Succubus Awakens


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But run we would, most supernaturals couldn't face a half-demon, only the Nephilim could do so and even them not without impunity. I'd have an even chance of taking down one of those self-righteous arrogant assholes.

I'd just kind of fallen into the black-market thing, and I wasn't sure what else we could do if we gave up the black market. It was also an in for the shifter in our group to get out his violent tendencies in the fight club where we sold our potions and arranged larger deals. The council was aware of us of course, but they thought we had normal human jobs, and they had no idea I was a succubus half-demon living right under their noses.

It was a few hours to one of the fight nights, and Gabby and our yummy shifter men that we shared were already at the warehouse the fights took place in, getting stuff ready. So I resigned myself to waiting for that recharge until I got there, as I started to load up the potions in our van. The exchange and payment would happen in just a few hours.

I even kind of knew I was in a dream at the time, I had no idea how they found us yet and the nightmare held no revelations that way. It seemed likely they'd found the fight club location and busted my witch and two shifters. Then they'd come for me at our home after questioning my people under truth spell. That was the likeliest scenario, but I couldn't be sure, and call it bad luck, or the worst timing in the universe, but Murphy's law kicked in and they came for me the moment I was at my weakest magically since before my demon powers came in at sixteen.

I was walking back toward the alchemy building on our property for the next tray of potions, which looked a bit like an oversized shed behind our large two story four-bedroom house. The wards went off as the team invaded my property. I knew it was a council team, and not an outsider group. None of the outsider groups had eight shifters and two witches in it, and that was the size of council hunting team.

No vampires on the team, obviously because the sun was still bright and high in the western sky.

Adrenaline flooded my veins as I froze for a moment unsure what to do. All my usual responses were worthless in that moment. I couldn't conceal myself in fae magic, becoming invisible, scentless, and soundless took a whole lot of power, and I was running on fumes. There was also no way I could outrun them, and while I could probably kill a few of them, my hellfire would sputter out and the rest would tear me apart.

I might have enough to only hide my scent before the shifters closed, and find a hiding spot, but that wouldn't hide me from the witches searching spells, so it was also a non-starter.

I drew my sword anyway, even if I didn't have enough magic left to coat it with hellfire for more than a second or two, as a desperate plan occurred to me. Enthrallment didn't take much power at all, but even if the witches hadn't shielded the wolves on the team from mind magic, I knew the witches would be protected.

That was my desperate shot, enthrall the wolves, stab the witches, and get the fuck out of dodge.

That last-ditch plan was another non-starter though, as I stared at the wolves rushing me and sent little wisps of magic out, only to have my magic blocked, I couldn't make the connection to their bodies and minds.

Still, I wouldn't lay down and die. The first to reach me dodged my lunge, and I rolled to the side and slashed my sword opening up the throat of the second shifter. Of course, a shifters whole thing was shifting with their magic, and they could heal wickedly fast unless their magic had run out. It was less healing, than shifting away a wound.

So the slash in his throat just melted away as his neck reformed.

I'd been going for a decapitation, that was the only way to kill them fast.

I ran for the house in three fast steps as a feint, then reversed and spun to the side. That time my sword came squarely down on the first wolf's neck and sent his body and head flying in different directions.

But I was out of time, and three more wolves pounced and took me down a split second later. I couldn't help it in my terror, my pounding heart, as my magic potently rose in me. What was left of it, anyway. A flash of hellfire exploded out of me, exhausting the last dregs of my magic even as it was the death sentence for the three wolves on me. They didn't die immediately, but hellfire was a hungry thing, it consumed them, their magic, and eventually their lives.

I wasn't conscious long enough to see it though, as the two witches finally finished casting, and their spells knocked me unconscious. I'd thought for sure I'd never wake up, because my use of hellfire had betrayed what I was, not to mention my horns appeared in my sleep or if I had no power to feed the tiny glamour that kept them hidden.

I woke up from the nightmare with a gasp, my heart racing from reliving my stupidity. I should've told that asshole to fuck off, and to either wait a week for his potions or let the sale go. It's not like we were desperate for money. Now I was marked for death, while two investigators went through my memories.

But... I wasn't without hope, even if that hope was based in desperation. I just needed more time, and thanks to the silly idea of permanent enthrallments I just may get it.

It was apparent that the team had already known what I was though, based on all that had happened since. I didn't blame my lovers, since they wouldn't have been able to resist a magical questioning, any more than I could. I was just surprised the team that busted them had asked a question that would trigger that information. I couldn't imagine the surviving four shifters wouldn't have ripped my throat out on the spot, for both being a demon and killing four of their team members, if they hadn't already had orders not to.

When my heart finally slowed, I tossed and turned the rest of the night.

"Sleep well?" Dennis asked with a smirk. No doubt there were cameras in the cells, and the night guard had told them I'd tossed and turned all night.

"Is he always this much of a dick?" I asked Gale conversationally.

It was totally worth the ear ringing slap to the back of my head, as I half ducked and half stumbled into the interrogation room.

Gale said coldly, "Only when he has to protect the evil bitch that killed four members of his pack."

I looked at Gale as I sat down in the seat, "Protect?" as I grabbed a water. No damned coffee, but I wasn't going to complain about that. I also grabbed a donut. I felt absolutely no guilt for those deaths, it was self-defense in my mind. Though that didn't wash from their side of the equation, no more than a human citizen protecting themselves from corrupt cops trying to kill instead of arrest would wash.

Gale narrowed her eyes, and I held my hands up in surrender. If looks could kill I was sure I'd be dead, and twice over from Dennis's glare. Maybe she'd meant from his own instincts, which why was he was such a grumpy asshole all the time.


Dennis growled, and his whole body was vibrating in barely restrained rage.

I said innocently, "Just answering your question, I did not sleep well."

Gale blew out an exasperated sigh, and I managed to hold back a wink.

I really wasn't a bitchy wiseass most of the time, or at all really. These assholes brought it out in me. The council was an ironfisted regime, and anyone that disagreed with them were killed. This really was a very odd situation in my world, thanks to their paranoia about a power I hadn't even known about and doubted really existed in the first place.

I supposed part of it was also the fact it was my only way to fight back right now, words. Their mind raping potions and spells really did piss me off. I felt vulnerable, violated, disgusted, and mortified at them knowing so many private details about my life. Arguably worse in some small way, even after seeing my thoughts, motivations, and emotions they still thought I was evil.

You just can't fix stupid. Their opinions were too deeply engraved on their psyches.

I picked up a second donut, first class breakfast service. I scarfed it down and drained the rest of the water from the bottle.

Gale said spitefully, "This may not take that long after all, we'll see."

I raised an eyebrow.

Gale said, "I requested a change in format, but I haven't heard back from the council yet."

"Change in format?"

Gale shrugged, "It's obvious you've fed on innocent victims a lot without using any kind of enthrallment at all. It occurred to me to modify the spell to only include those times you enthralled or enthralled during sex."

I snorted derisively, "Innocent victims?"

More like the best fucked humans on the planet.

I was also worried, that would cut down on how long this took, by a whole lot, and my plans as pathetic as they were couldn't afford that. Though I was close to completing step one. As long as it didn't happen today it might still work.

Of course, Dennis picked up on that worry in my scent and smiled evilly at me, with the promise of death in his eyes. I had no doubt if they got the green light to kill me after the investigation, which they would, he'd be tearing me apart in his wolf form.

And they call me evil.

Gale snarked, "The vice-principal of your old school, and how about..."

I cut her off with another snort, "That's up next, so why don't you take a look at it from my point of view, before jumping to any conclusions."

It was a silly thought, even if I wasn't evil, and they admitted it, it wouldn't change anything. I was still dead a bunch of times over, for killing some of their team, selling illegal potions in the black market, helping to run a fight club, and even for my snark. Even if they were persuaded that I wasn't a bad sort and half-demons weren't born evil, they'd still kill me for how I was born. Merely to cover their own asses, and because it was the law. If they didn't kill me, the council would hunt and kill them.

Point being, the only way I was getting out alive was if I could escape, run, and evade.

I had given thought to my old life. If I did escape, I wouldn't get involved with the black market again, and would minimize possible exposures. Shifters didn't have to fight to get their aggression out, they could do that with fucking too. The first time I'd gotten involved... well I almost hadn't had a choice, but I wasn't nearly so desperate anymore, outside of the death hovering over my head I mean.

They finished up their breakfasts, and I sighed as the witch handed me a potion. I opened up the vial and drank it down.

Gale cast her spell.

Chapter Six -- Blackmailed

Three years ago...

It was a rainy day that Monday, with thunderstorms. The kind that let out rolling thunder that seemed to last forever. It was the start of the last week of school before graduation. There were still finals going on until the next day, but I was already done with all of mine, and I expected not much at all would be going on in our classes except quiet conversation and staring out windows.

The hallways were full, and I was chatting with Jenna lightly on our way to class. I felt a little guilty I hadn't shared my new life with Jenna, but I knew she wouldn't understand. Bobbi hardly understood, and I was giving her multiples, it wasn't like I could share my magic or nature. I'd always known instinctively to hide it, it was built into fae DNA to be subtle, discrete, and hidden, not that I'd known I was half fae at the time.

Back then my only clue was pointed ears, and for all I knew I was an elf, faery, or something else that hadn't ever even been in human myths and legends.

The loudspeaker came on, and I could hardly hear it over the loud sounds of all the students moving between classrooms, "Alexis Black, please report to the main office," then the announcement repeated.

Jenna gave me a questioning look, and I just shrugged helplessly.

"I have no idea. I'll fill you in third period... if I'm not back sooner."

I honestly didn't know, but my stomach sunk anyway, and I felt nervous. I doubted it was about my enterprise the last month, but it was natural to see events through your fears. I had myself mostly convinced it was about something else by the time I arrived.

Still, even with my customers being discrete there were a lot of ways it could come out, not least of which was a parent questioning one of my eight male clients about their bank accounts dwindling. That would be the worst-case scenario though, and I took a deep breath, put a smile on my face, and held my head up high as I walked into the office.

Miss Rejewski said, "There you are. The vice-principal wants to see you. Go right in."

I replied, "Thanks, Miss Rejewski."

I walked over to the open door in the right back corner of the office, and I knocked tentatively on the door.

Vice Principal Butler was in his early forties. He was six foot one, with salt and pepper hair and brown eyes. He was kind of handsome actually, with an in-shape medium build and a distinguished look. He was also a total hard-ass, at least to the students. The principal was much better liked, the vice-principal was the one who usually gave out the punishments.

I'd seen his office twice in the last four years.

He had a gravely authoritarian voice.

"Miss Black, come in and shut the door."

He was all professional mien in voice and bearing, but his emotions were excited. While he'd enjoyed the view the last two times I'd been in his office, this time I felt the lust rolling off of him potently, and he didn't even pretend not to check me out. His beady brown eyes were eye-fucking the cleavage I had on display that morning.

I was dressed in a sexy but conservatively long black skirt, that swished around my legs just above my knees when I walked. Up top I had on a white halter top that showed off my stomach, and it covered just enough of my breasts to not flash my bra at anyone.

"Yes, sir," I said a little too sultrily, his emotions were hitting my buttons, even as I panicked a little bit inside. He knew, those two words kept repeating themselves in my head, it was the only thing that made sense. Because of that panic, my body and sensual graceful movements were on autopilot, including my voice which could get a dead man hard in its natural state. I usually spoke with a forced inflexion.

His door shut behind me, and he finally met my eyes as I took a seat in front of his desk.

"Did you know, Miss Black, that I'm in charge of supervising the school paper?"

My stomach sank further, and at the same time I felt a thrill. A naughty thrill. I could tell by his emotions, he didn't want to punish me, or expose me. He wanted to fuck me, badly. He was practically vibrating with it.

"No, sir. I wasn't aware," I said with a little more control in my voice, thought the words still came out tinged with sultry promise. Just... a whole lot more subtly, and not quite so slutty.

He nodded, and I was resigned to taking the long way around and waiting for him to get to the point, though the idea of fucking him for his silence sent a thrill down my spine. I already knew that's where this was going, and for some reason the idea of the older handsome man, and prick, fucking me, was making me wet. I also felt shame for the first time in almost a week and a half, and that was a further thrill for me. The man was going to abuse his authority over me, just so he could fulfill the fantasy of fucking the hottest student in the graduating class.

It was so wrong, but at the same time it already had me moistening below, and my heart started to pick up speed as adrenaline flooded my veins. My nipples tightened, and I deliberately crossed my legs and squirmed just a bit, putting a delicious sliding pressure on my clit and causing tingles down below.

He said, "As such, I have full access to their computer files, as well as a log of deletions made by the students. I was recently doing an audit of this year's activities, when I saw some videos had been made and deleted that I was previously unaware of, which was a red flag. Of course, such deletions are never permanent, with the school's file backup system."

I put a worried look on my face, and tried to look embarrassed, and very reluctant to be there, which was pretty much the opposite of what I felt.

He raised an eyebrow, "I'm sure you know what I found, Miss Black?"

He was going for intimidation, trying to scare me, so I played along. It wasn't hard to fake, because I truly felt it, though I was far more excited than scared in that moment.

"Yes, sir," I said fearfully, and with an embarrassed blush as I looked down. Most guys would deny it, but reluctant schoolgirl and coerced sex was a pretty common fantasy. Of course, the second part of that was the schoolgirl being overcome by lust and not being able to help herself as she became the older adult's wanton pleasure slut.

So, I was giving it to him, his base and wickedly depraved fantasy. It was also what he expected, if I'd tried to seduce him outright or acted boldly it might have made him wary and discard the whole idea. Then parents would be called, and my life would explode into a million little pieces as everyone in my small town would find out I was a whore.

Which... by then honestly had an appeal of its own even as it mortified me. What didn't have an appeal was wrecking my graduation and possibly affecting my college career from such a scandal.

Obviously, I needed him to fuck me, so he couldn't go back on his word without losing his job in the ensuing scandal. Plus, it was hot, and the last thing I expected from the hard-ass vice-principal. My magic also seemed perfectly fine with that concept, he was giving me a pass and would cover for me, and I was giving him a shot to pleasure his cock in my young, nubile, and made for sex body.

Of course, if that wasn't his offer, and he got too greedy and unbalanced the equation that I expected, then my magic wouldn't be happy with it at all. So I was still a little worried and that showed in my face and body language.

Not to harp on it, but it was a thrill for me not because I was a nympho and pervert, but that was a part of it too. Mostly it was the idea that the vice-principal couldn't resist me, and he wanted to fuck me badly enough to put his whole career at risk. It was naughty, made me feel incredibly sexy, and that's all I'll say about that.

He said firmly, "This could ruin lives, young lady. I've never expelled anyone in the last week of school before, especially not the valedictorian of the graduating class. When your college hears of this they could even retract their acceptance. Not just you either, the six young men, two of which have football scholarships, not to mention the two men and women on the school paper who obviously covered this up. What would your parents say, if they found out you were charging money for sex?"

I blushed and looked down again, "I'm sorry. They... it would be awful."

He frowned, "My duty in this is clear. This isn't merely a sex scandal and breaking the school's rules. Prostitution is illegal, you could go to jail."

I looked up at him with a trembling lip, and asked hopefully, "Is there anything you can do to help prevent that, sir? I'm really sorry, sir. I'll do anything you want, I didn't mean to ruin lives."

The surge of lust I felt when I said I'd do anything almost made me giggle, but I managed to look contrite and frightened.

He said, "This would also be a black eye for the school itself. I could cover it up for you, make sure this scandal didn't harm any of us, if you were willing to do something for me."

I tilted my head in mock confusion and fear for a moment, then as if it finally occurred to me what he was getting at, I blushed furiously and gave him a hopeful and timid look.
