Space Wrecker Ch. 03


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"Yup! The last break was slated for meg-clamp and plasti-plating, but I had them just support it with left over substructure."

I nodded yes.

"I was planning on towing Julie's Xanadu and the Terarza together over to our staging area before separating them, then we strip the Xanadu of any assets."

I smiled at Chree, she was still in her business mode, trying to expand our business.

I was following her as we walked towards the galley, her white furry hips swaying with each step. I could not resist the urge, and reached out and brushed one.

Chree turned, "Mark stop it, I, I, need to get something to eat. Quit distracting me like that or I will not get something to eat. Go radio the Hennessey group!"


"No, I am too sore to play. Go! You have work to do."

"Too sore are you?"

I saw Chree suck in her lower lip, nodding yes, but the slight smile said different. I reached over and took hold of Chree's ears, and pulled her in close. I stuck my tongue into her mouth. I ran my hand down her back until I felt her fluffy tail, digging my fingers under it to where it met her spine. It was time to see in Chree could orgasm just like Julie did with this method.

I started scratching the base of Chree's ears and I worked her tailbone. Chree whimpered trying to dance her way out of my grasp. "Oh my hell that feels good..., but Percherians are not wired like pussy cats, Captain."

When she called me Captain, it struck a chord. She only calls me that when we were role-playing. Therefore, both places were erogenous zones on my bunny girl, but she wasn't wired like my pussy cat to give her an orgasm. However, with just her ears in my hand, that put her into our role-playing mode.

I slid my hand off her tail and slowly cupped a butt cheek, "So that doesn't work does it?"

Chree smiled as we kissed. I slowly fed my hand under her kofers front panel and lightly ran my fingers down across her pubic mound rubbing both of her clitoris hoods.

Chree moaned, "Plalaughra! Dacha telek gooshen!" (Fuck That feels good)

I lightly stoked both of her clitoris hoods some more and she started to shake within my arms. She stuck her tongue into my mouth tasting mine. Her little hand slid over mine as I stroked her. Her claws lightly dug into my hand as she started shaking some more. I curled my fingers to enter her but she shook her head no. "No please, more of this please." As she pushed my hand over her clitoris hoods. "Galveston, I am really sore down there from the last two days...,"

I nodded yes as I traced her labia and clitoris hoods. Chree shook as I rubbed her clitoris hoods. Her short little breaths shot up faster, as she pressed her crotch harder into my hand seeking more stimulus. She started rocking her hips as she pressed my hand harder into sex. Her moaning rose higher as she literally started to dance against me. "OH my hell 'Captain!"

I pulled her ears tighter against my face to drive my tongue deeper into her mouth. Chree let out a loud moan as her legs gave way. She fell to her knees pulling my hand from her neither regions

She balled up both of hers and pressed them against her crotch. I could see the wet spot on her kofer around her tiny hands as her body shook in her post orgasm haze.

I still her ears and pulled them backwards tilting her head up to look at me, I was going to stay something funny when I saw her just staring at my kofer and hard on. She licked her lips in that slow sexy way that Julie does.

Damn it, now both of my mates know my weakness! I pulled my kofer to the side and put my cocks head to her lips. "I thought we discussed this bunny slut, your body belongs to me to do with what I wish. Now open up slut.

Chree's blue on blue eyes opened slightly, but she obeyed and opened her mouth. I pulled Chree onto my cock. I saw her lift herself and knew what she wanted me to do. I was still uncomfortable in this role-playing mode like this, but her eyes got larger as I applied a little pressure and she leaned a little herself in readying herself and throat. I pulled a little more and as my cock went down her throat, she moaned in pleasure. I did not know if I would ever get used to taking her roughly like this, but with a slight push or pull on her ears Chree moaned in pleasure following my directions.

I more I pushed and pulled, the louder Chree moaned. She had pulled her kofer to the side and was playing with herself again.

"God damn it bunny slut, you just had an orgasm!"

I started pulling harder on her ears. After thirty seconds or so I pulled her off, allowing her to breathe for a minute, then pull again. Somehow, Chree timed our orgasms, or mine sent her into hers. Chree shook as I came down her throat. I loosen my grip slightly, but Chree kept me deep in her throat until I could not cum anymore. She rubbed her cheeks hard against my fading hard on. Seeing her do that, I knew I was going to have to up my game. She really wanted me to treat her that badly.

After a bit Chree looked up licking her lips as she rubbed my cock and the few last drops of cum over her cheeks. "Yummy."

I fondled her ears and laughed.

Chree climbed up my waist with a grin, she licked my cheek. I was about to return the grooming when she pulled back, "No please, I wanna sleep with your cock scent all day on my cheeks."

I laughed, "Damn it girl, you really are a bunny slut!"

She pushed me away, then turned and headed into the galley, only to stop after a step or two. Then wiggling her tail at me, just before turning the corner she looked over her shoulder saying, "was there any doubt?"

I threw up my arms and turned around walking away. I had left a shirt in one of the seats side pocket for just this occasion. I threw on the tank top and sat down.

"Hennessey Group, this is UN Galveston, do you copy?"

I got a video request so hit the accept button. A Dakarian appeared on my video feed. I have met several Dakarians, but I never had the honor of seeing the inside one of their ships before. The Dakarian was sitting in a customized chair that fitted his whole body. His black chitin exoskeleton was shinny bright reflecting the ships low lights. His long eight-inch feathery antennae stood straight up and waved as he looked at me.

The bridge or command center was a little different from my perspective. It look tighter, or less roomy than I thought it should. The high back chairs appear to be molded to the two Dakarian's sitting behind the Captain. There video screens were mounted head high on the wall and the touch pad, was a foot or so lower, since it look like they were typing with their second set of arms.

I was still processing what I was seeing when his mandibles started moving, a metallic, synthetized voice spoke. "Captain Walker of UN Galveston, I am Captain Headings of Hennessey one. We have received your model of the Felidae ship, the Conda. We appreciate your thoughtfulness. We should be in orbit and ready to start within three of your standard earth hours."

I placed my open palms together showing I was not holding a weapon, the standard Dakarian greeting. "Well met Captain Headings of Hennessey one."

Captain Headings's chitin mouth plates moved in what I took as a Dakarian smile, then he, it, placed all four of his upper pseudo three fingered hands, slash claws together, "Well met Captain Walker of the UN Galveston."

"Captain Headings, can you give me estimate on a time line here?"

"Our engineers have studied your electronic drawings in detail Captain Walker. They estimate ten to twenty hours to trim away the protruding substructure and twenty four of your standard earth hours to seal the Felidae ship so you can safely move it."

I nodded yes.

"Captain Walker, may we inquire, it appears that you are lining up both halves of the ships to somehow cable them together and bring this Felidae battleship home in one piece?"

I nodded yes, "Yes Captain Headings, the Felidae people wish there ship to come home in one piece, since it still carries their war dead aboard it."

Captain Headings nod was more body movement forward and back, trying to copy a mammalian head movement of yes. He, it, was waving of his two thick black antenna just behind his multifaceted eyes. After thirty or so seconds he said, "The hives general consensus is that this is a good thing. The Felidae people respect their war dead, it shows that they have great honor for their warriors."

"Captain Walker, our engineering staff recommends that we treat the front half as well so both faces will not puncher the sealant. And allow the Felidae people time to remove their war dead without the risk of radiation poisoning. But this will add cost and time, if you so agree."

I nodded yes, "I agree Captain Headings."

"We will work up a new time line and cost estimate and transmit it to you. In the mean time we ask that you turn the front halve of the Felidae battleship sun-wise and move it clear of the two smaller ships that we presume you were going to bridge the hulls size differences."

I nodded yes. "I need move these last two ships out of the debris field, then will turn the front half if that is acceptable."


With the the Conda being taken care of I turned my attention to Julies Xanadu and the torpedo frigate Terarza. As I came in range I saw the meg clamps still held the two ships together. The cutter drones had welded some of the tail sections of the Terarza to the Xanadu. Preliminary analysts said we could tow both as a whole safely. But I allowed the software to run a quick scan. I was glad I did.

As soon as we were nose to nose to the Xanadu I had to send several eight seventy fives over to it with six new meg-clamps. Julies meg clamps were running out of power and needed recharging. With all her meg-clamps safley back in her ships locker, I had one brought aboard for a quick analyze. I did not know if we could savage them, due to not being able to recharge them.

Once locked on, I started to pull both ships higher into orbit. I updated the to do list, adding turning the Conda's front half around, then went through my mail as I started the slow process of pulling the Xanadu and Terarza into higher orbit.


I am sorry to say my son, you are not insane, normally, you inherit your insanity from your kids, which you don't have as of yet. I on the other hand can claim that title. You my son are just mad, bonkers, out of your head. However, I will tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Nevertheless, I have to do the fatherly duty here and ask, two mates my son? Are you not being a little greedy? I don't recall that habit in you before. I do not know if I should be disappointed in you, jealous, or damn proud.

Disappointed, as a loving father trying to teach his son 'some moral values.

Jealous, as any man should be seeing another with TWO woman on his arm.

Damn Proud, to say, Yup, that's my boy. Lol

All I have to say this year's holiday is going to be somewhat interesting. Our family values, or upbringing is, has been centered on a monogamist life style. Your foray into a polygamy and or crèche life style is going to raise a few eyebrows within the family, especially after they learn the detail's and meet both of your wives.

I have already broached the subject with some of your brothers and sister and their respective mates. To gage their reaction. As expected your brothers laughed and said things along the lines of 'way to go little brother,' their mates were a little more, shall we say cautious in their responses. Your sisters rolled their eyes, and their mates, well something along the lines of hero worship. As I expected. Now your mother on the other hand had several words that don't need repeating, but after a day or two she has finial come to accept the idea, I believe she was still hoping, that Garcia girl could have entice you home and planet side. She still hasn't accepted the fact that you are a stardrifter. However, she says she is looking forward to you and your mate's arrival.

Father, your grandfather on the other hand, already knew, wonder how? He has already taken up the role as Clan Leader and is talking with your Aunts and Uncles. Please be aware, your Grandfather has informed me with the latest up dated news, your Aunts, and a one of your Uncle's, not to mention the more conservative of your cousins might be somewhat critical of your life choices. God forbid if they voice something. You and your mates might need to take the higher ground in this matter, and let it go.

To that ends, I had your brother flat plow the front pasture to lay fallow this winter. This field is large enough for you to land the Galveston, giving you and your mates your own place to retreat to, if it comes to that. However, I do not foresee any problems of that nature, but it is best to be prepared if the situation arises. I know you have previously said you did not like to bring your ship planet side, but in this circumstance, I think having to re-till the field to un-compress it, and having a safe haven for you and your mates to escape too, that you just land your ship there.

Second reason I had him flat till the front field, I understand you are planning on stopping at earth for a quick refit before coming home for the holidays. If this is the case, the elctro-mechanical control unit on number four seeder is giving me fits again. So instead of tearing it down and replacing all the bearings on the gear box, again, I decided to order a new seeder this year. I have complained enough to John Deere that they and the field service rep John has finally agreed that it might be a Friday gearbox and will replace the whole seeder under warranty.

I can save the interstellar shipping charges, if you would not mind picking it up and deliver it. To what I understand, the large shipping container can be fitted for any tow hooks and it already has standard cable locks for you to lower it planet side. I am sure you remember how to do a tow in gravity. Let me know if you are ok with this, and your plans.


I sat and thought about it, I foresaw no problems picking up farm equipment and delivering it.


As it sits my plans are still to arrive at earth on the 19th, and outbound no later than the 21st. As for your new seeder, just send the warehouse information and the invoice and I will take care of the rest.

We are currently in orbit around Kazar II waiting on the Hennessey group to coat the back, and front half the Felidae battleship Conda. The heavy Felidae battleship took a missile or rail gun round directly to the reactor and it went critical blowing the destroyer in two. A small portion of the destroyer vaporized, ahead of the reactor compartment. She had above average heavy interior bracing, but somehow lacked the same care to her hull. No telling how many lives were lost on that mistake.

I got my first look into a Dakarian ship, specifically the bridge of The Hennessey group one. And to say it was interesting to see another race's bridge. Something I never thought I would ever see before.

A sort of working domestic life has settled aboard the Galveston, with each of my mates and me taking an eight-hour shift. I have to say this, is the first time, I ever gotten to sleep, more than four to six hours straight while setting up for a tow.

I think I am and my mates are settling into a 'normal' domestic life style. Each has a different personality and mannerism. Each having no problem taking charge in what needs to be accomplished in a tow. Yet domestically Julie Ann reminds me of Yiayiá Nikiti. Strong yet willing to follow Grandfathers lead, only when she thinks its best. Chree is just like my younger sister, Sally. A follower by nature all most submissive like. Yet has the knowledge and fortitude to step up, and be in charge if the circumstances dictate. I am sure you will understand the references. I am just getting used to that aspect of her. I bring these points up so you will know my mate's mannerism's when we visit.

I will leave you with this, 'Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth, and if a man does not know what a thing is, it is at least an increase in knowledge if he knows what it is not.'


I open the next e-mail.

Chuthwa Mark Walker of Clan Walker,

On the other hand, should I use the human term, son-in-law? My mate Mary Ann, or in human terms my wife, she insists that we now call you our son-in-law, but I prefer to use the Felidae-ian term Chuthwa.

In either language, it means near the same and is an honorable term. I could say I was shocked when Rear Admiral Walker called, or I should be saying, Clan Leader Walker now, and informed me Julie Ann has formally requested, to take up the Walker name. However, that would be a lie, since Julie has kept her mother and I informed of your brief courtship and sudden naming ceremony.

I am somewhat disappointed here. You have deprived me of the glaring, intimidation stares and comments that father's get to use on their potential chuthwa's. Something I was looking forward to in Julie Ann's courtship. This is the last, 'hurrah.' A father gets before losing his daughter to another man. Something that you will get to look forward too.

Either way, I happily hired a town criers service and announced to the Felidae-ian people that henceforth Julie Ann Dobbins-Howfio is now known as, Julie Ann Dobbins-Howfio-Walker. So far, the people seem pleased at this arrangement knowing and accepting that you are human and she half-human. Some days, even my people amaze me.

First you fix Julie's and my relation only to steal her away from me before we even got a chance to renew our father daughter relation. I should be mad, but she has informed me of how happy she is. And as a happy, yet concerned father, that is all I can ask. Her mother and I look forward to officially welcoming you and the official joining of our Clans.

Now your grandfather, I need to call him Clan Leader Walker. Has informed me that you requested nothing for the dowry for Julie Ann's hand. I was informed, that you already considered, you got the best part of this deal. I would have to agree with your assessment. Yet the tradition still stands, that I offer a bride price or dowry, something worth as much as I value my daughter.

Would you consider the whole Felidae federation acceptable as her dowry?

Chotoka Howfio, King of the Felidae Federation


I sat their smiling at the screen. For a man I have not even met personally, I have come to appreciate my father-in-law's wit.

King Chotoka Howfio of the Felidae federation:

Your Majesty, Sire, Sir, are all titles worthy of great honor, but none more when you call your father-in-law, dad. No other title shows the respect you have for that person in your life. A worthy title. Dad, I did not steal your daughter away, she graciously allowed me into her life, so I took nothing from you. I am here following the beautiful person that graces both of our lives now.

Your offer of the Felidae federation as a dowry is a mighty gesture, but I am going to have to decline it. There is nothing in the whole Felidae federation that I want or need now that Julie Ann is in my life. I told you I got the best part of this deal. If a dowry price must be paid, then a simple pair of 'Daka' daggers would suffice. Julie had mentioned them in passing since I lack claws.

Not exactly sure if a gifted weapon has the same meaning to your people, but a gifted weapon to mine says, we see each other as equals, two warrior races acknowledging each other prowess in battle. A simple token gesture of a dowry gift, yet a priceless gesture to my people.

A beloved daughter, to join our people, and a simple bladed weapon to show respect, to a fellow warrior race. That simple gesture will say that your people respect my people, as a warrior race. I know my people will read it that way.