Steve's Surprise Ch. 03

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CFNM. Nervous women take advantage of an unsuspecting guy.
3.1k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/04/2019
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"What now?" he asked tentatively, thinking he needed to say something.

"Good grief, Cynthia, what are you doing?" Cindy asked. "Kathy said there wasn't any touching at the party Bill went to."

"I said, not much touching," Kathy corrected.

"We have a naked man at our disposal," Cynthia said, "How often do you have an opportunity like this?"

"I don't think a little touching would hurt anybody, right Steve?" Brenda was twitching with excitement. "I'd be glad to give you a massage... wherever you need a good rub," she said, trying to catch her breath.

Cindy was on pins and needles. Steve felt the roller coaster had frozen in time facing downhill at the peak of the steepest, highest incline. Leslie and Kathy were on the edge of their seats, wondering how this would play out.

Cynthia blew softly on Steve's hair. "Do you ever shave this?" she asked sweetly.

"Sometimes," he answered with a squeaky voice. "May I please sit down now?"

"We may make you lie down in a minute," she answered with a chuckle. Steve choked. "For now, I'd like to see what we have here," she continued. She smiled up at him and then with her pointer finger, she touched the end of his dick and then lingeringly moved the tip of her finger around the head then moved it nonchalantly up the bottom of the shaft. Steve held his breath and just as he thought he'd be able to exhale, she gently scooped up his balls. After handling them carefully, she let go and held his dick with her fingertips at about mid shaft. Steve began to suck wind. "You ok?" she asked, looking up at him innocently. Unable to speak, he nodded his head.

"My God, Cynthia! What in the world are you doing?" Cindy gasped.

"Settle down, Cindy," she replied impatiently, "You'll get your turn soon."

Except for the sound of Cindy sputtering in an effort to say something, the room was dead silent other than Steve's deep breathing. "Very nice," Cynthia said as she stood, placing her right hand on Steve's ass and grasping his stiffened shaft with her left, stroking it slowly.

"Oh my God..." Steve managed to whisper.

"Is something wrong?"

Steve gulped, unable to reply.

"Cynthia, I thought we weren't going to do anything like that. Just take off his clothes and have him wait on us," Kathy said, suddenly feeling responsible for what was happening.

"I think he's enjoying it, right Steve?" Brenda said, almost out of breath with arousal.

But he still couldn't reply as Cynthia continued to stroke him a little bit faster. She could easily sense Steve's accelerated heart rate and stopped abruptly. Steve was surprised. The roller coaster was about to crest another steep hill. "There, now. I guess I better stop so this party doesn't end too soon," she said to him with a smile. "Maybe someone else would like to examine you a little bit. Cindy? Were you hoping to be next?"

Cindy was still in shock. She was finally comfortable with Steve's nudity, but in her naivete, this had not been on her radar. All she could do was shake her head vigorously.

"I'd like to have a turn," Leslie said, before Brenda could speak again. Everyone looked at her with surprise and she blushed. She was single and had broken up with her last boy friend 6 months ago. She was unprepared for how much she was enjoying this CFNM experience. She found Steve's personality very attractive but now that he was also naked and intimidated, it was easier for her to take advantage of the situation.

"Well come on down!" Cynthia said with a flourish as she gestured to Steve's privates. Everything in the room felt like it was in midair as Leslie stood and walked over to where Steve and Cynthia stood. Steve watched her approach nervously, cleared his throat and braced himself.

Cynthia stepped away as Leslie moved up close to Steve. Smiling, she reached out and grasped his arms holding them to his sides. "Steve, you are a handsome man," she said, making eye contact. Still smiling, her eyes moved up and down his body. He flinched. The girls chuckled except for Cindy.

Leslie walked around Steve, studying his body. He felt highly conscious of every pore in his skin. "Hmmm uh huh... Very nice, Steve... Are you still ok with all this?" She said, now facing him again. He nodded somewhat guardedly. "This is fun, having you, butt nekkid."

The other ladies were still surprised at Leslie's boldness and watched curiously to see what she would do next. "Turn around so I can look at your ass one more time," she said as if she were checking to see how a pair of slacks fit. With his back to everyone in the room, he took a deep breath, wondering what she would do. The ladies began to snicker and Leslie's left hand squeezed his left cheek. He jumped and everyone burst out laughing. He was feeling like a piece of meat, but turned on. He turned back around to see the smiling faces. Focusing on Cindy's look of shock, he didn't notice Leslie move and jumped again as she gently took hold of his dick. The nervous laughter filled the room. He turned immediately to see her grinning like someone who had cornered their prey.

"Surprised you, didn't I?" she said as she ran her fingers underneath the shaft. He gulped, again unable to speak. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle," she said sensuously. Then looking at what she was doing, she grasped his dick and stroked it up and down. Steve sighed. She placed her hand on his stomach and rubbed it playfully, sliding back down gradually to continue this erotic torture. Steve was in complete surrender.

"Don't wear him out, Leslie," Cynthia advised. "There are a few others in line who want a turn." She looked at Kathy and then Cindy. "You DO want a turn, don't you Cindy?" She enjoyed rattling Cindy's modesty. "But maybe you should be last... and finish him off," she said, raising her eyebrows and grinning from ear to ear. Brenda gasped. Leslie was silent,

"Whoa!" Brenda said. "I have a hard time thinking Cindy wants to do that, right Cindy?" But Cindy's mouth hung open. Her mind blank, she stared wide eyed at Brenda, then Leslie, who kissed Steve on the cheek and sat down. "Well, no rush. You can think about it while I take a turn," Brenda said as she stood and walked over to Steve, smiling wickedly. She stood just out of reach, folded her arms across her chest and studied their captive. "Steve? I must tell you it was a LOT of fun taking your clothes off. Would you like to do this again sometime?"

Steve was afraid to answer. Did he want to do this again? Sure. But would he rather be one of five men with a naked woman? Definitely. Speechless and not wanting to stammer any more than he already had, he shrugged his shoulders.

"That means he has enjoyed this, but he's not sure about a repeat performance," Cynthia said, "But I bet if we planned something and let him help with the plan, he'd be all over it, right Steve?"

Steve felt put on the spot, but standing there without a stitch of clothes on, how much more "on the spot" could he be? "Yeah, I guess so," he said quietly, hoping he didn't sound too submissive.

"Well, let's not think about the future since you're completely naked right now," Brenda said, with extra emphasis on the word, 'now.' She stepped up close to Steve and pushed her fingers through his shaggy mane, then slid her hands down to his neck, moving out each shoulder and squeezing his biceps. Then she placed her hands on his chest and slid them down until she had to get on her knees in order to continue to go any lower. Sliding just below the waistline, she moved her hands out to his hips, positioning her self to perform an oral treatment on his cock. When Cynthia had been in this position, it had been a tease. Brenda wasn't teasing and Steve's stomach muscles tightened with anticipation. Brenda looked up at him and smiled. She moved her hands away from his hips and rubbed them together. Steve already had an erection so she pushed it down with her pointer finger and took it into her mouth.

There was a collective gasp before Kathy said, "Wow, Brenda! I can't believe you're doing THAT!" Cynthia raised her eyebrows. Leslie's hands covered her mouth and Cindy's mouth hung open again. Without releasing her hold, Brenda glanced sideways and tried to reply but it was impossible to understand what she had said with her mouth full. At first, Steve's arms hung to his sides but soon he held Brenda's head firmly as she continued sucking and slurping as she went. Steve groaned.

Brenda was focused as if she fully intended to bring Steve to a point of climax. The other ladies recognized this and exchanged glances. Ever the leader and spokesperson, Cynthia spoke up. "Uh... Brenda? Save a little bit for Cindy, ok?"

Brenda slid back and forth one more time and then reluctantly, held Steve's dick at the base and kissed it's head. She looked up at him contentedly and said, "How was that?" Steve nodded but he was in a daze.

Now all eyes were on Cindy, "I... I uh... Oh dear, um... I don't know what to think," she said, flustered by how far things had gone. She was kicking herself for not imagining things would wind up here. But now, the ball {so to speak} was in her court. What to do? She looked at Steve who looked back with a confused questioning, but wound up expression. How could she follow up Brenda? What did he want her to do? Would they be able to look at each other at the community center? Would this radically alter their relationship in a new direction? If so, would she want that? Would he? However, she was seriously aroused and trying to keep a lid on it had been fairly easy but now free to join him on the rollercoaster, she was trying to count the cost.

"Uh, Cindy?" Leslie tried to pull her back into the moment. "Are you in there somewhere?"

"Sorry. Trying to get my wits about me. Wow... Steve? What are you thinking?" She felt like she needed permission no matter what she decided.

"Maybe I should go next," Kathy said, settling the tension momentarily. I wasn't really planning on this, but..."

"Jump on in Kathy!" Cynthia said, "If it weren't for you, this party wouldn't be happening anyway."

Kathy grinned, "Alright," she said as she stood and straightened her slacks. "Come stand over here in the middle of the room, Steve," she said as she moved a chair out of the way. "Just in case we need more room." Every eyebrow was raised and glances ere exchanged.

Steve did as he was told. He felt more naked knowing they watched him closely as he moved clumsily around the coffee table, bumping a corner and rattling the cups and saucers. "Sorry," he said, his anxiety increasing. He felt even more dominated having Kathy who was older, a little overweight and a bit larger than him, taking charge now. If he were choosing a woman to be sexy with, it wouldn't be her, but here they were and she was in charge.

She took a deep breath and smiled at him. "Well now... let me see here... " She stepped in front of Steve and stood maybe a foot away just inside his personal space. He fought the inclination to step back. It surprised him when she placed her hands on his hips and looked him in the eye. "Hello there, Steve," she said as if they were old friends. "What's happened to all your clothes?" Their eyes were locked together so he jerked when she took hold of his dick like it was the handle of a hammer. "You shouldn't be walking around naked like that," she said never looking away, "Someone might want to grab this thing. Y'know?"

Steve sputtered trying to think of a comeback. The ladies were giggling again and Brenda yelled, "Whoo! Go Kathy!" Kathy looked over her shoulder at her with an excited grin.

Turning back, she looked down at her hand holding Steve's dick. Looking back at his face, she smiled broadly and said, "Very nice. Very, very nice." She stepped back and let go, looking him over, squinting at him studiously. Steve could feel five pairs of eyes, studying his naked body, but Kathy was leading the way. Facing her again, he stood quietly awaiting instruction, naked and submitted. Kathy stood beside him and caressed his ass with her right hand. She patted his cheek tenderly then a little harder and then, to his surprise, slapped it, generating chortles of laughter. Facing him again, she wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body against him and reached around with both hands to squeeze his ass again. Before he could absorb this, she kissed him right on the mouth, stepped back to look at him again with a big smile and then turned to Cindy and said, "He's all yours. Help yourself." The ladies all applauded, delighted with Kathy's performance. She returned to her seat and Brenda high-fived her.

Cindy sat motionless, breathing heavily, unsure what to do. Hesitantly, she stood to her feet, facing Steve and fearing her desires. He stared at her, unable to predict what was about to happen. Taking a deep breath with a pounding heart, she stepped in front of him, looking in his eyes, too self-conscious to look anywhere else. "Steve, I swear this has gone way beyond what I had thought would happen," she said, almost panting with excitement. "I never imagined all this." But with the opportunity right in front of her, how could she resist? Steve nodded his head, his throat again too dry to speak. "But here we are..." She bit her lower lip as she studied his face. Her senses were telling her to pounce on him.

"What do you want to do?" Steve said breathlessly, clinching his fists to keep from touching her. He moved closer and boldly placed his hands on her hips thinking she needed him to take charge. She had never considered him in this way but everything had changed now. Steve pulled her to himself, pressing their bodies together. Cindy had not expected this, and wrapped her arms around him, the feel of his bare skin melting her sensibilities. She could smell his shampoo and the Ivory soap he'd used a couple of hours ago. It was as if he had just dried off after stepping out of the shower. His strength and gentleness captured her and she squeezed him tightly, her head now resting on his shoulder.

The other ladies were silent, watching as a different vibe unfolded. Cindy placed her hands on Steve's back and allowed her lips to brush against his cheek. He responded by squeezing her tighter. Although this was a tender moment, it was still erotically precarious. Neither knew what to say or how to proceed, so they remained in the hug. Finally, Steve let his right arm slide down her back and stroked Cindy's left cheek. She flinched with surprise. Had he meant to do that? It was like he was giving her permission to make a move. So she did. She followed Steve's example and let her right hand drift down to the small of his back. She stroked his skin and sensing his acceptance, allowed her hand to drift down to the soft flesh of his cheeks. Both were enveloped in apprehension but unable to refrain from succumbing to the immediacy of pleasure. Neither had been in such an embrace in a long time and the power of intimacy was difficult to resist.

Cindy began to relax into the magic of the moment and with both hands began to rub Steve's back, feeling his muscular shoulders and moving back down to fondle both cheeks breathing deeply, enjoying the warmth of his body. Steve who had less restraint, settled into finally feeling his domination had been lifted. After having been enveloped in vulnerability it was a relief to feel like he was on even footing. He felt freer to fully engage.

The other ladies murmured their acceptance. Steve leaned back so he could make eye contact and Cindy was forced to do the same. She began to smile, communicating she was turning on to what was happening. This sure did feel good. Having control over a man... Ideas raced through her mind. This really was an unusual opportunity. Steve had thought he was gaining some control but Cindy's smile startled him. It wasn't the quiet, sweet, gentle girl he knew from the community center. She stepped back, scanning his body and her smile looked almost sinister. She turned to look at her friends.

"Atta girl, Cindy," Cynthia cooed. "He's all yours."

"Let yourself go, girl friend," Brenda said, "You can do anything you want, right Steve?"

Cindy saw the confusion on his face and seized his moment of surprise by wrapping her left arm around his waist and scooping up his balls with her right hand. Too stunned to think, Steve jerked back in surprise. He turned to look at her face and saw her confidence and sense of control. His mind went blank.

The response from the other ladies was temporarily deafening. Cindy pulled her hand back and wrapped her fingers around his shaft, her right hand firmly grabbing his right butt cheek.

Steve sputtered in surprise, still unable to think. Cindy finally felt totally into it. Totally. She turned to face him, smiled, closed her eyes and leaned in to give him a deep kiss. Steve thought he might drown.

"Maybe we should leave now," Kathy whispered, barely loud enough for the other ladies to hear. They all exchanged glances and Cynthia shook her head and mouthed the word, "No." She was sure that Cindy still needed the strength of numbers to feel safe.

Steve tried to step into the aggressor role by touching Cindy's breasts. It was obvious she was hot but she responded by slapping him and then returning to the hand job. She looked in Steve's eyes with a confident, tough chick smile he had never seen. Cynthia was right. Cindy felt dominance with them all in the room with her. Steve simply felt dominated and confused.

Cindy brought Steve within a millisecond of a shuddering climax when there was a loud knock at the door...

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nakedguyatxnakedguyatxalmost 2 years ago

this is getting hot1

BarbBudBarbBudabout 3 years agoAuthor

I called Chapter 4 "Part 4" by mistake. Hope that can be sorted out.

BarbBudBarbBudabout 3 years agoAuthor

just posted Part 4 & about to post Part 5, but I

SkinTicklerSkinTicklerabout 4 years ago
So many delicious possibilities...

Personally, I'm hoping Cindy's friends silently begin to strip her, too...

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Cant wait!

Such a cliffhanger! I am hoping that there is more women at the door to see Steve naked. The more the merrier. I love seeing him getting groped, embarrassed, and aroused in the nude. Please keep up the good work!

velcro_zippervelcro_zipperalmost 5 years ago
I need chapter 4!

OMG... The tension, the teasing, the excitement, it's all building so beautifully! And then you leave us with a delicious cliffhanger.... I can't wait!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Favorite fantasy

Maybe they could do what Cynthia playfully suggested in Ch. 2. Maybe Steve DOES want to be “raped” (all play, of course).

Colin PearceColin Pearcealmost 5 years ago
Excruciating pleasure

So glad Steve is keeping things up under all that pressure -I think I may have let the side down! Hope there are a few more twists and turns on the roller coaster before the ride comes to an end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
i'm the author

I messed up logging into my account, but THANK YOU for all these wonderful responses!. I hope to respond to each one. Honestly, I haven't written much of Chapter 4 yet. But as a teaser, I plan to use it to start Cindy's Surprise. :) My time is super limited, but please be patient & thanks again for the feedback. To the anonymous comment, I'm sorry I offended you. I think I see how I did that & I apologize. Maybe we could chat.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I want to be Steve.

You have portrayed my fantasy. Exciting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Absolute Enjoyment!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I don't find many stories where the handsome guy gets naked and bashful in front of many gorgeous women. You are unique and I love it! Please keep it coming.

JJJJeffJJJJeffalmost 5 years ago

Nice touch to leave us in suspense!


dwr0242dwr0242almost 5 years ago
Hot Story!

I love this story! Wish I was Steve! I can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
One star

I wouldn’t treat a woman like this. I also would have written this as maybe two chapters, including whatever you intend to be outside the door.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Thid is hot. Keep it cumming

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