Starfinder: The Jade Regent Pt. 07


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And she kept at it with seemingly little regard for Xata until the amazon finally reached her release, her climax rolling over her liek a wave as she shuddered and unloaded her seed deep into the bound captive.

It took a moment for Sam to recover from her second orgasm, but once she had she let go of Xata and slowly pulled out. Deft hands undid the bindings and she brought the android to cuddle against her. "So- how are you feeling?"

Xata almost purred. "Delicious. You were right... it was everything I wanted." Sam hummed as she combed her fingers through Xata's hair. Xata's circuits literally glowed in the afterglow as she felt Sam's spend leaking from her sex. She smiled and leaned into the stroking hand like a cat.

Brash panted, then grinned. "So, uh, when do we have actual sex?" He asked, his voice playful.

Zai, who was sprawled on the ground, picked up a pillow and managed to bean the dragon in the face.

It took the group a few hours to finish showering, scrubbing, and coming down from their afterglow. Afterwards, a slightly punch drunk Ami ordered them pizza from Dimensionos, and they all sat around the table, looking at the various pies, each one glowing with the fresh light of grease - shimmering in the overhead lamps.

"So..." Ami said, picking up her crickets and extra cheese piece, chomping down on it, chewing on the crunchy, well cooked bugs added to the slice. "Whaz the plan once we get the Sunwolf working?"

The other pizzas ranged from normal - pepperoni and cheese - to a few strange ones Ami had ordered just for the adventure, like one that seemed to have a few small, swirling pockets of energy that Ami calmly explained were 'micro-black holes.'

But she had added that the pizza place did seem to like exaggerating their pizza topping slightly.

Hana - who had watched the whole orgy with a faint smile on her face - chewed on a relatively meaty piece of pizza, "Well.. I need to head out and get some reprogramming done, then I'm good to head out to ...wherever it is our vision pointed." She said, her smile turning into a slight frown.

Ami blinked. "Reprogramming?" She asked, looking at Hana.

Hana nodded, "You know, that funky thing they can do to your brain to make you forget how to do a thing and remember how to do a new thing?"

Sam was still glowing a bit from the sex, quite relaxed and once more back in her armor. "Well, can get the Street Sam on the dial to see if her sponsor will give us the info we want-" Sam started then blinked at Hana's comment.

Rakain paused mid pizza bite and stared at Hana. "Us normies can't do that, Hana," he deadpanned.

Ami nodded. "Yeah, that...wait, do they have stuff that does that for normal people?" she asked, setting her slice down curiously.

Scrubbed, clean, and with her hair done up in a ponytail Nora sat comfortably with her legs folded, a crust of her mostly finished slice hanging from her mouth. "Sam has a good idea. Plus, wish I could reprogram myself. Must be a wonky feeling." Brash, meanwhile, had shrunk to the size of a kitten and was chewing happily on a piece of pizza. A clever way to get more, with less, since his belly was now smaller and, thus, easily filled.

"Actually you can. It's a mix of magic and technology that rewrites your mind." Hana nodded slightly. "I mean, let's be honest. Your brains are just data units with a particularly wonky interface."

"I'd say we were all interfacing pretty well earlier," Rakain muttered, reaching out and scratching Kitten Brash behind the ears. Xata nodded with feeling at the phrase wonky interface. That was something she felt like she knew a lot about. But she munched quietly on her pizza. She didn't want to talk about her own process of "reprogramming."

"True. Brains are pretty much super biocomputers," Nora hummed, turning and leaning back a bit. She ended up with her head on Sam's leg and asked, "What was that Street Sam's name?"

Hana snickered at Rak, "YOU have lost the ability to touch the ship's computers if that is how you think you exchange data."

Rakain snickered and winked, waggling the fingers of his free hand as he reached for another pizza slice. Ami giggled, playfully kicking Rakain's leg under the table. As Rakain got a slice, Zai smiled. "I believe her name was, um, Keldra...Kelda?" She asked.

"Zelda- no wait-" Sam said, half way through a slice of pizza. "Kelda. Of Ragnacorp?"

Nora nodded on her leg-pillow, "Yeah, Ragnacorp. While we're all out getting a little more done should we ask around about them? Or Ranga...I really...." She shook her head, "Close enough."

Ami nodded.

"Well," Brash said, lifting his head from the pizza. "She was my old friend!" He beamed, brightly. "Or...well...I mean, she was the least mean of the group..." He nodded. "So, we can call her and talk to her about where she came from!"

"Will she remember you?" Rakain asked the little dragon.

"She also seemed regretful about Brash's whole situation, so she probably would?" Nora said, chomping down on her pizza, chewing.

"She will remember us, I think." Xata's voice was a bit cool.

Hana frowned, "Yeah.. probably.. still don't like the idea of dealing with them.."

"Regretful is a bit of an understatement." Sam noted, remember the threats she made to the orc.

Brash nodded. "Maybe...but...I don't exactly want to...say...hi or anything..." He admitted. "I'd rather spend my time with people I like. So, maybe when you go to visit her, I will stay here and protect Zai and Ami!"

Hana nodded, "Sounds good to me." She said, sighing slightly. "So.. do you guys want to do that while I'm having my brains fiddled with or what?"

"Do you have to stay put for that?" Rakain asked.

Hana snickered slightly, "Unless I want to start smelling blue, it might be a good idea."

With almost superhuman reflexes the tablet from the underside of Sam's arm-guard snapped into her palm and she instantly played the head exploding scene from Scanners. Ami snorted, looking from the video to Hana. "I'll keep you company at the scanning, Hana..." she said, nodding slightly.

Hana snorted, "Glad you find my potential death so amusing. You know androids don't have back ups, right?"

"Oh mooood killer," Nora laughed and groaned, flinching away from the tablet. She sat up and rubbed her cheeks, "I think I'll come too, just to be around Hana. Either that or go speak with Kelda. I wouldn't be against going by myself."

Sam's tablet slid down and snapped into place on the guide rails installed before Sam went back to eating pizza. "You know I don't to? Sorry if I offended, I just have a morbid sense of humor."

Ami blushed, slightly. "Y-You can still be raised. We have enough money to hire a mystic who can raise you!" she said, nodding slightly, smiling at Hana.

Hana snickered, "Nah, it's cool. I'm fucking around. Besides I'm pretty sure my head would explode a bit different. And.. do we? I wasn't aware we made that much already.."

"Morbid senses of humor are necessary to compensate for the Rigors of Adventuring." Xata said, and then quirked her mouth as she recognized the unwitting pun.

"Besides, the stuff is safe." Sam noted.

"I laughed," Nora said, lightly patting Sam's arm.

"W-Well, if we combined all our stuff and sold the ship..." Ami said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Sooo, what you mean is we can't afford it." Hana stuck out her tongue playfully. "Don't worry, Sam's right it's pretty safe. Probably safer for androids than humans."

Sam snickered. "I mean, I had it done before and I came out perfectly normal." She said, then twitched her cheek.

"I would like to see the process myself," Xata commented. "I feel like I should learn more about being a beep-boop."

Ami giggled, quietly.


In the end, it turned out that the scanning and alteration process was more boring than exciting - as was the meeting with Kedla. The former street samurai - former as she had yet to find new work - told them that she had come from a space station called Kalsard, a station owned and operated by the Linornan Megacorporate Block, which was a large, star spanning collection of corporations that ruled the galactic east.

Apparently, it bordered a massive ice nebula known as the Crown of the Galaxy, for how it looked from a distance, and was one of the few places where the Tian Star Empire and the other nearby polities actually traded.

But then they learned why Ami's ship had fled through that area.

"Oh, yeah, each other trade lane that the Tians have go through their imperial check points and starfleets," Kelda said. "So Kalsgard gets a shit ton of smugglers..." She frowned. "But the guy you mentioned, he sounds like Fynn. Fynn Snaveld. But what a game maker and former corporate wage slave has to do with a sword, I surely don't know."

And so, they had a name and a destination...and, finally...a ship. The Sunwolf looked sleeker and more refined after the week of work - the new paint job gleaming. It also looked far more lethal, with the PBC on the roof mounted so that it could aim in every direction and fire at any ship in any arc. Then the airlock opened and they found the interior was entirely empty, save for a series of blue grid-lines and a black pattern between them.

As they walked inside, all of them looked for Nora, who snapped her fingers. A faint hsssh sounded and a glowing blue halfling appeared before them...Alife!

She bowed. "Welcome to the Sunwolf." She said. "The internal systems are now entirely holographic, save for a few backups that can be deployed in the case of holographic faliure. You may feel free to modify the interior into any format you wish, with consoles, chairs, furnature, and even surrounding backgrounds appearing as you wish at any time."

Rakain gawked at the ship. "It's so cool!"

Hana looked around, looked to the others, then walked up to the holographic halfling to poke her gently in the stomach. "Boop."

Alfie squeaked and giggled, her body deliciously squishy. "Y-Yes, I too am a hard light construct..." She said, nodding to Hana. Xata's eyes went a little wider in fascination at this revelation, but she mentally tabled it for later.

Nora nodded eagerly, "Took me forever to figure out the math but Alfie helped with the good parts. The majority if the ship can be adjusted aside the tunnels I have set up for repair access. Even landscapes against the wall! They'll move and adjust to you as you move around so it'll look like you're in a whole field or something."

"You know how hard it is going to be for me to not slap that ass when I am piloting now?" Sam joked.

Looking around at the new setup with appreciation, Xata said: "Impressive. It truly is a Ship for Adventurers now." She looked at Nora with appreciation. "Your work is amazing, Nora."

Nora: The mechanic was almost vibrating in pride.

"No, not amazing." Sam said firmly. "God damn miracle worker is closer to the truth."

Brash ooohed, hopping from Hana's shoulder, landing on the ground as he did so. "Castle! Earl Gray! Hot!" He said. Alfie blinked, then created a small castle that glowed bright orange. Excitedly, Brash crawled inside, clearly happy with the heat radiating from it. Rakain felt like his heart would burst from cute if he kept watching Brash.

Hana nodded, "So.. do we need to call up an interface or just tell the ship what we want?" She said, then smiled, "And it is pretty amazing, Nora." She grinned brightly. "So.. glad to see we have that cannon up since we are TOTALLY going to get attacked."

"It pivots 360 degrees," Nora whispered, leaning towards Hana. "And has wiring set up for swift enchanting."

"If we do, we do. Kinda not surprised by that stuff because when has things been simple?" Sam asked seriously. "And really, if someone wants to get in another dick measuring contest with me while we have -that thing- then it's their funeral."

Hana snickered, "Quite proud, aren't we?" She smiled, "Alfie, can you make me up a large black chair, looks like it's made out of hard clack metal, but comfortable and malleable as a semi-solid waterbed on the inside, hovering about a foot and a half off the ground in a three quarters orb shape. Alfie nodded as the chair described appeared - humming softly as it floated over the ground. Brash gasped, his eyes widening as he stuck his head out of the castle with shock. Hana moved into her chair, "Oh, could you also make a physical interface in the chair as well?" She said casually as she adjusted herself in it.

Alfie blinked, then smiled as she floated over behind Hana. "Which interface do you want?" she asked. "A general computer interface?"

"A sort of tablet interface about ten by ten inches square with a modifiable interface similar to a tablet," Hana said.

Alfie nodded, her brow furrowing and focused. A similar interface appeared, connected to the chair, with a small sheath it could slide into if Hana didn't want it. "The best AI this side of the verse," Nora murmured with a happy sigh, folding her arms.

Rakain knelt down and scritched Brash behind the ears. "She makes castles for dragons, therefore, she's awesome."

Hana smiled, testing the interface and moving her holographic chair around, adjusting the chair so it became a full bubble, then shifted back again. "Very nice, thank you." She grinned as a scantily clad elven woman came out of the mess hall holding a glass of grape juice for the android.

Sam was just working at the small tablet, designing up a sunken chair set in what looked like a pod. The end result of the design was what looked like half of a fighter cockpit designed to be set in a larger control center. "Piloting from a command chair just feels wrong." She explained as she sent the design to the ship's computer.

Alfie glowed red, flushing with shy pleasure, her eyes half closing as she clapsed her hands before her belly, the scantily clad holographic elven woman handing the grape juice over. After a moment, Xata requested a chair and terminal of her own. Seeing Hana's and Brash's example emboldened her to ask for the chair in the shape of a translucent seashell -- she was not sure why -- with a datajack and computer interface built into the arms.

As they each settled into their positions, Ami creating a simple chair that floated in the corner, Zai making a small collection of straw to settle in...

Ami grinned. "So..." she said. "Shall we set course for Kalsguard?" she asked, curiously.

Hana snickered, "No need to explain yourself, Sam. I just think we all need to apologize to Alfie for the bizarre aesthetic we're going to make her deal with." She laughed, taking the glass and dismissing the elf hologram.

Alfie blushed. "It's all right, I am here to make sure you are all happy!" She said, nodding quickly.

Sam was caught a little off guard about someone she didn't recognize just wandering the ship like they belonged here, until the realization dawned on her as the hologram was dismissed. "Alfie has tolerated far worse than that from me so far. I am truly blessed."

Alfie blushed and bowed to Sam. Ami grinned. "So, uh, what are the rules on boinking holograms?" she asked, while Zai giggled quietly.

Rakain thought for a moment, then asked for a simple chair off to the side with support for his lower back. Alfie complied, constructing a blocky chair with all the curved cushions that he needed to support his big body.

Nora went with a comfortable chair of plain design to settle into, with see-thru display fanning out in front of her. "You're the best at it Alfie. Thank you so much."

Rakain sat down with a sigh of contentment, his tail curling around to the side. "Even added room for my tail, thanks, Alfie."

"..when having sex with holograms, are we having sex with Alfie or just a simple sub-system she's crafted?" Hana asked curiously.

Nora shifted, nodding to Ami. "Ready to go when you are!"

Alfie stammered. "T-Technically, um, I'm drawing from a large libary of AI files and subroutines on the extranet. Meaning in areas of low extranet content, my free-form creativity will to what is on the computer core."

"Could we maybe, um, expand the databases?" Rakain said, casting a knowing glance at Hana.

"I think we might want to ask permission of Nora before we broach the topic of Sexual Relations with her holographic daughter," Xata pointed out gently.

Hana snickered, tapping on her interface, shifting it to a black tome floating in front of her, snickering slightly. "I'm ready to go too. Also, one of my new abilities allows me to summon up lovers if we're ever off ship long enough you all get bored with each other."

Rakain snickered and settled back in his chair. "Ready, then!"

"What new abilities did you get?" Ami asked, grinning slightly as a com-signal started to come in, an orb of glowing golden light appearing above and nearby Sam's head, with the letters underneath saying: COM SIGNAL INCOMING.

"I programmed Alfie at the start to take what she views are important and work with the idea of helping. So anything she finds and is effective tends to end up in the core. I also add on to Alfie's core anytime she asks because...well...she deserves it." Nora had begun to explain, falling silent at the com signal.

"Mostly just focused more on spells now. I can shoot lighting and grow claws, as well as summon a helper in combat if I need to and with a bit of effort summon up a hostile storm cloud to attack people. As well as craft force armor, so I may at some point decide to ditch my regular armor since the force armor is almost as good..." Hana snickered, tapping on her tome to bring up the com signal.

The com signal flashed and spread wide, revealing a smiling woman with bright pink skin and a poof of hair that exploded around her head like cotton candy. She was an example of what a human can do, with cheap access to magical appearance adjustment.

"This is Absalom Station Traffic Control to Berth-9. You are cleared for launch!" She said, in a cheery sing song. "Have fun out there!"

Sam nodded., having already climbed into the pilot's seat and started the launch procedure. Hana snickered, "Will do, if only to make you happy." She winked at the pink woman playfully.

The woman waved, then the screen shut off as the Sunwolf leaped from the berth, rocketing out into space.

They darted past the vast numbers of ships that fanned around Absalom Station - the view in the main screen receeding behind them...and as they soared away, Ami sighed. "It's...going to be a while before we come back here, isn't it?" She asked, her voice soft.

Hana nodded, smiling at Ami, "Yeah, but that just means we're going to be heading out for adventure!" She said, trying to cheer her up. "You know the old Tian saying." She said, speaking in that language. Most of the party didn't speak Tian, and didn't know she had just said: Nice titties, girl.

Ami snorted, then stuck her tongue out at her, while Alife blinked, looking mystified. Nora looked confused too, typing at her system's input. "I REALLY need to get you and Ami to teach Alfie Tian eventually. It's impossible to find a primer."

Xata perked up a little. "I do not scan that as an old Tian Saying."

"I almost guarantee it was said often in old Tian and it applies here." Hana smirked. Xata nodded. It was hard to argue either point.

"It's all alien to me." Sam admitted as she navigated the ship.

As Sam spoke, a chime rang out - indicating they were at safe Drift range. Sam plugged in the destination and intended route before starting up the drift sequence. "Preparing for Drift."

"Let's make it happen, ladies," Rakain said.

There was a low whirring sound...and then there was a creaky and whirring noise, and then the portal opened before the Sunwolf and it plunged through the hole and shot into the vast, shimmering mass of the Drift.