled to get the foods they needed because of shortages. Things were heading in the right direction, yet it all moved as slow as a snail. More people were getting the vaccine to help prevent their risk of contracting the virus. Robin couldn't imagine the small stores and businesses suddenly recovering enough to open again. People she knew, friends, neighbors, they wouldn't ever have the chance to return to the jobs they had before. It was like starting over again. She wasn't sure if her own job would remain one she could do at home or if she would be required to work in the office again.

Geoff continued the work on his house. Rooms torn to the studs soon had drywall, electricity, and flooring. Each time Robin toured the place, she loved it more. Although she and Geoff were even closer than before, their discussions about the future remained vague. She didn't know what he planned to do with the house once it was done. A part of her was afraid he would leave.

Then the number of virus cases increased again. Poppy's school closed until it was safe for the students to be there together. She cried herself to sleep when she heard. Robin's boss called and told her to stay home to do her work. Geoff had trouble when lumber prices skyrocketed. He still had a decent sized supply but it wasn't always what the contractors needed. The house was close to finished although most rooms had final touches to do. Light fixtures waited in boxes. The bathrooms needed the plumbing done. Even though he crossed items off the list, more popped up.

During one of their conversations, Max mentioned a vacation once it was safe again. He laughed when he said his wife decided she wanted to take a road trip instead of a cruise. Geoff promised to have a room ready for them whenever they showed up. It excited him when he thought about showing Max and his wife the house. So far, only Robin and Poppy saw the changes.

The men again discussed how to move forward with the business. Their conclusion was that he had to go back into town. As he had before, he told Robin his plans before leaving. The difficulties of the past year had been hardest on Poppy. She wasn't old enough to fully grasp what happened. When Geoff told her he needed to go back to his office for a while, she cried. She clung to him and begged him not to go. He saw the fear in her eyes and promised her he would be back. He even gave her his phone number so if she was sad, she could call him. However, he told her he might be in a meeting and not able to answer right away. She wiped her tears when he reminded her he had left before and always came back.

He thought of Robin as he backed the bike out and headed down the road. With more stores open, he decided to shop for something special for Poppy too. He already had an appointment with a jeweler near his office to look at engagement rings. Maybe he could find something for the young girl while he was there.

Max noticed right away how fidgety his boss was and smiled. He might deny it, but he was in love. It showed in his eyes and by how he talked about Robin and Poppy. Despite his curiosity, he didn't ask anything. When Geoff was ready to talk, he would.

The company headquarters employed over fifty people at any given time. That didn't begin to include the subsidiaries or factories or even the companies he owned partial shares in. Each place had its' own issues to solve but Geoff didn't plan to give up until he had the best long term solutions for them all.

After an especially long day, he checked the time, and then picked up his phone. Robin answered right away, as he expected. Just hearing her voice helped him relax. Poppy was still awake so he talked to her too. She made him laugh with her made-up stories. After the call, he swore. When he bought the house, he hadn't ever expected to live there. Now, he considered it his home--and he wanted Robin and Poppy there with him.

Shopping for Robin had been easier than he thought. The jeweler showed him a display of sparkling rings most women would love. However, they weren't Robin's style. Then he spotted a ring as unique as she was. The elderly jeweler explained how legend claimed that particular style ring represented a true partnership where a couple met by chance, fell in love, and became one in marriage.

He imagined it on her finger and knew it was the one. He saw the matching wedding band and nodded. Then he looked for something meaningful for Poppy. She was an important part of what he hoped would be his new family. He spotted a pink diamond pendant in the shape of a heart and knew it was perfect.

The next day he went over the notes with Max. It wasn't easy but they managed to find the solutions needed. Finally, Geoff was home again. He hid the jewelry in his dresser but knew that having the rings was only the beginning. Planning the actual proposal was next and he wanted it to be perfect.

The first morning home, he only had time to send Robin a quick text saying he would be over as soon as he had a chance. The contractor had some concerns to discuss before continuing with the work. It was late afternoon before he had any time to himself. He opened the gate and looked around. He could hear Poppy but didn't see her anywhere. A quick peek into the playhouse showed it was empty.

"Mr. Geoff! I missed you!" She ran toward him from where she had been next to the garage. "I was getting bored. Mama is working again."

"Well, how would you like to check my house with me? We can see what all the workers did while I was gone. I'll text your mom to let her know you're with me in case she comes outside."

She waited while he sent a quick message to Robin telling her he had Poppy with him. Then he slipped his phone into his pocket and smiled.

Poppy asked about the assorted equipment and containers as they walked through the main floor. He explained it all in simple terms that satisfied her before climbing the steps. Geoff mentally went over the remaining work needed. After stopping in what was to be the main bedroom, he realized Poppy wasn't behind him as she had been.

He wandered through the rooms until he found her sitting in one of the near-finished bedrooms. She had her arms on the window ledge, staring outside. He stood in the doorway and waited to see what she did. Unsure how she knew he was there, her soft voice startled him.

"What if you don't live here forever? If someone moves in who has only boys, I won't have anyone to play with. Boys can be mean and they don't like all the stuff I do."

"What makes you think I'll move?"

"You go away all the time, to where you work. Sometimes you don't come back for a long time. Mama said with the virus thing better, people can do stuff like they used to. I have to go back to school soon and mama might have to go back to where she was working before. I won't be able to see you so much or cut the grass with you. Mama said we should be happy that the germs are not making so many people sick but..."

Geoff hesitated. He couldn't promise he would stay or confirm he would leave. The decision was up to Robin even though she didn't know it yet. An image of the rings hiding in his dresser ran through his mind. Maybe this would be the perfect time to talk to Poppy about his desires.

"You know, why don't you wait here? I'll be right back, OK?"

Poppy nodded. Geoff saw the tears in the corners of her eyes. All he wanted to do was make her happy forever. His heart pounded as he took the two boxes out of the dresser. He put one in his pocket and kept the other one in his hand. It was small enough to hide by wrapping his fingers around it.

"I'm back," he said when he returned to where Poppy waited. "I'm sorry you're sad."

"Mama says it's OK to cry."

"She's right. People cry for a lot of reasons." Geoff dropped to the floor and pulled Poppy toward him. "Crying shows we have feelings. Sometimes we laugh so hard we cry. We cry if we're sick and yes, we do cry when we're sad."

"I don't want you to move though."

Poppy cried harder, the tears dripping off her chin. Geoff felt as if he was making things worse instead of seeing her smile again. He cleared his throat and started again.

"How would you like to be part of a secret?"

"I love secrets!"

Geoff laughed at the instant change in her. The pink box burned his palm where he kept it hidden. All the words he practiced using disappeared.

"Poppy, I haven't said it enough, but I love you. I love your mom too." He opened the box to show her the necklace. "I want to ask her to marry me but only if I have your permission."

He knew he should have said more. He should have explained himself better. There was so much going through his head. Poppy stared at the pink heart. It was easy to see she wasn't sure what was happening.

"This is for you. A promise gift, because I promise to love you and your mom forever. Will you wear it now and go with me to ask her?"

"If you get married, will you be my daddy?"

Geoff's throat felt too dry to speak. He barely had time to nod before she jumped into his arms. When they finally stood up, Poppy held his hand. She touched her neck and smiled when her fingers ran over the heart.

"Let's go talk to your mom," he said.

Robin looked startled to see the pair walk into her home office. "Is something wrong?"

Geoff had been in the small room before but never with Poppy. He held her little hand and hoped she didn't say anything before he could.

"We have a surprise for you, mama."

"Robin, we've never been on a date but the time we've spent together taught me one thing: I want to be with you forever. I wanted to make this special, to say the right words, and have everything perfect. Then I realized the only thing that matters is that I love you. Marry me."

Poppy moved toward her mother and touched the necklace. "He asked me first, mama."

Robin had imagined what it would be like married to Geoff. She just never expected it to happen. Her mind reeled. During the brief time she stared at her daughter's neck, Geoff opened the box he had kept in his pocket.

"Say yes, Robin. We'll be a family. Once the house is done, it will be ours. The past year showed me just how important you both are to me. Each time I had to leave, I couldn't wait to get back."

He held out the ring he chose for her and waited. Poppy stood at his side, waiting for her mother's answer. Robin stared at the ring and gasped. Her mind was a fog of haze that left her unable to think clearly. She loved him. She knew it with everything in her. The proposal took her off guard. She hadn't expected it even though she had dreamt of it.

"Yes," she whispered.

Poppy jumped up and down as Geoff put the ring on Robin's finger. She giggled when they kissed. Too excited to wait, she tugged on her mom's arm.

"He'll be my daddy, won't he, mama? Mr. Geoff said if you got married, I could call him daddy."

Robin stared into Geoff's eyes. "Yes, he will be."

There was no doubt the man loved the little girl. From the beginning, he had been patient with her, spending time talking to her--and more importantly, listening. Geoff was right--they hadn't ever been on a date. However, the evenings they spent together brought them closer than going out to dinner or seeing a movie would have. She was sure he had secrets from his career in the military but she accepted that. If he ever wanted to talk about it, she would be right there to listen.

The pandemic had changed many things in the world. Not everyone would recover. Businesses would struggle for months, or realize they couldn't find their way back and close. COVID brought so much negativity with it. Yet for Robin and Poppy, it brought them Geoff. Their lives would never be the same again. Soon had arrived.

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman7 days ago

pretty good story.

34dein34dein4 months ago

Rambling on and on for three parts just to make on the third part some rushed ending😩

irishbulldog46irishbulldog469 months ago

Extremely well done. I would like to see it continue til poppy shares her life

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyalmost 2 years ago

Speechless ...... What a love story and so a happy end covid times are welcomed ...... Your are an gifted excellent writer ...... Thank you for sharing and yeah the end was a bit rushed


DG HearDG Hearover 2 years ago

Fantastic, brought tears to my eyes. Loved it. 5*

With respect

DG Hear

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I loved the story, so sweet. Do feel that it could have expanded on how they will make it work, their happiness, and overall life together. Really I just love the characters so much I want to visit with them some more.

_Lynn__Lynn_over 2 years agoAuthor

After reading the comment from Throwback67, I realized there should be more to the story. Several thoughts are running through my head but nothing seems quite right. I'll work on it and see what I can do.

Throwback67Throwback67almost 3 years ago

Loved the story. Had to go looking for part 3 when it didn't show up in the same category as the first two! As I said, loved the story line, but felt like the ending was rushed and cramped just to try to finish the story. You spend so much time and effort in the first two chapters developing the characters and going into their feelings, and then just ended it by so "hey I'm rich and we're getting married, the end..." Would love to see another chapter with more expanse.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Loved it. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story and warm loveable characters.

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