Sugar Daddy's Delight Vol. 02


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She arrived home to find Mark packing his suitcase and briefcase for travel to Hobbs N.M. in the morning. He had told her previously that he was on the road to make sales calls on Thursday morning and would return Friday late.

Mark dropped what he was doing and rushed to her, but she pushed him away and said, "Blowing dust and fertilizer have stuck to my skin, so I want to take a quick shower but hold that thought." Because of the newness of finding each other, it was hard for each to turn loose of the other and get some sleep. But they both managed to get six or seven hours and made love one last time before Mark had to load his company car. Dimple in the mean time squeezed into Jeans and a blouse to drive to meet her supervisor at the field office for her work day.


Thursday evening even the apartment seemed horribly empty to Dimple in Marks absence. The young lady wore the green dress that first captured Martin Caldwell's attention. He interviewed the country girl as his contract lover for a year. Dimple took a moment to whisper a 'Thank You' to Mark's Dad for bankrolling her final year in college leaving her enough time to become the scholar she is at this moment. She smiled when Mister McAlly, the area operations manager of Shell, called her to say, "We are just outside your door, Ms. Washington."

Erick McAlly jumped out of the driver's side front door and opened the back one for Dimple. The three buckled themselves up, and Eric introduced his silver haired wife to Dimple. Misses McAlly said, "It is always nice to meet the new technical people, especially when they have youth, beauty, energy, and - in your case - brilliance (I have been led to believe this to be true by someone in addition to Erick.)"

Dimple replied, "Well, news must travel fast since I have only been on the job three full days."

The elderly lady said, "Yes. Everybody knows everything about everybody out here. For example, Mary Flowers, your boss's wife, said while playing bridge today, that George said, 'The New hire hit the ground running, and she came up to speed almost at once."

Dimple said, "Thank you for sharing that with me, but I am pleased with how quickly I got my arms around what needed to be done - since that position has been vacant for several months."

Erick asked, "How do you like the oilfield so far, Ms. Washington?"

Dimple smiled broadly and said, "Mister McAlly, George Flowers was something of a shock to me. In college, I read the cases about oilfield operations, but I missed one critical thing. I learned this week at Andrew that it is individuals with skills that underlies the energy industry - not governments and market makers."

Erick asked, "My, may I compliment you since so few grasped that at first. What did you learn, for starters?"

Dimple said, "Well, George Flowers' site is a beehive of productive work without any exceptions that I saw. My expectation was to find a laid back and dusty office where everyone was doing busy work most of the time."

Erick laughed big and said, "Well, we have many offices like that around the world. Of course, it's to be expected when we operate in most locations as a quasi-government office. In offices like where you work, the oil would never come out of the ground if laid back and/or slacker staff played computer games and texted their friends."

The Petroleum Club in Midland was ornate and contained well-appointed furniture - even the bar seats were deeply padded and had upholstered back supports. The oil and cattle themed artworks on the walls could have captured Dimple's attention for a couple of hours, but Mister and Misses McAlly were busy introducing her to people who came up to the trio. At one point the Boss's wife said, "You fellas should not expect Ms. Washington to remember all the names and faces! She is assigned here permanently, and you will get a chance to know her. She may come to the club on her own as our guest, so be on the lookout and be gentlemen."

The trio was sitting at a table and had placed their drink and dinner orders with a waiter when a very tall and handsome man came up to their table. His alligator-hide boots stood out. McAlly said, "Dimple meet Lance, the head of our legal department. He grew up in the Hill Country in a German descendant community. With lots of Washington friends to guide him, Lance keeps us on the straight and narrow - on the DoE and associated Ecology concerns."

Dimple looked at the man who could have played a Gestapo Officer on a movie set and thought, "Does Lance have any accounting skills to go along with his people skills?" He had a perfect, say-cheese smile showing movie-grade white teeth as his signature smile. The smile suggested to the observant Dimple, "I bet money this guy is a Randy boss." She asked, "Does your group do a good job keeping the G-men out of our way out here in West Texas?"

He replied, "Ms. Washington, I would like to say we do a perfect job, but that is not the case! Every time a bureaucrat starts to wet his pants because of a practice of ours, I only remind him that those New Englanders will have freezing cold feet this winter if we don't pump the gas into the pipelines. If I said we never have unresolved issues, Mister McAlly would point out instances of where we have not been successful. Ms. Washington, if you will drop by our office sometimes, I will give you the 'Cook's' tour of how we manage under trying conditions," as he handed her a business card before excusing himself.

Mrs. McAlly spoke and said, "That dreadful man just fought off a sexual harassment suit and scuttlebutt has it that he should be preparing for another. He lives like a wealthy man because of his royalty checks - I knew his wildcatter grandfather, who was the source of his affluence, and he was a hardworking, strong man with a vision, but not his grandson." They changed the subject.

Dimple smiled and looked at her two hosts and thought, "Welcome to the corporate world, Dimple. I thank my lucky stars that my path crossed with the Caldwell family - every one of those people hits the floor running every morning rather than spending their time trying to 'know' and 'influence' people. But, Lance is a replica of Mark before my Honey pulled himself together! God! There must be at least one of those Randy-types in every office."

Friday Evening about six Dimple stood at her front door awaiting Mark to drive in from New Mexico. He had called her about 20 minutes out. She waited naked, having showered and fixed her make-up previously, as she now watched him through the security port and heard steps as he ran up the steel mesh stairway to their apartment. Just as he was getting the key out, she opened the door and said, "Hello lover, I have been waiting for you. Join me in the bedroom as soon as you wash the oil field off of yourself."

Two hours later the exhausted Dimple said, "You must turn me loose as nature calls..."

When she returned, Mark was smiling widely propped up in bed and said, "It sure seems like I have been away from you for more than two days, but calendars don't lie."

She said, "Your making love reminds me of the cows being bred in the barnyard when growing up. Damn, I am crazy about your sexual appetite, Marcus."

He smiled broadly and said, "Hmmm. I like yours as well, Roommate."

She said, "Tell me about your trip and I will give you a less than exciting account of my visit to the Petroleum Club last night."

He said, "I got a small Chevron order of a dozen units and the Engineering Department of an independent will be studying my proposal for 40 units - their Area engineer is gung ho to install these so maybe... Outside of that, the sun beat down on me like a hammer, the dust blew, the food was awful, and my hotel mattress last night was lumpy, and most of all I missed you! My conclusion is that I really miss this real live dream that I am in the middle of, where you are the star."

Dimple described her evening and said, "I met a couple of people that I believe we would like to know personally. As time goes on, maybe that will happen. The downer of the evening was that I met someone who is just like you were when we first met after I signed on with your Dad. Misses 'M' Says that sexual harassment suits are his norm, but that since he is an attorney with friends in Washington, he has skated by so far."

Mark says, "Hmm. I think I shall refuse to be jealous of him."

She replied, "I am sure he would lose his desire for me if I vomited on him... Heh heh."

Later the couple pulled into a Mexican Restaurant. He said, "This Ethnic food dominates out here, and often I see people I recognize in these restaurants. But this one is a family operation and has no neon lights and the music is Mexican-Country but I like to come here because the food is the best Tex-Mex in these parts. As a bonus, the staff calls me by my name every time I eat here. I hope you like the food and the family.

The couple was seated in wooden chairs to eat dinner. Dimple looked around approvingly at Mexican desert scenes in the artwork. The service people came up and broadly smiled when Mark would introduce Dimple. Finally, a big man wearing an apron came to their table to say, 'hello' and to be introduced. Dimple was shocked that Marcus and the proprietor were speaking Spanish to each other. After a while, Sergio Santos said in good English to Dimple, "Mucho pleasure to meet you Miss Dimple and you are always welcomed to dine here when Marcus is traveling."

Dimple had eaten Chicken Enchiladas at Mexican Restaurants, but never anything that tasted anywhere near this good. They both drank Dos XXs as their beverage. After she had eaten way too much, she said, "Not another bite, Mark!"

Mark said, "We can not quit now as Sergio's Flan is the best in Texas." Looking at Dimple after watching her refuse a further bite of food, he said, "O.K. We will get it to go and enjoy it with coffee later..."

Driving home feeling stuffed, the car was silent. Dimple thought, "I liked the food very-much, but more than that I like the staff and the owner and obviously every single customer was enjoying dinner and having fun because the laughter was so loud. Wow! What a different experience from Thursday night in the Petroleum Club."

The summer passed quickly for the couple as they were lost in love and counted every minute they were apart until they were back together again. In early August, Dimple got a phone call from Susan Caldwell, Mark's Sister, while Mark was out of town. "Hello, Dimple!"

The East Texan transplanted to West Texas lady said, said, "Excitedly, Hello Susan! My! My! What a pleasant surprise. How are the children.?"

After a five minute summary of what and how they were doing, Susan said "They miss you and want to fly out to see you, just like I do. But I have a better idea."

Dimple replied, "Great. What is your idea?"

She said, "You and Mark take an extra day off on Labor Day weekend and be guests at our home - I am assuming that you guys sleep together by now because we have a queen-size bed in the guest bedroom. We will have a big dinner on Saturday, and both sets of our parents will be there to say hello to you. And, of course, the kids will want to dominate your time. Could you and Mark swing a day off extra so we can all have a get-together?"

Dimple replied, "Since Mark's Dad is his boss I am sure he can arrange it. As for me, my supervisor has turned all scheduling over to me so that I am certain he will tell me take off and call it comp time since I work so many hours because of our problems."

Susan said, "I will adjust all schedules around yours and Mark's, Dimple. Let me know."


Back in the DFW Mid-Cities area, Martin and Helen settled into a routine quickly. One morning when she had slept over at her ex-husband's condo, the top closer at the real estate office lay holding her husband, wide awake and watched him soundly sleep. After refreshing herself, she thought, "The owner of the shop asked me to fly to St. Kitt with him again for a fun filled long weekend at Sandals - all expenses paid. Three months ago I would have jumped at the opportunity, but now I just looked him in the eye and said, 'No. But Thank you.' And I no longer felt that life was passing me by as I thought in the past. I would be afraid to tell Martin just how much I love him now. I wonder if his focus is on me exclusively now, or does he think about his hired lover sometimes - or often?"

Her ex-husband stirred and stretched and then went to the toilet. She heard him running the electric toothbrush. He came back to the bed in his boxers with his erect cock sticking out of the opening used for urinating. She said, "I know you prefer making love in the mornings because so far you don't have to use a stimulant - and you still take care of my needs."

He said, "Ahhh. Music to my ears." He kissed her and found she was trying to get Martin's cock inside of her. He said, "How about reverse cowgirl this time since we haven't done that in a long time."

She said, "I had hoped you would suggest that so after you decrease the friction, let's do it." The coupling in three positions was fiery for both, especially Helen.

After they were finished and lay in bed crying and holding each other and catching their breath, Helen said, "Darling, that was beautiful."

Martin said, "I agree and thank you for gradually backing off from your push to always show properties. But that presents another problem, in that I am becoming very attached to you once again."

She chuckled and said, "That was my plan ever since I took you to the airport after Dimple's graduation. If truth is known, I am becoming more attached to you with every passing date."

Martin said, "Dimple, huh? I haven't even thought about her for a while. I do shoptalk with Mark at least once a week, and he wants me to hire another salesman for Oklahoma oilfields. But he never talks about Dimple, and I never ask. She is history as a lover, Helen, now I am interested because I hope she will give us some beautiful grandchildren - Just as Susan has."

Helen said, "There will always be a warm spot for Dimple because now I get to babysit Susan's children - and I think they love me now. Martin, what would happen if Dimple expressed a sexual interest in you?"

The VP-Sales scratched his balding head and said, "The same thing that would happen if the fiery young real estate salesman who temporarily stole you came back into your life. My thought right now is - nothing. You tell me."

Helen smiled and said, "I made a stupid mistake and reacted to hormonal pressure whereas you made a calculated move to hire Dimple as your lover. Admitted he treated me to a week at Sandals in St. Kitt that set him back some serious money. Ummm. On second thought, I guess it worked out so that we both did the same thing, didn't it?"

Her ex-husband said, "Thank you for seeing it that way because we can get used to each other. Now that you are working fewer hours, and I travel less, so I see you a lot more than I ever thought possible - and I like it."

There were a few minutes of quietness and the Romantic classical music played in the background as the two lovers held each other. Helen asked, "I have a suggestion: please allow me to make your condo the base of my daily living and working - I can rent my condo and split the net revenue with you."

Martin said, "Well, we have hung out with each other for six weeks, and it seems to be working. Besides that, if we both lived here, just think of the advantages. Susan wouldn't have to carpool kids to two locations. If our relationship wasn't everything we both wanted in the long haul, you could always move back to your condo after a lease expired. Let's get you moved!"

Helen was instantly so happy until she turned over on top of her Ex-husband only to feel that he had an erection. Can you perform two times at your age?"

Martin said, "Yes, and I haven't started using the blue pills yet."

Both fell asleep after their coupling.


Jeff Feinberg, Susan's husband, picked up Dimple and his brother-in-law at Love Field early Saturday morning of labor-day weekend after the travelers' one-hour flight from the oil field. After the greetings and the luggage was stowed, they were driving west to the mid-Cities area. Jeff said, "Dimple, both children talk about you two or three times per week, and they don't know you are visiting. You two will make them ecstatic with happiness. My mother-in-law also doesn't know you and Mark are our guests for the weekend - I asked Mr. Caldwell to make it our secret. I have been smoking brisket and ribs for twelve hours, and that is Marcus's parents favorite, so you probably smell the smoke in my clothes."

Marcus remained quiet, but Dimple said, "I can hardly wait - I like ribs, too."

There was bedlam inside Jeff and Susan's home when the children first saw Dimple. They followed her around and refused to go outside and play in the early morning coolness of the summer day unless she went with them. Once their favorite babysitter went to the grocery store for Susan, both children were strapped into their seats in the back of the Feinberg car. The youngsters finally consented to go to their rooms to watch Kid's TV after they returned.

Susan said, "Dad and Mom will be here about four, and we will eat shortly afterward. The two couples closely bonded while Susan completed the dinner preps.

Martin and Helen, Susan and Mark's parents, arrived about four, the children immediately attacked their Grandpa and Grandma. Martin walked off with the children after they visited each other. Susan took her mother's hand and went to the kitchen, and there stood Dimple and Mark. To say this surprise was the best one in her fifty plus years would be an understatement. Her son no longer cowered in a world where he could not make an honest living and she adored the woman on his arm, Dimple. It was a dream-book reunion with both.

Martin and the two children came into the room for a round of greetings. Helen focused her eyes on her ex-husband to study his reaction to seeing Dimple again. There was no reaction. She said, "I have had too much excitement so I will excuse myself." In the bathroom, she wet her face with tears crying for being happy. She thought, "Martin was not shocked at all seeing Dimple - the first time since her graduation."

When she returned to the group, Susan said, "Mom, you washed away all your cosmetic makeup - want to borrow some of mine?"

Martin said to his ex-wife, "Darling, you look wonderful to me the way you are." Susan started to cry again as she looked at her ex-husband.


The following Tuesday morning both Martin and Helen drove Marcus and Dimple back to the airport. The car was mostly silent. The couple in the back seat were in a hurry to get back to their apartment in the oilfield. The VP-Sales and Helen both relaxed because Dimple's being in their extended family caused no one any ripples but made everyone happy.

The end.

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