Superheroines under Sushi


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Valkyrie's eyes widened, as her grim confidence suddenly drained away, and she breathed heavily a couple of times.

"No!" she gasped, suddenly desperate. "No, no!" On her back, she pulled back a sleek athletic leg and desperately tried to slam her foot up into his crotch. He sidestepped her easily, catching and grabbing her delicate ankle.

"Oh!" Valkyrie gasped, squirming on her back. She tried to shake him free, but could not, and gasped and squirmed as he smirked and caressed teasingly along her silky shapely curves.

"What have we here..." Xiang purred. He caressed her little instep, making the dainty foot squirm and the buxom blonde shiver as he tickled her. "Another immortal. One made by a different process, no doubt inferior to ours - but worth taking nonetheless." He stroked her foot again, drawing a gasp from her lips. "Are you ready to find your true destiny, golden one?" he asked her.

Valiant Valkyrie took a deep breath, her mouth hanging open. Then, her immaculate face twisted with sudden fury. With a cry of rage, Valkyrie pulled back her other lovely foot and kicked with that too... and he caught it as well, holding both her long legs imprisoned in his iron grip.

"Oh... oh, no!" Valiant Valkyrie gasped, her eyes growing wide.

Moving too fast for the squirming heroine to react, he stepped in. Slipping both hands up under her curvy muscular thighs, he grabbed hold of her big round ass and hoisted the startled yelping heroine bodily up into the air. "Your destiny, like you," he said into her shocked face, "will come - whether you want it to or not."

She stared at him in shock. Moments later, he slammed the gaping superheroine right down onto his waiting, throbbing cock. Her blue eyes crossed, and she let out a deafening shriek.

"Auggh!!!" she squealed. Her head rocketed back, as his mammoth dong thundered brutally up inside her. "So...s-suffering SIF, it's sooo huuuge!" she whimpered, squirming helplessly in his arms. He laughed, and followed up by bouncing her on his dick, and her eyes nearly rolled back in her head. Her lips quivered, little gurgling sounds coming from her cock-shattered head each time he jerked home deep within her.

"You... you bastard! Oh, you... you evil thug!" she squealed. Seated on his huge dick and his fondling hands, legs wrapped around him, she took her hands off his shoulders and, with a furious snarl, threw a punch right into his leering face. Though she was without her belt, she was still an athletic and warlike demigoddess, and her punch landed with enough power to slam his grinning face to one side. "You... do you like this resistance?" she seethed, and threw another. "Does it turn you on, punk?"

Xiang merely laughed back. Then he grabbed a firm hold on her wide fleshy hips, and countered her furious blows with an equally devastating assault straight up into the depths of her defenseless cunt. Valiant Valkyrie spasmed and screamed with excruciating ecstasy, jerking at each thrust like a boxer taking a knockout punch. He timed his thrusts with her continuing punches, and she moaned as her blows went wild, one sliding right past his smirking head, the other pounding impotently against his chest... fighting back with nothing but the enormous throbbing weapon lodged in her pussy. Groaning, the impaled demigoddess wound up for another point-blank haymaker. But just as she unleashed it, he slammed his mammoth tip deep into her tender depths - and laughed as her mighty blow skipped harmlessly off his broad shoulder.

"Oooh..." she moaned, gulping for breath. "I swear... I'll wipe that smirk off his face if it's the last thing I do!!!" She landed a couple more blows, to no more effect than the first few. "You... you're going down!" she promised, even as her buxom hips quivered helplessly around another of his deep counter-blows.

"No," he replied. "You are, golden one."

Moving with lightning speed, he pulled out of her pussy and dropped forward, slamming the yelping beauty down onto her back on the cold hard floor. Then, while the beautiful blonde was still gasping and blinking, dazed, he slid his hands off her luscious round bottom, caressed them up the long length of her athletic legs, and grabbed hold of her ankles. With all his weight, he drove her knees down into the floor to either side of her arms, trapping them, then laid her calves out to either side of her head. Her ass lifted straight up, her thighs spread to either side of her torso, leaving her pussy utterly defenseless and exposed high up in the air. Her huge breasts jiggled deliciously, squeezed into mouth-watering cleavage between her shapely thighs.

"Ah..." he sighed, leering down into her shocked little face. "Much better."

"Oh... oh, Goddess, no..." Valiant Valkyrie whimpered, stunned to be so swiftly and easily vanquished.

He didn't give her time to ponder her downfall. He straddled her wiggling ass, and thrust downwards, reentering her sopping defenseless pussy more brutally than ever before. Valkyrie screamed and squirmed and threatened and struggled, but was so thoroughly pinned down she ultimately could do nothing but lie there and take it. Her hands, trapped by her knees, could only slap impotently against his calves, which were pumping up and down along her thighs with each mighty thrust. Soon enough the other two heroines moaned softly in dread, as they heard Valiant Valkyrie's cries of pain and fury slowly transform into moans and coos of unwanted but irresistible pleasure - just as theirs had. Xiang smiled, letting his massive cock ream and ravage her helpless pussy ruthlessly, and smirked as he finally made the defiant blonde goddess to soar up into a moaning, squirming, blinking, helpless orgasm, her delicate hands quivering against his thighs as she shuddered with roiling shattering ecstasy.

Her floodgates opened, one climax was swiftly followed by another, and another, as he steadily plowed the helpless buxom superheroine down into a bewildering world filled with nothing but shameful pleasure, humiliating defeat, and the steady perfect thrusting of his mammoth mystic manhood. Her hands, clutching tightly at his calves, slowly loosened, and without even thinking began to caress and rub at him worshipfully, as her moans of resistance slowly gave way to sighs and coos of mindless ecstasy.

Experimentally, he took his hands off her calves. He grinned. Her mighty hands remained flat against the ground, her toes wriggling within her boots with each and every thrust of his cock. Grinning, he slid his hands over to cup and fondle her huge jiggling breasts... making her soar even higher with inescapable pleasure. He leaned down, placed his lips near her beautiful moaning head, his dick pressing down into the very depths of her pussy, his thrusts coming short, hard and fast. He settled his lips beside her ear, and whispered to her. "Here comes your gift, dear," he said, into her ear.

"Oh... oh g-goddess!" Valiant Valkyrie gasped. Her eyes spread wide.

But she could do nothing else. Her upper lips trembled, as she felt his huge pulsing dick start to spew a massive discharge down through her lower ones. As with Scarlet Sleuth and Rebel Belle before her, his torrential load displaced a sea of stinking criminal spunk, sending it spewing out of her massively-stoppered pussy to flow in waves down her thighs, her belly, and her huge jiggling breasts. She moaned, her mighty body rapidly turning into a cream-coated monument to her own defeat.

"Ooooh..." Valkyrie said. Her eyes blinked drunkenly. But, though her mighty body shivered, it was unable to do anything else as what looked like a fountain of gooey pudding continued to erupt from her uplifted hindquarters.

"Ahhh..." Xiang said. Coming back from the sea of superheroine conquest, he slouched back down onto his throne, and smiled. He surveyed his former foes. The combination of the utter exhaustion of their sleek flesh, and the urgency to resist fading now that they had all been thoroughly seeded, meant that not a one of their sprawled bodies had yet stirred from where he had left them, after having his way with them.

"There," he said. "Now you will all be servants of the Hung Society, whether you wish to or not..."

The three fertilized superheroines let out tiny moans, at this, their voices rising up in a soft chorus from their sprawled flesh - but gave no other coherent response.

"What shall we do with them now, master?" Saori asked, standing at attention beside her lord, and smiling in satisfaction at what he had wrought upon his enemies.

He shrugged. "What else?" he said. "Throw them out with the rest of the trash."

At this, the three exhausted heroines' chins dropped.

"Wh-what?!" Scarlet Sleuth moaned.

"We thought you were going to keep us and let us... I mean, make us serve you!" Rebel Belle gasped, her eyes widening in horror.

Xiang shook his head. "You were worthy of being bedded by one of the Hung Society," he said. "You are not yet remotely worthy of that." He nodded to Saori. "Make it happen," he directed.

Smiling primly at the aghast Western heroines' dismay, Saori lifted her hands and clapped.

From one side, six burly men came forth. They looked like body-builders, but their faces were downcast and silent. The geishas squirmed at the sight of them.

"Who... who are they?" Rebel Belle asked. They were not the same Hung Men who had appeared at the party.

Xiang shrugged. "There are many who wish to join the Hung Society yet do not have what it takes," he said. "For that, we take the source of their Heavenly energy - but let them continue to serve those who proved unworthy."

Oh... Dios mio," Scarlet Sleuth whispered, staring at the men's crotches in horror.

But the heroines did not have long to contemplate the fate of the meek yet muscular figures that were approaching them. Reaching down, the burly eunuchs picked them up. Instinctively, the heroines howled and fought. But they had been in no position to resist before Xiang fucked them; they were absolutely helpless now that his gargantuan member had gotten done wrecking their bodies. Soon enough their hands were once more pulled back behind their hourglass-shaped waists, and though they snarled and seethed they could not stop themselves from being bound.

Meanwhile, following a sharp gesture from Saori, three pairs of geisha departed a back exit and came back a few seconds later, reluctantly carrying a trio of empty, filthy garbage cans. They dropped, with a loud clang, before each held heroine's feet.

Looking down, each held firmly by a pair of muscular but impassive eunuchs, the three naked superheroines gaped down into the waiting trash cans in horror. Their bare pussies, still leaking Xiang's cum, waved back and forth just over the filth-strewn rims, as they squirmed. Then, slowly, their lovely faces twisted with outrage.

"You... you wouldn't dare!" Valiant Valkyrie hissed, her blonde head staring down into the slimy pit that awaited her.

"You have served your purpose," Xiang replied. "Very well," he added. "But now it is time for you to go."

Rebel Belle squeezed her creamy athletic thighs together, around her cum-drooling pussy, and shook her head.

"But the gifts you gave us," she said. She nodded down towards her broad flat belly. "Do you not want to keep us until we bear them for you?" She blinked her eyes hopefully, every inch of her gorgeous expression adding in the silent addendum 'and let us suck your big cock in the meantime.'

"The gift was having the honor of sharing my bed, ladies," Xiang said. He pointed towards their well-filled wombs. "What I put inside you is not a gift. It is property of the Hung Society. You will keep it for us temporarily, but very soon Mother Horse will be by to collect."

"But... but..." Scarlet Sleuth moaned - her eyes widening in horror as she contemplated the implications.

Xiang shook his head. "Enough stalling," he said. "Do it."

The heroines thrashed, and shook, and squealed. But they accomplished nothing, save to make their immense naked breasts slosh back and forth ponderously before him, one more time. They shrieked, eyes widening in terror, as they were seized by the waist and hoisted upwards.

"No... no!" Rebel Belle moaned as she was flipped around upside down and looked upwards, eyes wide with horror, into the waiting half-full can.

But the eunuchs cared nothing for their shrieks and pleadings. As one, they sent the buxom beauties hurtling down into their fate. Each shrieked like a terrified schoolgirl as she began to plummet. Moments later they landed with a trio of sickening squishes in the half-filled cans.

Trapped upside down, half buried in filth packed just loose enough to breathe, the three superheroines squealed and moaned. Their voices echoed tinnily through garbage and metal walls. Their long legs, extending out of the cans, kicked wildly in the air. But the laden cans were heavy enough they did not budge, and with their hands bound behind them they were going nowhere. Their buxom hips and jiggling round asses peeked out just above the rim of the cans... their naked pussies still releasing shining streamers of Xiang's cum to flow down onto their shapely soiled flesh.

"A lovely sight," Xiang commented, admiring the show. "But - ah, we forgot something. Saori, if you please?"

Smiling, Saori clapped her hands, and signaled to some of her girls. Rising, they sauntered away and came back - holding the heroine's costumes. At a nod from Saori they dropped them, one by one, down into the cans - past the wiggling bodies of the up-ended white champions. The mighty heroines moaned and cried out in shock as their bras and little panties went fluttering down along their sleek grime-spattered flesh, to come to rest down near their beautiful heads. Rebel Belle gasped in horror as her jewel tumbled down to lie in the slime a little ways in front of her face, where it could light the dripping chasm her pretty face found itself in - yet not close enough to do her wiggling depowered curves the slightest bit of good. Valkyrie cried out as her belt went slithering down her flesh only to land with a thud against the outer edge of her can - where she could see its faint glimmer in the faint light that filtered down through the trash above.

"There," Xiang laughed. "Much better."

The superheroines, now joined by their costumes in the muck, continued to kick their feet and struggle - to absolutely no avail. Xiang shook his head.

"Such barbaric refusal to accept your rightful fate!" he said. "But, ah - I see. You girls don't want to leave without one last gift - do you?"

Coming forward, he took out his long cock and, one by one, pressed it to the helpless entrances lifted up, conveniently for him, just above the edge of the can. Each heroine warbled up in sudden shock, as she felt his tip press into her. But, not waiting for them to process events, Xiang seized their trembling thighs and, with a mighty roar, slammed his long cock one last time down into them.

He did not linger long in each. For each trashed superheroine, he thrust only long enough to hear her scream mindlessly, and to feel her body shake with helpless pleasure - which, given his superiority and prowess, and the degree to which they had both been softened up and yet were taken utterly unawares by his onslaught, seemed to take no more than a handful of quick brutal strokes within each. One by one, their voices rising into sing-song confusion from within their garbage-pail prisons, the heroines thrashed, and shivered - and then screamed out their muffled voices as, accompanied by splattering moisture from their pussies, they came upon him one more time.

And, exactly as he had predicted, this seemed to be the last thing each heroine had needed to force her to settle down and behave. One after another, as his long cock slurped back up after them and moved on, their once violently-thrashing thighs sagged down, and hung limp from the edge of the can. Within their prisons, their struggles ceased, and what had been an unending series of unintelligible but clearly outraged caterwauling settled down to just a series of soft, warbling, and clearly very very satisfied coos.

Stepping back, after his last taste of super-pussy, Xiang smiled. Before him, all three super-ladies hung limp in their cans, their last will to fight back visibly taken out of them by his cock. Their pussies glistened and quivered before him, as they leaked out shining fluids from their last ecstatic conquest.

"Where shall we take them, master?" Saori asked.

Xiang chuckled. "Where else?" he asked. "The dirtiest, filthiest alley you can find."

Recovering slightly from their post-cock stupor, the heroines objected to this, through some indecipherable warbling. But it was too late. Leaning down, the eunuchs hoisted up the still-whimpering cans. Their long legs batted at them - in a way that might have thrilled them before, but which no longer seemed to bear any interest for the gelded servants. Led by a smirking Saori, they carried the whimpering trash-can-contained heroines out of the room and back out of the back entrance through which they had once come.

Leaning back on his throne, Xiang laughed.

"And that, as they say, is that," he said. He looked around the room, at the squirming geishas all around him. He smirked and threw back his robe - exposing his towering wood. Having briefly depleted itself, its sojourn into three tight super-pussies in swift succession had rejuvenated it back to its usual iron-hard self once more.

"Alright," he said, nodding down towards his cock. "Who wants to help celebrate?"

The geishas' faces lit up, as if this was the moment they had been waiting for all night. As one, they stood up. Tearing off their thick belts, they yanked open their kimonos and let them fall to the floor. Beneath, they had not been wearing a stitch. As one, they swarmed in upon their boss. He chuckled and, leaning back, let them have access - as they began to fight for the right to be the first to congratulate their brutal lord on another well-earned and hard-won victory.

Several hours later, the club stank of sex and sweat and sweet incense. The entire floor was littered with beautiful, naked bodies. Some slept sweetly, their pretty exhausted faces breathing softly in adorable slumber. Others squirmed naked on the ground, moaning in languid satisfaction, their delicate pussies glistening with their own juices - but not, notably, those of their master. A last hardy few knelt worshipfully around their lord, exhausted and squirming with satisfied bliss, but still dutifully serving his pleasure.

But their tongues could lap only at his enormous balls, for one more taut pussy was still bouncing up and down Xiang's brutally long and thick cock. As was her duty, Saori had waited until the very last of her girls had had their turns, watching them closely and critiquing them sharply. But now that each of them had exhausted herself, she finally got to claim her reward. Her shimmering silk qipao lay just to one side. Her sleek legs worked tirelessly, to either side of him, as moaning in awe, she drove her taut cunt up and down her boss's elephantine tusk.

"Ungh! Ungh! Ulp!" the sleek Japanese beauty gurgled, her eyes rolling in her pretty skull, as the enormous ridged girth of Xiang's wrinkled cock rippled through her. Her eyes rolled up and she squealed, as her twat spewed yet more worshipful moisture upon his pulsing shaft. Xiang meanwhile sat back upon his throne and simply enjoyed her, absorbing her energy.

At last, with a final squeal, Saori pounded herself down hard upon him and then collapsed. She pressed several kisses to his wrinkled flesh. Then slowly, reluctantly, she hoisted herself up off him. She groaned as she collapsed down beside him, and stared at his enormous cock in awe. Reaching out she wrapped it in her hand, and stroked up and down him.