Staring at the Sun Ch. 10


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"I want you, Louise. Do you know how much?"

I shook my head as he continued. "Promise me we'll be together soon. I want to be with you properly."

I pulled away and saw the lust in his eyes and shivered. Was I really capable of lying and being unfaithful to Richard? But hadn't I been doing that already?


Pierre joined us for lunch at the restaurant and made an effort to talk to me about the work he did for Mike and the wines he hoped to produce. "We just need more equipment, you know? Up to date machinery would make a difference to the wines, Louise."

"What's stopping you then?"

He spread his hands. "Ah, I think it is money, yes? So expensive and Mike is wanting to improve his wines."

I saw Mike watching us, a brooding look on his face I'd never seen before. As Lisa was driving he had drunk almost a whole bottle of red wine on his own and I wondered if this was a regular Sunday occurrence.

"This area is a good place to grow wines and we like to take on the big villages, Louise, and beat them."

I laughed but I saw Mike frown. "The big villages?"

Pierre smiled. "Yes. Uh, you know Chateauneuf-du-Pape?"

"Oh, of course. One of my favourites, Pierre."

"Well, we are capable of making as great a wine as that. We just need the right conditions and...voila!"

Mike poured himself another glass and knocked it back almost in one go. "Stop boring Louise, Pierre. She doesn't want to know about the vineyard."

"Oh, but I do, Mike. You know how much I love wine."

He shrugged and called for the waiter to bring another bottle. Lisa was watching him too and I saw the lines of worry reappear on her pretty face.

"Do we need another bottle, Mike? I thought we'd finished?"

He ignored her and glanced at the label of the wine as the waiter expertly uncorked the bottle, before pouring a small amount into his glass.

"See this?" He held the glass up to the light. "This is fucking fantastic. And I want to make wine like this."

I was shocked at his language and the passion in his voice. Lisa was right. What was I getting myself involved in here?

Mike took a deep sniff of the contents of his glass and closed his eyes. "That's good. No, more than good, it's in a league all of its own."

Pierre laughed and motioned to the waiter to pour some for us both. "Tell me what you think, Louise."

I sniffed and then took a mouthful of the rich red wine and had to agree. Layer upon layer of flavours were opening up in my glass, the aromas pouring off the liquid and filling the air with scents of berries and spice. Mike's wine was delicious, but I had to admit it didn't compare with this.

"See what I want, Louise? And I'm going to get it, believe me."

We stared at each other for a long while until Lisa broke the spell by calling for the bill. "I think it's time to go. Poor Louise will think we're all alcoholics down here."

Her attempt to lighten the atmosphere made me smile and I drank my wine quickly, noticing Mike downing another glass as we waited for the waiter to bring the bill. Around us the restaurant was emptying and I felt suddenly very full and drowsy. The thought of a long nap was uppermost in my mind and I wondered what Richard was doing now. Was he being treated to the same meal and wine as I was? Was this a way of breaking down our defences separately?

Back at the house, my long nap turned into an epic one and it was half-way through the evening when I eventually emerged from my room and went to find Lisa. She was curled up on the sofa reading a book, one of the dogs at her feet. She smiled when she saw me come in and asked how I was.

"Bleary, if I'm honest. I can never do wine and a heavy meal at lunchtime."

"Neither can Mike. I'm sorry for his language today. I bet you've never seen him like that, have you?"

I shook my head. "No, it was a bit of a surprise."

She looked at me carefully. "I know how you feel about him, Louise. I can see it when you're together."

I felt myself blush deeply and avoided her eye. "I'm sorry. Is it that obvious?"

"It's obvious to me, but I'm not sure about anyone else."

"You never answered my question yesterday. Is Mike a womaniser?"

She stood up. "You want a glass of wine?"

My head pounded with the remnants of the lunchtime hangover, but I thought it might be a good idea to calm my nerves with a little more alcohol so I nodded.

"Wait a minute then and I'll be back. Mike's asleep so it's a great time for us to talk."

While she was gone, I studied the photos of them both which were scattered throughout the room, my eyes resting on Mike's image again and again. His dark good looks made him stand out from the photos and I sighed with exasperation at how I felt.

When Lisa handed me a glass of red, I smiled ruefully. "I'm so sorry, Lisa. I never intended to fall for him, you know."

She smiled. "Stop apologising! He's a gorgeous man, there's no denying that, and he can turn on the charm when he wants to."

"But Rob warned Richard about him. Why would he do that?"

Lisa shrugged her shoulders and took a sip of wine. "I don't know. Rob's a trouble-maker. Perhaps he was hoping you'd both have an argument about him. You remember what he's like. He drives poor Diana mad."

"What does he do for a living?"

"He works in the same industry as Jake, I think. It's all a bit vague and I keep well out of it, to be honest. If I have to go and visit Jake and Jilly I try and seek out Diana or another woman I'm friends with. I certainly don't hang out with Jilly's bunch of cronies."

"So, to ask you again...what's Mike really like?"

Lisa put her glass down and came to sit next to me on the sofa. "He's driven, Louise. More than any man I know and at times I think it's almost an obsession. He's not a womaniser as far as I can tell. It's not something you discuss, is it?" She laughed. "Oh, there's been the odd time I've wondered, when he's been away at some wine fair, but he's never flaunted it, if that's what you mean."

"Aren't you angry about this? I would be as mad as hell if another woman wanted my partner."

She laughed. "No, I'm not angry, Louise. Just a little sad that I don't feel like that. It's been too long now and I don't think I'll ever get those feelings back. When we were first together, Mike was wonderful. Probably the impression you got when you first met. In Amboise was it?"

I nodded. "He was such a contrast to Jake. So friendly and open."

"Oh, he can be. He can turn on the charm at the drop of a hat, but don't be fooled by that, Louise. In some ways he's almost worse than Jake."

I was shocked by her words. "Why?"

Lisa thought for a minute. "Jake is up front about what he wants, I'll give him that. But Mike..." she paused and took another sip of wine. "Mike disguises his objectives so you're never really sure what he wants from you."

"Has Jake ever tried anything with you?"

Lisa blushed. "Yes, of course he has! He never stops trying!"

"And what happened?"


She looked away and I had the feeling she was lying to me. Her hands trembled slightly as she held her glass and I wondered if she was drinking heavily to make up for the wine she hadn't been able to drink at lunchtime.

Deciding not to pursue it, I tried another tack. "What about Jake's business? Do you know anything about that?"

"All I know is that his first business ran into problems and Jilly's family bailed him out. Lent him some money to get the bank off his back, I think. If it wasn't for Jilly, I doubt he'd be where he is now."

"And are they very well-off?"

She laughed. "Well I wouldn't mind some of it! Enough to get me back to England so I can start again!"

I sipped my wine in silence, my head whirling with these new revelations. Would Lisa open up enough for me to find out more? Or was she as ignorant as I was?

"Do you want to go outside? I'm just worried that Mike will suddenly appear and hear us."

I agreed and followed her out to the warm terrace, the night air scented with the smell of lavender. This place was truly beautiful and I sighed as I sank onto one of the padded chairs.

"How can you bear to leave this place? It's gorgeous."

"I don't see it like that any more, Louise. It's like a prison to me now."

"That must be terrible, to feel like that."

"It is," she agreed. "I thought I was making the right decision, with the right man, but I was very wrong. In fact, I'm surprised Mike let you see him like that at lunch. That's a side that rarely comes out."

We gazed at each other and again I had that feeling she wanted to tell me something, but didn't dare. "I was shocked."

She smiled. "Have your fantasy about Mike if you wish, Louise, but just be careful. Richard seems like a good husband and you have your children to think of as well..."

She trailed off and put her hand on my arm. "I know I'm younger than you, and it's not my place to tell you what to do, but just be careful."

I felt a sudden surge of anger well up inside me at her words and felt almost like a child being told off. I rose to my feet and went to look out over the vineyards, my hands clenched at my sides.

I heard Lisa push back her chair and then she was beside me, a look of worry in her eyes. "That was stupid of me. I'm sorry."

I ignored her and continued gazing out over the vines, my acute embarrassment making it difficult to look her in the face. Why was she telling me this? And was she really as blasé about Mike's affections as she thought she was?

"Forget it, Lisa. I think I'll go back to the farmhouse tomorrow as planned and see if Richard can cut his trip to Toulouse short. If not, I'll find a small hotel to stay in until he gets back."

"Look, Louise, stay here for as long as you want. I love having you, but I can't help thinking that between them, Jake and Mike have hatched some sort of plot. If Mike is involved, his motives might not be as clear as you think."

"But why would Mike be "involved" as you say?"

She sighed. "I don't know. It's just a hunch I have. I'm probably wrong."

"I get the feeling you're not telling me everything, Lisa. Why do you really want me here? To keep me away from my husband?"

A noise from the terrace interrupted us and I looked over as Mike appeared. He looked terrible and it was the first time I'd seen him so dishevelled.

He stared at me and I could see a strange look in his eyes as he took in the situation. "Is everything OK?"

Lisa smiled to alleviate the tense atmosphere. "It's fine. Do you want a coffee?"

"That'd be nice, thanks." His eyes didn't leave my face and I saw Lisa swallow nervously.

"I'll get it. There's some wine there as well."

He nodded and sat down heavily at the table, his hands running through his thick dark hair. "God, I feel terrible. Why the hell do I drink so much?"

Lisa disappeared into the house and I sat down opposite. "I'm going back to the Harper's tomorrow. I've decided."

He looked incredulous. "What on earth for? There'll be no-one there."

"No-one at all?"

He shrugged. "I don't think so. Jake told me he's taking Richard to Toulouse and Jilly will no doubt be off with some friends. You can't go back just yet."

"I don't feel comfortable here, Mike. Lisa knows how I feel about you. She told me tonight."

He ran his fingers through his hair again. "Shit. That's bad news."

"Mike...I've never seen you like this before. What's the matter?"

He stared at me. "Just tired that's all. I'm sorry, Louise. This isn't what you need right now is it?"

He took my hands in his and kissed my palms, but I pulled away and he looked at me in surprise. "What's my lovely girlfriend been telling you tonight? You weren't like this earlier."

He waited for me to answer, but I couldn't bring myself to repeat the conversation I'd had with Lisa. Who knows what his reaction would be?

"Louise? What's the matter?"

"Nothing's the matter, Mike. I'm just tired as well. I'm not used to drinking so much and I'm missing home."

He rose from his seat and stood behind me, his fingers gently massaging my shoulders. "You're so tense. What about I pack Lisa off to bed later and give you a back rub?"

I shook my head. "I just can't Mike. It doesn't feel right. I'm going to go back to the Harper's house tomorrow and try and sort things out with Richard."

"Louise, I know you must be feeling strange after this morning. I understand that, but it would be stupid to go back tomorrow when no-one will be there to welcome you. What would be the point of that?"

I turned slightly to look up into his dark brown eyes which were full of concern. The earlier angry Mike had gone and I melted when I saw the expression on his face.

"I just want to get things sorted out with Richard and then go home. This holiday is turning out to be a nightmare, Mike. It was supposed to be a time for both of us to relax but it's been one long episode of stress and hassle."

His hands slipped down to the sides of my body, his fingers brushing the sides of my breasts. I could feel my nipples react and the tingle spread down to my groin. Mike sensed my reaction and continued, his hands encircling my waist and pulling me back into his arms.

"Tell me you don't want this," he whispered. "Say to me that this morning you weren't crying out for me to make love properly to you. I know you, Louise. You need me to give you what you want and Richard can't or won't do that at the moment."

I leaned back into his chest, my nostrils filled with the scent of him. His hands had strayed to my breasts again and one thumb was massaging my right nipple in small, sensuous strokes.

"I love Richard," I faltered.

"I know you do...but you're still attracted to me, aren't you? Ever since I saw you in that restaurant you've wondered what it would be like to make love with me. You can't deny it."

I didn't answer because I knew it was true. My head had been filled with thoughts of Mike for days now and I wondered what I had ever seen in Jake. Had I reacted to him when we met in Dover because I was so desperate for love and attention?

"Tomorrow, Louise. Lisa has to go to Avignon in the afternoon to deposit some cash into the bank. You could always go with her, of course, but why don't you plead a headache and stay here? I need to be with you, darling. Can't you see that?"

My heart started hammering in my chest as I imagined us alone in the house. The heat and silence enveloping us as we lay on the bed, our naked bodies entwined in mutual lust. Could I make love with him? Stop all the games and commit adultery? And if I did, how would I feel afterwards?

* * * * *

Thanks for reading and please vote and give feedback. Chapter 11 is well on its way!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
No adultery?

How can Louise say that she has not committed adultery? By my count Mike has brought her to orgasm twice and she gave him a blowjob. I thought any sexual relations with someone other than your spouse was adultery. Other than this issue the story is going very well.______________________


john-the-authorjohn-the-authorover 17 years ago
Continues to surprise me

I think I've been wrong every time I've tried to guess where the next chapter was going to take me. This time, Mike's proved to be a lot more mysterious than I'd thought he might be.

I *did* figure out (oh hurrah!) that Louise was going to be falling off the fidelity wagon, but I think that's a key to the development of things in the next few chapters. And yes, it is usually a really significant thing in a relationship, but what happens afterwards is of much greater importance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
a blow job is not adultery, which William says

that? William Jefferson Clinton or William Shakespeare the great playwright?

It's amazing how cheaters, nor, I mean all around nice people (who are just STRESSED over work and spouses and children) are able to max out definitions of every day word!

Clinton, for example, says, pointing his infamously long, crooked finger, "I've never had sex with that woman."

Okay, so it turned out Monica's only been blowin' him in the Oval Office occasionally!

Louise, the character here, has been exchanging bodily fluids with the man he's staying with, here, and she says "Should I commit adultery?"


Whether the man releases his saliva or seminal fluids inside your mouth or vagina or the other hole, gentle and romantic lady, the DEPOSIT is still INSIDE your body; just because you think simply because the penis is no inside THE VAGINA doesn't make it not "sex".

"Adultery" --- I thought --- is when a person, who is committed either emotionally or legally to another decides that he or she could also go ahead and exchange bodily fluids with ANOTHER person, WHILE STILL supposedly committed to the first person, no?

And this woman has 2 kids with her husband, right? what was his name, Richard (whether he is also a cheater is ANOTHER STORY; here we're dealing with LOUISE'S err conflicting thoughts, whether she should allow Mikey'd dick in her vagina too after having it in her mouth)?,,,,,

And who's thta devious but "up front" guy, Jake, and Louise here and gentle/wise Lisa's been talking about,,, Jake who's supposedly more up front than Mikey here but per Lisa, both men are unsavory kinds,,,?

Louise is married, and she and her husband, Richard, was it?, has contributed 2 kids of the human race, right? but unless Mikey's or some other man dick is squarely INSIDE her vagina, Louise here doesn't consider that cheating or adultery? lol

But, then again, waht the hell do I know when I sound like some hypocritical evengelical preacher here!,,, LOL!!!

I love the English language and its users! We are so freaking good at stretching it,,, "It depends what "is" is!", says Clinton,,,,

Well, to answer Mr. Clinton (I'm a Liberal, by the way, not one of your gun-totting southern hypocritical born away christian!), "is" is, according to the cheap, on-line dictionar, a

"verb" or "auxiliary verb, present singular first person."

While on on-line activities, I looked up the word "adultery" and it said "intercourse" between two or more people who are not their legally married spouses.

The word "intercourse" was a bit vaque, so I had to look it up too; it said the following:

(1). dealings or communication between individuals, groups, countries, etc.

(2). interchange of thoughts, feelings, etc.

(3). sexual relations or a sexual coupling, esp. coitus.

Well, at this juncture, my little mind's thoroughly stumped, given that English is not my native language,,,,

Is "intercourse" somekind of a "interchange of thoughts, feelings", or it is strictly A "PENISE INSIDE A VAGINA"?

I normally think the root/term "inter---" means "going inside" something, some hole, some place,,,

I mean, really, is a penis (or a tongue) going INSIDE a MOUTH so much more different than one going INSIDE a VAGINA?

Again, I must apologize; you'll have to excuse my poor grasp of Shakespeare's English language,,,, It is such a dynamic and beautiful language!,,, No wonder the French language has gone down a steep hill since the 1800's!

MacDukeMacDukeover 17 years ago
Compelling Characters

This is taking on the aura of true literature. You have created at least five interesting characters that we want to know more about. All that and Louise swallows too!! Take your time. This is a good read and a great story.

duddle146duddle146over 17 years ago

I love how this wonderful Writer ends this chapter with almost unbearable indecision. Brings back a line from an old Pop Song, "I'm undecided now, so what am I gonna do..." Wonderful Write. Enjoyable read.

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