Sudden Moves


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"When we were over by the door. You were laying into me with a fierceness. It was amazing. It got so wild that we knocked some of my hair into my face. It reminded me of how my mother's hair always seemed out of place." She smiled and opened her eyes wide. "With enough of the paces you put me through," she stroked his chest with remarkable delicacy. "That could be me. I could end up stumbling around the house with my hair a wreck and my mind dazed. I'd be like my mom. The thought distracted me, and you noticed. You brought me to bed, and I felt your big hands all over me. You spread me open and pushed inside me." She reached between them to squeeze his lovely member. "And I thought of how you inherited my father's hands, really, since my fingers are slender. And connecting you to my father was disturbing. Especially while you were sliding into my pussy." She was stroking his hardening flesh, but he tried to stay focused on his mother's words.

"Mom, did Grandpa" ever...y' stuff to you? Or with you?"

Catherine looked repulsed by the suggestion. "What?! No! Of course not! Never."

"Hey, calm down. No need to act so disgusted."

"The idea is repulsive, Randy."

"You do know that's my dick you're squeezing, right? You know that my cum -- your son's cum -- is oozing out of that sweet little pussy of yours, right?"

"Yes, baby, I know. Be nice, and we will be sure to put more in there."

"It's a bit of a double-standard, though."

"I know, but I don't care. An older woman and a younger man seems natural to me, but older men and young girls seems like abuse. I don't care if I'm being unfair. That's how I feel. So that's kind of how I felt when I connected you to my father. You noticed my attention drifting, and brought me back to us. It was amazing, Randy, just like the other times. You stuffed me so full and made me explode again and again."

"Any time. Better sooner than later. Scratch that. Better sooner and later."

"I'm counting on it. But the thing I realized is that there may be something else we inherited from my father's line. It could be the reason my mom was so dazed and confused so much of my childhood."

It was hard for Randy to imagine his grandmother zoned out, but he wondered. "What do you mean?"

"I think my dad was fucking the living daylights out of my mom."


"Yeah! Like, every day. I think Grandpa' Sullivan was more than Grandma' could handle, but she enjoyed the ride anyway. She was staggering round drunk from getting so much dick." Randy couldn't help but laugh. Catherine pressed on, "That's why she was able to return to reality after he passed."

"I don't get what that has to do with you or me? What do you think he passed on to us."

"You know that your father never satisfied me, even on his best days. No one ever left me completely spent and happy in bed. Most of the guys couldn't keep up. Those who could match the intensity couldn't last. Your father could usually last, but he never..."

"Yeah. I know, Mom."

"He never came close to doing what you do to me. Look, I know it's a little weird hearing about this, but this has to do with you too. You need to understand this: The way you fuck your mom? I used to try to fuck your dad -- and every guy before him -- like that. They always tapped out before I wanted to stop. Not you, Randy. You are the first and only man to blow my doors off..."

"Like how Grandpa' used to blow Grandma's doors off."

"Exactly. It's felt like a curse up to now. I've always given and needed more in bed than any man could manage. Now your father isn't even providing the unsatisfying service he used to.

"But you've got it in you too. Admit it. You were too much for all those short lived girlfriends through high school and college. Mrs. Niedermeir down the street (yes, I know about her) was almost afraid of you after you took her for a spin. She wasn't upset, but she knew that she was out of her depth. You want to get in bed, stick your gorgeous massive dick in a woman and go to town for as long as you can go. And, holy shit, you can go and go and go!

"And I...I alone, want and need that kind of dick! My sex drive doesn't feel like a secret curse anymore because I've found a man with a matching drive! When you ride me and make me your gibbering fucking slut, it is liberating! It's a blessing. You and your -- our -- incredible energetic sexual strength are a blessing."

"We're a real match; genetic and otherwise," Randy said with a grin.

"Shit, talking about it makes me horny."

"I know just the thing you should take for that, and exactly where you should take it."

"I may have a few ideas of my own."

"Speaking of ideas, you never told me what the weird smell in the kitchen was about."

"Oh, that. Well since you and I started playing naked, I've been reading mom/son incest stories."

"Really? " He was running his hands from her hips to her waistline and back again.

"Yeah, they were fun and sometimes interesting. And they got me off a lot."

"Okay. And it gave you some ideas?"

"It did. There are a lot of different ways they tell these stories. Sometimes a fun or clever theme will get used by lots of different writers. Usually it's a crazy way the mom and son end up having sex. I noticed one pretty weird type. Every version of this type I read I found kind of dumb but sexy as hell."

Randy laughed. "Dumb but sexy. You figured you would stink up the kitchen so we could do something dumb but sexy?"

"In a way, yes."

"You aren't going to ask me to eat whatever that was or to have sex in that stink, are you?"

Now it was Catherine's turn to laugh. "Of course not, you goof! I flushed it down the toilet hours ago. The smell should be long gone. Let me explain."

She told him more about the stories and the inevitable obstacle. Some writers had ignored the obstacle. Others found clever ways around it. Finally she shared her plan: Imitate these stories while dodging the pesky obstacle.

It seemed like a ridiculous risk to Randy.

"I'm going to miss you when you've moved out," she said. "Think of this as my way of saying goodbye."

"Isn't it kind of...cruel?"

"He won't know, like he hasn't known about the last days. 'What he doesn't know won't hurt him' and all that."


"What is cruel, Randy, is how I'm asked to least before I walked in on you in the laundry room. We all understand your father's need for the meds and their side-effects. But he's glad to not crave sex. And what am I supposed to do? Suck it up and accept it. What is cruel is what I have to look forward to after you leave. Think of it as a last hurrah, a last chance at care for my needs while he sits with his back to me."

"You can always visit. I'll visit. It doesn't have to be the end."

But they both knew that when Randy finally started his job, he would be working similar hours to those Mike kept. The occasional afternoon rendezvous wouldn't be a realistic option. And Catherine taking off to be out for most of the night would make the husband suspect. Travel time alone to Randy's new place and back would take three to four hours. Even if they were to jump into sex the second she arrived (and even if they kept their play to a bare minimum) she would need time to recover her strength before getting back in the car for a 90-120 minute drive. Besides, Randy was going to build a social life there. He was bound to start dating.

Sure some weekends might work a little bit, but Mike would be around a lot more during those times. This might not be the end, but it was going to be a very real decline; the beginning of the end.

"It's just an exciting kind of kinky thrill I read about. It's something I want to have with you as I say goodbye."

Randy could see that Catherine was serious about doing this.

She stood up, and took him by the hands; dragged him out of the bed. They stroked and kissed as they wobbled down the hall like a drunken beast with two backs. Finally, they reached her bedroom. Randy stopped in the doorway, but his mother went in and climbed onto the bed, posing on her hands and knees. She reached between her thighs and spread her lower lips. She looked over her shoulder at him, and said, "Don't you want to give an exciting goodbye to Mommy?" She could be very persuasive when she wanted something. She pointed her sopping nether lips at her son. "Mommy needs a ride now. Let's see again what our Sullivan blood can do."

Randy made sure her hair got extra messy.


That evening, she put some drops of vinegar in Mike's day-to-day cologne. He noticed it right away Friday morning. Both his wife and son denied smelling anything odd. But they encouraged him to use some of his special occasion cologne, which smelled fine. "There's no good reason for you to be uncomfortable all day. It doesn't matter if you are smelling it because of your meds. Wear the good stuff and feel good.

After he left for work, Randy said, "I really think it'll be enough to roll down the windows."

"It could rain," She answered. "Besides, we won't be stinking any more stuff up. Let your old mother have her fun." He squeezed her firm ass and asserted she wasn't anyone's idea of old. "Come on," she said. "Time for your car to have a minor breakdown."

They caravanned to Randy's new apartment, his small car leading her even tinier car. Both parked in front of the building. There was time to kill, so she told him that she needed to use his toilet. She was wearing a conservative red and black dress. He was in his usual shorts and T-shirt. Once in the apartment she told him she would not be long. He waited on the new couch.

The bathroom door opened. Catherine emerged wearing a pair of large dark sunglasses reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn. She sported a necklace with a sort of web pattern. It could have been expensive or cheap costume jewelry for all he could tell. She wore nothing else.

He could find no words. His mouth and eyes hung open. She stood in front of him, grinning. Her breasts held firm, and her stomach was flat and strong. She had a hard, lean body, but her hips were round and womanly. He wanted to grab her, but she stood out of reach.

She tossed her shades to him. With his hands occupied, she knelt in front of him and pulled at his shorts. He was only semi-hard, but growing fast. The prospect of finally getting his whole dick in her mouth for once excited her. She dove her face into his lap, and managed the whole tube. But it would only be temporary. She nuzzled her nose in her son's pubic hair, and thrilled at the feeling of his ball sack on her chin. Her mouth was full, but Randy's manhood was growing. There was no choice but to back off. She was pretty good at suppressing her gag reflex, but she only had so much space in her mouth and throat. She sucked hard at her son's penis, eager for it to achieve full mast. The shades clattered somewhere off on the carpeted floor near the couch, and Randy's hands were in her hair.

She stayed down there for a while. She hadn't planned to, but her stud's hands on her head were encouraging. Catherine could do good work with her mouth. She knew this, but it was not in her character to dawdle. That Sullivan blood of hers had her fixed on what she'd come out naked to do. So after a few more licks and suckling kisses she drew her face away from her son's lap, and stood back up.

"You feel good in my mouth, honey. But that's not what I want, and these are my last hours of getting exactly what I want and need."

He stared up at her toned body. He'd often thought her wiry but never stringy. Her succulent breasts were like large plums or small oranges. They seemed to glow in the light coming through the window.

She looked down at Randy, sitting with his hands resting on his thighs. His erection stood proud and obscene out of his lap. His eyes were deadly still on her, calm with that determined air he had inherited from her. Finally he spoke with a deep sure hunger. "Come here and let me give you what you need."

Climbing onto the couch, kneeling on the cushions, straddling Randy's legs she felt many joys. Her son's awed gaze gave her the pleasure of feeling beautiful. It was a feeling she'd lost track of for a time before this amazing week. Anticipation of the beautiful phalus beneath filling her made her shiver. She also knew that giving her son pleasure would make her happy. On top of these was the excitement of the shared secret of their affair. And there was the tingle of the taboo of their incestuous mingling.

But all this suffused with one great feeling of relief that she'd only recently learned to enjoy. (The incest and cheating brought excitement but no sense of relief.) Randy lined the head of his cock to his mother's portal and covered her hips in his strong broad grip. She felt relief in certainty that he would not only pleasure her. He would pleasure her how she needed as long as she needed until she was thoroughly satisfied.

She pushed down to force the fat head into her tight crease. And I'll make sure he is too! She thought. Her nipples were taking turns in his mouth. She looked down and started wiggling her hips to cram more of her son into her. As she did this she said, "Let's...get...this...going...RIGHT! UH!" Her ass was flush with his thighs, and his enormous member was all the way inside her. "Oh, Fuck, Randy, this feels so right."

He squeezed her ass and hips, and she could feel the head of his cock swell up inside her. It made her gasp, but she heard him say. "Perfect. It feels perfect, Mom. You're perfect to me."

"We're perfect together, baby," she sighed. She rose slowly, pressing her chest to his face, and releasing more and more of his swollen member. Then she slammed down so hard that Randy gasped in shock. Between gritted teeth, she spoke with a soft shuddering voice, "And now I'm going to fucking prove it!"

She took him for the ride of his life. Randy was more than capable of fucking his mother to gasping weepy satisfaction. But she was his match. She bounced on his balls non-stop at top speed and ferocity for an unbelievable amount of time. Two hours straight? Three? More? A normal person would have gotten tired; probably bored after enough time. But Catherine wanted to fuck her son's stick, and she didn't want to have to slow down or stop. Sure, sometimes she'd bear down on the tremendous meat and swivel her hips all around. She got his baton to scratch itches no one else had ever stood a chance of reaching. Sure she was getting tired and sweaty, but that didn't matter to either of the Sullivan's. It just made them pump together with efficiency.

Randy was completely locked in every minute. He showed no fatigue. No suggestions of slowing, stopping or even changing positions escaped his lips. He didn't try to take over, or impress her. He kept a strong hold on her waist, and fucked up to meet his mother's downward thrusts. This was what his mother needed, and he would godamned well be the man to provide it for her.

Catherine felt she had gotten the loving and attention and pleasure she wanted. She started whispering filthy little somethings in her son's ear. She started with, "I'm going to make you cum in me now, baby. I want it. Uhn! I want it in there. I want your cum in my pussy." It was clear what she was doing, and she was certain to succeed in bringing him off. "Flood me. Flood Mommy's tight little pussy. It's so full with your big hard dick. Suck on my tits and shoot your hot cum in me, baby." He was happy to take one of her soft round breasts into his mouth. "Put out the fire you made in my aching hot cunt! Squeeze my ass like a good son should do with his little fuck slut. Blast that scorching semen all over my insides!" He squeezed his eyes shut and grabbed those two perfect buttocks. "YES!! Fuck, YES, Randy! Please! Fucking Cum for me! Cum for Mommy! It's what I need!"

"I'm cumming," He grunted.


"And I'm bringing you with me." He ejaculated into her womb and shoved his middle finger into her asshole. She shrieked like the apocalypse was hitting, and her honey rushed out of her all over his lap. He wrapped an arm (the one not linked to her sphincter) around her tiny waist and held her close. She thrashed in an orgasmic frenzy she hadn't seen coming.

When she returned to Earth (and he'd withdrawn his finger) she was dewy eyed and giggly. They rested with their bare limbs entangled, and their torsos pressed tight together. As their breathing normalized, Catherine thanked her son. Randy praised his mother. She kissed his neck and chest as he said, "All through school I knew you could be a smart ass." She giggled. "My friends never shut up about how you have such a sweet ass." He gave her naked bottom a playful spank. She yipped and tittered and nuzzled into her sweaty man. "My girlfriends sometimes complained that you could be such a hard ass."

Was I jealous of his girlfriends back then? She wondered. She licked salty sweat from his neck. He lovingly squeezed her left buttock and pulled her against him. Her slippery groinpressed against his hip. Whatever, she cast the idea aside. He's mine least for now.

"But only today," he continued. "Did I finally confirm that you have..."

She lifted her head. "Don't say it." and pecked his lips.

"...a wonderful..."

"Stop it!" another playful smooch.


"Shut up." She kissed his mouth and scrabbled at his ribs.


"No," kiss. "No," kiss. "No," kiss.

"...tight ass."

They laughed and rubbed each other's body.

She hadn't avoided anal sex, but she'd never practiced it either. It hadn't come up with any of her early lovers, and Mike had never shown an interest. She had never even been curious about it. But now she'd felt one of Randy's fat fingers inside her back end. It had hurt a little bit, but it had also triggered an immediate and powerful reaction. She knew that it was not something that she would have likely enjoyed with some random lover. She doubted that Mike would ever become the sort of man who would ask or try for anal with her. She couldn't even be sure she'd let him; that she could trust him to do her ass right.

But Randy? He already has punctured my pucker. Sure, he'd jabbed a single finger in by surprise to finish her off. But...that cock of his was much bigger than one of his fingers. She looked into his laughing eyes. Would I let him penetrate my butt with that monster? Would he take care not to hurt me with it?

He quieted as the expression on her face turned serious.

"Yeah," she said aloud in answer to her own question. He'll always take good care of me. "You could have it, Randy. No one else has ever...done me...back there. But you could if you wanted to, baby. You can have anything I can give. I'll give you everything. All of me." She rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm yours." she intoned, almost whispering. "I'll always be your mom. I'll be your lover as long as you want me. I'll be your slut any time you need one. Wherever you want. I'll let you fuck my ass too. But please go easy on me there, okay? It would be easy for you to hurt me with that thing of yours."

He held her tight and mumbled something into her hair.

"What's that sweetheart?"

"I'm yours too. Don't worry Mom. We're at the beginning. I don't know how, but I'm sure of it." She wanted to believe him, but she saw no way that things could continue much after the moving day weekend. "I'm going to take such good care of you. You'll see. I'm going to make every inch of your body sing. You won't be afraid of what I have for you. It'll feel great no matter where I put it in you. I could never promise any woman that before. You're the first woman who ever had...that something...sure, maybe it's in the Sullivan blood. I don't know. But you and I are going to reach places of pleasure. Places no one else can take us...places no one else seems to be able to handle going." She snuggled into his embrace and his words. They made her horny. "And as for your sweet little tight ass: Yes, of course I'm going to fuck your backdoor one of these days. Of course you're going to be my slut; mouth, pussy, ass and all." She started shivering in fear and excitement. "But we'll go slow, Mom." Her breathing started to normalize again. "We'll lube you up. We'll use fingers and toys to get you ready. We won't rush. We'll spend all day working together." She started to chuckle and squirm. "I mean it! We'll make a day of it! And by the end of that day you will have your son's entire cock in your ass. And you'll be begging me to fuck it. And, of course I will. I'll always be glad to fuck your pert little ass."
