Surrounded Ch. 05


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I was mainly focused on hanging stuff up, wall decorations and lights, or setting out various items on shelves or on tables. While I did this, Kelly focused on putting ornaments on the tree, because despite her seeming ambivalence towards a lot of 'motherly' duties, she did admit to having a certain talent for adorning a tree.

But that wasn't what I was admiring about her. I was more focused on her gorgeous good looks... on her hot body in that hot fucking outfit... I could barely focus on anything else. Despite working separately, I felt drawn to her in a way beyond my control.

I had a pretty decently sized house, all things considered, but given the circumstances, it felt like we were in close quarters, constantly crossing paths, never too far apart. It was as if we were dancing, circling each other, caught in each other's orbit. I couldn't escape her.

And after a while, I didn't even know if I wanted to...

Being in her presence, being around her body... looking at her, smelling her scent... it was all just... intoxicating. I thought that maybe each of us having our own separate tasks to busy ourselves with would make it easier, but if anything, it only made it worse. Now, with her distracted, there was nothing stopping me from stealing glances at her juicy body.

Often, she'd lean over, making her large heavy breasts sway as they hung down, arresting my vision. My eyes would follow them as they bounced and jiggled with her movement. When she reached upwards, arching her back, pushing her tits outwards, causing her top to rise, exposing her navel in the process... Jesus, no amount of words could describe how sexy this was. My mother-in-law was just incredibly hot.

That wasn't all. When she would brush past me, I would shiver as her heavy breasts slid against me. Her nipples seemed permanently stiff all morning, always drawing my attention. That and her fucking fault-line of ripe cleavage. The way her full, smooth boobs pressed into each other... fuck. I swear my mouth would water every time I stared down her top.

And if anything, her ass was almost even more eye-catching, probably since I saw so much more of it, due solely to the fact that her back was often facing me as we worked. A glimpse at her breasts was a treat, but her ass was always there, always giving me a primo view.

With the work she was doing, she was often bending over, and as she did so she would jut her ass out in just the right way. The tight denim of her jeans molding to the firm juicy cheeks, combined with the high heels on her feet raising her ass up, meant her ass was practically on a pedestal, demanding to be stared at. And I was staring.

Fuck... her ass was fucking perfect! Large, round, firm cheeks, perfectly sculpted, sticking out from her body immaculately. Its perfect shape was highlighted by the practically painted-on jeans. And she did all these little things as well, shaking it as she walked, bouncing it ever so slightly side-to-side as she looked up at the tree, considering where to place an ornament. Her ass was all the decoration I needed. I didn't even see the tree.

I was even afforded a few teasing glimpses of her thong as well, sticking out from underneath her pants, worn proudly in a whale-tail. It was an indecent sight, especially because this was my wife's mom, but I couldn't stop staring. I was slowly becoming obsessed with her body, unable to look away. Unable to stop admiring. Unable to stop fantasizing about her.

Why was she doing this? If she was trying to seduce me, I imagine she would be more forthright. If she was angry, perhaps for the whole 'betraying one of her daughters for the other' thing, then why give me this show? At this point, I realized this had to be some twisted game, but the other shoe never seemed to be dropping.

We were talking all morning, just mindless chitter-chatter for the most part, nothing too substantial. She seemed to act like she was doing nothing strange, and I was so distracted by the constant views of her body that she kept affording me that I didn't raise any objections. I was more focused on stealing glimpses at her perfect body than I was on being conversational, so I couldn't even say how smoothly I was speaking, or if I was just a stammering mess. Luckily, she wasn't pushing the conversation too hard.

The only times she would suddenly interject and try to jump-start a conversation would be as soon as I tried to leave the room. The constant glimpses of her body were taking its toll on me, so I thought that maybe if I could get some privacy and drained my swollen nut-sack, I would be more able to focus on the task at hand. But as if she knew exactly what I was trying to do, she would stop me every time. Each time I tried to leave the room, she would suddenly find some task to give me. At first, it would be to help hang something higher on the tree, and the slight brush of her tits against my side was enough to keep me close for the time being. I would try to leave again, and then there was another thing she suddenly needed me to do. Eventually, with my cock straining at my pants, I very insistently tried to leave the room, and it was then that she turned up the heat.

She explained that she needed to put something up high on the tree herself, and she felt unsure of herself on the stepstool she had procured. So, she wanted me to stand behind her and hold onto her just to make sure she didn't fall. So, item in hand, she took the few steps up onto the stool, perched there in her high heels, and she told me to keep my hands on her hips, holding her up as she leaned towards the tree. And it was only once everything was in place that I realized what was happening.

This position put her ass within a foot of my face.

The firm, denim clad cheeks, jiggling with every small shift of weight she made. Their perky, round shape highlighted immaculately by the painted-on jeans. I could see each cheeks' perfect shape, as well as a preview of the sight of her delicious ass-crack, the jeans so tight I could see that too. And above the hem of said jeans was her thong, the triangle at the top of her ass-crack right in front of me, available to my gaze, my eyes running across the material of it, following the tiny straps up one hip then the other.

I wasn't even trying to hide it. I was staring directly at her ass, my eyes wide, my mouth practically drooling. She asked me to hand some ornaments up to her so she didn't have to move, and I approved silently with no objections. I'm sure she noted my gaze, but she made no move to stop me looking. In fact, as she worked, she bent over further, pushing her perfect ass even closer to my face. The way she shifted her weight in one smooth, fluid movement was mesmerizing. I couldn't look away. I practically became hypnotized. Despite her 'nerves' at using this perch, she made no move to step down for minutes on end, allowing me full reign to gaze at her perfect rear end without any objection.

Staring at her ass like this was putting me under her spell. I could barely control myself. The smallest shred of control was all that prevented me from leaning forward and kissing her perfect ass or pressing my face against it and worshipping her juicy rear end, even through her jeans. Or grabbing her thong with my teeth and yanking at it, eager to rip it off her hot body.

In this moment, so overwhelmed was I that, if she just gave the word, I would have done damn near anything she asked. Anything she commanded. If she told me to yank down her pants and worship her ass, or rob a bank and give her every dime, or follow her hot ass through the gates of hell... in that moment I'd have done so, as long as I could keep staring. She eventually had to get my attention when she was done, and the smirk on her face let me know she was aware of the struggle I was going through.

This seemed to get her more energized, more vocal in our conversations. She was normally so laid back and icily disinterested, but she seemed more excited and engaged than I'd ever seen her. And I swear she was almost working it even more, moving in a more teasing manner, shaking her ass and her huge tits every chance she could. Everything she said was above board, nothing incriminating, but... it was as if she was scoping out how much she could get away with... how far she could push me.

The next big event started with a crash. I was focused on hanging up some lights when the sound of something glassy and heavy crashed onto the floor, the shattering of it making me jump.

"Oh damn..." Kelly said to herself, kneeling down to examine the damage. On the floor was the remnants of this decoration Amanda had purchased during our first Christmas as a couple during a long weekend trip together. We were walking down a quiet, snowy downtown road at night, the snow twinkling in the air as it fell softly to the ground, creating that muffled silence. It was one of those great moments you think of when you think of Christmas. She saw this fancy decoration in a storefront, a little house made of glass, all decorated with Christmas stuff. It was very nice looking, and very expensive. Amanda was clearly enraptured by it, despite its price-tag. And me, being young and in love, bought it for her, just to see the joy on her face. The money was no problem for me, and despite it not being my intent, I think Amanda saw it as a sign of my feelings, that I was willing to spend so much on her, just to make her happy. Because of its cost and its sentimental value, we were always careful with it. I had put it on a small side table very carefully less than a half-hour prior, and now it was on the floor in pieces.

"Oh man..." I said, wincing at this sight.

"Sorry..." Kelly said, still kneeling over the pieces. "I was walking by and my butt brushed against it... knocked it off." That's crazy, because I was always really careful with that glass house. And I don't see how this was possible. The decoration was literally on the center of the table... she would have had to try and knock it off to do so...

I looked down at her, but my eyes drifted to her kneeling form. Balanced on her heels, leaning forward, this position made her ass really jut out, her jeans so tight it was as if she was wearing nothing, so pronounced her curves were. Fuck... with an ass that fucking round and juicy, nothing was safe as she strutted around this room. And in this position, kneeling down, her top raised up, her thong was right there for me to see, the whale-tail raised completely above the hem of her pants, the tiny black triangle mesmerizing me, arresting my vision. I couldn't look away.

"Damn... Amanda will probably be really upset with me..." Kelly said regretfully. As I stared at my mother-in-law's very visible thong, my thoughts were swirling. She seemed really bummed... maybe I was wrong before. Maybe I put it too close to the edge, easy enough for her to brush aside as she traipsed past.

"No," I said, the words rising up before I knew it. "It's my fault... I probably put it to close to the edge of the table..." I admitted in a mostly monotone voice, still gazing at Kelly's black thong. That was the only explanation, right? It must be. The last thing I wanted was to have Amanda feel bad at her mother for this honest mistake. I could bite the bullet here. I could take the blame.

I looked away from her body just in time as she looked up at me. I could have sworn I saw her lips turn upwards, not in a relieved grin, but in an excited smile. It was almost as if I was doing exactly what she wanted...

"I can clean it up," I croaked out, my mind a whirlwind, more confused now, wondering if this was some test.

"Thank you," she replied, her softer tone disappearing, immediately standing up straight and sauntering away, her ass shaking every step of the way, leaving the wreckage behind her. Now, I was even more confused.

What was that about?

This wasn't the only time it felt like she was testing me. Not long after I finished cleaning up the broken glass, I noticed her wincing as she twisted her back.

"You okay?" I asked, ever the polite son-in-law.

"Would you mind rubbing my back, dear?" she asked, but by her tone, it didn't feel like a question. She simply walked over to the couch and lied down on her front across it.

"Uh... yeah..." I replied. She'd never once asked me anything like this, and I'd never once put my hands on her other than, like... a hug. But, knowing I had already committed to it, I walked over to her, leaned over, and nervously put my hands on her shoulders. I then dug into her shoulder-blades with my thumbs.

"Mmm..." she groaned from deep in her throat as I worked at her tight back muscles. I worked my way down along her spine. I was too afraid to go too far out to the sides, because I didn't want to touch the sides of her breasts. Well, I mean, I DID want to put my hands on her breasts. Wait, no! Calm down! Don't think like that.

"You have talented hands..." she said, eyes closed, sighing softly. I was no expert at this kind of thing. Sure, I'd rubbed my wife's shoulders a few times, so I was mostly just hoping for the best. I worked my way lower, and my eyes drifted to her first-class ass, right there for me to see. My hands wanted to dig into the lush, firm cheeks, but I kept myself in check. However, my eyes stayed glued to the ripe, juicy cheeks. And as my hands dug into her back, the cheeks would jiggle in just the right way. I had to look away. Glancing at her dangling feet hanging over the side of the couch, I tried to make conversation.

"Probably doesn't help that you're wearing heels," I commented.

"Mmm... you're probably right," she replied, sounding almost dazed as she zoned out from the pleasure of the massage. "But they really make my ass pop. I'm sure you don't notice these things, but... a girl's gotta look good." Yeah, I'd definitely noticed, but I certainly couldn't tell her that.

"I'll take your word on it," I replied, my eyes glued to her magnificent rear end. She laughed to herself at this.

"I'm sure," she replied languidly. "You can go a little lower, dear."

Cautiously, I moved my hands lower, digging into the small of her back. My fingers hit flesh as I moved lower than the hem of her top, and my fingers began to brush the fabric of her thong for the first time. I kept at it, not daring to move lower. But my ministrations were still making her ass jiggle, and I could not rip my eyes from the juicy cheeks. My eyes were wide, my eyes burning a hole in her rear end. The jiggling was mouthwatering... hypnotizing... I couldn't stop staring. Her ass was right there... what could one squeeze hurt? Wouldn't it be worth the risk to dig my fingers into the lush, firm cheeks? In a split second, my self-control frayed to nothing, and just before it snapped, just before I lost control...

"Okay," she said dismissively, moving to stand. "All done." I took this as my cue, and although I was completely confused at first, I did step back and leave her room to stand. All this action made my shoulder a bit sore, and I pivoted my arm slightly.

"Hey, could you..." I began, hoping she could maybe return the favor.

"Back to work," she said, walking away smoothly, showing no signs of ever having a sore back. "No more time for fun..."

She was the only one that had fun here, getting a quick massage, and all I got for it was a mind-melting view of her ass, enough to nearly break me. At the cost of my sanity, she got a small pleasure, and somehow, I think that was her goal.

Later on, as she worked on the tree, she noticed that the tree seemed to be slightly tilting. Figuring one of the feet on the base was loose, I got on my belly and reached under the tree, trying to find the problem. As I did so, Kelly stood over me, one hand lazily holding onto the tree. Finally fixing the problem, I slid out from under the tree, and in doing so, I moved closer to her. She didn't move as I did so, and I moved up to my knees as I moved to stand. But she didn't clear any space for me to move, forcing me to stop in the act.

I looked up at Kelly, looking up past her mountainous breasts, and fuck did they look enormous from here, and I looked up at her smirking face. She looked down at me, smiling lightly. And maybe it was a fleeting thought, but it was a look that almost said that she liked seeing me on my knees in front of her. As if I belonged here. And it was only then, after she communicated this message down to me, that she stepped back, as if it was only at her mercy that I was able to stand.

Later, she was emptying a bin of ornaments. Reaching the bottom, she found something that made her stop.

"Oh wow..." she said, holding up a particularly expensive ornament, leaning forward. Amanda had gotten this from an old relative, and it was this nice old-fashioned, one-of-a-kind thing. Kelly turned to me. "I always coveted this ornament... this has been in Bob's family for years. His mother took a shine to Amanda, and gave it to her." Kelly paused and looked over at me conspiratorially. "Do you think Amanda would notice if I slipped it into my luggage... and it ended up on my tree instead?" Amanda really loved that ornament. I couldn't just give it away. It wasn't mine to give.

"Kelly, I..." I began, but then my eyes traveled downwards. Sitting in her seat, bent over like she was... fuck, her cleavage looked amazing. I swear she was somehow showing more of it, a fucking fault-line of juicy cleavage that made my balls quake. She was holding up the ornament near her breasts, almost asking me to look at them as she asked her question, and fuck... I just couldn't stop myself. Her tits were practically spilling out of her top... so soft... so smooth. "Okay..." I said flatly, unable to pull my eyes from her giant breasts, unable to deny her anything while staring at those jugs.

"Perfect!" Kelly said, smiling excitedly at me. She marched upstairs to sneak the ornament into her bag, not giving my head the chance to clear and deny her.

With her out of the room, it gave me a moment to think this all over. What was happening here? This was all so strange. She was acting so differently around me. If she knew what I was guilty of, she would be rightfully furious. Yet... she wasn't. But if she didn't know, then why this sudden change in behavior? I felt like the prey in the sights of the older, experienced huntress... and it almost felt like she was toying with her prey. Like she was trying to see what I was capable of, seeing how I'd respond... or what she could make of me. If I was too wild to be contained, or if I was a pet to be domesticated. It felt like she was subtly exerting her dominance over me, seeing what she could get away with, how far she could push me, and I was passing all her tests with flying colors.

This was what I dealt with all morning. My mother-in-law teasing me, poking at me, needling me, just enough to drive me crazy while still giving her complete deniability every step of the way. She never pushed things too hard and really forced the issue, but she never let me get too far away either, not letting me leave her proximity, keeping me on her leash the entire morning as she toyed with me. Teased me. Paraded THAT body around me. I couldn't focus. I couldn't think straight.

I don't know if I've ever wanted to fuck a woman more in my life than I wanted to fuck my mother-in-law in that moment.

Holy fuck! She was so God damn sexy, and she was ticking all my boxes. I'd been in crazy, lust-filled encounters a lot this past year. With Katie and Michelle, when they pursued me, it all happened so fast, them seducing me with brutal efficiency. And before I knew it, my married cock ended up buried in their wicked cunts. With Aisha, it was a near feverish lust for sure, but it was from afar. It was a lust that never went away, but it wasn't right in my face like this was. This was the woman that had been haunting my fantasies for months, and now she was in front of me, teasing me without being upfront. Toying with me, giving me glimpses and teases without diving in. My cock was as hard as fucking iron in my pants all morning, and it was showing no signs of losing any of its power. My cock was literally throbbing, and my nuts were swollen with cum. I could not think straight as I withstood this slow, maddening torture.
