Southern Cross - Pt. 02


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"Are you two going to just stand there hugging, or can I get a towel too?"

Jack turned to see his beautiful wife standing on the diving platform, looking like an older version of their daughter. Still tall and lean, long, blond hair untouched by any gray, gorgeous legs, luminous eyes and breasts that even now defied gravity -- she was as luscious as the day they met.

"Sorry, baby. I was just enjoying an all too infrequent hug from my daughter. Here you go."

Jack wrapped the towel around Sara and gave her a long hug and a soft, loving kiss.


"Better. How about we continue this tonight?"

"What? You don't want to have sex in front of our daughter? Maybe we'll teach her something."

"No, you don't have to teach me anything. So can we have lunch now? I need to talk to both of you about something."

The family was quiet as they ate, waiting for Maimiti to talk. After several minutes, she began.

"I'm not sure how to start, so I'll just blurt it out. I was offered a job out of New Zealand that will take me up to the WWII battle sites off Guadalcanal and parts of the Solomon's. We'd be looking at how the sunken ships are affecting the corals and other marine life. I'd be working with people who have been doing this kind of work for many years, so it's really a big opportunity for me."

"Honey, that sounds wonderful. So what's the problem?"

"The problem is that my contract would be for six months minimum, with a possibility of it stretching into a year or more. And that's a long time for me to be away from home and away from you two."

"Sweetheart, don't worry about us. This is a great opportunity for you, and I think you should jump at it. Offers like this don't come around very often, and this will probably open lots of doors for you in the future."

"True, but I worry about you two. Dad is closing in on 70 and not nearly as energetic as he has been. I know how hard you both work, and it worries me to be so far away for so long."

"While we're happy you're worried about us, you need to take this job. You need to see what is out there, what the world offers you, and do it while you are still young. Yes, your dad and I are slowing down, but that doesn't mean we are ready to kick the bucket quite yet. You know we're only offering excursions three or four times a month now, so that will help. Go -- make your mark on the world and make us proud of you like you always have."

"Ok, if you're sure about this, I'll email them back this afternoon and accept their offer."

"Great -- and then tonight we'll celebrate your new job. How does a cookout on the beach sound? We can go fishing this afternoon and have ourselves a feast tonight."

Later that night the family sat around a campfire on the beach of a nearby island. The night sky was clear, and starlight lit the night. Jack was making smores and they all had a beer in their hand, enjoying their time together.

"I can't believe how beautiful it is out here tonight. Thanks, mom and dad, for making this possible for me. If you two hadn't gotten together, I wouldn't be here enjoying this night. Thanks for loving each other so much, and loving me as well."

"Baby, despite everything I went through, I wouldn't change a thing, because it brought me to your dad. All the pain and suffering are nothing compared to the love we have for each other and for you -- a baby that medically never should have been."

"Mom, I know it was a long time ago, and a horrific time in your life, but will you tell me the whole story of what happened to you? You've never told me, but I've heard bits and pieces from my aunts and uncles over the years. If it's too painful, forget it. But I think I'm old enough to know the whole story. Please?"

Sara was quiet for a long while. Finally she looked at Jack and he nodded in agreement. Moving to hold Maimiti's hands, Sara sat in the sand and looked her daughter in the eye.

"Are you sure you want the entire story? First, it'll take a while to tell, and second, it's a pretty sordid and horrifying tale. And if I start, I won't stop until I am all the way through the story, no matter what your reactions. Clear?"

"Clear. I just want to know what happened."

For the next 45 minutes Sara retold her story. Jack was still except to add wood to their fire. Maimiti was silent for the most part, occasionally gasping at something or quietly sobbing at something Sara said.

When Sara finished, she held her daughter close while Maimiti sobbed into Sara's shoulder.

"Oh my god, mom. I had no idea how bad it was. How did you get through it all?"

"At first, one idea, one thought drove me -- don't let that bastard win. It was really difficult for a long time. In fact, it was many months until I let a man touch me. Even during rehab, I'd work with male therapists, but they all knew not to touch me. And other than a few accidental touches while working, you dad never touched me for a long time. But when I let him in, it was like a dam breaking. And like I said, I would endure it all again just to be able to have you and your dad in my life."

Two weeks later, Sara and Jack were at the airport, waiting with Maimiti as her flight to New Zealand got called.

"Well, I guess this is it. Thanks for having the faith in me that I'll do this right. I'll miss you two so much. I love you."

"We love you as well, baby. And I'm sure you'll be way too busy to miss us much. Text us when you land in Auckland. Be safe, baby, and stay in touch when you can."

With final hugs and kisses all around, Jack and Sara were once again empty nesters, this time most likely for good.

Their lives went on much like before, taking vacationers out for day excursions to snorkel and swim in the ocean, with Sara pointing out various points of interest. It was true Jack was slowing down, so Sara enjoyed her alone time with him all the more.

Eight months later, Jack was dead.

Sara was doing her morning lap swim in the pool when Jack decided to join her. As usual, she was naked as she swam, and Jack surprised her by being naked as well. Soon he had her sitting on the edge of the pool, legs spread wide, his tongue buried deep within her pussy. He soon slipped two fingers into her wetness while he concentrated now on her clit.

"Oh yes, Jack, suck my clit while you finger me. Oh baby, you're making me cum already. Yes..."

Not slowing down his oral attack, Jack kept licking and fingering Sara until she came several more times. She finally pushed his head and fingers away as her pussy became too sensitive. Slipping into the pool and into Jack's arms, Sara kissed him deeply.

"Not that I'm complaining, but where did all that come from?"

Smiling at his wife, Jack didn't answer, but instead pulled her legs wide again and pushed his engorged dick into her. Moaning at the intrusion, Sara started to move her body in tandem with Jack's, pulling him deeper and deeper into her over-heated sex. Soon the only sounds heard were moaning and splashing, as Jack worked harder and faster. Suddenly, Sara's body stiffened, and as her next orgasm overtook her, Jack exploded deep inside her.

Holding each other as their breathing slowed, they kissed each other again and again. Soon Sara felt Jack's growing dick brushing against her thigh.

"So, is this how we're spending the day? Having sex in the pool?"

"If you want, but I'm going to need some time to recover before I ravage you once again. In the meantime, how about some breakfast?"

They spent the rest of the day together naked, touching each other as they did their household chores. The only time Jack dressed was to put an apron on as he grilled their dinner. Taking a shower together later, both made sure to soap the other's body in anticipation of a night of lovemaking.

Getting into bed, Sara slid her naked body next to Jack's, where they lay together, holding each other. After a while, knowing Jack was tired, Sara slid on top of him, rubbing her breasts against his chest. Soon she was feeding her nipples into his mouth, letting him suck and nibble them until they became diamond points. Finally she slid all the way up, resting her thighs on either side of his face and nestling her wet pussy onto his waiting mouth.

"Lick me baby. Lick me until I cum all over your mouth. And then lick me some more."

After cumming multiple times, Sara pulled off Jack's mouth and lay next to him in bed. As they kissed she moved her hand to Jack's dick, fondling it until it was hard. With one swift motion, Sara sat astride Jack, stuffing him into her pussy. She sat there for a long while, reveling in the feeling. Then she began to move, fucking her husband as he played with her sensitive nipples.

"That feels so good, Sara. I love it when you get on top and fuck me."

"I'm so glad, baby, because I love being on top fucking you. Ahhh, play some more with my tits. Suck my nipples when I cum."

Soon, both lovers were moaning in delight as Jack filled Sara's pussy at the same time her orgasm filled her. Slowing down her motions, she laid on Jack, pressing her tits into his chest as they kissed.

"I love you, Jack Armstrong. Even after all these years you never fail to excite me. Thank you for being such an amazing husband, father, and lover. Even with everything in my past, I wouldn't change a thing."

"And I love you, Sara Owens Armstrong. I never expected my life would be so rich and rewarding as it has been. My life with you has been more amazing than I ever could've imagined. Now let's get some sleep so when I wake up in the morning, I have the energy to do today all over again."

Giggling at that thought, Sara pulled the sheet over them and cuddled into Jack's side, never realizing it would be for the last time.

Sara woke up the next morning and quietly slipped out of bed, not wanting to wake Jack. She did several quick laps in the pool before showering, eager to have Jack ravage her clean body.

Finishing her shower, she saw Jack hadn't moved, so she leaned over to kiss him. When her lips touched his cheek, she felt how cold it was and tried to wake him.

"Jack, wake up. Come on, baby, this isn't funny. Wake up. Jack, you're scaring me. Please, baby, wake up."

Sara touched his wrist trying to find a pulse, but found nothing. Realizing what had happened, Sara let out a cry of pain, primal in its essence. Jack was dead. Her husband, her lover, and her rock for so many years, lie quietly in their bed, and Sara could do nothing about it.

Sobbing uncontrollably, Sara called the emergency police number for help, and after hanging up from them, called her best friend on the island, Charlotte. Explaining what had happened, Charlotte said she'd be there as soon as she got dressed.

Minutes later Sara heard the wail of the ambulance in the driveway, quickly followed by Charlotte and Jean-Pierre. As they entered the house, Sara fell into her friend's arms, crying hysterically as Jean-Pierre assisted the EMTs. Seeing there was nothing to be done for Jack, they quickly did their job and began to load Jack into the ambulance.

"Wait! I need a minute alone with my husband before you take him. Please..."

Jean-Pierre ushered everyone out of the house, leaving Sara alone with Jack.

"Oh, Jack. What am I going to do without you? You saved me all those years ago, and you've been my North Star ever since. I'm going to miss you so much, baby. I love you with all my heart, and always will."

Sara kissed Jack one final time, and then turned away so the ambulance men could do their job. Jean-Pierre gave Sara a hug and left, leaving her alone in the house with Charlotte. Turning to her best friend, Sara finally lost control, crying as her friend held her tight, letting her feelings out.

"Charlotte, what am I going to do? I'm lost without Jack. He's been my life for so long, I don't know what to do without him. Oh god, Charlotte, what am I going to do?"

After a long cry, Sara began to settle down, Charlotte's arms still holding her tight.

"Before you make any decisions you need to call Maimiti and let her know. If you want me to make the call, I will, but we need to do it right away. Ok?"

"Will you call her? I don't think I could get through telling her without breaking down again. Please? Use my phone -- her number is in the contact list."

Settling Sara on the couch with a blanket and a cup of coffee, Charlotte took Sara's phone and crossed out to the pool so she could leave Sara in peace. Several minutes later her call connected and Maimiti answered.

"Mom? Good morning. How come you are calling so early?"

"Maimiti, it's not your mom. It's Charlotte."

"Charlotte? What's wrong? Is mom alright?"

"Your mom is fine, but she wanted me to make this call."

"It's dad, isn't it? His heart? Last time I was home I overheard him talking with his doctor, and when I pressed him, he told me he had been having some minor problems getting his medicine adjusted. He hadn't told mom, and he swore me to secrecy. He had a heart attack, right?"

"Yes he did, and I'm so, so sorry to be telling you this. Sara didn't feel she could tell you without breaking down. Needless to say, she is a wreck. Can you get home soon? She really needs you, now more than ever."

There was a long pause in the conversation, and Charlotte was sure she heard quiet sobs coming from the other end. After a few moments, Maimiti continued.

"As luck would have it, we are about to dock back in New Zealand. We have samples to offload and the boat needs some maintenance. I'll start looking for flights now, and get back to you once I confirm something.

"And Charlotte? Please give my mom a hug and kiss from me, and tell her I'm on my way home. Thanks..."

Later that night, Charlotte was at the airport, waiting for Maimiti's flight. As passengers began to fill the terminal, she spotted Maimiti coming toward her. She had been crying, but even now Charlotte could see both her parents in the beautiful young woman coming toward her.

When Maimiti spotted Charlotte she began to hurry, and soon the two women were embracing, tears coming once again from both.

"Maimiti, I'm so sorry about all this. I know how much you loved your dad and how much he loved you. Thanks for getting here so fast. You mom will really appreciate it."

"Thanks, Charlotte. How is mom doing? Not well, I suppose."

"When I left the house she was sitting with Madeline and Madison, doing better. But I'm sure when she sees you the tears will come again."

"What can I do to help her? I have no idea what to say or what to do."

"Just be there for her. Hug her, cry with her, sit with her, listen to her -- she just needs to have you close. Everything else will come to you."

As they pulled up to the house, Maimiti pondered what life would be like there without her dad. Her dad -- who filled their house with music and laughter and bad dad jokes. But mostly, he filled their house with love -- love for his wife and love for his daughter. He was someone who made friends easily and brought joy to everyone he met. A bright shining light, a star whose light has now dimmed forever. The world will be a lesser place without Jack Armstrong, and Maimiti didn't know how she would ever fill that empty place in her heart.

She took a deep breath and entered their home.

"Hi, mom. I'm home."

Sara looked up and saw her daughter standing in the doorway. She set her tea down, almost dropping it, and ran to her, tears starting once again. The two women stood there for a long time, simply holding each other, gaining strength from each other, for the long days ahead.

Soon they realized their guests had departed, leaving them alone in their grief. Nothing was said -- nothing needed to be said, as they sat on the couch, still holding each other close. Finally Maimiti whispered 'lets get some sleep', and mother and daughter went to face their first night without Jack.

The next morning dawned bright and clear, the storm clouds from the night before leaving a fresh scent in the air. Maimiti woke to the sounds of someone swimming in the pool. Looking outside, she saw her mom doing laps and decided to join her.

Hearing a splash, Sara looked up to see her daughter swimming up to her, joining her in her swimming. Wordlessly the two women began to swim. Up and back, lap after lap, stroke after stroke the two swam in silence. Both knew it was a way to get rid of the tension and anguish building in their bodies, and neither wanted to quit. Finally Sara stopped mid-lap and pulled her daughter into her arms.

"Thank you for coming home so fast, baby. Everything is just swimming in my head and I can't think straight. I just don't know what to do."

"Mom, you don't have to do anything. I'm here, and so are your friends -- we're all here to help get things figured out. Before they left last night, both Madeline and Charlotte said they'd be back this morning with some fresh croissants, so how about we get cleaned up and put the coffee on. And don't worry -- I'll be here for as long as you want."

As the morning went on, decisions were made. There would be a small, private service and burial for Jack later on that week, with a celebration of life ceremony in three weeks, leaving time for people to plan if they could attend. Madeline and Charlotte said they'd take care of all the arrangements for both ceremonies with lots of input from Sara, and Maimiti said she'd start contacting family with the news -- a job she was not looking forward to.

Noting the time difference and figuring he'd be at work, she emailed her Uncle Sean first and then her mom's other brothers. Minutes after hitting send her phone started ringing.

"Uncle Sean, hello. I wasn't expecting to hear from you so quickly."

"Hi, Maimiti. I saw your message and was shocked and saddened to hear the news. How's Sara doing? Can I speak with her?"

"Mom's doing ok, but I think you should give her a day or two before talking. I'm sure when she hears your voice the tears will start again."

"Fair enough. Now, is the date set for the life celebration, because I'm coming out for it. I don't know if Amanda will come, but I'm pretty sure the girls will want to."

"Yep, it'll be the 12th of next month. You've been here enough to know the hotels, so I won't bother sending you the information. I know mom will say it's too far to come, but I'm sure she really wants to see you again."

"Same here. Once I get things figured out I'll let you know. Tell Sara I love her and will give her a call in a day or so. Take care, sweetie."

"You too, Uncle Sean. Please give Aunt Amanda and my cousins a hug for all of us."

Then it was time for her dad's family. His parents had passed away in the last years, and the only phone number she had in her contacts was her Aunt Tiffany, so she gave her a call, knowing an email would be way to impersonal. After a few rings a familiar voice began to speak.

"Hello, Maimiti. How's my favorite niece, and why is she treating me to such a surprise?"

"Hi Aunt Tiffany. I'm getting by for now. I wish this was a friendly call, but unfortunately, I have some bad news to share."

She paused, gathering herself so she wouldn't start to cry again.

"Dad died yesterday. He fell asleep and didn't wake up in the morning. Pretty sure it was his heart, as he was having problems. I knew about them, but he never told mom. I think she suspected something."

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know how much you and Sara meant to him. How's your mom doing?"

"Handling it with lots of tears, but she's got a bunch of good friends who are helping her cope with it all. I got in late last night as well."

"If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. Help from 4,000 miles away is difficult, but I'll do whatever I can do. Sara's always been special to us."
