Spellman Ch. 11


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The best way for me to work through my feelings had always been exercise, so I swung by my apartment to change and then headed to the gym. Just like last Saturday, I found myself hitting my workout at a much higher level of intensity than usual. My headphones were blasting my heavy rock workout playlist and I let the power and raw emotion of the music drive me forward.

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the


Guitars and drums paced my steps as I ran on the treadmill at a quick double-time.

One, nothing wrong with me

Two, nothing wrong with me

Three, nothing wrong with me

Four, nothing wrong with me

One, something's got to give

Two, something's got to give

Three, something's got to give


I worked up a nice sweat with my warmup run, getting my blood pumping before hitting the weights.

Wait, I'm coming undone

Irate, I'm coming undone

Too late, I'm coming undone

What looks so strong, so delicate

Wait, I'm starting to suffocate

And soon I anticipate

I'm coming undone

What looks so strong so delicate

Down. Up. Down. Up

I'm trying to hold it together

Head is lighter than a feather

Looks like I'm not getting

Not getting better

Down. Up. Down. Up.

I finished a set and sat up on the bench, breathing heavily and dripping sweat. Grabbing my towel, I wiped my face and hair. When I looked up I found someone standing in front of me. Miss Triple G herself. I finished wiping myself and the bench down before taking out my headphones.

"Hey. Sorry if you were saying something, I was really blasting my music."

"I just wanted to apologize again for how I talked to you the other day."

"Like I said, it's no big deal," I gave a little wave of my hand as I stood up. "I get feeling a bit hostile to guys in general. I'm sure it's not the first time you've had to tell someone off like that, and I bet it can get exhausting."

She nodded. "Yeah, it can. I've even thought about switching gyms but this one is really convenient to my house and to work, so I just put up with it."

"What do you do for work?" I asked.

"I'm a nurse, but I'm only going to be working part-time for now. Most of my time I'm the primary caregiver for my dad. I moved out here a few months ago to take of him. None of my older siblings wanted to move, and neither did Dad, so as the only person in the family without any real commitments keeping me in place it landed on me to relocate."

"That's still very selfless of you. I don't think there are still a lot of people who would do that for their family these days. Seems like most would just throw them in a nursing home, or let them fend for themselves."

"I couldn't do that to Dad," she said, shaking her head. "Especially with Mom being gone. We're kind of scattered all over the place now, but family is really important. I'm the youngest of seven kids."

"Wow, that's a lot. I can't even imagine what that's like. I'm the only child of divorced parents."

"It was a little crazy growing up, and even more so now that I have fourteen nieces and nephews."

"Fourteen? Holy shit."

"Yup. My oldest brother Colin has three, two boys and a girl. Kevin has two, a boy and a girl. Brianna has two girls. Erin has three boys. Corey has a boy and a girl, and then Brendan has two boys."

"So I guess you're the cool aunt?"

She laughed. "I try to be! I'm not much older than some of them though so sometimes it's more like I'm a cousin or a big sister than an aunt. Colin is fifteen years older than me, I'm closer in age to his kids than I am to him."

"That's nuts, but it sounds like a lot of fun. I always wished I had siblings."

"Wouldn't trade them for the world, but it can be a lot sometimes."

I reached out to shake her hand. "I don't think I ever got your name. I'm Ryan."

"Claire, but my friends call me Cece, for Claire Cleary," she said, returning my handshake.

"So do I call you Claire or Cece?"

"I guess I can let you call me Cece, on a trial basis."

That put a smile on my face. "Well Cece, it was really nice to meet you. I'm going to hit the showers, but I'm sure I'll see you around."

"I'm sure you will. Have a good day, Ryan."

It took all of my willpower, but I resisted the urge to look back and try to steal a glimpse of her ass before I left the room. I knew her real name now, but the Triple G title still applied. Thinking about her made me wish I was showering at home so I could...take matters into my own hands. When I finished showering and changing I took one last glance into the main weight room but didn't see Cece anywhere. Either she had hit the lockers herself or had left already. Oh well. We'd had a very nice, positive interaction today—from what I knew far better than she'd had with any other guy at the gym—and there'd be plenty of time for more like it in the future. I couldn't wait to see the look on Paul's face on Monday when I greeted her by name.

My stomach was growling at me when I reached my car. It had been a rough day, so I decided to reward myself with some In N Out. Very few things in this world were more likely to improve my mood than a Double-Double, or even a Four-by-Four. Ten minutes later I was walking through the door and was greeted by the wonderful smell of fresh burgers and fries. I ordered myself the Four-by-Four and then took a seat at an open table by the window. Pulling out my phone, I found several texts from Tori waiting for me.

Ryan tell me the secret

Melissa won't tell meeeee



I chuckled at her impatience.

Calm down. I'll tell you everything later. Don't worry too much about it.

They called my number so I stood up to go grab my food, nearly bumping into someone walking by with their tray of food.

"Sorry! Didn't see you there," I said. It took me a moment to realize who it was I had nearly knocked over. "Cece! Hey!" She had changed out of her workout clothes and was wearing a blue sundress, which really made her red hair pop.

"Well hello again, Ryan. Fancy meeting you here," she said with a laugh and a smile.

"Just needed to refuel a bit after my workout. I guess the same was true for you."

She nodded. "Yup. I have to say, I don't love everything about California, but you guys certainly do the fast-food burger pretty dang well."

"In N Out is one of the most important parts of our culture, it's true. You should join me, if you aren't just planning to take your food and run."

"That would be great, thanks!" She set her tray on the table and then plopped those gorgeous glutes down in the chair across from mine.

They called my number again. "Sorry, that's me, let me go grab that." I hurried over to grab my food and then returned to the table.

"What'd you get?" she asked, eyeing my food.

"A Four-by-Four. Four patties, four slices of cheese."

"I thought they only had singles and Double-Doubles."

I grinned. "Ah, my new, non-Californian friend, allow me to introduce you to the wonders of the 'Secret Menu." I dove into an explanation of In N Out's famously not-so-secret "Secret Menu" which included such staples as the Animal Style burgers and fries, their grilled cheese, the Flying Dutchman, and of course, my beloved Four-by-Four.

She laughed at my enthusiasm for all things In N Out as we both dug into our lunch. "So, Ryan," she said, taking a sip of her drink. "What do you like to do outside of the gym or In N Out?"

"Well, I'm sort of just getting settled in still, so I haven't had much time to get into anything. I just moved back down to San Diego a week ago. I've been up north in the Bay Area for the past seven years. I'm a sports guy, though, so I like catching a baseball or football game when I can. I sit around my apartment and read a lot of poetry."

"Interesting. You don't really give off a 'I read poetry' vibe."

"Why, because I don't wear a beret?"

"That's probably it, yeah," she said with a laugh. "What about the beach? Do you go surfing or anything like that?"

"No, I was never really a big beach guy, to be honest. I like going to hang out with people, maybe do a little bonfire at sunset, throw the football around, but I never got into surfing."

"That's too bad. I was hoping to find someone who could help me get into it. It seems like a lot of fun."

"It does. Wish I could help you out with that. I can ask around though. I'm sure I know someone who could show you the ropes."

"Don't worry about it too much. I can ask around at work when I start next week, I just haven't had much chance to meet new people yet. Dad takes up most of my time."

"You mentioned that you just moved out here to take care of him, but I don't think I ever caught where it was that you moved from?"

"I'm from Connecticut originally."

"I've never been. Did you like it there?"

She nodded. "I did. I lived in a small town, really tight-knit, everyone knew each other, that sort of thing. Beautiful seasons. I'm really going to miss all the colors of the leaves changing out here in the Land of Eternal Perfect Beach Weather."

"Not quite, but I admit we definitely lack a bit in seasonal variety compared to back east."

My phone vibrated a few times, probably more messages from Tori. "Is your girlfriend trying to reach you or something?" Cece asked.

"Unlikely, considering I don't have a girlfriend," I said. I thought Cece seemed to take special note of that, but I wasn't sure. "Just a friend pestering me over something." I realized that we had each been finished with our food for a while by now. "I should probably get going. It was great to bump into you again and get to know you a bit better, though."

"Likewise. Thanks for my In N Out education."

"Just spreading the good news. I assume I'll see you at the gym Monday morning?"

"You will."

"Well then I'm looking forward to it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Cece."

"Thanks, Ryan. You too."

I had enjoyed my time talking with Cece, almost as much as I enjoyed stealing glances at her divine derrière. It would be nice getting to know her more and being able to interact with her at the gym without fear of getting my head bitten off. When I got back to my car I checked the new message from Tori.

I need to knowwwwwww.

Silly girl.

Fine. Can I come over to your place now so we can all talk about it?

YES! Hurry! I am going to explode in anticipation!

On my way.

About ten minutes later I was knocking on their apartment door. Tori opened it within seconds. "Finally! Come inside and tell me this damn secret!" She dragged me over to the couch where Melissa was already sitting. She gave me a smile and a small wave.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming." I sat down next to Melissa and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Secret secret secret!" Tori said, bouncing in her chair.

"Okay, but this can't leave this room, understood?" Tori nodded. "I had a surprise visitor drop by my apartment this morning. Freaked out Melissa a bit since she answered the door wearing nothing but one of my shirts, expecting it to be you."

"So? Who was it? Your mom? Your dad? Mrs. Mitchell? Beth?"

I shook my head. "Nope, none of them."

"So just tell me already!"

"It was Miss Jackson."

"Miss Jackson? Riley Jackson?" I nodded. "Why the hell was she stopping by your apartment on a Saturday morning? How does she even know where you live?"

"She came by because we needed to talk and make sure things weren't going to be too hostile between us this year."

"Why would they be hostile? I didn't even realize you had met her yet. How could you two already be fighting? She's like, the quietest, most non-confrontational person ever."

"Because I hooked up with Riley the first night I moved back into town."

Tori sat there in stunned silence for several seconds, her only movement a few sporadic blinks. "Wait, what? You fucked Riley Jackson? How? Why? Doesn't she have a boyfriend?"

I spent the next several minutes explaining everything that had happened with Riley to Tori and Melissa. First I told them what had happened from my perspective starting with talking to her on the app on Friday night and then waking up alone on Saturday morning, to meeting her for the second time at the school on Thursday night. Then I filled in the extra context from Riley's side of things that I had learned from talking to her earlier.

"Wow...that's....wow. I never would have thought she'd be the type. She's always been so...buttoned-up and boring. I can't imagine her going out and doing something like that."

"Yeah, well, she did."

"So what are you going to do about it," Melissa asked.

I sighed. "Just move on and get over it, I guess. I don't think I really have any other choice. We have to work together. I'm sure there will still be some awkward moments, but there's no point in staying angry about it. I was probably just blowing everything out of proportion because it was the first time I had put myself out there after breaking up with Amanda."

"Are you sure I can't tell anyone else about this? Emma would absolutely die. She doesn't like Miss Jackson very much."

"Definitely not. And why doesn't she like Riley?"

"She's just jealous," Melissa interjected. "One of the few times Miss Jackson came out with us, Emma got pretty drunk. She was trying to get some guy's attention, but he kept trying to flirt with Riley. Emma could never let it go. She's so competitive about everything, but especially about guys."

"Emma sounds like trouble."

Tori laughed. "Oh, she is. You'll love her though, trust me."

"If you say so."

The conversation drifted away from Riley and towards the girls filling me in on various other bits of petty school drama between the teachers. Honestly, I started to tune most of it out pretty quickly. Unless there was some major landmine I needed to avoid stepping on, I didn't really care about that stuff. Eventually they ran out of steam and we just settled into a comfortable silence, with Melissa leaning on my shoulder and Tori sticking her bare feet into my lap for me to massage again.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Tori decided to throw another bomb into the conversation.

"So Ryan...how do you feel about threesomes?"

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rbloch66rbloch664 months ago

I was pretty sure Riley was going to be one of the teachers. Also saw the 3-way coming, just wasn’t sure how soon.


This story line gets better and better...Ryan and Riley kinda fixed things, but will work out the "kinks" as this goes on...they have to, and not just because they work together.

Ryan and Claire (Cece) getting to visit was a WAY NICE touch thrown in like that; just enough background on each to pique their interest. Cece is a nurse...Gina is a nurse...maybe at the Children's Hospital...together...3some idea here...🤭

Speaking of threesomes...Melissa just brought up the subject...anticipating how next chapter goes now...😱😓😰😳

Another Five Star chapter!!💫💫💫💫💫

pk2curiouspk2curious12 months ago

OMG . I have to make a point of not reading CMT82's comments . So depressing . Still wondering if it is the same story . Lol .

pk2curiouspk2curious12 months ago

Yes you're right Tiffany is 9 . Then we can't forget Lexi the hostess makes 10 . ( has to be a reason to know her name ) . Then all of their besties . And he hasn't even met all of the teachers yet . So were looking at going on 20 hook ups coming up .

pk2curiouspk2curious12 months ago

Well now things are moving along swimmingly . Everything is out in the open . He's got 6 hotties on his mind . Well 7 & 8 if you count Gina . And still Beth hasn't appeared .

So if his brain doesn't explode soon . Then there should be some good story left .

JohnSimmsJohnSimmsabout 1 year ago

Hey muskyboy, don't know where the story goes but Ryan and Riley are flips of a coin. He just ended an unfulfilling six year relationship and she is in the end times of a bad seven years. Both are relationship risks and both seem to be acting like they are still in high school. Now we have Ryan banging two sets of roommates and chatting up two nurses. Let's add Tiffany size queen as another roommate fuckbuddy. Thank you KHelm for keeping me guessing!

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 1 year ago

This story suffers greatly from unfortunate timing and not subjecting it to a beta reader, who surely would have advised to rearrange these chapters and to reduce to amount of estrogen trying to surround Ryan. This chapter should probably have been ch 2 or 3 instead of 11, as it "frames" Riley as a vile witch, rather than someone following the goading of a roommate: in fact, Riley and Ryan are completely natural matches for each other. Tori's boat set sail long ago, and she needs to work out her own stupidity in having a kid after breaking up with Ryan. Melissa's Tori's friend, but aside from being "adorable" and an ancillary booty call, has little real function in the story. While thawing the "ice queen" proves fascinating (and catering to Ryan's "thing for redheads"), she's more an outlier since Ryan's own experience never included a redhead before. Tessa and Serenity are merely "fresh meat" and so is anyone else at the school (and Beth cannot factor into this, since the story structure--represented by Ryan's father--eliminated Beth as a contender). Although the other female personalities solely serve as misdirection, the only true conflict and resolution revolve around Riley and Ryan.

Threesome? I hope not, as this story's finally showing the promise it could have displayed to start with. 4

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hey muskyboy, You might be right about Riley, but that's not the way I read it.

Time will tell in the next few chapters, or so. There is still a lot of interweaving of characters to come.

If I'm no mistaken. D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You are painting a definite interesting story. I caution to give Riley's redemption a slow progress. You've almost created what writers now call an 'Umbridge' character. She's become a very real and personally relatable villian in your story. Like in Harry Potter, Umbridge was hated more than Voldemort and you’re creating the same scenario in Riley. I can see where you are attention to take this, the boyfriend either 1) Did go through the act and suddenly became scared of losing Riley if she went through the act herself or 2) He really didn't go through with it but still plans to at a later time with Riley thinking their relationship is back to monogamy. The issue here is that you introduced the readers early on to a Riley replacement with Melissa and a returning 'love lost' in Tori. Just those two alone is enough to create a happy story about the conflicts that may arise with a trio, complications in court for Melissa of the relationship becomes public knowledge, the possible 'unexplored love' from Beth, etc. All this is possible if you write off Riley into the sunset, or have a great friendship bond between Riley and Ryan as they work in tandem, as friends only, to explore and correct their relationships with the other people, not each other. To give the readers a Riley 2.0 in Melissa (Melissa is, in my opinion, a better match and person overall) and then the possibility of her losing to someone like Riley would not make a pleasant read. If, and only if, you're dead set on making Riley and Ryan come together in a romantic way, in my humble opinion, she should be on the outside looking in. A slow work to get into the good graces of Tori and Melissa, then allow the roommates to find their own 'Ryan' while Riley and Ryan struggle/strive for their happily ever after. Overall, this is a great read with minor grammatical and pronoun errors that are few and far between. You've created a believable world with characters that are likable and relatable. Even the short intro into the world of Gina and CeCe was exceptionally well thought out and executed. We care about them and want to see more of them in the future. Your romantic interludes between Ryan and the girls are a breath of fresh air and the down and dirty with Tessa and her roommate breaks the monotony. Your descriptors for the sex scenes reflects candidly on the actual emotion taking place, or lack thereof, and speaks volume on your writing style. Serious kudos to you.

IndecentMinivanIndecentMinivanabout 1 year ago

It’s been a fun read so far. I can’t really tell if we’re headed for a monogamous couple or poly relationship at the end. Either way I’m in for the ride! And I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some major drama headed our way from up north eventually - SOONER or later.

Thanks for keeping this one going. I look forward to every single drop. I realize real life gets in the way sometimes but you’ve got me hooked!

As for the comments about the 12 kids in class, I was wondering about that too. But it totally makes sense not to have to worry about too many names where they are not the point of the story IMO.

DogmancyprusDogmancyprusabout 1 year ago

Another great chapter of a great story, good detail and character development keep it going it doesn't need any expressive sex. 5* yet again.

KHelmKHelmabout 1 year agoAuthor

I really just didn't want to come up with twice as many names

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really enjoying this series, apart from the one glaringly obvious impossibility of only having 12 pupils in a class in a public school

AwantAwantabout 1 year ago

A bit short but a great read non the less

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