Swingin' on a Star


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"Sam told me that he could have her any time he wants her, for as long as he wants her," he said. "She told me that I'm lucky it's him. Any one of the others would be far worse. First because they'd try to take her from me and I still love her and want to be married to her. And second because they would spread it all over town, and I'd become even more of a joke. Ted won't tell anyone and as angry as he is at me, he won't break up a family."

"Maybe I can talk to them ...?" I said.

"Please don't," he said sharply. "Ted's still trying to get over you. If you dig into his business, you'll only make him angry. And Sam doesn't have anything good to say about you either. She even told me that she and I can't have sex during the time that she and Ted are getting their revenge because only whores sleep with more than one man at a time. I think she was talking about you."

"I was," said Samantha from behind me. "I saw your car as I pulled up and thought I could help you figure out the whole colors and sticker thing. I didn't know that Mickey was here until I heard the two of you talking."

"Nothing happened. I swear it," said Mickey!

"Relax, Mick," she said. "I believe you."

There were so many things I wanted to say to her, but I needed to be very careful. What do you say to the woman who's fucking your husband?

I noticed that she seemed more confident, and she seemed to be the only one of the four of us, who was enjoying what had happened.

"Sam," I said quietly. "Can we talk for a few minutes?"

"Sure," she said. "I have about an hour before I go back to the house. Ted got his treadmill put back together, and he wanted to do his run."

"Samantha you seem different," I said. "You seem almost happy. This doesn't seem like you. It's almost as if you like hurting Mickey. This probably isn't my place ..."

"You're right it isn't," she spat. Even with her face twisted in anger, her beauty shone through. With that wild black hair flying around her head like a halo, she seemed larger than life, like some Hispanic version of the Valkyrie.

"I don't enjoy hurting Mickey," she said. The fire in her eyes was unabated. "Puppies have to be trained, or they run wild," she said. "When a puppy shits on the floor, you stick his nose in it, and you beat his ass. That way he comes to associate shitting in your house with pain and with you being angry at him." She glared at Mickey as she said it. He winced almost in pain himself.

"Of the six couples that we hang out with that's excluding the two of us and you and Ted, of course, how many of the wives do you think Mickey fucked?"

I ran through the list in my head, picturing the six women. "Two more so three, including me," I said.

"Close," she said. "Mickey fucked four of them, five including you. Olivia is fanatically Catholic. She thinks she won't get into heaven if she cheats. And I'm pretty sure that Gail and Andrew are closeted and using each other as shields for professional reasons. She looks at my tits as much as the guys do."

I believed her; I'd had a few weird incidents with Gail, myself.

"Do you know why I'm punishing Mickey," she asked.

"Because he cheated on you," I said.

"Nope, not really," she said. "I understand why he did it. And in some ways, I think he was justified. I knew how he felt for a long time, and I sympathized with him. If Mickey hadn't fucked you, this would be over. I wouldn't be punishing him at all, and we would already be working on saving our marriage."

I was shocked.

"I really do love Mickey," she said. "I love him with all of my heart and soul. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him. However, I need him to see me for what I am and love me the same way."

"I do love you," said Mickey.

"You think you do," she snorted. "But deep down inside, you see me as something you settled for so you wouldn't be alone. When you really think about it, I'm not your dream girl, Elaine is. I'm not thin enough. I'm not short enough. I'm not white enough. And you don't even think I'm pretty enough. Deep down inside, you're still in high school, and you still want a cheerleader."

"But don't worry Mickey, Ted and I are only a temporary thing. I'm a band aid to him. I'm just someone to cover the gaping hole this whore left in his heart. He does see me the way I want to be seen, and he treats me the way I want to be treated. He always did. When we had parties, Ted always told me I looked nice. When I wore a swim suit, while the other guys ogled my titties and stared at my ass and made snide comments, it was always Ted who made me feel better. A couple of times when the guys were talking about me like a piece of meat; it was Ted, not you Mickey, who defended me. You wanted to fit in so badly that you let them talk about me however they wanted." She looked straight at him, and he couldn't meet her gaze.

"I know in retrospect it seems bad doesn't it Mickey. You're sitting here talking about how much you love me and how badly the guys treated you. But at the same time, you wanted to be a part of their little tribe so badly that you let them insult me. Ted, on the other hand, didn't give a fuck about what they felt, he told the truth. More than once he told them that he thought I was beautiful no matter how big I was. That should have been you Mickey. It hurt me."

"But I..." began Mickey.

"Can it Mickey," she said. "I know they made fun of you. However, people have made fun of me for most of my life too. I've always been bigger. Shit my dad was almost seven feet tall and weighed close to four hundred pounds. My mom is close to six feet and weighs over two hundred pounds. Mickey my body mass index is in the healthy range for someone my height. I have the average percentage of body fat for a woman my age and height. I can't help it. I diet. I try to eat right. I exercise ... I've been working out a lot more with Ted lately. I'm not just talking about in bed either. But I'm just a big girl. And Mickey, I'm proud to be Mexican. So to answer Elaine's question ... Fuck yeah! I'm happy right now. I wish it was going to last forever."

"No, I love you," said Mickey. "I'll change. I was stupid. I swear I'll change."

She just snorted at him and turned to me. "Speaking of stupid ... Elaine, you have to have a screw loose. All of you stupid bimbos. You all made fun of Mickey because he was fat. I always defended him didn't I?"

"Yes you did," I said.

"But as soon as you sluts found out that he has that huge porno dick, you all treated him like some kind of stud, at least in private. In public, you all laughed at him the way you always did. You have to be the stupidest one of all. For the last ten days, my pussy has been in heaven. Sure Mickey is big, but Ted is incredible."

She looked at Mickey. "The first time he ate my pussy, I almost blacked out. I would marry him for that alone. And sex is awesome when it doesn't hurt. And when your partner is fit enough to give you time to finish, not once but multiple times. However, every time we get together we do something different. He's been inside of every place on my body. But it's not just sex. Sometimes we just go out to nice restaurants and have a good time. I guess everyone isn't ashamed of being seen with me, Mickey. So Mick, it's time for you to put up or shut up. I already told you that I was willing to stay married to you. However, if this is too hard for you, I'll file for divorce tomorrow and your punishment can stop. I don't see this lasting for very long. Sooner or later, Ted is going to start feeling guilty about it. But as far as I'm concerned, he can have me until he gets tired of fucking me. And we'll still be friends after that."

"I already told you I could handle it," said Mickey.

"I can too," I said. "Let him know that I still love him. And that I'll wait for him."

"Elaine, you and I were friends," she said. "I really hope that someday we can try to put this behind us and be friends again. However, I can't lie to you. You hurt Ted too badly. You just have to let him go. There is no chance that he wants you back."

I decided to fight anyway. I got my parents to help with my legal costs. We, my lawyer and I, tried every trick in the book. Ted calmly waited through every delay and tactic we devised.

We went to counseling sessions. Ted sat there, and only spoke when he had to. He gave the very minimum participation effort that he could. What really pissed me off enough to make me drop the counseling was when we had a sharing session. Ted spoke very nicely about me. He talked about how much he had loved me until he saw me with Mickey and how badly it hurt him. I cried. He came over and hugged me. He even told the therapist and me that it was very cathartic and had helped him to get out some of the emotions he'd kept bottled up.

The therapist asked him if he had begun to change his mind about the possibility of us getting back together. He quickly said no. He told the therapist that there had never been a time when he didn't love me. However, he still saw the images of me with Mickey in his mind, and he didn't think he could ever get over it. And if he could get over that, he'd still never be able to trust me again.

After we left, I was following Ted to ask him something. I noticed that someone was in his Jeep waiting for him. Ted got into the Jeep, and I was close enough to recognize Samantha. He started the engine, but didn't drive off. I saw Samantha's head duck down. At first, I thought they had seen me. Then I realized that Samantha's head was still down, and Ted's head was jerking around as if he was having a seizure. The bitch was sucking his dick in the car. After a few minutes of my blood boiling, I noticed them both climbing over the seats.

I saw Ted doing something and realized that he was folding the rear seats flat. I left then. I wasn't sure I could handle watching Ted fuck her in his Jeep. It was then that I realized how bad things were for him. I had only seen enough to realize what they were doing. I didn't actually see her fellate him. I also wasn't able to see them fucking inside of the car. Ted, on the other hand, saw me slutting myself out for Mickey, live and in person. I had to come up with something to wipe that memory out, if we were to have the second chance I needed.

I gave up the counseling. It wasn't effective, and it was costing too much money. It was going to take me years to pay my parents back as it was. But as they say, good things come to those that wait. About five weeks after Ted left me; I woke up with what I thought was the flu. I felt like shit and vomited everything I tried to eat.

My boss told me that I had missed enough time from work, so he wanted me to go to the clinic and get a Tamiflu shot. That way, I wouldn't have to miss anymore days, and I would also not infect anyone else in the office. He called the clinic for me and told me to go right over there, or I wouldn't get paid for the day.

I figured I'd go and get the shot and then have them call him and tell him that I got it, and that I needed to go home to give the shot time to take effect.

I hated the clinic. The people there treated you more like a case than a patient. They spoke to you for a few seconds and then gave you the exact same treatment as everyone else with your complaint or symptoms. In my case, they drew blood and took a urine sample. They took my temperature and felt my throat. They checked my pulse rate and blood pressure, and then they left me in the room for so long that I fell asleep.

"Okay honey you can go home now," said the nurse jarring me awake.

"What about my flu shot," I asked.

"You ain't got the flu," she said. "You're knocked up."

I almost fainted. She gave me a prescription for vitamins and supplements and a card referring me to an obstetrician. I was too shocked at first to realize what it meant. I had always wanted children. Ted and I were only waiting until we were more financially stable to start our brood. Suddenly, I realized that I had my way to get my husband back.

I called my lawyer and told her to set up a meeting with Ted and his lawyer.

Two days later, I smiled as I looked across the table at Ted. He went into shock when I told him. His lawyer demanded proof. I gave them both a copy of my medical report from the clinic. That was when the meeting actually started.

The lawyers began drawing up custody arrangements. I quickly shot that down. "I'd abort the child before I let him be taken from me," I said.

They started talking about child support and visitation rights. "I'm sure Ted will be fair in terms of supporting his child," I said. "And he can visit him and have him over as often as he wants. I would never try to stand between a father and his child."

Ted looked as if he was in shock. He took me out to lunch after the meeting so the two of us could really talk. I made arrangements for Ted to be at every doctor's appointment and everything else concerning the baby. We agreed to co-parent with equal responsibility. Ted even agreed to go to my child birth classes with me.

During that time, we slowly grew closer again. It was some sort of unspoken rule that we didn't talk about the past. Only two things bothered me. The first was that he had never invited me to see his house. We were still living apart. All of our conversations were about the baby. I wanted to name him Ted Jr. He wanted to name him Steven after his father.

* * * * * *


My mind was torn. I felt like a tiny piece of wood in the middle of a stormy sea. I was being tossed in every direction. I was at the mercy of the wind and the waves with very little control over where I went.

There were still embers of love left in my heart for Elaine. Every second that I spent with her, the dying light of what we used to be threatened to reignite those embers and set my heart aflame.

On the other hand, I had a terrible yearning to do something really bad. I had been giving serious thought to asking Samantha to move in with me. She could just divorce Mickey and stay with me. Even though I knew it was wrong on so many levels, I enjoyed what we had, and I didn't want to see it end.

I especially loved seeing that sick puppy look on Mickey's face every time we crossed paths. And Sam had blossomed. She was much more confident and much more outgoing. I had her wearing nicer, but sexier clothes, and she loved it.

The weirdest thing about it though was what made Samantha so special. When Elaine dressed up, she made it a point to inform me of every guy who looked at her. She enjoyed having every eye in the place on her. She always wanted to be in the spotlight and wanted as much attention as she could get. She always wanted the center table in any restaurant we went to.

Sam, on the other hand, only needed for me to see her. She was unconcerned with everyone else and didn't seem to notice when men stared at her cleavage or her ass.

"Sam," I'd say. "That guy over there was ogling your rack."

"What about his guy," she'd say without missing a beat, pointing right at me. "He's the only one who matters."

She also preferred secluded seating to give us more privacy. We always sat in a booth in the back, in a corner in the dark, and she loved it. We did a lot of really nasty things in some of the best restaurants in town.

Whenever we ran into anyone we knew Sam made it a point to let them know that she was just trying to keep me from being lonely while I got over my divorce from Elaine. It was her way of letting people know that I was single and available.

"This way, you'll have a big pool of women to date when you get tired of fucking the fat girl," she'd say.

I did start getting a lot of calls too from women who wanted to help end my misery. However, for some reason I always told them that I wasn't ready to date.

Elaine and Sam took that differently too. Elaine was very upset and sulked and bitched about it. Sam just frowned and tried to spend even more time with me. The more I watched the two of them, the less time I wanted with Elaine. It was as if Elaine thought that we HAD to be together, while Sam cherished every second we spent together.

The more time passed though, the harder it got. They began mentioning each other to me.

"Ted, don't you think it would be easier all around if we lived together," asked Elaine. "How are we going to explain it to our son that we don't all live together?"

"We just tell him that we both love him a lot, but we don't get along well enough to stay in the same place," I told her.

"It's Sam isn't it?" she asked. "How many times have you fucked her in the last week?"

"Every chance I could," I said, trying to force her into dropping the subject.

"So let's put that down as six or seven times," she said.

"It was probably more like fifteen or twenty," I said. Her eyes got huge, but she didn't say anything.

"Don't you think it's enough?" she asked. "Mickey and I only did it four or five times at the most. How much do we have to be punished?"

"I wasn't aware that you were being punished," I said. "And I'm not trying to punish Mickey. That's between him and Sam."

"But I am being punished just the same," she whined. "I'm pregnant and carrying YOUR child. I'm horny all the time. You could be fucking ME twenty times a week, you know. And Mickey and Samantha could be working on THEIR marriage."

"At least they have a marriage!" I said. "Or had you forgotten that we don't? In case you forgot, we're in the process of getting a divorce. I was in the process of getting over you and what you did to us."

"Here it comes," she spat. "It always comes back to what I did. I was human. I made a mistake. I had sex with someone other than you. You've done it a lot more times than I did, so what's the difference?"

"The difference is that you did it while we were married and supposedly happy," I said. "I didn't start until after I told you that I was divorcing your cheating ass."

"Yeah, but mine was because of a recurrence of a problem that I was under the treatment from a psychologist for. It's something I can't resist. What about you, and your un-natural attraction to Mustangs? If I let you, you'd fill the whole God damned yard with them," she said.

"My liking cars never hurt you or our marriage," I spat. "Your fetish for huge dicks hurt me and ended our marriage."

"How," she asked. "I loved you. I still do. I never loved anyone else. I was out of control. I just had sex with someone else. I always thought our marriage was based on love. No one ever told me that we would be married only as long as I never made a mistake. But while we're on the subject, what the hell is going on with you and Samantha? She acts like she's your wife. She's at your new place every day. I've never even seen it and don't have a clue where it is. And you can't seem to give her up. Tell me that you don't have some kind of feelings for her? You're picking her over me, our marriage, and our child. That's far worse than what I did. Mickey and I were just a mistake. Neither of us set out to hurt you, Samantha, nor our marriages. But you and Samantha just don't give a fuck what happens to anyone in your wake. You just want those huge tits of hers. There's really no difference between us. You're just using the fact that I got caught to get what you want." I had no answer for that.

"Wait," she said. "There is a difference. When I got caught ... When I was on the spot and had to choose between what I was doing with Mickey and my marriage, I immediately quit. You don't seem to be able to, even when your own child's welfare may be at risk.

I know that you have those images of Mickey and me in your mind. That is going to be tough to get over. The best way would be for us to give you new images to replace them. You need at least to give me a chance, Ted, for the sake of our child."
