Swingin' in the Breeze

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A married couple is introduced to the swinging lifestyle.
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Holy shit! I couldn't believe it. Here I was with my wife, Jess, heading down to the hotel bar where we were going to meet up with Matt and Lucia. This wasn't going to be any routine get together with friends. No, if everything went right, Jess and I would have the pleasure of having sex with this couple. Matt and Lucia were swingers and we were about to have our first "date" with them. Jess and I had never done anything like this so we were extremely nervous, but eager to see what would happen.

OK, so you might be thinking to yourself that I jumped right into the story. I know, I know. I have a tendency to be a little impatient when it comes to my storytelling. I guess I should back up and fill in some details. My name is Benjamin, but people call me Ben for short. I'm a financial planner. It may not be the most glamorous job in the world, but it's a good living and puts food on the table. My beautiful wife Jess works as a real estate agent. She makes most of her money on commission, so thankfully she is talented at what she does.

The story of our relationship began while we were in college. I am two years older than Jess so I got a head start on college life. I must say, I had fun those first couple of years in college before meeting Jess. I had tons of friends, went to a lot of parties, and occasionally found time to go to class. However, I never knew how happy I could be until I met Jess. I can still remember the first time I set eyes on her. It was move-in day at our college. I had spent a majority of the day lugging heavy boxes up three flights of stairs to my dorm room and needed a break from what I considered to be hard back breaking labor. Heading over to the Student Union building, I spotted Jess, immediately taking notice of her, being struck by her beauty. I could tell she was a Freshman because she had that overwhelmed and unsure look to her.

At that point in my life I tended to be on the shy side and normally minded my own business, but there was something about Jess that drew me in. Maybe it was her curly auburn hair or her piercing hazel eyes. Whatever it was, I knew I had to go over to her and introduce myself. It turned out she was looking for the mail center and had no idea where it was. Being a total gentleman, I guided her to it and then gave her a quick tour of the building. We had an instant connection. Years later, I would joke with her that it was love at first sight. We quickly became inseparable and within a month we were dating. About a week after we started dating we began fucking, and the rest is history from there.

For the next two years we spent as much time together as possible. Some of my friends thought I should branch out and meet other women. They didn't understand why I wanted to limit myself to just Jess. After all, they reasoned that college was a time to have fun and sleep around. However, they did not understand the intense connection Jess and I had.

As far as I was concerned, Jess was the woman I loved and I was happy to be with her. When I asked Jess to marry me, my friends were shocked, especially since I was only 22 years old. Of course she said yes without hesitation. It took a little more effort to convince both sets of parents. They thought we were too young to be rushing into a lifelong commitment. It took some time, but we were able to get them to see that we loved each other and were serious about marriage. Jess' parents said that they would only give us their blessing if we waited until she graduated. We agreed that this made total sense so we waited a couple years, not walking down the aisle until I was 24 and Jess was 22.

After getting married, we were so happy being husband and wife. Some couples have trouble adjusting to living with their significant other, but Jess and I had no such problem. She was the best roommate I could ever ask for. Plus, the sex was amazing. While we loved each other deeply on an emotional level, our physical chemistry was through the roof. We were very open with our sexuality and desires with each other. Communication was key, and early in our marriage we decided that we would be willing to try anything in the bedroom at least once to see if we liked it.

As time passed, we fell into a good routine as a married couple. We went to work, paid the bills, eventually bought a house, and hung out with friends on the weekend. We decided early in our relationship that we didn't want any kids. It's not that we had anything against children - we just were not interested in being parents. Early morning feedings, play dates, and sticky fingers weren't our cup of tea.

The first inkling that we would be interested in swinging came about eight years into our marriage. I had been passed over for a promotion at work many times because I felt my boss didn't like me. As we drove to my company Christmas party I was complaining as usual about my dick of a boss.

"I fucking hate that guy. He's such a prick. No matter what I do, he won't appreciate all the hard work I put in. I deserve a raise just as much as anybody else at the company."

Putting her hand on my thigh as I drove, Jess said, "I know, Ben. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Jokingly, I replied, "Yeah, tell my boss to give me a raise."

With a smirk on her face, Jess said, "I guess I'll just flirt with him. Maybe my feminine charms will convince him to give you that raise." We both shared a laugh at her comment, thinking that was the end of the conversation. At the party, I introduced her to my colleagues and we had a good time. As the evening was winding down, we came face to face with my boss. After doing introductions, Jess gave me a devilish grin as she actually began flirting with him! She never crossed a line, but she joked with him, twirled her hair with her finger as she spoke with him, and lightly touched his forearm a few times, laughing at all his corny comments. I could tell that my boss absolutely loved her.

As I watched this, I had to admire Jess' charm. It was actually kind of exciting for me to see her flirting with another man. Later that evening as Jess and I were undressing and getting ready for bed, I said, "Nice job flirting with my boss. Do you think he will give me that raise now?"

"I don't know, but I could tell that he really liked me. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable since I was putting it on pretty heavy at times. It was fun for me."

"No, I wasn't jealous. In fact, I found it kind of exciting." Seeing the bulge in my underwear, she reached over to caress me through the material of my boxers.

"I see you're not kidding. What did you like about it?" As I thought about my answer Jess pulled my underwear down revealing my hard cock. Reaching behind her back, she unclasped her bra. My train of thought was momentarily disrupted as I started at her tits. Despite the fact that we had been together so long, I still looked at her body in the same way I did the first time I saw her naked. "Well?", asked Jess, trying to prod me to answer.

"It seemed so naughty, like I was watching something I shouldn't be seeing. I felt like a voyeur." As I was answering her question, Jess pulled down her panties and gently pushed my chest so that I was laying down on the bed. Crawling on top of me, she guided my cock into her sweet pussy. I moaned in pleasure as my cock sunk into her depths.

Slowly rocking back and forth, Jess said, "I actually found it to be pretty hot and naughty as well. I think the thing that made it so hot for me was that you were standing right there watching me flirt with him."

"Yes, Jess. Keep that up", I said as I bit my lip while Jess rode me. "Does this mean that you are going to leave me for him?"

Chuckling, she said "Um, no, not really. Older unattractive men are not my type. The experience was intriguing, though." At this point, Jess began picking up the pace and we concentrated more on having sex than continuing our conversation. As she rode my cock, the sounds of our lovemaking filled the room. Soon, I felt myself about to lose control. Announcing this to Jess, she rode even faster, bringing us both to an explosive orgasm. I saturated her pussy with my cum and since she was on top, a good amount seeped out of her cunt and onto my balls. This was perfectly fine with me. I always figured that a big part of having fun during sex was being messy. Leaning in for a kiss, we said how much we loved each other, and Jess hopped off, allowing us to clean up and get ready for bed.

After that one evening, we pretty much stopped talking about the thrill we felt as I observed her flirt with my boss. I think we just forgot about it as we went on with our daily lives. However, something good did come from it. About a week after the party, my boss told me that he had given me the raise. This could have just been a coincidence, but from that day forward Jess said that it was a testament to her flirting prowess.

As time passed, I was pleased that our desire for each other remained very strong. Some married couples may fall into a rut as sex tends to slow down after many years together. Thankfully, we didn't have this problem. Maybe it was because we didn't have any kids, but the passion remained very strong. As I mentioned earlier, we were very open when it came to the bedroom. One time I mentioned to Jess that it would be hot to put on some porn in the background while we had sex. She was fine with it, and after that first time, she was hooked. From that day forward, we always had it playing while we fucked. We both loved the visual stimulation of seeing other people have sex as we enjoyed each other's bodies.

The serious conversations about swinging actually started because of some porn we stumbled upon. One day, Jess was sucking my cock as I was searching for some porn to put on while we fucked. I don't remember how I found it, but I came across a show called "Swing" on Playboy TV. It looked interesting so I decided to check it out. We both instantly fell in love with this show, and actually paid more attention to it than each other as we had sex that first time. The premise of this show is that a "newbie" couple spends a night in a mansion with five other couples. These other couples are experienced swingers and the purpose of this show is for the "newbies" to determine if the swinging lifestyle is for them. It's presented as a type of reality show, and since it is made by Playboy TV, it has many erotic sex scenes. I understand that a lot of it is probably staged, but that does not take away from it's sexiness.

This show quickly became our go-to porn for when we had sex. Luckily, there were multiple seasons of this show, so we had plenty of episodes to watch. Since the shows were so hot, we just re-watched them when we had seen them all.

One night after having some great sex, we were cuddling on the bed watching the last few minutes of our favorite episode (the episode which featured J.J. and Hannah as the newbie couple). Jess surprised me when she blurted out, "I wonder what that would be like?"

"What? Do you mean being on the show?"

"Yes. Well ... no. I don't know."

I could tell that she was preoccupied with her thoughts so I prodded her to see what she had on her mind. "I bet it would be fun to be on the show, but it could probably get awkward with all the cameras. The couples must often have to stop what they are doing so that the camera can readjust to a different position. I imagine that would get annoying especially when having sex."

"No, I guess I mean I wonder what it would be like to swap with another couple." I had never thought about that, but at this moment I couldn't shake this idea from my brain.

"Have you thought about that before?" I was really interested to see her response.

"No, not before seeing this show. However, after watching the couples on this show I can't help but think that it must be exciting and fun."

"Hmm. I never really thought about this before ..." I said this more so to myself than to Jess.

"But now you are. Well, anyway. I'm really tired. Goodnight, baby." After kissing me, Jess rolled over and from her breathing I could tell that she was asleep within five minutes. I stared at the ceiling for about an hour pondering that conversation. Was Jess actually thinking about us becoming swingers? The thought of this was pretty hot. I mean, what man wouldn't be up to fucking another woman with his wife's blessing? My main question was how would I feel seeing another guy fuck my wife?

The next morning we went about our normal routine and the topic of swinging and swapping was put on the back burner. I figured it had been just pillow talk and quickly forgot about it. However, the next time we had sex, Jess brought it up again. As we cuddled after giving each other an intense orgasm, Jess googled "swinger lifestyle." We were surprised with all the results that popped up as we stumbled upon a forum that seemed to answer every possible question about swinging, ranging from how to introduce the concept to a spouse, to how to prevent awkwardness after having sex with another couple.

As we read more and more about the lifestyle, we started to become intrigued with the possibilities. After doing more research, we found a swinging dating website. It was kind of like Match.com, just geared toward couples. The website said that it valued privacy so there were no public pictures allowed. Couples created profiles with their information and then they reached out to other couples. If there was a connection, they were free to privately exchange pictures at that point. We both found this concept appealing, not wanting to publicly post our pictures to a swinger website since we could never be sure that people we know wouldn't come across it. Since registration was free we figured it would be fun to set up a profile. It must have been that our profile was designated as "new", but just an hour after creating it we actually got an email from another couple. The way the website operated was that setting up a profile was free, but in order to contact anybody or read emails we needed to pay a subscription price. The cost was only ten dollars for a month's subscription, so we figured we would pay the amount to see the email. As I entered our credit card information I turned to Jess and asked, "So we're actually doing this?"

"I guess so. Oh, this is so wild. My pussy is wet just thinking about it." She squeezed my leg as I typed in the required information.

The email that we received came from a couple in their 60's. Being too old for our taste we emailed them back thanking them for their email, but that we were not interested. Despite this, we did reach out to a few couples who lived relatively close to us that were about our age. Just like what commonly happens on any other dating website, we didn't hear back from everybody, but over the course of the next few weeks we did have correspondences with a few couples.

The website encouraged that after a few email exchanges we should swap photos to see if there was a physical attraction. Jess and I found this to be the moment of truth. In that first month, we exchanged photos with six couples. Two of the couples were not at all attractive, so we emailed them back saying we weren't interested. Of the other four couples, one emailed us back basically saying "thanks but no thanks", while the other three couples just never responded after we sent them our picture. We weren't offended because we knew that this is how dating websites operated, but Jess and I were a little disappointed since we both found those couples to be very attractive.

At this point, our month subscription was coming to an end without any luck. Not wanting to give up so easily, we decided to renew for one more month. If we didn't find any connections after the next month we would take that as a sign that the swinging lifestyle was not for us.

About a week after renewing, we were contacted by Matt and Lucia. They lived about an hour away and fell in our age range. Matt was listed as being 37 and Lucia was 32. We got a very good vibe from their emails, and they must have liked us too because they were always quick to respond. The messages were never sexual in nature this early in our email correspondences. Rather, we just exchanged information about our hobbies and what we like to do as a couple. About a week after we began sending emails back and forth, they sent us their picture.

Opening the attachment in bed after having sex, Jess and I were pleased with what we saw. Lucia appeared to be Hispanic. Her light brown skin paired rather nicely with her long dark hair. In the picture she wore a tight shirt that did an excellent job showing off an ample amount of cleavage. She also wore skinny jeans giving us a great view of her shapely thighs. I would have loved to have seen what her ass looked like in those jeans.

Matt seemed to be a good eight inches taller than Lucia. This was a huge turn on for Jess who was always attracted to taller men. He appeared to be Caucasian and had piercing blue eyes. Jess mentioned that she was impressed with his muscular build.

I have to admit that we were smitten by their picture. However, we didn't want to get our hopes up since we had already experienced disappointments on this swinging dating site. Nervously, we sent them our photo and kept our fingers crossed, hoping for the best. After emailing the picture, we were both feeling horny, so putting our laptop to the side, we fucked again. I don't know if it was the excitement of moving things along with Matt and Lucia, but Jess and I had the hottest sex we had had in a while.

Now began the waiting game which could be agonizing, as anybody who has ever been on a dating site can relate to. First one day passed, then a second, and then a third with no response. I had begun to lose hope that we would hear back from them. I was a little disappointed since I found myself to be very attracted to Lucia. It would have been nice to actually meet her and I knew that Jess was interested in meeting Matt. Oh well, maybe they just weren't attracted to us. It sucks, but what could we do?

About a week after sending them our picture with no response I had accepted that we were not going to hear from them. As I walked into the house after work, Jess was sitting at the kitchen table using the laptop. Noticing her sitting there, I said, "Hey, Jess. How was your day?" Ignoring me, she was just staring at the laptop. "Hello, earth to Jess", I joked as I hung up my coat.

Not taking her eyes off the screen, she said, "They responded."


"Matt and Lucia. They responded and they said they would like to meet us."

I was floored, especially since I had come to terms with them not getting back to us. As I joined Jess at the table, my heart was beating through my chest. This was now actually starting to get real. "Look, they sent us this long email", said Jess. Peering over her shoulder, I eagerly read their reply:

"Hi Jess and Ben,

We have enjoyed the emails that we have exchanged with you so far. Based on our email conversation and your profile, we feel that we are a compatible couple. Once we saw your picture, it really sealed the deal for us. We would like to set up a time so that we can all meet. We hope that you are open to it. If not, it's no big deal. Just let us know!

If you do agree to set up a meeting with us, we just want to give you a little more information about how our "dates" work. Some people are put off by what we call our "Rules and Regulations", but we want to be upfront now to eliminate any misunderstandings going forward. Let's be honest. We are all on this website to meet up with other couples to have sex with. We absolutely love sex, and we assume you do too. However, first and foremost, our health and safety is most important.