South Mountain Pack Ch. 01


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"Each disappearance was investigated by not only the Pack but by the Council as well. There has been no trace of the girls anywhere. Todd is worried something similar would happen to his family so he actually applied for the transfer to DC, it wasn't required of his job as he has let it be known. That gentlemen, is a fact that is between the three of us and is to go no further. His family is not the only one that is considering relocating. I have let it be known through unofficial channels that any family willing to relocate would be welcome."

Before either Frank or Joe could say anything, Alpha Rossi nodded his head towards his son and said "Turn around gentlemen, I think the show is about to start. We'll finish this conversation later."

They turned around unconsciously taking positions on both sides of the Alpha standing shoulder to shoulder, just as they had since they were toddlers. As they watched, Sophia made her way down the terrace steps and Anthony watched her every step of the way. He continued to talk to his friends, but his eyes were trained on Sophia, and also glanced around the crowd to see who else was eyeing his girl.

"MINE,"was the thought that kept going around his head. He saw several other boys looking at her and stared at them until they sensed him and then they lowered their eyes. He couldn't stake his claim on her due to her age, but he could make sure no one else came close to her. "Three years, I must wait to claim her, but make no mistake about it, she is MINE," he assured his wolf. He then realized she had just turned fifteen and he could start dating her and instantly felt better.

All three men sent requests to their mates through the mate bond to join them. Almost as one, Madame Alpha Gina, Annie and Rose turned towards their spouses and had a questioning look on their faces, while the men just smiled back. Rose looked at her two best friends and said, "This better be good, I wonder what they've gotten into this time, and I wonder what we can get out of it, and it better be more then a new hat." At that comment all three women broke out into giggles that brought a smile to their loving spouses faces, though they had no clue what the women were laughing about.

Sophia dragged Maria along and made a point to talk to every boy and thank them for coming to the birthday party, knowing Salvatore wouldn't think of doing it. Most boys were excited to be able to talk to the two beautiful girls, but minutes after the conversation started, they noticed Anthony standing in the background with his arms folded across his broad chest and they made sure to finish the conversations quickly. Anthony was trying to be subtle about his claim on Sophia, but he needed to let those assholes know she was his. He would proclaim it loudly once he had talked to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlucci, Sophia and her brothers, then he saw his so-called friend Scott touch Sophia's hand. He could not control the growl that escaped from his tightly clenched throat and his hands balled into fists. Somebody was touching his girl, putting his scent on her, holding her hand when only he should be holding her hand.

"Oh, this is getting good," said Frank, while Joe and Alpha Rossi laughed. All three of them remembered how it felt when the mating pull first hit, they were all on alert in case trouble broke out, but knew it was best if they stayed on the sidelines.

Madame Gina, Annie and Rose had moved in front of their respective spouses as requested. Each man had an identical stance with feet shoulder width apart and their arms in front of their wives hugging them close to their broad chests. Annie asked Joe what was going on and he told her to keep an eye on Anthony and Sophia, that they thought he had felt the mating pull.

"What the hell is your problem," Scott shouted at Anthony. "I was telling Sophia and Maria how beautiful they looked and thanked Sophia for inviting me to her party."

"Well, first of all, back off my girl, second SHE didn't invite you to the party, Sal did, third back off my girl, and fourth get your hands off my girl," Anthony growled back to Scott.

Sophia stared at Anthony with eyes as big as saucers, as did her brothers and everybody else. All Sophia could do was stare at Anthony and see him finally as the man that he was instead of her brothers childhood friend and the boy she had a secret crush on for years. He stood 6'3" and weighed about 230 lbs, had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes she could get lost in for days. He had broad shoulders that were lightly tanned, long arms that were heavily muscled and large hands that had to be twice as large as hers. As Sophia's eyes wandered over his chest she thought, "Oh my." As her eyes wandered further down his body, she noticed how his board shorts hung low off his lean hips and accented the 8 pack that was rippling from tension and his legs were long, lean and muscular. "OH MY," she thought and suddenly got hot all over like she was running a fever.

Anthony looked at Scott and noticed he still had a hold of Sophia's hand, he took a step forward still growling and said, "I'm giving you one second to let go of my girls hand before I rip your arm from your body."

Scott was about to argue with Anthony until he noticed Sophia's older brothers and cousins suddenly flanking Anthony with the younger siblings and cousins lining up behind him, in the standard fighting formation they had been taught. They may not like the idea of their sister and cousin being claimed, but nobody could deny the mating pull, and since it had become known to Anthony, he would do everything in his power to protect and cherish their beloved sister and cousin.

Joe and Frank noticed the youngest two sons were missing and looked for them. They both felt proud to notice that without being told they had flanked Maria and moved her out of the way to protect her since everyone else's focus was on the drama unfolding between Scott and Anthony. Alpha Rossi also noticed the missing boys and seeing where they had positioned themselves said to Frank and Joe,"We have taught the younger generation well, they have done their family and pack proud today."

"Sorry Sophia, hopefully we'll get a chance to finish our conversation some other time," said Scott before looking Anthony in the eye and smirking at him. He gave her hand a tight squeeze before letting it go.

"Babe, could you please come over here with me and your family please," pleaded Anthony to Sophia, with a soft gentle voice as he extended his hand out to her. He kept his eyes trained on Sophia's wide-eyed expression and smiled encouragingly at her. He knew that he didn't have to watch Scott or his two cronies, Sophia's two oldest brothers, Vincent and Dominic would have them under observation. His only clear thought was to get his girl away from this interloper, he needed to protect her, he needed her near him, and he must get her away from Scott.

Sophia glanced at Vincent and Dominic and upon receiving nods from them; she placed her small hand into Anthony's hand. He pulled her immediately into his side, scented her neck and hair and then gently told her to move behind him. She was instantly surrounded on all sides by Enzo, Gino, Paulo and Michael.

Sophia was still trying to process everything that happened, but the prevailing thought running through her mind was,"I'm Anthony's mate, I can't believe that he's MINE."She knew she had been feeling an attraction towards Anthony, but had always thought it was just a teenage girl's fantasy, not a mating pull.

"I think its time to have a talk with our boys after the party lets out," Joe stated to no one in particular. "I'm sure they have a lot of questions, and once the girls are situated, we'll go into Frank's man cave and have a three father to thirteen son talk."

All of the parents agreed and then Rose told them that parents would soon be arriving to pick up their kids as the party was scheduled to end at 10 and it was already 9:45. The women instructed their men to go over and calm the boys down, which they went and hurriedly did. The women went over to the steps and announced the time to the rest of the party-goers and said they should get their clothes, towels and everything else together to be ready for their parents.

The men went and stood between the two groups of boys and stared at Scott and his two cronies. It took Scott and his friends less then two seconds to lower their eyes and show their necks in submission to their Alpha.

"I think you should gather up all your things, your father should be here soon to pick you up," stated Frank with a nice quiet even tone of voice. "I also want to thank all three of you for coming by for the birthday party and for providing us older folks with some entertainment," he continued with a hint of a smile on his face and in his voice.

"Anytime, Mr. C," stated Scott. He was thankful Mr. C wasn't mad at him, since during the summers he worked for Mr. C and Mr. JC at Carlucci Construction Company or Triple C as it was also known.

Scott looked at Anthony and the rest of the Carlucci Clan and stated, "I guess I'll see everybody on Monday at football practice." He then nodded at his Alpha, Mr. C, and Mr. JC.

"Dickwad," the three fathers heard Anthony muttering under his breath. Knowing they couldn't let Anthony see them smiling, they kept their faces forward and used their mental bond to silently laugh as Alpha Rossi said,"That's my boy,"this caused Frank and Joe's shoulders to silently shake in laughter.

Taking deep breathes to calm themselves down; they turned around as one unit, as though they had practiced this move like a synchronized swimming team. They stood facing their children in identical postures. Feet shoulder width apart, head and shoulders thrown back with arms folded across their chests. Alpha Rossi said through his mental bond to Frank and Joe with a chuckle,"Just stare at them, we'll see who breaks first."

"My money is on Vincent and Dominic,"stated Frank.

"I bet you both that it's Lorenzo or Damian,"Joe said.

"I bet you both a steak dinner at Roberto's it is Anthony,"stated Alpha Rossi.

Each father had chosen the oldest son or set of sons. They could see by looking at their sons they were communicating through their family bond, but they had put a block up so their fathers couldn't hear them. Anthony could hear them because being the Alpha heir he could communicate with all Pack. All three fathers continued to stare down they're children, and the children were staring right back, not backing down at all. The only movement came when Anthony crossed his arms across his chest, then the rest of the Carlucci Clan followed his lead.

If possible all three fathers' chests puffed even further with pride, but they couldn't let their sons know this, at least not right now. They all knew their children were becoming men and this moment was a defining point in that process. They had stood together as a unit to protect one of their own and each father knew that no matter what happened from then on, that they would always be faithful and loyal to one another. As fathers they could not be prouder, but right now they had to bring them down a peg or two and let them know who was still the boss or bosses of them.

As the two groups continued to stare at each other, a hesitant voice spoke softly. "Anthony..." Sophia said breathlessly. In all the commotion and posturing, both groups had forgotten she was still completely surrounded by Enzo, Gino, Paulo and Michael. All four boys had her cocooned behind their backs and they were standing shoulder to shoulder completely encapsulating her. She couldn't see anything over their broad backs and had no idea what was going on.

Frank and her brothers felt a short, sharp stab to their hearts as they heard her call for Anthony for the first time instead of one of them. All three fathers instantly zeroed in on Anthony's face to see his reaction to this soft plea.

Anthony instantly dropped his Alpha-like posturing and turned around and softly said, "I'm here Babe, everything is ok. Enzo, could you please move so my Sophia can come to me." He then held his hand out to Sophia and allowed her time to regroup and come to him when she was ready.

As Enzo moved out of her way, Sophia was finally able to see what was going on. Her eyes moved instantly to Anthony's face and he was smiling at her, so she instantly relaxed. She had been afraid she had done something wrong to make him upset and seeing him smile let her know that everything was alright. She reached for his hand and he gently pulled her into his side scenting her neck and hair.

"MINE," Anthony said loudly as he continued to bury his nose into her neck and hair. One arm was buried in her curly hair and the other was holding her tightly to his side as if he was afraid that she was going to disappear.

"Ugh Son, I think you made that perfectly clear earlier, but thanks for the confirmation," Alpha Rossi said with a huge laugh. He was joined in his laughter by Frank, Joe and the rest of the Clan.

Anthony chose to ignore them and just concentrate on the woman he was holding, just breathing in and out slowly, and inhaling her essence. Warm sugar cookies with drizzled honey on top. That's how she smelled to him and he couldn't get enough. He felt like he could drown in that scent and die a happy man.

Sophia also had her nose buried in Anthony's neck. Beneath his Drakkar aftershave she could detect his natural scent of the forest after a spring rain. It was the most intoxicating thing she had ever smelled and it made her dizzy.

"I hate to break up this budding young love right now, but Sophia it's time for you to go into the house with Maria and Madame Gina, Aunt Annie and your mom," stated Frank with a firm no nonsense voice. "The rest of us have some things to discuss right now."

"Yes Daddy," said Sophia as she started to move out of Anthony's embrace.

"I'll be by tomorrow to see you if it's ok with your mom and dad, maybe we can all go to Fred's and get some ice cream," said Anthony softly into her ear. Sophia nodded and moved towards her mother to follow her father's instructions.

Anthony took a couple of steps to the side to watch her and make sure she made it safely into the house. He thought to himself,"I'm going to go crazy for the next 3 years trying to make sure she is safe, how am I going to do that when I'm not with her all the time. Damn, she's less then 100 feet away from me and my heart is racing because I can't see her. How am I going to do this?"

Frank, Joe and Alpha Rossi looked at the misery on Anthony's face and tried not to laugh, remembering how they felt when they first scented their mates and were unable to be with them constantly. Even though they felt empathy and compassion, the three older men looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Well boys, that was an interesting night, we're going to head on into the cave and have a discussion that is obviously long overdue," said Frank. "Grab something to drink and eat before the caterers clear the remaining food, if you need to use the john, now is the time to do it."

At the mention of food, the boys made a beeline to demolish what was left of the pulled pork, hamburgers, hotdogs and whatever they could get their hands on. They were still growing boys after all. Anthony stood still staring at the back of the house, until Gianni and Marcus each grabbed an arm and dragged him into the tent to grab some food.

Two very different groups were gathering in the Carlucci house at that moment. The men were gathering in the basement after making sure the house was secure and the women were gathering in Rose's sitting room, which was her sanctuary from her husband and children.

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AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

Warning: This is not a story that has been completed.

Unfortunately the author, Pocketbooklover, passed away after having some medical issues

Whitley4343Whitley43436 months ago

Ok, I'm gonna try to keep an open mind here. I'm not trying to bash on the writing, but the characters highly lack individuality. I understand that there are a TON of characters introduced quickly, but they are so so very stereotypical and at times robot like(the girls only care about material things, boys are robotic and move as one, seems very unnatural and or fake). Or that's the feel I got from them. I am intrigued enough to keep reading in hopes that's individual characterstics come thru. I mean with there being so many characters, there needs to be things that differs them from each other or it just makes for a boring and unrealistic read. Again, not trying to bash. *Fingers crossed*

SeducedbyfishSeducedbyfishalmost 2 years ago

This was horrible. I'm sorry the author is ill or have already passed. RIP can't believe this trash is their legacy tho.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Not appropriate pal is recovering from being ill and does not need comments like that

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
RIP Pocketbooklover

Rest In Peace

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love love love

This is my third time reading the story. I'm in love with it and I can't wait for you to finish it. Hope you get better soon. Xx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for a great imaginative book! I hope you start feeling better and that you're able to post another chapter soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Worth a second read

I love this storyline. I hope the author is feeling better soon. I have enjoyed all the stories to date.

pixie71pixie71over 7 years ago

I love this story so much...i know its a glitch but its one of my tired of the cliche werewolf stories on all the other love love this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Still love this story

Hope PBL gets well and can continue it. Was 1 of my first stories on here and still remains a favorite..So much so have read and reread it several times now...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Unlike the person before me, I nearly ripped my eyes out several times and had to stop reading about a hundered times, because of how- how- AHHHHH

I can't. I can't even.

It's good, but good, it's full on.

I mean, GEEZ Anthony!!!

I know she's your mate, but cool it, dude!!

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