Spank a Waitress Wednesday


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"Spank a waitress? Hell yeah," one of them men said. "How many can we buy?"

"No limit. Tickets are two dollars apiece," Denise said.

"I'll take ten," one of the men said. He handed her a twenty-dollar bill, and Denise tore off ten tickets and gave them to the man. Denise took the tickets with the matching numbers and placed them in a fishbowl that was located near the bar, with a sign on it labeled "Spank a Waitress tickets" on it.

By four o'clock the bowl was nearly full, but Jake packed them all in with his hand to make room for more.

It was a quarter to eight in the evening when Denise realized she had personally sold over three hundred tickets in the past six hours, and the fishbowl was overflowing. Every table in the restaurant was full, and Jake opened up an outdoor patio that had a view of the stage to fit more customers in.

Denise was on her way back to the bar to pick up another roll of tickets when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Denise turned around to see Marissa.

"Denise, it's time," Marissa said. "You need to put your nametag in the bowl in the kitchen."

Denise's heart skipped a beat.

"Oh my God," she thought to herself. "Please don't let it be me. Not this time."

Denise walked into the kitchen and saw another fishbowl, this one full of nametags. She saw Candace take the tag off her uniform and drop in into the bowl.

Denise walked up to the bowl and looked inside. There were about fifteen tags inside, with more to come. Denise unclipped the nametag from her uniform and held it over the fishbowl.

"If I get picked, I hope Ally will be right," Denise said, and she let go of her nametag.

The nametag plopped into the bowl, hidden among the others. Denise turned around and went back to work.

At eight o'clock, Jake appeared on stage, and the room quieted.

"May I have your attention?" Jake said. "May I have your attention? It is now time for our weekly Spank A Waitress raffle."

The audience cheered, and Jake continued.

"The lucky winner will get the opportunity to give one of our waitresses a paddling on her sweet heinie. The winner will also get too keep our complementary Joe Bambino's paddle!" Jake said.

He held up a wooden paddle, which had the Joe Bambino's logo painted across it, and placed it on a table on front of him.

"Would my lovely helpers please bring forth the fishbowls?" Jake asked.

Marissa and another waitress emerged from the kitchen, carrying the fishbowls. Marissa carried the bowl with the nametags, while the other waitress carried the one with the tickets. Denise quietly took some drink orders while she watched her coworkers carry up the bowls.

The waitresses placed the bowls on the table in front of Jake and stepped off the stage.

"It is time," Jake said. "To select this week's winner. Choosing the winner will be our esteemed waitress, Miss Marissa Lackey!"

The crowd applauded as Marissa stepped onto the stage. She reached into the bowl, fished around for a good ten seconds, and withdrew one ticket. Marissa read the ticket aloud.

"184739," Marissa read into the microphone. "Would the owner of ticket 184739 come to the stage, you are our winner!"

The diners looked at heir tickets, when one diner stood up.

"I've got it! I am the winner!" the diner said. He was a young man in his early thirties, with blonde hair and long sideburns. He walked up to the stage and handed his ticket to Marissa. Marissa examined his ticket and nodded at Jake. Jake handed the man the Joe Bambino's paddle.

"Congratulations sir," Jake said. "What is your name?"

"Mike Waters," the man said,

"Well Mike, you've won our complementary paddle," Jake said. "But more than that, you win the opportunity to use it. Go ahead and pick your girl."

Jake slid the bowl with the nametags towards Mike, and Mike stuck his hand in the bowl and fished around. Denise's heart raced and she walked back to the kitchen to retrieve the drink orders.

Mike read the nametag aloud.

"Candace Levine," Mike said.

"Candace!" Jake said. "Our lucky girl is chosen yet again. Candace, would you please come to the stage?"

Denise breathed a sigh of relief as she entered the kitchen, and saw Candace standing there absolutely enraged.

"I got picked again? What the hell is this?" Candace screamed to herself. "I'm telling Jake this is complete crap."

Candace walked up to the stage and the crowd applauded as she ascended the steps up towards Jake.

"Congratulations Candace," Jake said. "You're getting the paddle once again."

Candace did not have a microphone, so Denise could not hear what Candace was saying to Jake. She did not look happy. Candace and Jake argued for a few minutes before Jake took up the microphone again.

"I'm sorry, folks, but we need to do a redraw," Jake said.

The audience booed.

"I know, I know, we all love Candace, but she's right. She just got chosen last week and she's still little sore," Jake said. "Mike, you go ahead and choose another girl."

Mike reluctantly reached into the fishbowl as Denise emerged from the kitchen, carrying drink orders towards her table.

Mike removed a nametag, and looked at it. It was blank.

"What's this?" Mike asked. Jake looked at the tag.

"Sorry Mike, a blank one must have gotten in there," Jake said. "Go ahead and choose again."

Mike reached into the bowl a third time and drew out another tag. Denise set the drinks onto her table and braced herself.

"Denise B.," Mike said.

Denise's heart sank. The men at her table knew her already, and they looked at her and smiled. Denise didn't know what to do but smile nervously back at them.

"Miss Byers!" Jake said. "Would Miss Denise Byers please come to the stage?"

Denise backed away from her table. She knew Jake couldn't see her in the dark crowded restaurant. She looked to the door.

"I could run for it," Denise said to herself. "I could make it to the door and never come back."

Denise slowly tuned around, and walked inconspicuously towards the exit.

"Denise Byers?" Jake repeated. "Would Denise Byers come to the stage, you are our winner."

Denise walked towards the exit, only to have someone block her path.

"Marissa!" Denise said.

Marissa stood between Denise and the door.

"Denise, what are you doing?" Marissa asked. "Go up to the stage!"

Denise froze.

"I don't want to, Denise said.

"It's okay; everybody gets nervous," Marissa said. "Come on, I'll walk you there."

"No!" Denise said, pushing her way to the door. "I don't want to do it!"

"Denise Byers, where are you?" Jake said.

"She's here, Jake!" Marissa shouted, waving her hand to get Jake's attention.

"Denise! There you are!" Jake said, looking right at Denise. "Please come to the stage."

Denise didn't know what to do. Everyone in the restaurant was looking at her. Denise couldn't leave, but didn't want to stay. Marissa put her arm around Denise and began to walk her up to the stage.

"Don't mind her folks," Jake said. "Denise is a little shy, but she'll warm up to all of us in a few minutes."

The audience chuckled as Marissa led Denise up to the stage.

"I don't want to!" Denise whispered.

"It's okay!" Marissa said. "I've been spanked twice in the past year; it's not a big deal. It hurts a little, but you'll be fine."

Denise walked up the steps and stood on the stage.

"Let's all give Denise a big hand!" Jake said.

The audience applauded, and Denise turned to face Mike, who had the paddle in his hands and Denise in his sights.

"Denise, I'd like you to meet Mike Waters," Jake said.

"Pleased to meet you, Mike," Denise said.

Denise and Mike shook hands, and then dropped their hands idly to their sides.

"All right, Denise, all we need is for you to bend over this table, and we can get this spanking underway," Jake said.

Denise walked over to the table, and bent all the way over, placing her arms out in from of her.

"No, no, Denise," Jake said. "You need to turn so you are facing away from the audience. Let them see your backside."

Denise couldn't believe he was saying this. Denise had her side facing the audience, but she got up and moved so she was faced way from the audience. The people on the patio had a clear view as well.

"Good," Jake said. "Would you please raise your skirt?"

Denise didn't have a choice. She found her self reaching around, and lifting her skirt all the way up and exposing her thong-covered bottom to the entire room.

"Let's tuck that away so it doesn't fall back down," Jake said, as he tucked Denise's skirt into her apron string, preventing it from falling back down.

"Okay Mike, she's all yours," Jake said. "Swing away."

Mike did not need to be told twice. He raised the paddle high in the hair, and brought it down against Denise's exposed bottom.

SMACK! The sound of the paddle striking Denise's bare flesh shook the room. The audience cheered while Denise cringed.

"Did that just happen?" Denise asked herself. The force of the paddle left her in a state of shock.

Mike swung the paddle again, and smacked Denise's buttocks a second time.

SMACK! The second stroke confirmed Denise's worst fears. This was not a dream; she would not wake up from this. She was actually being spanked in front of a room full of people.

This realization made Denise suddenly feel very self-conscious and exposed. She wanted to cover herself, both to protect her bottom from another stroke of the paddle as well as from the watchful stares of hundreds of people.

SMACK! Denise cringed. This was both painful and humiliating. When would it end? How many strokes would she receive?

SMACK! Marissa and Candace watched from the floor.

"She's reddening already," Marissa said. "You can tell it's her first time."

"Better her than me," Candace said. Candace wasn't even watching the action; she continued to take orders from customers while they kept their eyes focused on the stage.

SMACK! Denise clutched the table, but the pain sunk in anyway. She needed a way to escape this. She needed a way to have this whole situation disappear.

SMACK! There was no way out. Denise was stuck here, stuck on this stage, bent over, getting her backside paddled by this man she has never met before. Denise kept her legs straight, and her whole body was tense. The muscled in her bottom were tighter than they had ever been in her life, as she tried to subdue the pain.

SMACK! Tensing up only made it worse. Denise's bottom was bright red, and she knew that unless she relaxed, the pain would drive her crazy.

The crowd was hooting and hollering, absolutely loving every second of it.

"Take off her panties!" Denise heard a man in the audience shout.

"Oh God," Denise thought. "Don't make me take my panties off. Please, let me keep my panties o-"

SMACK! The stroke of the paddle cut Denise's thought short.

Denise clutched the table with her hands. She could not believe this was happening. Denise closed her eyes, and blocked out everything. Everything but the painful burning of her bottom.

"If I can just hold still like this," Denise thought, "and block out everything, I can last until this whole thing is over."

Denise froze completely still, and she was able to block out the cheers and shouting from the excited audience. She almost would have blocked out the pain as well if not for one cry that got her attention.

"Pull off her panties!" she heard someone shout again. The rest of the audience cheered in agreement.

Jake took the microphone.

"I'm sensing a consensus here," Jake said. "Do we want Miss Byers to lose her panties?"

The crowd cheered with excitement.

"You heard them Mike," Jake said. "Go ahead and pull them off."

"No," Denise cringed. "I can't believe this."

Mike set his paddle aside, and grabbed the waistband of Denise's panties. Denise squeezed her thighs together in a vain attempt to dissuade him from pulling them off. Sensing her resistance, Mike gave Denise a hard pinch on her buttocks.

"Come on babe, let 'em go," Mike said.

The pinch hurt, almost as much as the paddle. Denise realized there was no fighting this, and she relaxed her muscles. Mike pulled the waistband towards himself and easily slid Denise's panties down to her ankles. The crowd cheered when they saw Denise's completely naked bottom.

"There you go folks," Jake said. "Mike, take it away. You got twelve more to go."

"Twelve more?" Denise thought. "I'll never make it."

Mike looked at Denise's bare bottom and smiled. He was enjoying this, and was in no hurry to finish. He raised the paddle high in the air, and took another swing.

SMACK! Without the benefit of panties, Denise felt the sting of the paddle much more distinctly against her exposed buttocks. Mike swung again.


Denise was trembling. Everything about the situation made her uncomfortable. The pain, the humiliation, and even the fact that the other waitresses showed no signs of sympathy.


Each stroke felt worse than the last, and she could feel the blistering on her bottom begin to set it. A gush of air from the kitchen door opening and closing gave Denise a feeling of much needed relief as the draft soothed the burning in her buttocks.


Mike spanked Denise again and again, and Denise was certain she had gotten the twelve strokes that were promised.

"Last one, Mike," Jake said. Denise breathed a sigh of relief. "Make this one count."

Mike wound the paddle and swung as hard as he could.


The sound ricoched off the walls and the force reverberated throughout Denise's body.

"Well done, Mike!" Jake said. "Take a look at that derriere. That's what I call red!"

Denise's bottom was as red as the evening sun, and it stung worse than a sunburn. Denise struggled to bring herself to her feet.

"Give her a hand folks," Jake said. "She took all twenty and she's still looking fine."

Denise rose to her feet and faced the audience. Everyone cheered, and Denise realized with her skirt folded up and her panties still around her ankles, she was completely exposed from the waist down. Denise stooped down and pulled up her panties, and groaned and she pulled them back over her sore bottom. She then untucked her skirt and let it cover her once again.

"Denise, I want to thank you for being such a good sport about this all," Jake said.

Denise forced a smile, and Jake wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. Denise awkwardly accepted. Jake turned back to Mike.

"Mike, once again, congratulations."

Mike's friend howled as he walked back to his table smiling, holding his prized paddle. He passed it around the table for everyone to admire.

Denise didn't make eye contact with anyone. She stepped off headed straight for the kitchen, rubbing her bottom the entire way.

"You know you're allowed to go home early if you've been spanked," Marissa said as Denise walked by.

"I didn't know that," Denise said.

"Well, go home, get some rest."

Denise didn't look back.

Despite her humiliating experience, Denise Byers continued to waitress at Joe Bambino's for another year. She was selected for a spanking on numerous occasions over that time, and she accepted each one with grace. Before long, Spank a Waitress Wednesday became a media sensation, and Joe Bambino's was put on the map. Several other restaurants in the chain adopted the event, and soon it went nationwide.

Denise eventually got a job at a law firm. Despite enjoying her new job much more, her experiences at Joe Bambino's were the ones Denise Byers never forgot. Denise's roommate, Ally, eventually applied for, and got a job at Joe Bambino's. After she broke up with Derik, Joe Bambino's was Ally's only source for the spankings she sorely needed.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

you dont have to include her if its changes the script and there is always another Nude Day

TotzmanTotzmanover 1 year agoAuthor

It's possible...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Could Denise Byers appear on Nude Secretary Day where her Law firm has a contract negotiation with Albert.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It sounds sereal but it's not

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
My wife had a similar experience while in college!

While back home for the Summer in Rockport, Texas, she got a job waitressing at a honky tonk. And in order to ramp up business during a slow night, this establishment had a spanking contest. Two teams of girls played at foosball. The winners got 200 bucks each and the losers . . Yep, you guessed it, the losers were spanked. The bar had a raffle with 20% going to a local charity. Three local men won and sat in a circle with hairbrushes in their laps. Each team had a manager who could substitute in, so three girls were at risk.

My wife Janice is a very cute 5’3” with a great ass. I could see why any man would love to spank her.

Anyway, it was a taunt, highly-contested match. And Janice’s team lost 4 games to 3. So, it was her, and her friend and fellow waitress Carol, as well as hostess Tina. One of the real managers Holly led the girls over to the three men. Each man took a girl and placed her over his lap. At this point, my wife had no idea that she would actually be going over all three laps.

Holly announced, “On the count of three, I want to hear three good spankings, with squeals and leg kicks. The panties will stay up, for now. But I want to see those lower cheeks red! One, two . ”

Janice felt her skirt being pulled up and her spanker taking a firm hold round her waist. Holly announced, “ . . and Three!” and the spanking was on. My wife knew in the abstract that a spanking would hurt, but she had no idea just how much. Her man started with firm solid blows alternating between her two cheeks, but he progressed to five hard blows right in the middle of each cheek, and then five hard blows to her lower cheeks unprotected by panties. Janice said that definitely made a difference. She heard the other two girls saying the occasional “Oh”, or “humpf,” or drawing a gasp of air. Tina seemed to be suffering more than Carol. And then Janice realized she was making the same noises.

The spanking was to be the length of a song, although it seemed a rather long song. And then the girls got up and rotated to the next man. Janice tried not to rub her ass too obviously, in order to avoid giving the men the satisfaction.

As they started the next song, she realized why Tina had been suffering more. Janice’s new spanker spanked MUCH harder. He peppered both her cheeks with hard, fast strokes. And as with her last spanker, he focused a lot of attention on the exposed and vulnerable lower ass flesh. Janice felt her hand edging down to try to protect her ass, but then he locked her hand in his free hand and put a stop to that nonsense. Janice could feel herself kicking. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but just couldn’t help it. And she could hear herself starting to plead a little, “Oh, not so fast. Please not quite so fast.” Janice was surprised by her own politeness, but I guess when you’re over a lap receiving a sound spanking, politeness pays, or at least is the best bet. In any case, it didn’t work. Her man continued to spank fast and hard. Finally, finally . . . the song came to an end.

But then Holly said, “On the count of three, how about another 30 seconds really hard and fast (Janice heard Carol say, ‘Oh, Shit’ at this point). So, . . One, Two, . . and Three!”

And Janice’s spanker went extra hard and fast, up one cheek and down the other, and then five, six, seven solid whacks to lower left cheek, and the same number if not more to lower right! Janice later explained to me how she really tried to buck and scramble off his lap, but to no avail.

When let up, all three girls did an Indian war dance, not giving a damn about what the men or the audience thought. Janice remembers camera flashes going off.

As Janice, Carol, and Tina were pulled across the third lap, Holly announced, “These poor behinds are so red, I think we’ll give each of you a choice. And we’ll start with Tina. Tina dear, you have a choice between a regular spanking with the hairbrush or a bare-hand spanking. But if it’s bare-hand, it’s going to also have to be bare bottom. So, Tina, which will it be, hairbrush on the panties, or bare bottom.” In a quiet voice, Tina said, “bare bottom.”

Holly gave Janice the same choice. After a pause, my wife heard herself quietly whisper, “ . . bare bottom.” Carol struggled with it a little, being a good church girl and all. But when Tina said, “He’s a really hard spanker,” and Janice added, “Yeah, he is,” Carol finally said, “ . . bare . . ”

The girls had their panties pulled down their legs to around their knees. A new song started, and the spankings begun afresh. Just the sound of bare hand on bare ass, well, it sounded much fleshier and dirtier and more personal. At one point, Janice saw Carol’s panties fly straight up in the air. They must have worked their way down her legs with the kicking, finally to catch on her tennis shoes and then be projected straight up. When Janice couldn’t find her panties afterwards, she figured something similar happened to her. And she has confessed to me that she knew this last spanker could see both her tight little asshole and also the pink lips of her pussy, and maybe even the swollen knob of her clitty. She found the spanking both painful and undeniably sexually arousing.

After this last spanking, the three girls did a more restrained war dance, trying to face away from the audience so that pussies would not be seen. More restrained because it was a hard spanking after all.

They went into the back area, fixed themselves up a little (Carol and Janice still panty-less), and then circulated for about twenty minutes bringing drinks, and really gunning for tips of which they got a considerable amount. The three culprits then quickly hugged in the parking lot and took off separately.

My wife went banging on her then boyfriend’s window, and the two had really satisfying sex and very deep into the night.

I married Janice about four years after this. And if you haven’t guess, yep, of course, she’s a spankaholic. Maybe this event merely awakened something, or maybe it was a big part of the cause. I have learned to read my wife’s moods, when she wants medium hard, and when she’s itching for the relief that only a really hard one will provide.

We’ve thought about some of these big spanking parties — there really are such things! — and merely considering it adds to our fantasies and we probably will do it one fine day. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

The money for the tickets should have went to the spanked waitress.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
50-50 between staff and spankee

The waitress selected to be paddled gets half the raffle money, and the rest is divided evenly among the staff. This sets up all kinds of delicious permutations. For example, a waitress legitimately does not want to be spanked, but it's a big night for the pocketbook. A waitress maneuvers so that her rival and "frenemy" is spanked. The prospect of being spanked is a sexual turn-on for one particular waitress but she loves the social context of being "forced" into it.

And how might the dastardly deed be pulled off? One method is to keep a second name tag in the refrigerator and put this one in the fishbowl. And then a friend reaches her hand in and theatrically circles the name tags around. What she's really doing is parking the cold one. And with a magicians flourish, she reaches in a second time and there you have it. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Who got the raffle money?

Surely the spankee?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Love this story. Yes it could do with a little editing to make it more consistent. When I read it I imagine Denise is wearing a "Tilted Kilt" uniform.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A perfect gem just as it is!

This story has so many fun elements! Our "esteemed waitress Marissa" reaching in and drawing the nametag from the fishbowl. Candace saying she's going to tell Jake this is complete crap and then the visual, but not the audio, of her arguing with him.

And I knew Denise would be picked. I just didn't know how you'd dance to it. ;-) Nicely done!

Now, to the person talking about the possibility of Rio panties and pulling them deep into the crack, that would make a fine alternate story. But I like this story just as it is. I like the embarrassment and humiliation of taking down her panties even though there's no "need" to!

I think fiction often works better when it's written quickly. And maybe just one pass through with the editing in case there's anything glaring, including an omission of not following through with a character. And that's it.

So, Totzman and everyone else, please keep writing, and fast. Any mistakes merely become part of the texture!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
love the Vegas elements!

The scruffy manager who loves to hear himself talk, the skimpy uniforms, the customer with the silver eagle necklace. All of it comes together to make the story work. Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Loved this one. Think I will play this out with my husband tonight.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
an idea full of imagination

...It seemed a little forced though. Let's start at the end, just like a spanking, heh You wrapped it up in a "happily ever after" way, which comes across as childish. Then you wrote about Ally "now" AFTER writing about "years later" for Denise. Like any timeline, the soonest information should go first with the later statements following later.

You never mentioned Denise shedding any tears during her paddling. She took her smacks very stoically, which to me suggests that the paddling wasn't THAT hard or you left them out. Now a spanking (via a hand) MIGHT be something that tears could be avoided, but typically, tears are an expression of self pity, as in the humiliating experience of being paddled on stage, then having her panties pulled down would make a person feel more humiliation than they could bear, combined with the pain, would have a result of tears falling. After 24 paddlings, Denise; a first time spanked girl, would have tears falling freely or she would have been transported to "subspace" (look in Wiki under "subspace (bdsm)".

The concept of someone looking "red" days after a "spanking" is completely a myth. Usually, redness fades within a couple of hours. Bruises on the other hand are quite commonplace during and after a paddling, however, only if the edge of the paddle is squared. If it is sufficiently rounded, then bruises would not occur. The blows are spread out over a large area, opposed to a switch for instance which is small and not rounded enough and bruising occurs most prevalently where the tip hits.

Using a paddle is very difficult, especially if the swinger is raising their hand up as high as thy can at the top of the swing. At that point, even with a highly muscled bottom, it is possible that the blow could be hard enough to bruise the bone. These are the hardest bruises to heal, and thus take a long time to heal properly.

While it's "fun" to think that a heiny can take any amount of punishment dished out to it, the reality is it can't.

Likewise, while spankings don't hurt "days afterwards", this is also a myth. Pain is often aglow for about an hour later, but diminishes "too quickly" for many spankaholic.

Rarely does a submissive ever do an "ouchy dance" afterwards, if ever, though rubbing does occur. You didn't mention that but I thought I'd put that out there.

I think the concept that Denise's panties were lowered was "cute" but it pushed reality too far off into fantasy. Connected with someone else's comment, I'll agree that a thong doesn't cover enough to warrant lowering them. I think this could have handled better by having a "Rio" style bathing suit bottom panty (which covers half of each cheek), and then when the crowd yells for more, Denise's panties are pulls up into her butt crack. This is less humiliating than lowering them, true, but it also causes naughty bits to get rubbed, possibly stimulating her enough to cause her to "rethink" the whole, "spankings are bad" concept. In the end, she would be more inclined to think Ally was right.

You never mentioned that Ally was told about the spankings on Wednesdays. I think it could have been explored that Ally might have given Denise an, albeit light, spanking after Denise got dressed up. This would prompt Ally to trying it out her own spanking with her boyfriend. Missed opportunity there.

I think you should have had another spanking in there. You sought of did an "off camera" spanking with Ally and her boyfriend, but I think you could have added something like; that Denise "enjoyed" her spanking (really a paddling) so

much that she went home with her boyfriend (or that random guy she met and learned his name but who didn't pop up again in the story), who, when they get to her apartment, pulls down her panties and gave her a spanking. Denise relives in her mind her paddling in front of the crowd and imagines this time her panties are lowered at the same time her bf does it for real. they have great sex afterwards and Denise becomes an spanking addict.

Contrary to all of that, as I first stated, the story is imaginative and what you wrote, you wrote well enough.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Spanking can be very erotic, but this story is simply ridiculous in the telling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
A little confusing...

Was Denise wearing panties or a thong on the night she was spanked? I don't think the author has ever worn (or spanked someone wearing) a thong :-) -- a thong covers nothing in back but the waist. Pulling them down wouldn't expose any more of her derriere than had been exposed before. If you want the "pull them down, lose the bit of protection" idea, maybe her uniform undies should be a bikini? Otherwise, nice story!

gotranegotranealmost 16 years ago
Great Read, But A Little "Something" Missing

Great story, but there's a little something missing. Ally and Denise had it all going, except one thing. You gave all the hints of a little "something" between them, but there's no follow through! There's an area of exploration for the sequel, and maybe more. The only other thing is I wouldn't mind seeing the waitresses wearing pantyhose with their uniforms ala Hooters! That would help in the pain and exposure department.

sexysmilesexysmileabout 16 years ago
Poor Denise!

I really liked your story, but I agree it needs proofreading. The errors are minor and could easily be fixed by having a fresh set of eyes go over the story before submission! It was hot and I will read your other work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Only one complaint.

I loved the story, but, you need a proof reader to check your stories, it was kind of hard to keep up with, with words missing that should have been there. Otherwise, GREAT STORY!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
In a word:


AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
what fun!

I simply loved all aspects of the story...the imagery, the pacing, the storytelling...and of course, the spanking! Well done!

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