Starship of Lust Ch. 03


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I figured as much, but he still hadn't said exactly what he wanted from me. "Stop being evasive. Spit it out."

"Well..." Cooper leaned back a little, causing the bed to creak under him. "I want you to do a strip show for me. I want you to act flirty and erotic, and then, once you're naked, touch yourself in front of me."

I clenched my fist as he spoke. The nerve of this man - he wanted to treat his commanding officer like his own personal stripper. Nowhere was it written that a sexual processor must humiliate herself. I'd never been completely naked with anyone besides my husband, and the thought of baring my body to Anthony Cooper made me want to gag. I opened my mouth to refuse -

But stopped. I shouldn't be hasty. If I spurn Cooper now, he may become uncooperative, forcing me to spend ludicrous amounts of time processing him each night. Taking the long view, the best thing for me is to obey Cooper. It went against every fiber of my being, but logically... I just couldn't see a better way out.

"... Fine." Sighing for what felt like the millionth time tonight, I agreed to his proposal.

Cooper's resulting grin was so wide that I almost backed out after all, but the decision had been made. Once I chose to do something, it was in my nature to fully commit.

"Thank you, Admiral! Oh, uh, one more thing." He was already pulling down his pants. "I think I would find it easier to get in the mood if there wasn't all this formality between us. Is it alright if, just during sexual processing, we use each others' first names?"

He always had to push his luck. Still... "Do as you wish... Anthony."

"Thanks, Catherine." Hearing my name out of Cooper's mouth made me sick, but I ignored him and began my "strip show".

I had zero experience with this sort of thing. It's not that I lacked confidence in my body; rather, my husband liked to undress me himself, so there had never been any reason to learn. So, I awkwardly stepped back and forth, in something that could vaguely be called a dance, and reached to unbutton my jacket.

"Go slower! Be more of a tease," Cooper barked at me, already stroking himself.

I scowled... but complied. With an aching pause between each movement, forcing myself to show off my increasing cleavage to Cooper every so often, I eventually managed to unbutton my jacket.

"Wink and blow me a kiss. You should be doing stuff like that without me having to tell you, Catherine." He had the audacity to chastise me as if this wasn't doing anything for him, but the size of his erection said otherwise.

But, it's true that I wasn't putting much effort into this. I needed to focus, or Cooper might call it off and force me to touch him after all.

Mustering up all the sex appeal that I had, I winked and blew him a kiss before working off my jacket. He looked pleased.

My skirt came next. The thing was so short that all I could think to do was slowly pull it down my leg, with what I hoped was a seductive smile. Now clad in only my bra and underwear - remembering what Cooper said about being a tease - I did my best to just dance for a couple minutes. I slid my hands up my thighs, lightly gripping my buttocks. I leaned forward and shook my chest, giving Cooper an eyeful of my breasts. He licked his lips, and my face burned from anger and embarrassment - but I refused to let him get to me.

"Use your words. Tell me you're all mine."

Another command from Cooper. At least I had experience buttering him up with words.

"I'm all yours, Co - Anthony. My body exists for your pleasure." There wasn't an iota of truth behind those words, obviously, but I knew they were the kind of demeaning, subservient talk that Cooper preferred.

I turned and started removing my bra. Although he'd already seen me topless, I committed to the "show" and held the bra in place after I'd unhooked it. Cooper was treated to a brief view of my bare back before I turned back around. After some more dancing and another nauseating wink, I let my bra drop to the floor. Cooper's expression was revolting, a reprehensible cross between joy and lust.

I pushed my breasts together with my arms, throwing in a few sharp movements to make them jiggle. "Do you like that, Anthony?" I needled him in the sexiest voice I could manage.

"I do," he replied in a breathy voice, furiously beating his meat. I'd hoped to provoke an orgasm before I stripped completely... but Cooper knew his body too well for that. No matter how titilliating I acted, he wasn't going to blow his load before seeing every part of me.

Grumbling internally, my hands finally moved to my underwear. They were a simple set; "girly" undergarments had never been my thing, but I'm not sure if that made me feel better or worse in this moment. Lacking the remaining patience to make a show out of this, I tore them off in a matter of seconds.

On the first night of sexual processing, I swore that I would do only the bare minimum of my duty. I promised myself that I would not bend to this pathetic excuse for a human being, that the most private parts of my body would stay private.

And yet here I stood now, nude in front of Anthony Cooper. Was I really so weak, to let my convictions falter in not even two weeks? I don't see anything I could have truly done better. No matter how often I mentally retraced my steps to this point, I couldn't envision a better outcome. For better or worse, it had quickly become apparent that keeping Cooper happy during sexual processing was my optimal course of action.

If that's so, it wasn't fair to beat myself up over "faltering convictions". It would be more accurate to say that I adjusted my strategy in the face of new information, as I have my entire career.


This epiphany took a load off my mind. Suddenly, what had felt like an incongruity in my head, something off that didn't quite belong, finally clicked into place.

I refocused my vision on Cooper. His eyes bulged at my naked body, and his hand had even momentarily stopped moving. I still felt an overpowering disgust for the man, but I found it easier to compartmentalize those feelings. If I let myself dwell on them, they would only get in the way of finishing today's sexual processing as soon as possible.

Recalling that Cooper had requested I touch myself after stripping, I lifted one boob with my left hand and licked its nipple. Meanwhile, my right hand descended low, inserting a finger into my vagina. I wasn't especially wet, but that gradually changed as a natural consequence of the physical stimulation.

Cooper looked pleased and resumed his own masturbation. "Lay on the floor, Catherine. Spread your legs to give me a clear view, but keep playing with yourself."

I did as he said. Cooper stood and approached. He loomed over me, his penis throbbing, eyes fixated on my fully exposed tits and pussy. We stayed like that for about thirty seconds, each of us masturbating before the other.

The sounds of our fluids - mostly Cooper's - were the only thing to fill the silence. His penis was slick with precum. I could tell he was close, but his hand was slowing down. At this rate, things would stall.

I knew what Cooper needed.

"Oh, Anthony..." I moaned to him in a higher pitch than my normal speaking voice, still fingering myself and rubbing my tit. "I'm so wet... I'm your slutty little admiral, Anthony... Cum all over me, please!"

I made the words sound as heartfelt as I could, and the color of genuine arousal in my voice made the act all the more convincing.

Just as planned, Cooper came. I smirked triumphantly as strands of his semen landed all across my naked body.

There was a look of mild disbelief on Cooper's face. I'm sure he'd been hoping to drag this out for another ten or twenty minutes, but I'd foiled his scheme with my words alone. I'd turned him on too much, and he couldn't resist climaxing.

"You would do well not to underestimate me in the future," I cautioned, unable to resist a small gloat. "Don't forget who I am, and who you are." As I spoke, I stood back up and started cleaning my body of his semen.

Cooper coughed a little before acknowledging. "You're right, Admiral. My apologies. I'll keep that in mind for future sessions." Oddly, he didn't sound all that disappointed...

"Actually, ma'am -" Cooper continued, regaining my attention. "There was something else I wanted to talk with you about, before you left for the night."

His tone was suddenly professional, which had me curious enough to bite. "Continue."

"Putting our personal differences aside, wouldn't you say that implementing sexual processing has been a good thing for the engineering cohort? Productivity is up across the board."

He... wasn't wrong. Our engineers had recently reported a 23% increase in efficiency, and their morale was higher than it had been in months. That was nothing to scoff at - and the only significant variable had been the commencement of sexual processing. "Your point?"

"Well..." He seemed to be considering the best way to phrase this. "It may not be my place to suggest it, but have you considered approving wider scale sexual processing aboard the Athens?"



I closed my eyes, focusing on the physicality of the penis in my mouth. I was confident that my technique had improved substantially since I first fellated Corporal Vonce, but settling for "good enough" was unacceptable. The "Scarlet Hunter" label was a heavy burden to bear. While it was technically an unofficial nickname, the title's reputation now demanded the best. Anything less would sully the name of both myself and the Unified Nations.

I explored the penis with my lips and tongue, closely noting its irregularities and erogenous zones. I had come to learn that every man was unique. While they each broadly enjoyed oral sex, the specifics were surprisingly varied. Some preferred slow, sensual movements; some preferred targeted stimulation of their glans or testicles; some prefered eye contact; some preferred taking control, others preferred relinquishing it. There was no global approach to properly satisfy all men. Effective fellatio required keen observation, testing different approaches and committing to those which were most successful.

I opened my eyes again, looking up at the man's face to gauge his reactions. He was Private John Mitchell, a relatively new recruit. However, he must be exceptional in some way if he was serving aboard the Athens. Currently, his features were contorted in an expression of utmost pleasure, his head vaguely tilted upward.

Our surroundings were not the training room, nor the running track. Unusually, we were in the hangar, although we were not alone. In my peripheral vision, I could make out countless personnel engaged in various tasks: some calibrating armor stations, some assembling weaponry, and some (like myself) engaged in semen extraction.

The Athens was preparing to launch a brief offensive to aid allies on one of the moons of Yitar. As live combat would obviously require significant physical activity, all female soldiers were acting to ingest semen before deployment. I had been concerned that this would impose upon our male comrades, already going through their own pre-mission prep, but there had thankfully been ample volunteers.

A figure approached Mitchell and I from the side. It was Corporal Vonce. He and I had grown more familiar since he first donated his semen. He'd even been magnanimous enough to donate to me personally four more times.

"Major." I nodded slightly at his approach. "I was hoping that I could donate my own semen, in addition to Private Mitchell."

Realizing this would be an actual conversation, I motioned to Mitchell that I would have to pause momentarily. Sliding the penis out of my throat, I turned to face Vonce. "I have no objection, Corporal. However, I have only the one mouth. Is it acceptable to wait until Mitchell is finished?"

Vonce seemed to anticipate this response. "Actually, I had another idea. Can't I use the hole down there?", he asked, indicating my genitals with his hand.

"My... vagina, Corporal?" I was taken aback. Vonce was propositioning me for sex?

"I'd wear a condom, ma'am, and you could drink from it afterward." To accentuate the point, he held up a wrapped condom. "Wouldn't that be more efficient than having to wait for your mouth?"

I was conflicted. Following that logic, Vonce could simply masturabate into the condom and achieve the same effect. However... it was important to keep in mind that the man is already providing a crucial service by offering his semen. In exchange, it is the woman's duty to make the process as easy as possible for him. If oral sex was not an option, was it not my responsibility to present a reasonable alternative?

Arriving at a decision, I gave Vonce my answer. "I see. In truth, I had not considered that as an option. However..." I repositioned myself, pointing my lower half in the opposite direction of Private Mitchell, before unzipping the crotch of my jumpsuit. "... I believe it is a sound argument. You may insert yourself as your leisure, Corporal."

"T-thank you, ma'am!" After an unnecessary salute, Vonce scrambled to unzip his own jumpsuit and open the condom. A moment later, he was behind me.

I was not a virgin but, as with fellatio, I was inexperienced. Feeling his penis brush up against my vagina, I felt uncharacteristically... trepidatious.

"Vonce - ah..." I'm not entirely sure what I was about to say; perhaps I was going to suggest that we reconsider. Regardless, I was interrupted by Corporal Vonce entering inside me. Rather abruptly, I was having sex for the first time in years.

Deciding there was nothing for it, I changed tack and started to move my hips. Vonce moaned somewhat loudly, but no one looked in our direction. In fact, I now noticed at least two other women in the hangar similarly engaged in intercourse. This realization eased my mind. As long as others are following suit, there is no reason for concern.

With renewed purpose and Vonce still deep in my vagina, I once again sucked upon Mitchell's penis. It was a uniquely challenging experience, having never entertained two men simultaneously. If I focused on the movements of my mouth, my lower body would become stagnant, and likewise for the reverse. When it came to semen extraction, I suddenly felt as if my skills were back at square one.

Even so, both men achieved orgasm almost immediately. I readily swallowed Mitchell's ejaculate as it pumped down my throat. Originally, the sensation had been mildly uncomfortable, due to my inability to regulate the speed and volume of semen, but I had grown accustomed to it over time.

Next, Vonce pulled out and carefully handed me his used condom. As I leaned my head back to drink from it, I spotted Admiral Locke surveying the area from a corner of the hangar. We shared a glance as I drank from the condom. I could see her eyes taking in the three of us - then she continued about her work, having determined everything was in order.

I respected my sister immensely; she was the epitome of an authoritative, intellectual leader. With her at the helm, I had no doubt that the Athens would always carve a path to victory.

The condom was now empty. After one final moment to savor the taste of Vonce's semen, I thanked the two men for their assistance and stepped toward the nearest armor station. As my suit constructed around me, with more semen in my gut than ever before, I felt at peace.

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sieghart004sieghart004over 1 year ago

this is great. hope you keep them "professional" about their sexual relief duties and not just turn them into the generic mind control sluts who repeatedly scream master while getting railed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ah yes, Samantha Adams, not to be confused with Samus Aran.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is really well made. I really like how both Locke and Adams are still strong willed characters whose strong wills are used to do pervy stuff.

I wonder if coming in to contact with other troops will mess up Cooper's plans though.

That image of the female soldiers getting 'donations' in the hangar though *chef's kiss*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So the female officers are becoming "morale officers" and the lower ranked females are becoming literal cum dumps. Nasty, so very nasty. :D :D :D

ConstructiveConstructiveover 1 year ago

hell yeah, love the direction and pace of the story. can't wait till he has them both.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Delightfully sick and twisted in the way it's all made to seem perfectly normal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Whoa this was worth the wait.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Waited three months for this and it was worth the wait. Very glad to see this continue!

chipmonk9chipmonk9over 1 year ago

Good to see you back

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