Susanna Reid – Early Rise

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Susanna Reid – Early Rise.
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This is a tale that came about due to being pimped out to have sex with celebrities.

These celebrities either had partners or were single, and no one was ever getting any sex.

My job, if I accepted, was to work my magic. It's a tough life, but someone must do it!

Susanna Reid -- Early Rise

My phone rang, a number not known. I picked up, "Hi, how can I help you?"

The caller spoke, "I've got a job for you. Sex on Friday?"

I spoke, "Great, tell me more?"

The caller, "It's a well-known celebrity, who is getting fed up with her partner being away. She's free Friday morning and your order are to satisfy her!"

I spoke, "What's the plan? Who is it?"

The caller, "She's an early riser, so you need to catch her early. If you're not interested, I can tell Susanna no."

I replied, "Susanna, Susanna who?"

The caller, "The one you probably get hard about most mornings for the last 20 years!"

I replied, "Susanna Reid. Susanna Reid, you are pimping me out too!"

The caller, "She likes big boys and won't want her man to find out. I will message her your address. You must be there at 7am."

Call ended.

"Ping", the phone went shortly after the call had ended. Address details received and a quick google of Susanna took place to remind me of what I had to look forward to.

It's amazing how many pictures there are of Susanna online. Many of her simply looking stunning in her business breakfast suits (not her birthday suit) for TV, but also many fakes pictures.

Over the years, I'd often flicked on Breakfast TV pre-shower, just so I could go and have a play with myself in the shower thinking of her!

Susanna was the go-to morning TV host, but it was annoying when she switched sides. More adverts meant less time on screen. Plus, more time behind a desk happened now. For the past few years, you just wanted to imagine her wearing nothing under that desk and fucking her on it or over it. She gave me pleasure, that was for sure.

My alarm had been set for Friday and I got an early night.

After getting up earlier than even I planned, it was no surprise to arrive 15 mins early. I didn't want neighbours in the street to be too suspicious of me wandering around and looking dodgy, therefore I thought I better just knock.

I stepped up the 3 steps to Susanna's front door and rang the bell. I then waited a couple of minutes, but there was no answer.

I didn't want to hassle her, but I then decided to knock with my hand. I could hear someone coming to the door.

Susanna opened the door with wet hair and learnt through that gap you tend to get when you're disturbing people. Her look, despite no TV make-up, was still very good. Great eyes and friendly smile.

Susanna spoke, "You must be the man I order! You're early, I'm not ready, but you better come in."

As I went through the door; it became apparent I was early. Susanna was there in her white dressing gown. One of those thick ones which you would normally have in winter.

I said, "I'm sorry if I caught you early, but I knew you were a morning person. I didn't want to be lurking around your area too long, so I thought it would be OK to knock."

I added, "If you need to do anything, I can make myself at home if you want."

Susanna said, "Make yourself at home hey. You are a confident chap. I can tell you now, I was not going to get dressed up for meeting you. This was a reason I asked for you first thing. But I wasn't expecting you to catch me when I'm halfway through my shower".

I spoke, "You look good to me. How do you want this to work?"

I had gone to Susanna's with zero knowledge of what she might want from me. I knew the obvious, but I just don't know this person.

Susanna spoke, "To be blunt, I love men who will look after me, show me a good time and treat me right".

She added, "The hours I work stop me from meeting people in the evening. My current partner will be an ex-partner soon, he just doesn't satisfy me, like I need to be satisfied".

Susanna continued, "Look, it's early, would you like a coffee, and we go and have a sit-down. I wasn't surprised by her warm friendly nature and my mind had started to think what's under that dressing gown. This could be great fun.

We wandered into the kitchen, and we went there the pleasantries of how I took my coffee. I stopped myself asking how she takes it!!!

Susanna spoke, "Let's take a seat in the conservatory, you can tell me a little about yourself. We're not putting Breakfast TV on though. I hate it". She laughed and showed a good sense of humour.

I choose to sit on the sofa, whilst to my surprise Susanna decided to sit in the chair next to me. I thought she might be another sex starved celebrity who couldn't wait. Anyway, I was happy to wait.

We spoke for the next 20 minutes about all sorts, until the conversation turned to why I was there.

I spoke, "Let me tell you Susanna, I've watched you on the TV for years and I don't mind telling you, you turn me on. I fancied you when you were younger, but you turn me on even more now. I'm not sure if it's the tighter dresses you seem to now wear, or the way you look at me through the TV each day!"

Susanna responded, "That's great to hear. I never think I'm a sex symbol, but I know at parties people tell me what boys are doing when they watch me, and things they do online."

I spoke, "I think you looking great in what you're wearing. I know it isn't what you were planning to wear, but I am thinking you may be in a rush and don't have long?"

Susanna replied, "Thank you, I've got all morning. There's no rush. But shall I go and put on what I was going to wear?"

I spoke, "Up to you, or you could just tell me, and we can undress you mentally. Fancy that?"

Susanna spoke, "Mmm, that sounds interesting. Well, I was going to put on my best underwear and throw a dress over it. My hair would have been tidier."

I spoke, "OK, you look lovely in that outfit, but let me take you out of it. Come closer."

When I said come closer, I didn't expect Susanna to stand up and come and sit next to, me but I was pleased she did.

I spoke, "I'm going to kiss you first. I've been dreaming about kissing you every morning for a long time!"

Susanna leaned in, but I stopped her.

I spoke, "No, imagine it. Imagine it for now. Feel free to touch yourself in excitement if it helps. You will know when I've got you down to what you are wearing."

Susanna started wriggling next to me, I could see she was getting excited and intrigued about what would come next.

I continued, "I'm holding you close, as you start to unbutton my shirt and stroke your hand now my chest. I start to lift your dress up and start feeling your pants around your sexy ass. I can't wait and I don't won't to wait as I take your dress over your head and throw it to one side to leave you left in your lingerie."

Susanna was now starting to touch her breasts through the dressing down and then untied the belt around, as she eased a hand inside to touch one properly.

I stood up and finished taking my shirt off, my shoes, my socks, and my trousers. I was now left in front of Susanna Reid with just my pants on.

I spoke, "OK, I'm down to my underwear just like you are now. I can't wait to get you out of those. I'm going to kiss you around your chest and neck. Whilst I'm doing this, I'm going to take your bra off."

Susanna had now opened the top of her dressing down and I could see her breasts in full glory in front of me. I was impressed at how firm they were. She was now continuing to touch herself and rub her nipples with her fingers. They were starting to erect, and she continued to sink into the sofa in excitement.

Susanna spoke, "You're bloody good at this, I'm feeling a tingle, don't stop."

I spoke, "OK, you reach out now for my pants and start easing your hand inside my boxers." I coughed at this point and said, "You can start touching me now."

Susanna did just this, she stuck her hand down my pants and moved it around slowly. No gripping or holding, she gently just touched me everywhere she could, balls included.

I spoke, "OK, we need to get your pants off now. Let me open that dressing gown fully and pull them off."

The reality was there were no pants on, but I really wanted her to imagine they were being taken off by me.

Susanna laid back a little more and opened her dressing gown fully. What a fine sight she was. She had a strip of pubic hair, but it was well maintained and looked ready to be eaten.

I spoke, "OK, you can pull my pants down and let me know what you want?"

Susanna spoke, "Oh my god, don't stop talking like this, I want you to stay in control. Please stay in control." She added, maybe you no longer need to describe it, maybe you can just do."

I was more than happy to go from reality to real. Here I was with a naked Susanna Reid right in front of me, and my cock is starting to peak it's head up from my boxers. I look down at it, and made sure Susanna noticed me looking at it.

Susanna spoke, "Are you telling me to put my face closer to it and start kissing it?"

I said, "I want more than that, I want you to suck it and bring it up to size before I dip it deep inside of that pussy!"

Over the next 10 minutes, Susanna worked out on my cock. She was mighty fine at blow jobs and really got me in the mood. Her mouth sucked down on it hard, and her tongue gave delicate strokes from the tip to all the way down the base. I was getting so hard, as she worked away.

I could have easily cum inside Susanna Reid's mouth, but I so wanted to fuck her pussy which I'd now been looking at for far too long.

I spoke and said, "OK, I need to get comfortable, and I need to start working my hands over your body".

With that, I lift her from the sofa and took her to a dining table I had noticed earlier. I laid her dressing gown over the table and laid her down on top of it.

I said, "Lay back and do nothing. Let me show you why I'm here."

With that, I started kissing and touching Susanna all over. I kept pushing her legs apart and together again. I let her hands touch my naked body, as I kissed her breasts and sucked on her nipples. She was in mighty fine shape.

Susanna spoke, "Oh god, I'm getting so horny, when are you going to take me?"

I replied, "Be patient, it's coming, and I will be coming inside you a couple of times this morning!"

My mouth had started to taste her pussy. I was kissing and licking it. It tasted so good. I'm thinking her shower before I arrived had made her fresh.

Susanna was physically started to shake a letter in excitement. I knew her partner hadn't been given her much, and therefore assumed she can't hold on for too long before she cums everywhere. I so wanted that to be over my cock!!!

I moved back up to face and started kissing it again. In looking into her eyes, which were closed, she started to reach out for my cock. This time, she went for more grip and firmer stroking.

I spoke, "Hey, I need that, but I hope you're ready for it."

Susanna started moaning, "Oh, yes, yes, yes, I can't wait anymore."

I moved Susanna close to the edge of the table, to give myself plenty of space to get some rhythm action going as I sunk my now hard cock inside her.

Susanna moaned more as I entered her, "Please, please, please, I want to share my juices with you."

These words were very different to what I ever heard before, but I loved the word share.

As I sunk my cock in and out of her, it was a great sight-seeing her breasts bounce up and down. You never see this on breakfast TV!

I could feel my cock ready to explode and had already felt Susanna juices flow over me. I placed my hands on hips to hold me up, and off I went. I'm exploding inside this woman I've had many a hand job over the years gone by.

Susanna spoke, "Oh wow, that was amazing. I mean amazing. I've never felt like this for years. How do I make sure you are paid?"

I spoke in shock, "WHAT, what do you mean paid. I'm not a paid escort who gives women sex."

Susanna replied, "Ha ha, hey calm down. I got told you had a sense of humour. I knew I could trust you, and I knew you would show me a good time. That you did."

I spoke, "You celebrities. You are amusing me. What do you mean show you a good time?!? Is this all you want from me. I thought I can show you for a lot longer yet?"

Susanna replied, "Oh yes please. Let me take you somewhere."

Susanna added, "Bring your clothes with me, you can jump out the window if someone turns up!" She laughed and said, "I'm joking with you again."

I did like this woman's sense of humour. She clearly had relaxed with me and didn't mind me exploring every part of her body.

We walked upstairs, but apart from the things we were carrying, were 100% naked. Following Susanna ass as we went, was a good sight for the early morning!!! I told her the same.

Susanna spoke, "This is where I think we should go next. Throw that stuff down and join me?"

We had made the way to her bathroom and there was a mighty fine walk-in shower. I was loving watching the water bounce off her body, before she beckoned me in. She was polite and different to many women I knew.

"Come on, you need to wash yourself down for your day ahead." Susanna said.

I opted to walk in right behind her and start kissing her neck and my hands started taking a grip of her breasts. Her body was firm, it really wasn't what I was expecting, and an absolute turn on.

We were touching each other front and back, as we kept moving around each other's body. The steam from the shower was good, but we weren't doing bad ourselves.

Susanna had started to take a grip of my cock again and started to pull it and stroke it. It felt good with the water helping the lubrication!

Susanna asked, "How do you feel about surprising me again?"

Surprising! Another word I would never have thought of! And not a word I would use for having a fuck or have sex with someone.

So much had been done by Susanna to get me hard as a rock again. I really wanted to cum in her ass. All those years of dreaming of taking her over the breakfast sofa, or more recently the breakfast desk, the time was now.

I spoke, "You see those steps, how do you fancy getting a little taller, so I can slip this up your bottom."

There were some steps, which you'd probably sit on for a shower. They were perfect to get a bit of height. Don't get me wrong, she's not small, but I'm a lot taller than her. I then smiled to myself, thinking I've just said bottom, as Susanna is better spoken than my usual shags!

My celebrity shag for today was obliging and listening. She stood up on both and gripped hold of the shower.

I spoke, "Please tell me if I hurt you. I'm going to slip 3, 4, 5, 6 and maybe more inside you"

Susanna replied, "Fingers!"

I got the impression she really hasn't done sex talk much. I explained what I was going to do to her.

Susanna responded, "Oooohhhh. It's been years. I think I'm ready!"

With that response, I went for it. You can't really say anal is gentle, but I was doing my best to make it as comfortable and as enjoyable and sexy as I could for her. I needed to not fear!

She was loving it. I was thinking this woman really doesn't get it, she needs to leave him, and get out more.

Susanna was moaning as I kept sliding, and probably more like banging my cock into her ass hole now. She was fucking loving it!!!

As I did it, and as I went for a final push before cumming, I dreamt of her over that desk, side view to the TV cameras, and letting the world see her being fucked up the ass.

I emptied cum inside her again and it felt mighty fine.

I collapsed back against the shower cubicle and Susanna just said, "That was delightful."

Honestly, where does she gets these words from.

We started to snog and kiss as we cooled down under the shower once again. This woman had indeed been a fine fuck, and if she wanted to see me again, I would be jumping at the chance.

Susanna spoke, "Can I ask? I'm asking because I don't know. Do men get sexual joy from me every day?"

I replied, "You're a news person, you must read about yourself and how most men would probably jerk over you most mornings?"

Susanna replied, "But what are they imagining, I'm dressed up every day. What do they, did you say jerk. What do they jerk?"

I replied, "Susanna you have a fine rack, we start there."

I reached out to touch both of her breasts and give them a firm grip. I like the feel of them and gave her right nipple a tweak as I moved my hands back.

I spoke, "We would imagine you topless and explode all over you."

Susanna replied, "Wow, I never knew that. Did you jump a couple of steps today?"

I replied, "I didn't think you would appreciate it, or feel satisfied by it."

Susanna replied, "Can I ask you to do one more thing for me?"

I replied, "What do you have in mind?

Susanna said, "I would like to see you jerk over me before you go. It's sounds like I need to understand it better. Do I need to do anything?"

I must have shaken my head at this point, it felt scrambled. I knew before I arrived Susanna wasn't getting much sex, if any. I'd also learnt this morning she really hadn't been looked after. However, I was now feeling like I was educating her on men masturbating over her.

I spoke, "I would love to masturbate over your breasts. All you need to do is sit on this shower floor and watch me. OK?"

Susanna replied, "Do nothing, I can do that."

As I stood up, I was excited by what I was about to do. I started touching myself to get aroused again, but this was a different experience. No longer looking at internet pictures, I'm looking straight at the real thing.

Susanna spoke, "Wow, your cock looks even bigger sat down here."

I replied, "I'm just getting started. Put your head back and lean it against the wall a little more."

This was a small change in her position, but this just put her tits on better show as I stroked myself wild thinking of my cock between them.

Susanna spoke, "Don't hurt yourself!"

OMG, I was tugging myself into heaven looking at Susanna, and I could imagine her thinking I'm in pain. I was in a little after cumming already so hard that morning already, but this needed doing.

My hand was now rapidly going up and down my cock and I could feel me being ready for it.

I spoke, "Be ready Susanna, this is the finale of the jerk-off."

With that, I squirted my creamy spunk all over her body, in her hair and a little near her mouth.

Susanna looked dazed a little, but spoke, "I like jerking. Hope you enjoyed it."

This woman is so funny. I'm thinking she must be playing me. She must know exactly what we've done today and seen it all before.

I turned the shower back on and for the next 15 minutes spent time cleaning each other off.

I got dressed and left Susanna wrapped once again in her dressing gown. Oh, that dressing down, I will be dreaming of that coming off her time and time again.

Watching her on TV next week will be very different.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

I would love to bend Susanna Reid over lift her dress up slip into her and give Susanna a long hard fuck making her moan and groan until her moans turn to screams as she comes so big as I unload my love juice deep inside Susanna sexy body Susanna is the women of my dreams

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Can we have more Susanna Reid stories

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Love to get dirty with this darling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Fantastic sexy Susanna Reid story. I’d love to see her naked.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I’d love Susanna bent over my sofa as I pound her ass. A very sexy woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fuck! My cock would be so hard shagging the crap out of Susanna Reid.

I’d love to be inside her wet pussy right now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I’d peel her out of her breakfast dress every day and pound her senseless.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I’d love to see Susanna’s mouth wrapped around my shaft. Sexy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love to sow my seed in Susanna and spread her ass cheeks.

Davetel3Davetel3over 2 years ago

Great stories. I've often wondered what her latest lover thinks as he sees her naked for the first time, knowing he's gonna be inside her soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I would love to spunk all over susannas tits after id fucked her and licked her cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

At last a Susanna Reid story

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