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All the while I was able to control my behavior so that John never knew what I was doing and when he told me about the trip to Germany it was all I could do to keep from jumping with joy. I kept a straight face when I refused his offer to accompany him while I was thinking about the wonderful time I was going to have with Brian while he was away. John made it easy for me because he seemed too busy at work and had lost all interest in making love to me. I was relieved that I wouldn't have to fake anything with him. John left Sunday evening for Germany and Brian called me at about 8 o'clock. We did phone sex for two hours and I came four times before we called it quits. He moved in Monday morning and it was nonstop sex almost all day.


There is a seven hour time difference so I couldn't call home until the evening to let her know I arrived safely. I called at 10 pm on Monday night, it was 3pm at home, the phone rang four times and the answer machine picked up. I left a message. Tuesday the same. Wednesday she answered,


"Well I finally found you home."

"I'm sorry I didn't know when you would be calling or I would have been here."

"What about yesterday?"

"I was at the tennis club and I just missed your call. Today I made sure to be here. How are you? Is everything going well?"

Then I heard her gasp and the little giggle again. I knew that fucker was with her.

"Yes the deal is moving right along and we should be finished by the end of the week. I expect to be home Saturday afternoon. Have you missed me?"

"Of course I miss you darling. I have been very lonesome and horny. We didn't make love before you left."

I heard the gasp again and heard her say,

"Stop." before she covered the mouth piece and the phone went silent for a moment.

"What was that?" I said.

"The dog tried to jump on the bed. I had to shoo him off."

She thought fast but we had trained him never to get on the bed and I knew it wasn't the dog that was fucking her. I couldn't even stand talking to her anymore.

"I have had a long day and two more to go so I am very tired. I'll skip the calls tomorrow and Friday and I will see you Saturday evening."

"OK dear get your rest and come home to me as fast as you can."

No disappointment on her part on having only one phone call for a week apart. Thirty years and I don't know this woman.


At three o'clock Monday afternoon the phone rang right when I was in the middle of my fifth climax for the day. It was from John and the call went right to the answer machine. He said that he arrived safely and would call again at the same time tomorrow. Tuesday was a repeat as far as the sex and the phone calls went. Wednesday I was getting a bit sore so I made sure I was able to answer the phone. Brian and I were in bed and I was fending him off as we waited for the call. He couldn't keep his hands off of me. You have no idea how exciting it is to have a lover who desires you like that. The phone rang and it was John and as soon as I started talking to him Brian started to play with me.


Brian sucked on my nipple.

"Well I finally found you home."

"I'm sorry I didn't know when you would be calling or I would have been here."

Brian's hand covered my pussy

"What about yesterday?"

"I was at the tennis club and I just missed your call. Today I made sure to be here. How are you? Is everything going well?"

Brian bit my nipple.

"Yes the deal is moving right along and we should be finished by the end of the week. I expect to be home Saturday afternoon. Have you missed me?"

"Of course I do darling. I have been very lonesome and horny. We didn't make love before you left."

Brian got between my legs and started licking my clit.

"Stop," I said before I could cover the mouth piece and then, "You are going to make him suspicious."

"What was that?" John said,

"The dog tried to jump on the bed. I had to shoo him off."

I continued talking to John .I don't think he believed me but he didn't press the issue. Then he told me he wouldn't bother calling the next two nights and he would be home Saturday evening. He always called every night when he was away in business trips but I was relieved that he would not be calling any more this time. I had Brian to play with and I didn't miss John at all.


I got home in time for dinner on Saturday and she was somewhat distant. I would have thought she was going to be all over me to show how much she loved me. But no, I made no advances and neither did she. When we went to bed she turned her back to me and went to sleep. I was perplexed and very relieved because I never intended to make love to her again. Monday when I got to the office I got a call from Jim Barrows,

"I have to see you right away."

"Can't it wait? I just got back from Germany. I have reports to file."

"No it can't wait."

"It sounds serious."

"As serious as your life."

"Come right over."

Jim came over right away. He had 5 sets of CDs. One for each day I was away.

Each contained video and audio of the events of the day for Sylvia and Brian. I said,

"There must be over a hundred hours in those discs."

"More like 125 and we edited some out. Most of it is sex but I made a set of the serious stuff."

"What could be more serious than the sex, I thought that's what we were looking for."

"Watch, this is the Monday disc."

He put a disc in my PC and what I saw and heard made me blind with fury,

"Sylvia, I need a car."

"You know I will always let you use mine."

"No, I need a car of my own."

"Darling I have been used up my household allowance buying you gifts."

"Well stop the gifts and lease the Mercedes I have been looking at. It is only $700 a month."

"I don't know Brian. He questioned me last month about my bank account and I told him I was short but then he gave me another $3000."

"Well get him to up your allowance to $10,000. You deserve it. Half of what he has is yours anyway. You know I haven't worked in a while because those bastards won't hire me. I want to marry you but I can't ask you to marry a pauper. If you divorced him you would get half of his fortune, I am sure it would be enough for us to marry then."

"Brian, would you really marry me?"

"Of course I would darling. The only thing stopping me is that I can't afford to keep you in the style that you deserve."

I watched him get down on one knee and take her hand in his. He held it to his lips and kissed it.

"Beloved Sylvia, some day when you are free of him, will you marry me?"

Then I heard that stupid giggle again as she said,

"Yes Brian, yes I will marry you. To have you for myself 24/7 is my dream."


I couldn't believe it when Brian asked me to marry him. He wanted me to divorce John and marry him! I knew that I would have to support him but I was overwhelmed with the idea that he wanted to marry me. He had driven all my love for John from my conscience and I was obsessed with the mindless sex we had for the last few days. I wanted him as my own for as long as I could have him. I was willing to give up my thirty year marriage to have this young lover in my bed. I was entitled to half of our fortune why couldn't I use it to find my happiness?


So there it was, thirty years of marriage gone down the drain. I don't know how it happened or why, but it was over. I thought I knew my wife, hell, I loved her and here she was willing and ready to leave me for a younger man. Well plenty of guys have done it for younger wives so why not the other way around. They say that there is no brain in the head of a cock so I guess there are none in a pussy either. Jim said,

"Now listen to this one."


"Hey Barb, it's me."

"Brian sweetheart, how is it going?"

"Like taking candy from a baby. She swallows everything I feed her, including my cock. She already agreed to the divorce."

"How about the accident?"

"I didn't get to that yet. Give me a chance, in a couple of days I will make sure it is her idea and then we will get the whole pot full instead of just half."

"I miss having that cock of yours in my hand. I am jealous of her having you all this week."

"Just think of how much money we will have when this is all over. Oops, I have to run. She is coming back. Talk to you later."

I was livid. All I worked for, all the hours I put in to build a fortune for my family, these assholes wanted to steal and my stupid wife was going to be their unwitting accomplice. Jim said more to come. Good god, what more could there be? The next disc was Thursdays and it was a video. Sylvia was sitting leaning against the headboard of our bed and he was kneeling between her thighs, her hands were on his cock.

"Brian honey, I can't get enough of this cock."

"That's because you are still married."

"I won't be after the divorce."

"But then you would only have half the money, just think about how nice it would be to have it all and me too."

As he said that he rubbed his cock on her clitoris. I could see her shiver and her hips move to retain contact with it.

"Don't tease me like that. Please fuck me."

"Wouldn't you like to have it all?

"Oh god your cock feels so wonderful. I want it in me."

"Wouldn't you like to have it all?"

"Yes I want all your cock in me."

"Imagine if you were a widow. You would have his whole fortune and me for the rest of your life."

"OOOOOOH yes fill me with it. Yes I want it all, the money, your cock and you forever."

"Sylvia, is that really what you want."

"I don't care if I am divorcee or a widow; I only know I want you. Make me cum now."

When he had his answer he plunged his cock in hard and deep and she came so hard she almost threw him off.

"Sylvia, I want you to make sure you don't drive or ride in John's car any more."

"I never drive it and I only ride in it when we go out together and that doen't happened much any more."

"Well if you do go out together make sure that you use your car he might have an accident in his."

"I don't want to hear of any talk like that."

She was so infatuated with him I was not even sure she knew what she had agreed to but she had made herself an accomplice to murder.

Jim looked at me and said,

"I am sorry to have to bring this to you."

"It's nothing that you have done it's my damn wife and her lover. I still can't understand her."

Jim just shrugged.

"The reason I insisted on seeing you at once is that you are now in immediate danger and I think that Sylvia will be if she ever marries him."

"I am so angry that I never gave any thought of that. She inherits from me and then he inherits from her. Should we call the police?"

"Yes, at least to alert them. I think he is a danger to you but I also think that she is not dangerous. I don't think she knows what he intends to do to you or her."

"Well no matter what she thinks I am finished with her. After 30 years she is willing to see me dead just to get her hands on his cock."


On Thursday afternoon I was holding Brian's cock in my hand, I was telling him how much I loved it. He was telling me how I could have it every day, all day after we were married. He talked about how much more money we would have if I was a widow instead of a divorcee and he just drove me wild with desire. I told him I didn't care if I was either one I just wanted him to fuck me. I was beyond all reason and wild for him. When he finally fucked me I had agreed to everything he wanted. Then I had, what had to have been, the best orgasm of my entire life. He told me never to ride in John's car and since I so rarely did I told him I wouldn't and when he said something about John having an accident, I told him I didn't want to hear about such thing.

John got home from Germany Saturday evening, shortly after I had shooed Brian away from the house. I had been thoroughly fucked all week long and had to stop Brian from doing it again at five o'clock. The man was insatiable but I loved all the attention I got from him. He made me feel so young and desirable. I was still full of his cum when John walked in the door. Somehow I could not welcome him as enthusiastically I always had and he didn't seem to notice nor did he make any advances toward me. He went to work Monday morning as usual and I met Brian as I had done in the past. He again warned me about riding in John's car and I said,

"I don't know why you are so worried about him having an accident; He is a very careful driver."

"That maybe but I am always worried about your safety.

"That's so sweet of you," I replied.


Because he told Sylvia to stay out of my car we figured he was going to sabotage it so my detectives hid cameras in the garage. Sure enough Thursday afternoon we caught a video of him loosening the brake line on my car so that after I braked a few times I would have no way to stop the car. Then we called the cops. In the course of their investigation they got to Barbie and she rolled over on him and spilled the beans on the scheme.


John has been distant all week but I didn't care, I had my Brian on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and gloried in the magnificent fucking he was giving me but Friday he did not show up. I was beside myself. He didn't answer his cell phone and I had no other way to contact him. I spent the weekend at my wits end not knowing what had become of my lover. John on the other hand was much more attentive and concerned about my mood.

"What's wrong dear, you seem upset. Is anything bothering you? I s there anything I can do for you?"

He seemed to have a self satisfied smirk on his face and of course I could not tell him what was bothering me.

Monday afternoon I got a call from Brian.

"I have been arrested and I need you to bail me out."

"Arrested, what for?"

"That's not important. I need bail money at once."

"Of course darling. How much?"

"A quarter of a million."

"What, I don't have that kind of cash."

"You only have to come with ten percent for a bond."

"I don't have twenty five thousand. I spent all my money on you."

"Ask John for it."

"And when I tell him it's for my lover? Are you crazy?"

Well it turns out it wouldn't have made any difference because the police showed up at the house an hour later with a warrant for my arrest on a charge of conspiracy to commit murder. John wouldn't even put up bail for me until our kids got to him and shamed him into doing it.


I thought I would feel good when the cops came for Sylvia, I didn't, I felt like shit. I had loved her for thirty years and could not understand what had driven her into his arms or I should say, onto his cock. I didn't even want to go bail for her but the kids ganged up on me so I gave in but I told them they would have to take care of her, I wasn't taking her back into my home. When she came to the house to get her clothes we had our one and only conversation. My lawyer had gotten a copy of Barbie's confession and when I showed it to Sylvia she burst into tears.

"You stupid whore, you are going to be convicted as a coconspirator to commit murder."

She had the Gaul to say,

"But I never did anything to harm you."

"But you never did anything to warn me either. You would have let him kill me and then you would have fucked him afterwards and married him to boot. Then later, when you made him your beneficiary, you probably would have had an accident too. I have about twenty hours recorded of his cock drilling you in every way imaginable. I can't understand what went on in your mind and I certainly don't want to even look at you anymore. When I divorce you, after your conviction, you are not going to get a dime from me. Now get out with what ever you can fit in your car. I never want to see you again.


I saw John once after I was arrested. I found out later that our children had convinced him to make bail for me but they had to guarantee that I would not skip. I had no place to go anyway and no money to go anywhere. I was living with my daughter's family, she was the only one who would take me in. When I went to get my clothes from what had been my home, John was there and he showed me Barbie's confession. When I read it I realized what a fool I had been. I knew Brian wanted John's money but I had also deluded myself into thinking he wanted me also. I had thrown away my life for a murderous gigolo. John never came to my trial and I was convicted and sentenced to three years in prison. I think John had something to do with my getting a suspended sentence. I will never know because I will never get a chance to ask. My daughter makes sure I am not around when he comes to visit. Brian got fifteen years and he corresponded with me several times a year. When he got out on parole I couldn't resist his wanting to get back together. I was going crazy living with my daughter's family and even then I still wanted his cock. I was 62 years old and he could still make me feel young. At least he did until I came home one day and found him in our bed with an 18 year old neighbor's daughter. I fixed him so that one would want him ever again.


He got 15 years in maximum security and she got a three year suspended sentence. She continued to live with our daughter and her family but I never saw her there when I visited. He got out on parole after ten years and hooked up with Sylvia again. After all he had done she still went back to him. I read in the papers that she caught him in bed with some floozy and threw acid in his face. Now she is doing time.

The only one who could have sent me that picture had to be him and I never found out why he did it.

As I said,

"The head of a cock has no brains," and Brian was the biggest prick ever I saw."

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Where did she get the acid?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"At least he did until I came home one day and found him in our bed with an 18 year old neighbor's daughter."

Ok, that's statutory rape - unless you meant "At least he did until I came home one day and found him in our bed with a neighbor's 18 year old daughter." Just saying........

usaretusaretabout 1 year ago

Average, very much so.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

A storyline with such stupidity on the part of the wife, not entertaining per se but the BTB at the end was what needed to happen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Story ran like a narrative....this is the most useless and clueless author on the site !!

skruff101skruff101over 2 years ago

It seems that Murphy believes that all wives are submissive sluts but only to someone other than her husband. Just look at all his stories practically every one has the same wife, so much so that for convenience he probably just copies and pastes from one story to the next.

kencorokencoroalmost 3 years ago

Ok, his wife is part of a conspiracy to murder him and now she is arrested for that. Somehow no one told him that he should not bail that person out? How does that even work? Should there be some rule against that.

Or are you that determine to pile on the husband that you lost track of your own story just so you can get a rise out of the reader? That is cheap.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 3 years ago

Это хорошая история! Вы заканчиваете сожжением неверной жены в советском стиле!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Not sure why you bothered posting this steaming pile of shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
What trash

Should try something other than this type of writing. By

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Should have left this one on the trash heap.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

Better than your last story I read, but still not really good. How do you bail your wife out of jail after she conspires to murder you? Why a suspended sentence? This woman was mentally ill and allowed to walk around free.

Bebop3Bebop3over 5 years ago
So, she was in

on a conspiracy to have him MURDERED and he pays for her bail? And their children wanted him to? How the fuck does that conversation go? "Well, yeah, Dad, she was fine with you being killed, but hey, she's our mom."

cabbage01132cabbage01132almost 6 years ago
bit repetitive

but kinda liked it, good dark betrayal but a bit too matter of fact, not enough realistic dialogue.


Pappy7Pappy7over 6 years ago
Well, yet another

wimp in life but highly successful businessman who let his wife and children absolutely run his life. He should have told the children to shut up or he wouldn't leave them any money when his wife's next lover was actually able to kill him. Or his wife was able to dose him with something that doesn't wash off with soap and water. Not likable set of characters, at all.

Blacksword404Blacksword404about 8 years ago
Could be better

If you switch off views then they need to overlap only as much as necessary .and each view should add a lot of new information or perspective. Otherwise you are simply repeating yourself. Which makes a story dull.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

too long to arrive to the payback and too bland revenge.

oh, and how did you come out with:

"She had the Gaul to say,"

do you even understand english?

FD45FD45almost 9 years ago

You can make a coherent story. You can make stupid but coherent characters.

The problem I have read in two of your stories today is one of sheer writing chops. You don't practice enough or put enough quality into your story elements.

First off, I get you were trying to do something different with that swapping point of view thing. Maybe this is your first try at this. This was not done well.

Second was repetition. You told us had the other person tell us it again...then frequently, you had the OTHER character mention it yet another time. Reading it three times does not inform me 3 times as much. This was like those parachutes football players wear when they are training to sprint for power: a major drag to the story.

Now you are more of the 'slap and tickle' writing of Lit and it wasn't that which turned me off. The story was okay. Nothing groundbreaking but a solid effort. A lot of the anony-mice here say writing doesn't make a difference. They are wrong.

impo_58impo_58over 9 years ago
With his money...

With the kind of money he had, he would have made that the lover boy wouldn't leave jail alive...His wife would end old and alone...The question is: How his Ex-wife, having no money at all could support her and the lover boy when he got out of jail? He would look for another victim...

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