Special Ring Ch. 07


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Emmy and the other girls smiled.

Ashara: You think so, Mom? Do you really think he just needs time?

Salani (smiled): Yes, I think all he needs is time to think and remember he still has all of you in his life; instead of only thinking about what he has lost.

They all sat back, still crying when Ulia and Kendra came in with wash cloths and a drink for all of them. The girls thanked them and Emmy made a decision to erase Angela and Mika from Ulia and Kendra's minds and to say Megan would be back in a week instead of having to break the magical deaths to them.

I was so upset that I turned off the mind link between myself and the girls and laid back on the bed just thinking about how I got two girls killed and one was forced to become a djinn that I was supposed to protect. Emmy came knocking on the door a few hours later and asked if she could come in. I told her to please give me time to think.

Emmy (spoke from the other side of the door): Master please do not let what happened to you mess up the life you were planning with all of us. Cre said he would give them all good lives and each of them will receive a Djinn.

I told her I know; I just need time to be alone for a little while.

Emmy: Of course, Master. Please come back to us soon.

I stayed lying on the bed for about four hours, just staring at the ceiling thinking about how badly I messed up. All the pain of losing Angela and Mika hit me at once and I lost it. I broke down crying over the loss. I seemed to cry myself to sleep. I slept probably for about thirty minutes until I was woke up by a loud popping sound coming from the bathroom. I got up and walked into the bathroom. As soon as I walked in the door slammed shut behind me and the Dark Djinn was there in front of me; fully naked, bent over running water in the bathtub.

Dark Djinn (looked over at me with a smile): Do you mind if I take a bath while I talk to you? I promise you have nothing to fear from me right now.

I looked at her with a confused look on my face and asked if she was not here to kill us, then why was she here.

Dark Djinn (smiled a smile that reminded me of Emmy's): Well first thing, I know what happened at the pyramids today. Second, I came to make you an offer. While my counterpart cannot grant the wish of bringing those girls back to life, I can, and if you break the connection with her, I will grant the wish and bring them back.

She sank into the tub and pushed the soap suds over her body.

I looked at her and said you just want me to break the connection with Emmy so you can kill her. I already lost two girls I loved today. I will not lose another.

Dark Djinn (smiled): So you will let two girls be taken by death and another forced to be a Djinn to keep one alive?

I said actually I will let them live a new happy life to protect two lives.

Dark Djinn (gave me a confused look): What do you mean, two lives. I am only aiming at your Djinn?

I walked toward her. She got a nervous look on her face and stood up in the tub. As I got close to her, I reached out and put my hand on her cheek and said it is not just Emmy's life I want to protect; it is yours as well. If Emmy dies, you die as well.

Dark Djinn (got a surprised look on her face): Why would you want to protect me? I am not one of your girls and I have been trying to kill you and her since I was created. So why are you trying to protect my life?

I put my hand on her shoulder and told her to sit back in the tub again and I would explain it to her in my own way while I helped wash her hair. She sat back in the tub and looked up at me. I told her even though she had been trying to kill us all this time, I never held it against her and I always wanted to get close to her and maybe change both our lives. I put shampoo into her hair and started washing her hair.

Dark Djinn: Why would you try that with someone that has been targeting you from the beginning?

I smiled and said because you are a part of Emmy, but that is not the only reason. I reached out and put my hand on her cheek and said it is also because you are beautiful.

Dark Djinn (nuzzled against my hand then looked up at me again): Why are you saying these things? I am pure hatred, basically chaos, so why would you treat me so kindly? Especially now after you lost those girls?

I told her that it is because I lost those girls that I am able to say this. Even though she was not part of my life, she was in another way, and I did not want to lose her or any of my other girls.

Dark Djinn (blushed for a moment stood up): I picked a name for myself and you can call me Fumée. But for now I will leave. I have a lot to think about.

I pulled her close to me and gave her a kiss on the cheek and said for her to come back anytime I enjoyed talking to her. Fumée blushed, pushed me away, and disappeared. I shook my head and chuckled. She had left with her hair full of shampoo.

As I walked out of the bathroom Emmy, Ashara, Erica, and Lisa were standing there with a sad look on their faces. I walked over to them wrapped my arms around all of them and pulled them in for a group hug.

They cuddled up to me and Emmy: Master, is everything alright?

I smiled told them that I was still sad at losing the other girls, but I am glad I still have them.

Emmy and the others smiled: Master, we are glad. We can be here for you and each other but I sense something happened during the time you were in the room alone. Our connection was turned off by you.

I sat on the bed and explained everything that had happened while I was in the room without them.

Emmy: Wow, so the Dark Djinn appeared here and talked to you calmly without attempting to kill you and as always you were kind to her, got to touch her, wash her hair, and she gave you a name to call her by?

Ashara: I figured it would happen sooner or later, but for you to actually be able to sit down and talk to her without a fear of death is kind of amazing.

I smiled and said that Fumée would be back soon, but for now we need to try and get back to our lives. They all came and sat down on the bed beside me.

Emmy (smiled): Master, I would like to modify our collars a little. I would like to add Angela and Mika's birthstones to them and put Megan's combined with mine so that we will always hold them in our hearts.

I agreed and made the wish. The collars reformed a little and the 2 stones were added onto each of their collars. No sooner than the collars were modified I watched Lisa fall back on the bed and pass out. Worried, I jumped up and sat next to her tapping her gently on the cheeks.

Lisa (woke up about ten minutes later looked up at me): I am fine, Master. I just got hit by all the knowledge Cre gave me all at once. It was like an overload of electricity going through my head.

I leaned over and gave her a kiss and said I was glad she was ok.

Lisa (smiled brightly): Master, I can now make vessels and seal stuff. Let's skip the club tonight and get the artifacts sealed immediately, we just need to get some stuff first.

I told Emmy to work with Lisa and use her free will ability to get the items Lisa will need. I grabbed Ashara and Erica and walked with them to the parlor where Salani was sipping a rum and coke.

We sat down with her and Ulia came in a moment later: Master, Mistresses, can I get you any drinks?

I told her to bring us the same thing Salani was drinking. Ulia bowed and turned to leave when Ashara smacked her on the ass. Ulia turned back to her and gave a wicked little smile before leaving the room.

Salani (laughed): So, I guess the mood has lightened, at least a little. You do not seem as sad as you did before.

I told her everything that had happened in the room and told her if I stayed sad, then it would dishonor Angela and Mika's last wish since they told us to live our lives in happiness.

Salani (looked at me with a little confusion): So the Dark Djinn came here, talked calmly to you, let you touch her, and even picked a name for herself.

I nodded my head yes.

Salani: Looks like she wants to stick around. From what you said about her before, she was only out to kill. Now she came to talk and picked a name for herself.

I nodded and watched as Emmy and Lisa came into the room carrying a bag full of stuff. Lisa set the bag on the ground and told me to scan the vase in the safe with the tablet. I walked over to the wall safe and opened it up and scanned the vase with the tablet. Once the information appeared on the screen, I took it back over to Lisa and showed it to her.

Lisa: This is going to require a five-star seal to lock away permanently.

She started pulling items out of the bag and put down a square cloth on the floor.

Lisa (looked at Emmy): Sweetie, please float the vase over here and put it in the dead center of the cloth.

Emmy nodded her head and the vase floated calmly over to the cloth. Lisa had already drawn a star on the spot where the vase sat and started drawing stars in each of the corners. After the stars were drawn, she pulled out four pieces of metal from the bag and set them on the four corner stars. Lisa sat down next to the cloth and started saying a few words followed by a chant. After a few minutes of this she stopped and the four pieces of metal started glowing then it was almost like the vase was a magnet, the four pieces of metal shot toward it. Between the starting point and the vase the pieces of metal liquefied and formed around the vase, then solidified. The stars appeared around the metal form. Lisa opened her eyes and picked up the ball with stars around it.

Lisa (smiled): Well Master, this item is sealed and locked away permanently. The only way someone can open this seal is if they have the same knowledge I have. (She looked at Salani) Is there a place we can lock the sealed items away? Where they will never see the light of day.

Salani (smiled): Actually, yes. There is a place that no one can get into under this house. You can have Emmy teleport the items you seal into that space. It's under the house below the 5th floor basement level.

I asked why there was a room down that far not connected to the house.

Salani (smiled): It was gonna be a secret room, used for the most dangerous items, but I never got the room finished due to stuff at the company.

I told Emmy to make a link between the hidden room and herself so we can teleport stuff down there anytime.

Emmy (nodded and glowed for a moment): Master, it is done. It's about half the size of the fifth floor basement.

I said good, because anything we do not destroy will be sent down there. I asked Salani if there were any axes or sledgehammers on the property anywhere.

Salani: there were both in the gardening shed out behind the pool house.

I sent Lisa and Ashara out to the shed to get what we needed.

Salani: Can I come and watch what is about to happen? My family has spent generations collecting that stuff. I want to see which stuff was actually dangerous.

I nodded my head yes and told her she could join us if she wanted to. Lisa and Ashara came back a few minutes later and said let's get this done. We walked to the elevator and Salani called to Ulia and Kendra that we would be back in a little while. We hit the button to floor three and started riding down. After a few minutes the elevator doors opened and we stepped off. Lisa ran to the first item we had marked to be sealed and asked me to scan it. I scanned it and it came up saying a normal seal would be good enough.

Lisa setup her stuff and started putting a one star seal on it while the other girls took axes and the sledgehammers and started destroying the items we marked destroy. I took another sledgehammer and went to the spear of Genghis Khan and was about to swing it when Fumée appeared between me and the spear. All the girls stopped what they were doing, except for Lisa, who was in the middle of sealing an item.

Fumée: Sorry for interrupting. But since you were so nice to me earlier, I figured I would return the favor this once. The scan you did on this spear was from only one side.

Fumée grabbed the spear and turned it over and said to scan it again. I scanned it and it came up saying the spear was a cursed item that if destroyed it would cause the person that did it to go mad with anger and try to kill everyone around them. Fumée looked at me, then at Emmy and blew her a kiss, before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Emmy (blushed deep red): Master, I felt no anger or hatred from her this time. All I felt was fear and small amount of hope from her. I think she is starting to change little by little. I hate to say this, but you should leave the tablet with Salani and let her do the scanning. We will continue to work on this stuff while you go back upstairs. I think Fumée wants you alone.

I agreed and handed Salani the tablet told her how to use it properly and got on the elevator to go back upstairs.

I walked to the bedroom and once inside stripped naked and lay on the bed. A moment later, Fumée appeared in a puff of smoke at the foot of the bed.

Fumée (looked at me): Well you are naked and I am naked. What did you want to do?

I told her nothing I just got naked to show I was not hiding anything that I just wanted to talk to her and patted the bed beside me.

Fumée (crawled up the bed slowly): I am not sure about you still but I can see you are trustworthy right now.

Fumée (crawled up next to me and lay down on her left side facing me. She gave me this half sultry and half smug smile): Well, if you were not thinking about having sex with me what did you want to do?

I reached over and touched her cheek she closed her eyes and pushed her face against my hand. I told her I just wanted to talk to her for a bit if that was OK.

Fumée (opened her eyes and looked at me with a sort of disappointed look in her eyes): Only talk? I thought....never mind. If you want to talk, let's talk.

I sat up and faced her. She joined me sitting upright and pushed herself forward till our knees were touching. I asked Fumée why she suddenly got so social with me and why she was not trying to kill me anymore.

Fumée (smiled): Well, I was out to kill you all this time until what happened at the pyramids. When I saw the pure hurt over losing those girls, I saw something in you I felt since I was created.

I gave her a confused look and asked what she meant.

Fumée: You were hurting and showed anger, confusion, and sadness but at the same I saw you were still kind and still had a lot of love in your heart. I have never felt love, so when I saw it mixed with all those other emotions, I felt the need to explore, but I do not trust anyone right now.

I reached over and put my hand on her right shoulder and pulled her over to me I bent my head down a little and went in for a kiss. When our lips met at first she pulled back and looked at me and brought her hand up to her lips and touched them.

I asked her what was wrong her answer was only to press her lips against mine and really went for a full out kiss. Our lips parted and we shared an intense kiss. She wrapped her arms around me and I did the same, pulling her naked body against mine basically putting her in my lap. Having this hot little raven haired beauty naked in my lap started making my cock stiffen. She felt it and broke the kiss off to look down and see my cock pushing its way up between us. Fumée let out a gasp when she felt it pressing against her pussy then looked back up at me with the same look Emmy gave me when we were about to sleep together the first time. I put my hand on Fumee's face and said I did not want to rush her into sleeping with me, that I wanted to take my time and get to know her.

Fumée (blushed): What if I said I did not want to wait? I have watched you, my counterpart, and the other girls having sex countless times and I am curious about it.

I pulled her in for another kiss and said I want to wait a few more days but what if I asked you out on a date just me, you, and Emmy.

Fumée: What is a date and why bring my counterpart on it?

I smiled and said it's an intimate outing between people that like each other and why I want to bring Emmy is so they can talk and see what I see in both of them.

Fumée (gave a partial smile): how about this we will have this date soon, just me and you, and then depending on how it goes, we will have another one the next day with my counterpart.

I smiled, leaned in for another kiss, and after we broke it off, I said that sounded good that I would plan a good date for us.

Fumée (jumped up from the bed smiled): OK then I will see you tomorrow.

She was about to disappear when I stopped her. I asked her where she has been staying.

Fumée: Anywhere I want to sleep. No one can see me unless I want them to except for you and those connected to you.

I smiled at her and watched as she blushed again and told her this house was huge and there were guest rooms. I could give her a place to stay for the night the girls would not mess with her if I asked them not to.

Fumée (cocked her head to the side): You would allow me to stay here in the house with you and your girls? Why would you do that?

I pulled her into my arms again and planted a kiss on her lips then pulled back a little looked her right in the eyes and said I wanted her to stay close by. Fumée's pale skin turned crimson red right when she was about to open her mouth to say something the girls all came running into the room. Fumée got a fearful look on her face and backed into me and vanishing before the girls could say anything.

Emmy: Sorry Master, we were coming in to tell her to stay but I guess rushing in was too much.

I shook my head and told them not to worry about it Fumée agreed to go on a date with me alone.

Lisa: Master, are you sure being alone with her is a safe thing to do?

I smiled and said trust me, if she wanted to kill me she would have done it while we were alone in the room together.

Erica (smiled at the trust me remark): Lisa, I think the master is right. He made each of us fall for him. When we scared Fumée she backed straight into the master. If she still wanted to kill him, she wouldn't trust him with her back.

Emmy: I agree with Erica. I think Fumée is starting to change little by little. The Master has a way with woman, magical or normal, hehe. So master, when is this date gonna happen?

I laughed and told her I did not know yet I will leave it up to Fumée to decide. I asked them how the sealing and destruction of the artifacts was going.

Emmy (smiled): Well Master, we sealed about fifteen artifacts on the third basement floor and destroyed another twenty. The third floor is complete. We decided we will do the fourth floor tomorrow.

I gave each of them a kiss, they each stripped naked and crawled into bed with me.

Lisa: Master, I am really tired tonight. Sealing all that stuff took a lot out of me. Can we just hold onto each other and get some sleep?

I kissed her and the other girls and told them each goodnight. We curled into our entwined limbs sleeping position and fell asleep in minutes. During the night, I had a dream like I did when I was unlocking the ring for Emmy to appear but this dream was vivid and very clear. Emmy appeared next to me and took my hand as we started walking up the path that was before us.

We walked together for what seemed about an hour when we came upon a beautiful field covered in roses and chrysanthemums. In the center of the field sat Megan naked and glowing. Emmy let go of my hand and ran over to her. As Emmy got close to her Megan stopped glowing and grabbed Emmy, pulling her into an intimate hug followed by a kiss. I walked over calmly.

Megan (looked at me smiled one of her gorgeous smiles and jumped into my arms): Hi Master. I am so happy to see you. Hold on a second. Megan glowed for a moment then Lisa, Erica, and Ashara all appeared in the field with us. Megan smiled, Glad to see all of you again. My powers are still activating right now. I can only use my abilities to bring you all here while you're asleep.
