Suzie's Twenty-Five Acts


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Once we both calmed down, we continued our conversation. I thanked Alyssa for telling me about how she lost her virginity, for telling me something so deeply personal. She just smiled and said I should have asked a long time ago. She was right. I should have. It just felt like a world I would never understand or be a part of. A world I was running into now with my arms and eyes wide open. She was right.

Sure, I always knew my sister was outgoing and wild, but we had never really talked about it before. Never got to bond. Really, I only knew that she had a lot of partners. Well, that, and that she apparently had a very famous mouth. I didn't know what that meant when she first told me, and hearing that guy mention it last night made me ask about it again.

"I sucked a lot of dick in college." Alyssa explained with a shrug.

"That was it?" I followed up with as I gave my sister a confused look. "I figured that."

"Well, things got pretty wild." she admitted with a shy smile. So out of character for her!

"Do tell." I encouraged while making a gesture in the air for her to continue.

"You asked for it, Zee!" Alyssa laughed. "First off, I can deep throat. I bought a dildo and practiced until I could completely suppress my gag reflex. Lance loved it the first time I licked his balls while his entire cock was in my throat."

"That makes sense." I nodded, my arms folded over my chest as I listened.

"Anyway, Lance and I broke up, and I started college." my big sister continued. "I started hooking up with various guys. Some on dates, some at parties. I didn't spread my legs for all of them, but I always always sucked dick. Cum is so fucking tasty, you really have no idea, Zee."

"I've heard." I snorted. Alyssa was wrong. I did have an idea. If it tasted as good as it smelled, I knew I was gonna love it.

"I dated a couple of frat guys, and I went really wild." Alyssa said. "I opened my mouth every chance I got. One time, I was walking up the stairs with a guy I was seeing. We shared a class together. I realized we were alone, so I just pushed him against the wall and got on my knees. I had cum breath through the entire lecture."

"You're lucky you didn't get caught!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, definitely." she agreed. "Gave head at an amusement park, in a movie theater, at frat parties in full view of other people. I was addicted to cum. Hell, even now I usually ask a guy to warn me when he's gonna cum so he can pull out of my pussy and shove it in my mouth."

"Okay..." I smirked, waiting for her to continue.

"Word got around." Alyssa eventually told me. "The frat guys told all their fraternity brothers. Then, um, well, there was a blowbang."

"A blowbang?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I had never heard the term, but it was causing the filthiest ideas to rattle around in my head.

"It's exactly what it sounds like." she confirmed. "I kept my panties on and didn't let any of them near my pussy that night. Still, I gave head surrounded by a circle of men. They all came in my mouth. Fuck, my belly was full of cum that night."

"I... wow." was all I could say, my eyes wide.

"Think less of me?" Alyssa asked nervously.

"Never, Aly." I smiled. "You're my sister, and I love you."

"I love you, too." she grinned. "Ellen knows, but no one else at the hospital does. I just told them I had a famous mouth in college, so the people at the party last night just figured I gave a lot of head, and was good at it. Which is true."

Surrounded by naked men with only panties to cover herself? Damn! I couldn't even be around large crowds without freaking out. Alyssa was so intense! What I said was true, I didn't judge her. She had fun, she lived life. She did what she wanted to, without letting fear get in the way.

Alyssa then proceeded to give me some blowjob tips. Nothing new, but she did suggest I practice on my dildo. Don't ignore the balls, mind your teeth, use your tongue, breathe through your nose, make sexy noises. Guys were visual, they liked when you rolled your eyes up to stare at them while you had a mouthful of dick.

We were interrupted by the arrival of our meals. Alyssa immediately stopped talking about oral as the waiter came into hearing range. He set the food down in front of us and asked if we needed anything else. He left when we said we were fine.

"So, what do you want to do tonight, my slutty baby sister?" Alyssa asked me before taking a bite of her chicken.

"We're doing something tonight?" I wondered.

"Of course!" she exclaimed. "You have a deadline for your acts, and I'm your pussy guide. I can't let you fail!"

"My pussy guide?" I snorted.

"Yes!" Alyssa insisted. "I'm gonna get you some action! Now, where do you wanna go?"

"Well..." I trailed off nervously. What did I want to do? The club was kind of a disaster, but the bar was alright. Breathe. Fuck off, anxiety. "We could go to the bar again?"

"We could." she nodded. "Still, we did that last weekend."

"Where else could we go to meet guys?" I wondered.

"Oh, lots of places!" Alyssa told me, seeming surprised that I had to ask. "Gym. Grocery store. Library? You're kind of a nerd, so a nerdy, quiet guy might be a great option for you to spread your legs with, kiddo!"

"Don't you mean spread my wings?" I replied.

"Nope!" she stated with a smile.

"Whore." I teased, popping a fry in my mouth.

"I don't want money, just cum!" Alyssa declared before smirking. "Church?"

"Ugh. Pass." I groaned, choosing to answer her rhetorical suggestion as a very dirty place to meet guys occurred to me. "I want someone to expand my horizons, not regress them. Strip club?"

"Hard pass." she said firmly. "Really, sis? What kind of guys do you think you'll meet there?"

"Fair." I agreed, wondering if Alyssa had ever been to a strip club. I had to remember to ask at some point. "Concert?"

"Sure, could work." Alyssa mused. "I just don't know of any tonight. Mall?"

"What, am I sixteen again?" I asked, giving her a look.

"You never got to hang out at the mall when you were sixteen, Zee!" she reminded me as she reached across the table and thumped me on the forehead. "What do you mean again? Besides, hunky daddy types hang out there with their kids. Roar!"

"I'm not helping a married man cheat on his wife!" I hissed.

"Hunky, divorced, daddy types." Alyssa corrected herself with exasperation. "Better?"

"Somewhat." I shrugged.

"Maybe we should just go with the bar for tonight." she bit her lower lip as she considered the option.

"All that, and we're going back to what I originally suggested?" I smirked.

"We are." Alyssa confirmed, ignoring the smart-ass nature of my remark.

Alyssa and I agreed on the bar for tonight. We continued talking as we finished our meals. Then Alyssa paid for us before leading me to her car and driving me home. I hugged her goodbye before getting out of the car and going inside. I would see her that night.

The first thing I did was lock myself in my room and strip down to my panties. My sister and I both agreed we had a long morning, with a long night ahead of us. The solution? Take naps. I climbed into bed and was out cold in seconds.

I woke up just in time for dinner, so I quickly threw some clothes on. Everyone was home, so I made the four of us sandwiches. We ate separately, with Dad in his office working, as per usual. Daniel shut himself in his room, so I stayed in the living room with Mom. We watched a few episodes of Hospital Doctors in Love.

HDL was such a good show. It wasn't my comfort show, but I could absolutely get lost in the drama of the various episodes. I always thought Alyssa would be right at home with the horny hospital staff. Yet, she would always just complain about how inaccurate the medical stuff was. Mom and I both loved HDL, although we did agree that the show had gone down hill since they killed off McSpoogy.

A rerun was on, one I had seen multiple times. So, I decided to play on my phone. I replied to texts from Ken and Dave before opening my dating apps. I wondered if there were any new, interesting guys. No. No. Hell, no! Maybe. Ew, definitely not. Oh, he's cute!

The episode ended, and it was time to get ready to meet Alyssa at the bar. I ordered my ride before going to my room and changing into jeans and an adorable purple top. My boobs looked great in it! At least, I thought so. Of course, it wasn't hard to make double-D's noticeable.

My ride had arrived. I leaned over the couch to hug Mom goodbye, and she told me to have fun and be safe. Leaving the house, I got in the back of the car. The driver turned and greeted me. Deciding to try being confident for once, I smiled and waved at him cutely.

Looking out the window, I contemplated my list of acts as the car flew along the highway. One through six and nine through twelve completed. I'd done fourteen and fifteen as well. I smiled happily when I realized I was almost halfway to my goal.

Anxiety reared its ugly head as we got closer to the bar. I used the 5-4-3-2-1 method, and reminded myself that I had been to this bar before. It wasn't a big deal. My coping methods worked. I tipped the driver through the app and hopped out of the car with a smile on my face.

"Lookin' good, Zee!" Alyssa exclaimed as she hugged me outside the bar.

"You, too!" I replied, ending our embrace. We were holding each others hips and standing arms length as we admired each other. Alyssa really did look great in her red, spaghetti-strap dress. From the red bra strap peeking out, I assumed she was also wearing matching red undies. "How many dresses do you own?"

"Quite a few, I love dresses!" she answered before giving me a conspiratorial wink. "Easy access, you know."

"I should have known!" I laughed.

Alyssa and I walked arm-in-arm into the bar. No one carded us this time. Shame. Oh, well. We made our way to the bar and ordered a couple of cosmos. It wasn't incredibly crowded tonight. My sister and I had an entire section of the bar to ourselves as we drank and listened to the music.

"How's your anxiety?" Alyssa asked after a few minutes. She took a sip of her drink, holding it in both hands as she swayed side-to-side while looking at me, waiting for me to answer.

"Not bad." I responded. "I'm not nearly as anxious as I was last time we were here."

"Good, good." my sister smiled.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, not wanting to think about my anxiety. "Sit here like last time and hope another couple of guys try picking us up?"

"You might have a point." Alyssa frowned as she contemplated my words. "We've already done that, it's old. We want new experiences for you."

I sat in silence, sipping my drink as Alyssa looked around the bar. Her expression kept changing as she considered the possibilities, her fingers drumming on the wooden surface of the bar. I had no idea what she was looking for, all I saw was a mixture of individuals, couples, and small groups.

"Is my pussy guide out of ideas?" I teased.

Alyssa ignored me as she craned her neck, trying to see everyone. With a snort, I went back to my drink. Cosmos were yummy. I spent the next few minutes nursing my drink as Alyssa made her plans. Eventually, she shot up, made an excited noise, and started rapidly tapping my arm.

"Oh! They look like fun!" she exclaimed, gesturing with her drink.

"Uh, I guess?" I replied as I looked in the direction she indicated.

There was a large rectangular table near the center of the room. Sitting at that table were five people, two women and three guys. They appeared to be in their early-twenties. From the way they were sitting, it was clearly a situation of two couples and a third wheel. One woman was even sitting in a guy's lap, her arms around his neck.

"Let's go introduce ourselves." my sister insisted while standing up, drink in one hand as she offered me the other.

"W-what if they don't want company?" I stammered as I reached out and took her hand. I was not comfortable walking up to total strangers and inserting myself in their conversation.

"Bite your tongue!" Alyssa stated confidently, pulling me to my feet and leading me through the room. "We're fucking delightful! They'll love us!"

I just shook my head as Alyssa dragged me through the throngs of people. Sure, it wasn't as crowded as last time, but there were still a few individuals and couples standing around, holding drinks. Several guys checked us out as we passed, and I noticed one man shamelessly ogle my cleavage.

"I'm not sure this is such a good idea..." I mumbled, my stomach churning. Alyssa ignored me.

"Hey, guys!" my sister shouted over the music when we reached the right table. "I'm Alyssa, and this is my baby sister, Suzie. Mind if we join you?"

"Sure, I guess." one guy said. His girlfriend had her hand on his arm possessively as she eyed us with suspicion.

"Thanks!" Alyssa grinned as she pulled out two chairs. She and I then sat down. Fuck, this was so awkward. "So, what brings you here?"

"A little intervention." answered the blonde girl who was sitting in the second guy's lap. The nodded her head toward the third guy. "Chris was dumped by his girlfriend. He's been moping around his apartment for weeks. We dragged him here."

"Cheryl!" Chris hissed in embarrassment and anger. Then he looked over at Alyssa and I nervously. "We broke up. It was mutual. And I wasn't moping!"

"Well, what a coincidence, my lovely sister is single!" Alyssa announced.

"Alyssa!" I snapped, echoing Chris in a way.

Chris and I looked at each other, our eyes locking as the rest of the table, including Alyssa, started laughing. I decided that he was kind of cute. Even though he was sitting down, I could tell he was tall. He had short brown hair, light blue eyes, and his face was clean shaven.

Once again, Alyssa showed how outgoing she was. She handed her phone to Cheryl and asked her to take a picture. Alyssa and I raised our drinks, smiling as Cheryl took the shot. My sister then posted it to social media, tagging me.

"How about a round of shots?" the first guy offered.

"Oh, sounds great to me! Let's drink!" Alyssa cheered, clapping her hands.

"I don't drink." Chris said quietly.

"You brought your sad friend to a bar, and he doesn't drink?" my sister frowned.

"Yeah, maybe it wasn't the best idea." Cheryl winced as she adjusted herself in her boyfriend's lap. "But, we do come here all the time. He needed to get out of the house!"

"I offered to be the designated driver." Chris explained.

"Well, aren't you sweet!" Alyssa giggled as she stood up and encouraged me to do the same. "We'll go get the shots, we are your guests, after all."

Alyssa pulled me back toward the bar as I thought about Chris. His friends were kind of idiots. The guy got dumped, and their solution was to bring the sad guy who doesn't drink to a bar? Morons. Even with my lack of social skills, I knew that was stupid.

Now Chris would spend his evening babysitting four drunks. Actually, six now, since Alyssa and I were around. I shook my head as Alyssa got the bartender's attention and ordered. We returned to the table with twelve shot glasses on a tray, two drinks for each of us.

Before I could sit down, Alyssa shook her head and guided me to the other side of the table. It didn't take a genius to figure out her plan; she wanted me to sit next to Chris. Fine, whatever. He seemed quiet, so I probably wouldn't have to talk much.

Shots were passed around, and six of us raised our shot glasses while Chris held up a tall glass full of soda. I knocked back the shot, wincing as the alcohol seared my throat. Cheryl was almost as outgoing as Alyssa, and she immediately insisted we go again. The six of us took another shot.

Everyone in their group was twenty-two or twenty-three, so they were younger than us. Still, they seemed happy to have us around. As we talked and got to know each other, I realized that Chris was a lot like me. Quiet, reserved, not comfortable with crowds. Chris seemed like a gentle giant, with a calm, low voice. I liked him well enough, but I wasn't sure what Alyssa was expecting to happen.

Liquor flowed, and soon Cheryl was making out with her boyfriend while Alyssa cheered them on. I could tell from her gyrations that Cheryl was pressing her butt down against her boyfriend's bulge. The public display was starting to make me a little uncomfortable.

"C'mon, Baby." Cheryl cooed as she got to her feet and offered her outstretched hands to her guy. "Let's hit the bathroom."

"After you." he replied smoothly, taking his girlfriend's hands and getting to his feet.

"Get it, girl!" Alyssa called out as the couple headed for the bathrooms.

This bar had a large men's room and a large women's room. However, there was also a unisex bathroom. The room was just for one person at a time, so there was a lock on it. It was common knowledge that couples would occasionally have quickies in that bathroom. Even I knew about it. Granted, that was only because of Alyssa, but still.

In fact, Alyssa told me about one time where she bent over the sink and watched her own reflection as she got pounded from behind. She loved seeing the expression on her guy's face as he loomed over her, taking her. I had gotten wet just from the story.

"Wanna get some fresh air?" the other girl suddenly suggested. "I'm feeling kinda light-headed.

"Sure, Babe." her boyfriend replied.

"Let's go!" Alyssa agreed happily.

Our group of five knew that the other two would be occupied for awhile, so we went outside. There was a side door that opened to a very nice outdoor area. People would often stand out there, nursing drinks and talking. There were only a handful of people there when we went outside, so we easily got a spot to ourselves.

It soon became apparent that Alyssa was trying to keep the other couple entertained so that Chris and I could talk. Or flirt. Whatever. Chris and I were both too awkward to flirt. At one point, Alyssa turned and gestured with her head, indicating that I should go with him. Where the fuck did she expect us to go?

"Maybe we should head back inside so Cheryl doesn't think she got ditched?" Alyssa suggested after a few minutes.

"That's a good idea." the guy said. "Your head feeling better, Baby?"

"Yeah, thanks." she nodded. "Let's go."

"Why don't you two lovebirds stay out here and get to know each other." Alyssa said smoothly. "It's nice and romantic out here. Have fun!"

"I, um, what?" I stammered.

"Be a good girl, Zee!" my sister laughed as she slipped between the couple, wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders.

"Bitch." I whispered as I watched her walk away in her sexy red dress. I was so quiet, I knew no one heard me, especially not Alyssa.

"We can go back in if you want..." Chris mumbled quietly.

"No, it's okay." I giggled nervously. "Sorry about my sister. She's kind of crazy."

"Cheryl is the same way." he nodded in understanding. "I'm used to it."

"I'm surprised you guys are all friends. You're so different." I observed.

"At first, it was just the three of us." Chris explained. "In high school, I mean. Then we all got girlfriends, stayed together all through college. My girlfriend just left one day."

"Oh, the girl you broke up with, you'd been with her for years?" I wondered.

"Yeah..." he answered sadly.

"I'm sorry, you must be devastated." I said sincerely.

"I was, but I'll be okay." Chris shrugged. "But, thank you."

"You're welcome." I nodded. "You're really cute, it's her loss."

"And you're stunning." he replied with a soft smile. "I can't believe you're single."

"That's a long story." I blushed. I was not gonna get into my medical issues or my anxiety with Chris. I barely knew him.

"I understand." Chris told me. Then he gave me an intense look as he gathered his courage. "It's kind of loud out here. Do you wanna go somewhere quieter to talk?"
