Stories of Strange Queens


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'I still can't believe you were homeless for two years,' Courtney said over a bowl of breakfast that was a carbon-copy of Melanie's. 'You look too incredible for it!'

Melanie laughed. 'I was living between homeless shelters. I had just managed to get a job for petty change cleaning trash out of this all-night club's carpark when the place got hit with infringement fines and laid off a bunch of staff to make back lost profits from the settlement... That change was enough to buy this back-room at a tiny hotel on the edge of town I used to go to, sort of an old over-night stay room with a bed, table, sink and a clothes rack, but I couldn't afford it once I lost the job. I never went as far as you did, though,' Melanie said. 'I'm not sure I could sell my body for money, even if I was in your situation. I considered it, but I couldn't. Not as thin as this, and unclean as I was,' Melanie went on, indicating herself. She was very skinny, and her breasts, already small, stuck out on her taut chest. One nipple was visibly stiff through her new company-issued shirt, while the other remained invisible.

Courtney put a spoonful in her mouth and made an exclamatory look with her face. 'Yeah, well, I dunno that I disagree with you. I can't imagine what I would have done if I'd been turfed out of the house. I guess at least you get a bed to sleep in sometimes, but...' she said.

'But still, living with your step-uncle and aunty and being forced to sell yourself to pay rent, man,' Melanie said in return, 'that is some bullshit.'

'It wasn't all bad, I guess,' Courtney said. 'I mean, they were bad -- they fought, they gambled, they were dirty and bigoted -- but at least they didn't beat me.'

'Yeah, because you snuck out at night to have sex for money so you could keep them happy,' Melanie returned.

'That's true. My parents wouldn't even have let me do that; they'd expect me to pay my share, but they wouldn't let me out to get a job. If they'd caught me sneaking out for sex, they'd have just thought it was because I was selfish and stupid and letting men use me, not because I was trying to please them.'

'Well, I'm sure you're better off here. Just like I will be, I guess.' Melanie said, the confidence in her words lacking, but the intention as clear as day. Courtney smiled, and her wide, attractive grin full of slightly crooked teeth was the nicest thing Melanie had seen since she'd been in school years before.

With a loud unlocking sound and a bang, the door in the far wall of the ward flew open, and Roberto entered. He strode purposefully up the length of beds until he came to Melanie's. 'Good morning, Miss Carter. How was your sleep --restful, I assume? Excellent.' He said officiously. 'Good, good. Pleasure to see that you're coming along well. Sit up, please.' He said, gesturing impatiently towards Melanie, who straightened on the side of the bed where she'd been lying before. 'I'll be taking a first course of tests now. Your arm, please.' Extracting a small plastic cylinder from his coat's pocket, he clicked two breakable clips in on each side with his thumb and forefinger and twisted a single-use cap off the end. A short needle was revealed underneath, protruding from within a thick plastic collar. Melanie held up her arm and he took it roughly, his fingers pressing into the sore muscles in her forearm. Quickly, he found a vein and inserted the needle without warning as Melanie watched. He was clearly annoyed at something, Melanie thought as she watched a previously obscured chamber inside the handle of the plastic auto-syringe fill itself with her blood, pressurised from within to extract just the right amount from her body. She looked up at him as he leaned over her arm.

'Thanks to you, slut, this project is being fast tracked for deprioritised completion,' he breathed to her as he tapped the syringe casing, ignorant of the needle still in her arm. 'That means no further testing, that means completing the current test cycle, and it means the data gets shelved and I get moved on to another task. Someone else's task. All because the proof work I did to justify the costs and expenditure on this are no longer profitable enough, and it's your fucking fault.' Melanie stared at him as he blustered, six inches from her face. She felt another wash of warmth as he breathed at her, and distantly, the sensation reminded her of the last time she'd felt it. Then, she had been feeling very differently to how she felt now.

'But how is it my fault if the project-' she protested as he removed the needle from her arm and slapped a plaster over the site.

'Your installation proved that the costs to acquire, operate on, rehabilitate and train a subject outweigh the results, especially when the final benefit does not, in their minds, fully equate to producing a satisfying product for a client,' he said loudly, slapping the plastic cap back onto the needle, the edges pushing into the collar around the sides of the tube and snapping, locking the cap back in place irremovably. He gestured at her.

'What that means in words you can understand is that this, you, are not a fully satisfying product we can reliably sell. Not when fuckwads like Harrison are designing ways to reimage a brain like a fucking computer!' Roberto said, jamming the syringe back in his pocket and angrily pulling a thermometer and a blood pressure ringlet from his other pocket. He slapped the circular ring around Melanie's bicep painfully and clasped it shut, and, jabbing a touch-sensitive button on the metal ring's surface, Melanie felt the insides of the device pressurise around her arm, a small balloon laid around it expanding into her arm to take her blood pressure. It hurt her strained muscles, but the painkillers were good ones and so it was only mildly uncomfortable. Roberto roughly turned Melanie's head by putting his fingers on her scalp and pressed the small laser thermometer painfully into her ear.

'So it's my fault your project isn't as good as someone else's?' Melanie said, pretending not to know who Harrison was. As a nurse primarily, she had actually worked with a lot of the mid-level staff in the building, including many of the designers whose job it was to invent, build, install and test different client-satisfying products. Melanie had assisted two operations with Harrison before, and none with Roberto.

'Yes, you little cunt! You're not fucking profitable!' Roberto shouted, ripping the thermometer away and roughly pulling the blood pressure ring off her arm. He checked the readings on both before turning back to her.

'You'd better be thankful you got yours first,' he said, waggling his finger in her direction. 'And you'd better be fucking ready again tonight.'

And then he stormed off. When he had gone, despite her situation, the new augmentations to her body, and the fore-warning that Roberto intended to come back 'that night' to visit her, she couldn't help laughing, her lips parting into a smile for the first time in quite a while. Even with everything he'd done to her, he was just another kid competing for the teacher's approval, and he didn't like that someone better than him had shown him up. And that was payback enough for the way he'd used her body so far.

* * * * *

It was a little earlier than Melanie had expected when Roberto returned. She was pacing the ward, trying her best to stretch her complaining legs, having recently finished the last of her bottle of drugged water. She was sure by the time Roberto had finished with her that she wouldn't need more for several hours.

He walked up to her and she met him between the rows of beds. He still looked angry, but his temper was obviously under control now. Despite her lack of desire to have any relations with him, sexual or otherwise, Melanie noticed with satisfaction that he already bore a bulge at his pants-front. If it's going to happen anyway, might as well enjoy it, she thought to herself.

'Knees.' Roberto breathed at her. She met his gaze unflinchingly.

'Make me.' She said, looking up slightly at him.

Melanie jumped as Roberto's left hand came swinging from his side, clapping across her face. The slap stung, but Melanie felt the victorious sensation of the moral high-ground swelling inside her. Even though she knew he was going to turn her into a babbling, horny mess, and that he would fuck her like a toy until he was finished using her, she knew everything he did now was born out of bitterness and anger. Melanie had been through a lot in her short life, but she knew that making the choice to stand her ground and make him angrier only made his lack of control clearer. His tiny-dick syndrome would not let him like that at all.

'You slut,' Roberto breathed. His hand went out again, and Melanie barely flinched -- but this time it wasn't her face he was going for. Instead, his fingers curled around the fabric of Melanie's bra, grabbing the shoulder strap just above her breast and ripping it away roughly. The bra went tight around her chest, and surprisingly, it held, the right shoulder strap snapping away and revealing her tit. 'You're going to get on your knees whether you want to or not.' He growled.

Her heart racing, her breathing quickening, knowing what was inevitably coming next, Melanie forced herself to remain controlled, at least from the outside. A few seconds later, she glanced nonchalantly down at her bra, and in the most infuriating way she could manage, said, 'Damn. And that was my best pair.'

Roberto growled, and Melanie saw the controller fly from Roberto's pocket, clenched in an angry hand. One finger hit the power button, and it lit up, revealing the custom app that Melanie knew interfaced directly with the microscopic chip embedded deep in her head. Despite herself, her breathing picked up, and a thrill of fearful anticipation went down her spine. Mistaking it for apprehension at what she knew it could do to her -- which it partially had been -- Roberto saw her reaction to it and grinned, the joy of dominance returning to him as he saw what effect his invention had over Melanie.

'That's right, whore,' he said, fingering at her face. 'This is you. This is what you truly are. A toy, controlled by me, by my invention. You can try to fight back, you can pretend to be independent and free, but in reality all you are, all you will ever be, is my pet, my slave, my personal little fucking cum bucket.'

He brought the screen around and looked at Melanie over the edge of the device. 'Now.' He said. Melanie watched his thumb go down on the display and knew what control it was landing on. 'On, your, knees.'

Melanie felt that now familiar buzz deep at the back of her vagina, and almost instantaneously, it exploded, bursting out into a thick, body-filling vibration that made her muscles feel like jelly. Her skin prickled and her eyes went wide, and as if on cue, she felt a heady, giddying wave of arousal rush through her like the aftertaste of a thick, rich wine. It seeped out of her head and down the insides of her body until it pooled in her feet and in her crotch. Blurrily, she saw Roberto standing over her, and distantly his command returned to her, slow and vicious as if the thought were floating to her brain from her ears on a canoe. Absently, she obeyed it, not even quite sure why or what relevance it had to anything else around her, as if her brain had been unplugged from the world.

Melanie sunk to her knees, her body's reaction to the sudden burst of arousal visible from the outside. Roberto grinned, and he quickly undid his fly, fishing his cock from within, the erect member pointing at Melanie's forehead. 'No pleasantries today, you little fucker,' he said to Melanie, kneeling unresistingly in front of him, her glazed stare empty, swaying slightly on the spot. 'This time, it's just you, and my cock.'

Taking Melanie by the back of the head with one hand, Roberto pulled her in, holding his dick in the other and pushing it against her lips. At first, her mouth remained closed, but then her lips parted and a moment later Roberto was sliding over her tongue, feeling her warm insides all around him as he pushed her slowly but constantly down his length. He felt his head hit the back of her throat, and thanks to her thick arousal, when she gagged, she controlled it, her addled brain channelling the sensation into more pleasure that fed back into her brain on a constant loop of ever-increasing arousal. Roberto groaned, and held her there for a while, savouring the feeling of her soft mouth plastered around his shaft, her warm lips and cool nose touching his navel. When she began to gag, he pulled out, and gave her a moment to cough and catch her breath. A tear rolled down her face from the pressure, and he watched it go with delight, hoping to see a few more before he was done.

Unfortunately for Roberto, Melanie was his type, and the sensations of her red hair looped around his fingers, combined with the feeling of her tender mouth around him and her obedient form at his feet mixed together to shorten his stamina. He'd really wanted to go for another twenty minutes this time, but Melanie's mouth was just divine, and he'd had a really fucking long day. So, already slowly face-fucking Melanie, he took a tighter grip and sped up, ramming himself into her by pushing her onto him over and over until a few seconds later, he released. He wasn't sure if she'd been mentally there enough to swallow, but for the next thirty seconds, he didn't care. He simply put his head back and pushed himself right down to the hilt in her mouth, unloading into her until he began to slacken, then pulling her off him and stepping back. Melanie fell to all fours, coughing and spluttering, a dribble of his cum running out of her nose as strands of spit and semen dangled from her mouth. Despite the discomfort in her head, Melanie's hips still gently pulsed, her back arching as the arousal inside her burned on, her body disallowed from experiencing any release. Dangling below her as she remained on all fours on the floor, Roberto could see her one freed breast hanging freely, the other half in, half out of her torn bra. He used a handful of her hair to wipe himself off, put himself away, and smiled evilly down at the hapless woman trapped in her own aroused hell.

'Let's see what sort of attitude you want to have with me after spending a few hours like this, you little bitch.' He breathed at her, gazing evilly down at the body on her hands and knees, shaking, wiping her mouth with one forearm, red-orange hair hanging from her head, one part of her hair clumped together, glued by his semen. Then, he turned and left the room, the controller still in his pocket, leaving Melanie alone, shivering and shaking, he body blistering with arousal, her mouth and throat coated with semen, still coughing and barely able to think of anything but the all-consuming lust filling her up.

Roberto left the ward and was half way up the white hallway when another Level Five tech came out of a side room, heading his way. Damn, he thought to himself. He had hoped he would manage to dart back into his office and clean up properly before anyone saw him. The pair locked eyes, and Roberto's heart sank further as he recognised the chiselled jawline and streamlined features of Artemis Harrison striding back towards him.

'What, more tests to run on all your implant targets, Fairburn?' Harrison asked, smiling, his eyes showing not an ounce of humour. Roberto pushed past him, ignoring the question. Harrison frowned, turning to watch his fellow Level 5 designer hurry away.

'Fairburn, what were you doing in the ward?' he asked, his voice firm and thick with suspicion this time. As he said it, he turned and started towards the door to the ward at the end of the hall. Roberto heard him and turned himself, cursing. That motherfucker's going to ruin everything -- again, he screamed mentally. Putting his hand in his pocket to keep his controller secured there, he sprinted after the affable inventor, reaching his side just as Harrison burst into the ward. Roberto tried to grab him by the shoulder, but Harrison shrugged him off, quickly striding around the corner and starting down the corridor formed by the rows of cots and beds. Almost immediately, his eyes fell on the shuddering form of Melanie on the floor some half way along the row.

'God damn it, Fairburn!' Harrison exclaimed, sprinting towards the girl and dropping to his knees beside her.

Melanie barely registered the sound of Roberto leaving. She didn't hear his words, but she felt his presence leaving the room, through some odd, animalistic sense -- as if her lust, previously targeting him, urging her to fuel it with his body, had suddenly lost sight of him and was searching for someone else.

Melanie struggled to think. She was panting hard, and she could feel her back reacting unbidden on impulse from her arousal, arching and tensing, her hips waving as her body remained in sexual overdrive, trapped in an endless lust that overrode everything but the primal, core instincts. It was the most incomprehensible sensation she'd ever not-really-felt; as if something deep in her centre, deeper than her heart and spine and brain were in pain, yet not actually hurting, as if there were some previously unused muscle there that she was now tensing.

There was little to no sense of time passing in Melanie's mind. She could have been kneeling there on the floor for ten minutes or ten years. She barely recognised the carpet; her own hands and arms seemed somehow disconnected to her, and above all of it, her yearning pussy remained infuriatingly empty and normal. The arousal was palpable, insurmountable and all-encompassing.

Someone appeared beside her. She hadn't heard them coming, but she felt their touch on her arm. Immediately, her brain focussed on the touch, and, so infused with lust it was that she could think of nothing else, she took a hold of the person and pushed herself towards it, trying desperately to make herself alluring to it, desperate for it to release her sex and take her, take her body and give her blissful release. Frustratingly, it pushed her away, but she climbed closer. When it pulled its arm away, she pushed her chest towards it. When it stood up, dropping her pleading body back to the floor, she rolled over and presented to it, spreading her legs wide, showing her readiness. Just as she thought it was going to happen, that whatever it was above her was preparing to lean over her and penetrate her deepest corners, Melanie's overpowering lust died away almost immediately, and a moment later, she was left lying on her back, propped up by her elbows, her legs splayed wide, her unopened access flap still closed, two white-coated men standing over her, looking down at her. Now lacking any arousal at all, Melanie looked at one, then the other -- recognising both Roberto and Artemis Harrison -- and promptly closed her legs.

Harrison turned to Roberto and slapped the small phone-like controller into his colleague's chest roughly. 'You're a disgrace, Fairburn,' he said angrily. 'You know better than to use them for your perverted self-gratification. If you have special needs, you know where the Bagnio is.' Taking one last look at the semi-naked, sweating girl on the floor, her red hair tousled and sticking out at all angles, her lips puffy and streaks of spit and cum streaking her face, one breast dangling above a half-torn bra, her panty-less crotch bare but for the blue-and-yellow implant atop her mound, Harrison swept out of the room, the swinging door clapping shut behind him. Roberto glared at Melanie for a few minutes, before turning on his heel and leaving, pocketing the controller as he went, leaving Melanie once more to her own company.
