Summer School Pt. 02

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Pixie and Tanya clash.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/22/2022
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It was too dark to see who was between Tanya's legs eating her out in the Fellows' Garden, but it was light enough to see that she was getting close to orgasm; maybe that was because I could hear her moaning.

"You like my cunt, you posh slut?"

I heard a muffled sound that was clearly affirming that she did.

"Well then, fuck! Yes, yes, yes!"

As I watched Tanya cum, I was aware that my hand had slid up my skirt and that I had begun to rub myself, my fingers pressing the cotton round my clit.

Damn, damn! My thoughts and instincts jarred, which at least made me stop rubbing.

"Now, you posh cunt, if you really want to be used, open wide!"

I then heard the unmistakable sound of peeing; Tanya was peeing on the other woman who was moaning.

"Now, slut, fuck off, I am going back to my room!"

To my shock, Tanya slapped the other woman, who fell to the ground as Tanya walked off sniggering.

I was in a state of shock. I could hear the woman whimpering on the ground. I hated to think what state she was in. Having no idea who she was, I had none as to where she lived, but the idea of her getting back anywhere at after midnight smelling of Tanya's pussy and piss, appalled me. There was only one thing for it. As a Summer School teacher I had the right to use the Fellows' Garden, so I stepped out of the shadows and feigned surprise at seeing her.

"Goodness me, are you okay?" I asked, rather stupidly in the circumstances, but one has to begin somewhere.

The woman turned over and looked up. I could see that her face, hair, and dress were stained; she smelt of pussy and piss.

"No, I don't think I am."

"Can I help?"

"Not unless you know a way to be me back to my College without being totally humiliated. I will be fined for being late as it is, and in this state, I will be reported to the Dean."

"Sorry," I said, "I am Pixie, and you?"

"I'm Lara," she said.

"Look, Lara, I am a Fellow here and have a room which has a shower, and if you'll trust me, I can put you up for the night and get your clothes cleaned."

"Yes," she said, "I am a bit of a mess."

"I saw," I said.

"Saw?" Her voice rose an octave.

"Yes, I saw what Tanya did to you."

Lara looked mortified.

"You must think I am a slut," she said, "after the way I let her use me."

"Lara, I'm making no judgement, come on, you'll catch your death out here."

Lara pulled herself up. She was a taller than me - five seven I would have said (I was right, as it happens).

"Gosh," she said, "you're rather short, Miss. Do you know Tanya?"

"Yes," I said, as we walked back to staircase nine, "I have the good, or bad fortune, to be one of her summer school teachers. And you?"

"I'm a new graduate student Miss, at Brasenose, and I met Tanya earlier in the week."

"Would that have been at the gay club?"

Again, Lara looked embarrassed.

"Yes, Miss. I identify as gay."

"Me too," I said, "so stop worrying."

She breathed a sigh of relief.

By now we were in the foyer. The poor darling was a mess. Her cheek was bright red from where Tanya had hit her, and as she had managed to catch her eye too, I suspected there might be swelling there unless I got some ice. That was almost the first thing I did when we got into my room; the very first was to tell Lara to go to the bathroom, strip off and put on a bathrobe.

She came out with her clothes crumpled up together. As the robe was mine, she was showing quite an expanse of rather yummy leg.

"They can all be washed Miss."

"Look Lara, here's an ice pack. Put it on your cheek where she slapped you. I've made you a cup of tea, let me go put a wash on."

"Thanks Miss, you are so kind."

I grinned.

"Good Samaritan," I joked, "oh and Lara, just call me Pixie, I'm not your Miss!"

"Yes Miss, sorry, Pixie!" It was the first time I had seen her grin.

After checking the labels, I put on a wash. If Lara stayed a bit in the morning, I could, I thought, have everything dried and ready.

When I got back, Lara was just finishing her tea.

"Right," said, "let's get you into the shower. There's shampoo and various soaps, take your pick."

She grinned.

"Not sure even the Good Samaritan went that far!"

I was dog-tired, but as we were already in Saturday morning, and there was nothing scheduled before an afternoon trip to Blenheim, there would be time enough to rest later.

Lara looked refreshed - and certainly smelt better.

"Thanks, Pixie. I owe you an explanation."

"You don't," I said, "but if you need to, I am all ears, though I warn you, I am a bit bushed."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to get it off my chest."

"Okay," I said, "shoot."

"I met Tanya at the club. I've had fantasies about girls like her, but never met one socially. She seemed to know how I felt, and, well took me back to her room and fucked me. She had me eat her out, and told me to meet her here tonight. You saw what she did to me."

I was, to put it mildly, taken aback. I suppose there was no reason I should be the only Public School girl in Oxford to have fantasies about working-class chavs, but, well, it was still something of a shock to have my own fetish relayed back to me.

Lara looked at me.

"I'm sorry, Pixie, was that too much information?"

Her words drew me back from my reveries.

"No, no."

"Can I ask how long you'd been there, Pixie?"

"A few minutes, I did not want to intervene."

"But you could have," she looked at me, "you are Tanya's teacher. Why didn't you?"

There, I thought, no good deed goes unpunished. I knew I was a bad liar, so, I reasoned, why make a bad situation worse by trying to lie?

"Partly because I know Tanya well enough to know she would have ignored me."


"Yes, Lara, really. And partly because, well I thought you were a consenting adult, so what did it have to do with me. It was only when she hit you and pissed on you that I realised I'd have to do something."

"Was that all?" Lara asked, looking at me meaningfully.

"If you're wondering whether the spectacle aroused me, then yes, why do you ask?"

It was Lara's turn to hesitate.

"Well?" I said, pointedly.

"It, it's just Tanya said that her next 'posh slut' would be the 'little bitch who teaches me'."

She blushed.

"Her words, Pixie, not mine."

"And you saw me and thought I was the little bitch?"

She nodded.

"Well," I said, I am not surprised. Now then, do you want the bed or the sofa?"

"Pixie," she said quietly, "could we sleep together - and I mean sleep?"

I would have been lying to myself if I had said that I was not attracted to Lara, and I knew that I was still aroused from earlier - my knickers provided the evidence for that, they still felt damp and rather uncomfortable, but I knew I should refuse; so I said yes.

By the time I had showered and put on my night wear, Lara was asleep, which was something of a relief.

I woke with a start as I realised someone was in my bed, before realising who it was. I breathed a sigh of relief. Tiredness of both our parts had saved us from making a mistake. Yes, I liked Lara, and was attracted to her, but one-night stands were not my style.

I took myself out of temptation's way by having a quick shower and getting dressed. I went to the laundry room, where Lara's things were ready. She would be saved the walk of shame.

By the time I got back to my room, Lara was in her robe. She smiled when she saw me.

"Thank you, Pixie! Both for not jumping me, and for the clothes, and well, for everything. You've saved me a pile of trouble - and shown me people can be nice to me."

I smiled back.

"I won't say I was not tempted," I said, wanting to be honest, "but I will say it's been a pleasure. Would you like some breakfast? We can go into town?"

"That would be lovely. Would you not normally breakfast in College?"

"I would, but I have a reason not to with you."


"The very same. I want to put something to you, but first, while I get my things, get dressed, I won't peek."

"Spoilsport," Lara grinned. "I would not mind if you did."

"Naughty," I grinned back.

I took her to breakfast at my favourite place near Christchurch Meadow. As we ate croissants and drank coffee, I approached the elephant in the room.

"You don't have to discuss what happened last night, but if you want to, I am happy to listen."

Lara looked embarrassed.

"Would you understand?"

I realised it I was going to get anywhere, I needed to confess.

"Yes, when I was eighteen, I got involved with a chav girl from the local comp who, well, to coin a word, sluttified me."

Lara looked shocked - as well she might have.

"What do you mean?"

I told her how Tay had not only made me eat her out, but had transformed my appearance, cutting, and dying my hair and making me wear the sort of outfits that she and her chav friends wore.

"Oh my god, Pixie, so, so you really understand? Wow!"

"I do. But I understand, I think, something else."


"Tanya went too far for you, didn't she?"

Lara blushed as she finished her croissant.


"You thought that you wanted her to do anything she wanted? Am I right?"

"How did you know?"

"It's called subspace, Lara, and it is both the most exciting and dangerous place for women like us."

"Can you explain? I think I understand."

"You get so deeply into submitting that you lose all sense of time, space and any semblance of will. You want, well that's the point, you want to give yourself to the other woman and do whatever she wants, and, in the abstract, that means 'anything,' doesn't it?"

Lara's eyes, as they locked with mine, showed I had struck gold. She just nodded.

"The problem with Tanya was that she treated you like an object, not a woman."

"Maybe it was my fault?" Lara said. "I did say I'd do anything."

"There's a line," I said, between being treated like an object and like a person, and for me, it's the line between porn and erotica."

"What do you mean?"

"Most of the porn we see, Lara, is created by men. For them we can be objectified, and some of us no doubt enjoy it, but when we are just used as a set of holes for men to shoot their stuff into, that for me is ceasing to be treated as a human being. It's easy enough for any woman reading or watching such porn to think that's the way to treat a submissive woman."

"I see," Lara replied, "but what's the alternative?"

"It's slow. It's finding out what the other woman's triggers are, and working with her."

"But, well," Lara was struggling, "that would mean the domme not just doing what she wanted!"

"I'd prefer to say it involved understanding her submissive and attending to her. For me, in any sub/domme relationship, it is the sub who, oddly enough, has power. The dominance comes from the domme finding how to take that power and use it to make her lover her submissive."

"I see," Lara said, "so there needs to be more than..."

"A one-night stand and a fuck? Yes. Men, not that I know anything about them intimately, seem to me to have different needs. If they can spread their seed, it can be job done! Of course that's not true in a loving relationship, but it is, I think, why men find it easier to work their way through casual encounters. What you got last night was Tanya's porn reading of how to treat a woman."

"So, what's to be done?"

"Well, first, do you want to see her again?"

"Yes, but, well, not to go that far, but she likes to be in control, so what do I do?"

"Do you want me to talk with her?"

"Would you? Really?"

We agreed I would.

We exchanged mobile numbers, and after I saw her off to her College, I went back to mine, wondering what the devil I had got myself into?

As I boarded the coach for Blenheim with the group, Tanya was smirking. Once they had all got settled, I asked if I could have a word with her. Best strike fast I thought.

"What is it, Pixie? Wasn't I well-behaved at the party, and here I am for this boring crap."

"Actually you weren't well-behaved. You left Lara in a mess!"

She reacted as though I'd struck her.

"What, hey, she wanted that? Did you watch us you pervert?"

"I found her afterwards, crying and in a total mess."

"It was what she wanted - consent and all that crap."

"Did you think about what could happen to her?"

"Why should I? She's a submissive posh cunt. She wanted it. I gave it her. Period, as the Americans say."

"Why?" I said, trying to keep my voice down. "Think for a minute. You left her to wander the streets of Oxford after midnight, smelling of pee, a total mess. Anything could have happened to her. And even if she got back to College, she'd have had to explain to the Porters what had happened. She'd have been in real trouble."

"Her problem," Tanya said, her voice rising.

"If she'd complained, it would have been yours too."

"It was bloody consent!"

"Sure, her word against yours, who'd the police believe? Not you. You could have ended up with a record and no prospects of a decent career!"

"Don't fucking care!" Tanya declared in a voice loud enough to attract attention.

"I'm done!" I declared, "if you want to talk, talk when you have started to think!"

Tanya spent the afternoon sulking. The other girls enjoyed the tour, and the cream tea afterwards. It was only when we got back to the College that Tanya came up to me.

"Okay, been thinking. Can we talk?"

"Sure," I said, "want an early drink before dinner?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

We found a nice, secluded booth at the Old Tom and I got her a cider and myself a Merlot.

"So?" I said. "What does your brain tell you?"

"Look, Pixie, first, what happened to Lara. Did she go to the police? Is that why you're telling me?"

"No, I found her and gave her a bed for the night and cleaned up your mess."

"You fuck her?"

For a moment the old Tanya surfaced.


"Shame, she's good."

"Tell me your thoughts now your brain is in gear - preferably before your lust takes over."

She laughed.

"I went too far, is that what you're saying? How was I to fucking know?"

"Hey," I said, "it is possible to speak without using the F word, try it!"

"Sorry," she said, sounding like she might have actually meant it. "But seriously, how was I to know?"

"You have a brain, think? She is not a toy or an object, don't leave her in danger."

"Yeah, but she said 'anything,' didn't she?"

"Yes, she did, and that means you have a responsibility."

"But I was in charge."

"Abusing power is still abuse," I said, "there's a line between having fun and abuse, and you crossed it by leaving her in danger. The good news is she wants to see you again. The bad news is you need to work out how not to go where you went last night."

Tanya looked relieved. So, I thought, she did have feelings for Lara?

"How'd I do that?"

"Ever thought of talking?"

"What do you mean?"

"This. Submissive women have 'triggers,' things which turn them on. Find out what that is, and you have them. BUT always give a safe word - and stick to it?"

"Safe word?"

"Yes, a word which means: 'you are going too far,' one like, oh I don't know, 'red light' or something."

Tanya looked at me.

"How'd you know all this, Pixie?"

"I just do, I'm older than you."

"You're one too, aren't you?"

"One what?"

"A submissive."

"None of your business, but yes, in the past I have been, and believe me, there's a big difference between what you did last night to Lara and a real domme."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Please yourself," I said, "but the fact is that just as you have a brain and talent you are not using to further your career, you have a sexual energy you're not using the way you could."

"What do you mean?"

"Tanya, there is more in you than acting like a cross between a brat and a tart. You can choose to end up in a dead-end job, or you can choose to use your talents - the former means giving into your lusts, the latter requires some work."

She looked interested.

"You're serious, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. I am an educator. I am doing this summer school to help people get out of a dead-end situation and make something of themselves, but you, you actually have real ability to go far - but you need to work and work hard."

"Okay. I hear you. Look, Miss, a question?"

I was a little startled, Tanya never called me Miss.

"You've helped me with the academic stuff. I am going to take all that back with me. But would you help me with the other?"

It was my turn to be suspicious. Not for the first time, I realised that I was not just flattering Tanya, there was a good brain there, if one untuned by thought and experience.

"Help you? How?"

"Well, Miss, you were telling us that on practical stuff there was no substitute for getting your hands dirty. Why don't you show me - and Lara - how this is supposed to work? After all, you are older and have more experience?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, Tanya."

"Oh, I see. Okay. Talk is cheap. I guess it's a case of don't do as I do, do as I say."

I felt obscurely riled by her words.

"It's not that!"

"Oh well, I guess you are, what's that word I heard the other day, 'frit'?"

"Frit of what?"

"Of putting yourself out there instead of just talking about stuff. Okay, I get it. You're happy to preach but not to practice. Typical. And there was me thinking you were different."

"I am not frit, anyway, what did you have in mind?"

"The class finishes on Thursday, Miss. I will be going back to an empty house as my mum is off to Majorca with her fella."


Tanya smiled, a picture of sweet innocence - not!

"Well, say you and Lara came to stay with me for the weekend. You could help me and her explore the limits and how to deal with her kink."

"And" I asked, taken aback, "just how would I do that?"

"We can talk later. I texted Lara. You up for it, or frit?"

I felt rather backed into a corner. I could see what she was up to, but not the way out.


"Good," she said, "cos here's Lara. Hiya!"

I did a double take.

It was Lara, yes, I was sure it was, but that very short skirt, that tight tee-shirt and her hair back in a tight ponytail, was not her usual style, nor was her heavily made-up face. She looked at me.

"Hi Miss!"

"Hi, Lara."

"Well," grinned Tanya to Lara, "what are you waiting for, give her a snog."

Lara leaned in and, to my surprise, gave me a big kiss.

"See," Tanya grinned at us, "I like my girls to get on well!"

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PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you, Steve xxxxx

stevesthenamestevesthenameabout 1 year ago

Having enjoyed your postings in the forum I wanted to read some of your stories. Loving this, particularly the exploration of domination vs abuse. I also really like the slow burn build up of sexual chemistry between the characters. Thanks, Mrs Peters. Five stars!

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you my friend - I am glad you both enjoyed it, GayKat xxxxx

GayKatGayKatover 1 year ago


I was wondering why my comment hadn't been posted for "Summer School" Pt. 01.. ☹


Hallo My Lady Pixiehoff!

Thank you, Queen Jackie and I, love Tanya, she is really hot!... 5-Stars and 5-Hot-Pee Orgasms!


[I then heard the unmistakable sound of peeing; Tanya was peeing on the other woman who was moaning.] _ I can't count the number of times I have heard women peeing, with sounds of moaning... and a lot of the time the moaning was coming from me,,, yes!

[Tanya went too far for you, didn't she?] _ For Lara maybe, but not for Katrina, I grew up with a lot of Tanya's..

[Safe word?] _ Really an amateur?... Well I was a professional, and she has already paid for an hour of my time, and it made no difference to me whether I was ringing her bell, or holding her hand, I was paid either way... so sure, throw your money away!


The Black Queen and Gay Kat.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

`that would be a hard one to explain, darling GayKat - but I hope it was worth it xxxxx

GayKatGayKatover 1 year ago

Full Of Rug Munchers?


Hallo My Lady Pixiehoff!

Thank-You that was very enjoyable!... Another 5-Stars and 5-Yummy Rug Muncher Orgasms!

Oh I understand it's Ella's special day and all, but her sister?... [Ella had asked if I would mind if she didn't make me a bridesmaid, and being me, I had accepted the snub gracefully.] _ Being Ella's only blood sister, I probably would not have handled it all that gracefully... then there's the wedding pictures, how will she explain me not being there and her with a black eye and a split lip? :-)


The Black Queen and Gay Kat.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Cindy, yes, I think posh/casual sums it up perfectly. So glad that you are enjoying it xxxxx

Cindy1001Cindy1001over 1 year ago

I was in Summerschool too, at Oxford last summer, and that makes it lovely to read as well. But apart from your style, Pixie - can I describe it as posh-casual? - there is a beautiful soft tone to this story. And the educational element of having responsible sex - which is, of course, not about not getting pregnant, but about facing your desires and viewing the other person(s) not (only) as the focal point of your lust, but as a human being worthy of your attention and (after)care - makes it only better. Well done, loved reading it.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you Kat xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Michael - I am honoured, and touched, by your lovely comments - thank you xxxxx

Savannah_PeachSavannah_Peachover 1 year ago

another wonderful chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I read a lot of stories on here some good some not so much, but I just don't know how you always manage a 5 star rating from me. I love your work. I haven't even given Silkstockingslover all 5 star ratings. Can't wait to read the next chapter.

Pappasleaze! (Michael)

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Alice - you will see the answer soon - and there is more to come xxxxx

AliceGeeAliceGeeover 1 year ago

You have laid the groundwork for a very interresting Part 3. Are you going to be a participant in Tanya's upcoming weekend or just an instructor that observes the action and gives directions from the sidelines? For some reason I am hoping that it is the latter though I realize that being a participant can be far more arousing and interesting. Superb storytelling as always dear Pixie.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much Sexxyboi xxxxx

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