Spring Break Ch. 07: Sunday Afternoon

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Dirk tells about a threesome he had recently.
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Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 06/18/2021
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Spring Break Ch 7: Sunday afternoon

Dirk tells about a threesome he had recently

Category: Group Sex.

Tags: Creampie, Cunnilingus, Eighteen, Fellatio, Friend's sister, Lesbian, Lying, Student Threesome,

I thank kenjisato for making this story much more readable and enjoyable than I could master on my own.

This story takes place in South Africa in the early 2000s. The academic year starts January and ends December. Spring break is late September/early October and is the last break before the final examinations.

Matric refers to Grade 12 or the final year in secondary school, equivalent to senior year in high school in the US, a year during which scholars turn 18 years old. Several learners (scholars) go on a short holiday (Rage) after completing their matric exams to celebrate their scholastic freedom. Some scholars use this opportunity, which often lacks parental supervision, to experiment with sex and alcohol.

All characters in actual or implied sexual situations are 18 or above.


Earlier in the series:

Dirk and Steve were on their way to Dirk's home on a farm near Tzaneen, about 1,800 kilometers from Stellenbosch where the two study at university. With the radio broken in Dirk's red Citi Golf, they decided to tell each other about past sexual experiences to pass the almost-twenty hours they expected to be on the road, travelling over two days:

Chapter 1: Steve told about the sex he had with Juliette, a lactating young mother, during his Rage holiday.

Chapter 2: Dirk told of how he took the virginity of his best friend's twin sister.

Chapter 3: Steve told of the recent sex he had with his sister's friend, Sandra, on the theme of Final Fantasy.

Chapter 4: While the pair overnight at Steve's home; Steve's mother, Laura, relives some erotic memories. Sandra and Steve, meanwhile, continue their Final Fantasy tryst.

Chapter 5: Back on the road after an intimate farewell, Dirk tells of his adventure with a girl, whose life he saved after she was swept to sea.

Chapter 6: Steve tells of his group sex escapade during his Rage, having sex with three girls.

The interested reader can also read 'Sis's Transformation' on how Sis lost her virginity.

In this Chapter (7), the two travelers were getting ready to start the last leg of the second day, and it would be Dirk's turn to tell another sex story from his past.


Dirk, being six-foot-four, had no problem finishing off the burger and fries he ordered for lunch at the One-Stop's fast-food restaurant, after they refueled Dirk's Citi Golf. When done, he excused himself to take a power nap in his car to recover from his disrupted sleep the night before.

Although Steve tried to keep up, he couldn't devour his meal at the same rate due to his much smaller five-foot-five physique. He, too, was eager to finish off the trip; they were already over sixteen hours on the road since they left Stellenbosch early the previous morning.

He was also eager to meet Dirk's sister, Alta, and Dirk's sexy young stepmother, Ingrid, hoping to have sex with one, but preferably both, during his visit if an opportunity arose. Although sex was neither on his mind, nor planned, when the trip was organized, all the sex talk in the car made him randy, and in desperate need of a release. In spite of his sex with Sandra the night before, some of his pent-up urges remained due to the premature end thereof, when his back pain prevented him from continuing. The painkiller he had taken, and his mother's massage of his back in the early morning did wonders.

When Steve finally finished his meal, he decided to go to the children's playground area to do a few stretches and some back exercises, before heading to the car. It would only be fifteen to twenty minutes, but if there was an opportunity for a good fuck tonight, he didn't want his back pain to screw up his chances. His diversion would give Dirk extra time for his power nap, in any case. He just wondered why Dirk was tired if he, as he insisted, didn't have a visit from any of the women in the house the night before. All three seemed rather interested in him. He smiled as a thought crossed his mind.

Dirk woke up when Steve got in, surprised that he didn't notice Steve opening the driver's door. Steve worked the driver's seat forward, which Dirk had left in the rearmost position, using the steering wheel as an anchor. After arranging his therapeutic back support, Steve was good to go.

Dirk started to propose a few options for Steve to pick from. "I thought of a few sexperiences from which you can pick one. What about my first..." He was secretly impressed with his impromptu concatenation of sex and experiences.

Steve noticed the concatenation and filed it in his memory for later use. It was time to test his suspicions, and he knew exactly which story he wanted to hear. "No, no, wait... Not your first whatever, but the last. Make it the story about the most recent sex you had." He expected Dirk to be uncomfortable, if Dirk had sex with either his mother, Laura, his sister Sis, or Sis's friend, Sandra, the night before; especially because he earlier denied that he didn't have sex with anyone. He watched Dirk closely for his initial reaction.

Dirk smiled and started without hesitation and no sign of getting caught off-guard. When Dirk asked Steve the previous day to tell about his most recent sexual experience, he envisaged his own most recent sex, which happened at the overnight stop at both ends of the winter break. "Good, the last time I had sex was in Kimberley during the winter break. I had a third-year female student whose parents live in Pietersburg who asked me to share the ride, and the cost."

Steve relaxed, Dirk seemed unperturbed by his request to tell about his latest sex experience. Sis's virginity was safe, and there was nothing more to read into Dirk's intimate farewell to his mother.

Dirk thought a bit for a suitable pseudonym for the girl. "Let me call her Sarah." As he took a breath to continue, the name 'Sarah' reminded him of 'Sandra', which in turn reminded him of the sex he had the previous night with both Sandra and Sis, making it his true 'latest sex'. His mouth and throat instantly went dry, as the thought crossed his mind that Steve may have deliberately asked for this story, because Steve suspected that he may have gotten lucky the night before, even though Steve seemed satisfied with his earlier assurances that he didn't have sex with anyone. This being technically true because Dirk had sex with two, and not one, of them. He coughed and swallowed to wet his throat, but it didn't help.

Steve told him in no uncertain terms that he should keep his hands off his 'virgin' sister. He considered pushing through with the original story, but his conscience compelled him to go with the true 'latest' story. Luckily for Dirk, they agreed, at the start of the road trip, to allow some 'artistic license' in order to protect the sex partner's identity. While desperately trying to think of a change in the storyline into the real, latest sex story without raising Steve's suspicions, he gave another cough and started to dig into their supply of refreshments for a bottle of water to wet his throat.

He smiled, as a workable scenario emerged through the turmoil in his mind. He would love to tell Steve how he had sex with Sis, disguising it as having sex with another woman. The 'artistic license', luckily, included the name of the sex partner, the place where it happened, and the date on which it happened. The challenge was to adapt the story into the believable disguise of his winter break experience which he started off with.

Dirk popped the seal of the bottle of water and squirted some water down his dry throat. He took another swig and swirled the water in his mouth and swallowed, and looked at Steve. "Anything for you to drink?"

Steve had drank some water, after he finished his stretches. "I'm not thirsty right now, but you can pass me a Fanta for later." Dirk's sudden 'coughing' made him suspicious again, about Dirk's claim of abstinence the previous night.

Dirk passed the bottle of Fanta to Steve and took another mouthful of water. He smiled when the plan to disguise the roles of Sis and Sandra crystalized in his mind. 'Sarah', the student from Pietersburg, would represent Sandra and he had an idea to introduce a new female student to represent Sis. A new girl who wanted a ride to the overnight point to get to her home. It would be at the new student's home where he could screw her, right under the nose of her 'parents'!

Dirk saw the suspicious side glance from Steve, but decided to ignore it. Only a 'guilty' person would try and justify something.

He took another swig from the water bottle before he casually continued, "Sarah was a third-year student, tallish, say five-foot-eight, with jet-black hair, and D-cup breasts." He thought the black hair would be a suitable distraction from Sandra's fiery red hair.

"On the evening before our departure, Sarah and another girl knocked on my door. It turned out that the other girl was one of Sarah's classmates, who was ill at the time of the exams. The classmate, who had a car, had to delay her trip home because she had to write a supplementary exam and was desperately looking for a ride for her younger sister. The best part was that the young student's home was in Kimberly, and we were invited to overnight there, supper and breakfast included. It was a no-brainer to accept the offer.

"The classmate told me in no uncertain terms, that I shouldn't get 'any ideas' with her innocent little sister, and I got the impression that her sister was still a virgin. It got my brain spinning, thinking back on the time I took Mel... Lina's virginity."

Steve heard 'virgin' which got his mind working on his own big obsession, hoping that Dirk would tell about his sex with the 'virgin' girl.

Dirk, meanwhile, thought of an alias for the new student who would represent Sis and decided on an adaptation of 'Lina'. "It turned out that the new passenger was a five-foot-three chestnut brunette with C-cup breasts; I'll call her 'Lee'.

"Sarah and Lee decided to sit in the back of the car, and I had to drive all nine-plus hours. Since it was winter, we were well wrapped when we departed early morning. I kept myself busy, fantasizing about sex with one of the girls while driving. I fancied Lee most, mainly because I was under the impression that she was a virgin. The girls, on the other hand, passed their time by complaining from the rear about the lack of free time at varsity, especially during the semester.

"They ventured on the terrain of boyfriends, and both complained about the lack of interest, which I found surprising, given that both of them had rather hot bodies."

Steve, the ever Detective Morse, gave the explanation. "I'll bet at least one of them broached the subject to capture your attention, hoping to get laid overnight." Steve was fantasizing along with Dirk, his earlier suspicions forgotten.

Dirk realized that he had to introduce some PlayStation games and drew on his exposure to some of the games his sister, Alta, was playing when her friends visited.

Dirk smiled, as it seemed as if Steve had bought into his story. "I guess you're right, especially because they had started to remove some of the layers of clothing as the day progressed, and it got warmer in the car. I also noticed them watching my face in the rearview mirror, especially Lee.

When they ran out of lame boyfriend ideas, and used up the list of 'out-of-their-league' hunks roaming the campus, they started to discuss PlayStation games, girly games, probably just to annoy me. I remember they talked about 'Sci Girls', which apparently is about two girls who have to solve puzzles to unlock new levels. I think the one character's name was 'Ice'."

Steve interjected. "The game is called 'Cy Girls'. Sis played it once when I was home while she had a friend sleeping over. Ice is a firearms expert and the other one's name is 'Aska', who is a female Master Ninja. Sis made me join for a few games, but I found it boring and left after a round or two."

Dirk continued. "We stopped to refuel, and by that time, it was quite comfortable in the car. The two had removed all the extra layers of clothing during their body break, and I couldn't miss that neither of the two was wearing a bra. Their breasts bounced freely at every bump in the road. I guess it caused their nipples to rub against their blouses, because their nipples pressed notably against the material."

Satisfied that Steve wasn't suspecting something, Dirk continued. "We weren't even back onto the freeway when Lee then started to tell Sarah about a game called 'Party Girls'. She mentioned, impishly, that I would love to play it and that I should give it a go that night. She explained that the game is for two players, who control bikini-clad Japanese idols. The players go head-to-head in water games, and Lee hinted that I would love to check out the models' bouncing boobs and bums while they compete.

"I asked Lee if one can select boob size and how small the bikini could be, looking at Lee's breasts. Lee then shook her torso and said the girls' boobs are all smaller than her breasts, and well covered, so I would probably not be interested."

Getting into the story, Steve interjected. "Nah, you didn't miss anything. Just a bunch of giggling anime girls, with shrill voices and A-cup boobs."

Dirk continued. "Thanks for the advice, good to know. Lee then started to talk about the latest release of Spyro the Dragon, I think it was 'Spyro, a Hero's Tail'. She asked if I played it before. When I told her that I played one of the earlier versions, she immediately asked me, since I knew the game mechanics, to assist her to defeat 'Red', which apparently is the badass red dragon of the release.

"I knew I would be tired from driving the nine hundred (600 mi) kilometers, so I half-heartedly agreed to play. I left my options open, thinking that I may get a nice cuddle and hug, even a nice kiss for my efforts. The two soon fell asleep, and I adjusted the rearview mirror to have a better view of their bouncing breasts, especially since both unbuttoned a button or two on their blouses. It was something to keep me busy because there wasn't a lot of traffic through the Karoo, and my radio wasn't working.

"When we arrived at Lee's home, Lee's mother came out to greet us. I immediately noticed her large natural breasts. Maybe a tad smaller than your mom's, probably E-cup because they were bigger than Sarah's, but she was careful not to flaunt them."

Dirk smiled at his reference to Steve's mother, Laura, and her large, surgery-enhanced breasts. He wondered if Steve would make the connection.

"The sleeping arrangements worked out as follows - I would sleep in the guest room and Sarah in Lee's sister's bedroom. Lee would, of course, sleep in her own bedroom.

"I was shown to the guest room with a double bed and an ensuite bathroom. Sarah was shown to Lee's sister's bedroom, also with a double bed. Lee's bedroom had two single beds and the two girls would share a bathroom.

"After supper, we socialized a bit in the living room, with Lee trying to get access to the TV and PlayStation to start up Spyro. But her plans were foiled by her dad, who tried to catch up on the day's sports. Sarah also seemed interested in sports, and the thought crossed my mind that she may even try her luck with Lee's dad. He, though, seemed reluctant to engage with Sarah." Dirk gave himself an imaginary pat on the back, in describing how Steve was reluctant to engage with Sis in her attempt to talk Steve into his last Final Fantasy game with Sandra.

"It was up to Lee and myself to keep the conversation going because Lee's mother soon excused herself to clean up the dishes. Lee still tried to get Spyro going, but I soon realized that the Spyro game wasn't going to happen. I wasn't up to it much, in any case, since I had driven all day and was tired. I excused myself early, probably around seven. I considered it a good move to get into bed early because I wanted to depart early in the morning, as I was to drive the entire nine to ten hours. I warned Sarah about my plans before I withdrew, but she seemed unperturbed."

Detective Steve had an explanation ready. "Well, she slept for a large part of the drive and can do so again the next day."

Dirk thought a bit before he continued. "Could well have been. Anyway, Lee stayed and I was thinking that she wanted to chaperone Sarah and her dad. It may be a role that she was used to playing, and why her mother seemed unconcerned.

"It must have been around ten when I woke from a soft bump against the bed. As I opened my eyes, I saw a female figure silhouetted against the moonlit curtains and soon realized that it was Lee. Before I got to my senses, I just saw how Lee slipped her gown off her shoulders, leaving her in a longish nightshirt, which extended almost down to her knees. The next thing I knew, she crawled onto the bed and placed her finger on my lips with a soft 'shhh', as she slid in next to me under the duvet. She whispered to me that she really appreciated the lift and wanted to show me her appreciation. She also said that she fantasized about having sex with me when her sister told her about the ride with me, and that she enjoyed seeing me ogling her in the rearview mirror.

"I wanted to protest, I mean I would be in deep shit if her father or mother found out, but she just leaned in and replaced her finger with her soft lips. She wriggled her breasts over my chest, while reaching down and gave a surprised gasp. Only when her cold hand wrapped around me, did I realize that I already had a decent boner.

"She gave me a few strokes while my boner kept on growing in her hands. Lee sighed and whispered that mine was easily the biggest she'd had. From that, I concluded that she wasn't a virgin, as her older sister had led me to believe.

Dirk opened his water and took a sip. He contemplated if he should include the exchange which followed between Sis and him. He had told her that Steve believed that she was still a virgin, upon which Sis just giggled and said that she had had sex before with two different guys. He decided to let it go and say nothing, as any further notion about virginity may cause suspicion on Steve's side.

"I wasn't to be outdone and slid my own hand onto her breast where I rolled her hard nipple for a while between my fingers through her night shirt. I gave her breast a final squeeze before sliding my hand down.

"By that time, she had already slid her leg over mine, rubbing my boner with her inner-thigh. The first flesh that I touched was of her firm buttocks... did I tell you that she played hockey, made Northern Cape's team for the SAs when she was in matric, and also played at Varsity for a junior team. I explored her bum for her panties, but she wasn't wearing any. Her toned globes tensed, as my finger slid into her bum-crack and she momentarily pressed her thigh even harder onto my boner when I touched her... anus." Dirk was a bit uncomfortable using the word 'rosebud'.

"I rolled onto my side and rolled Lee onto her back, while working my hands between her thighs to pry them apart. She didn't resist and spread her legs apart, inviting my fingers to explore her soft folds. I started off stroking the creases of her groin with my index and ring fingers, and I curled my middle finger up to be out of the way. Soon I heard a soft, content growl from her throat. As I worked my fingers closer to her nether lips, I became aware of something touching my curled-up middle finger and thought it may be a tampon or something. I unrolled the finger to feel around and soon realized that I touched her inner lips. They were much larger and protruded well beyond the outer lips. Like, in her case, the inners should be called the 'labia majora' and the outer lips could be called the 'labia minora'."