Tabootopia - A Nation of Incest Ch. 08


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"Oh it's Carla for you, lassie, and here we got Daniel," she leaned over and hugged him. "And little Björn," also giving the appreciative Björn some boobage. "Oh, and new ones, too!"

"This is my girlfriend, Kelly," said Daniel.

"Charmed," said Carla as she hugged Kelly.

"And my girlfriend, Tammie," said Regina.

"Ah you I do know," said Carla. "Hold it; I got someone who wants to meet you."

Carla rushed away, coming back with her son, Teddy. This sweaty boy was in his wet briefs, obviously having been masturbating. In his hand he held what he'd been using as his stimulate: the latest issue of Weekly Incest. He put his arms out and showed off the stained cover. The cover model was none other than Tammie Kwon. On this cover, a smirking Tammie was posing in a sports bra and shorts. The headline read: "'Lick my nipples': Tammie Kwon is coming to New Babylon University. Preview pictorials of all the new freshmen students in this special issue!'"

"Me? Sure thing." Tammie got on her knees, grabbed a sharpie from the front of Teddy's briefs, and signed it: 'T.K.Won'.

"Wait, Tammie's famous!?" said Kelly.

"Yeah," replied Björn. "Have you seen her on TV? She's, umm, oh, she's very, ahh, I've masturbated over her many, many times."


Tammie played nice with Teddy. She scuffled his hair, speaking baby talk with the teen. "You watch me do you? Yeah? Yeah? Good boy! Good boy!"

"Come on inside, I got breakfast brewing," said Carla.

The group followed Carla in, noticing that underneath that long shirt was nothing at all; her curvaceous buttocks was peeking out, saying hello.

Regina patted Carla's butt with the back of her hand. "Nice ass, Carla."

"Ah thank you, girlie. None of that is from exercise mind you, just clean livin'...and lots of shagging!" Carla clutched Regina's backside. "Oh, lass, now I never had this kind of tightness! What kind of jeans are these? They really smooth out your figure."

"These?" Regina unbuttoned her dark skinny jeans. "You don't want to wear these, they really chaff up my crotch when it gets hot. Got any cream?"

"For your special lady area? I got shed loads! Come with me to the kitchen, I'll rub some on ya."

"Thanks, Carla."

Meanwhile, Tammie led her No.1 fan inside. "Your name is Teddy Woroalman? Yeah, I think I saw your name somewhere once, uhh, was it in the featherweight boy-boy division?"

He nodded. "You help me...with my cardio? Show you my weight room?"

"For sure, because me? I'm a champion, I have to help out, it's only right, it's basically my duty as a world-class ambassador of sexual excellence. Hmm, let's see," she grabbed his arm. "You got the farmboy thing going on...Weighing about, umm, one-twenty-five? That's all natural, oh yeah, you can get pumped for sure."

Kelly was pleasantly surprised. "Wow, Tammie's nice!"

She might have spoken too soon. "And your mom is so hot! Hey, you can be my towel boy, dry me off after I give her a good reaming."

"Oh my God," Kelly stepped closer to Daniel. "Keep me safe from her: she might want to touch me in a dark corner."

"You got my full permission if she does."

"Daniel!" She lowered her voice to a whisper. "I'm being serious, you know I can't squirt. Do you know what that means? She'll drill me endlessly! She won't stop till she gets a finish!"

Daniel thought carefully about his response.

"Again, I don't see the problem there."

"Daniel!" She stamped on his toes.



Around the dining table, the Woroalman clan (sans father Tobias) was reunited with Daniel, Björn and Regina, and very welcoming to new members, Kelly and Tammie.

Carla was surprised by New Babylon University's requirement for entry: "Sector Three? Oh my. All through it just to get into their uni'? Bit of a rough deal, ain't it? I've never heard of it being done before...guess you're the unlucky test subjects."

"Yeah," said Daniel. "But I'm kinda interested to see what's out there, you know."

"Adventure, yes, it is a little thrilling, I must admit."

"But before that," said Daniel, "anything we need to know about Gaudium? Like the recent redistricting? This is South Gaudium, right? We still have to get to North Gaudium. Is it far?"

"Oh, lad, it's pretty far off, so you better use us as your rest stop. It's a full night's journey, proper long. North is where the factories and docks are. Nice little community down there. Me and some of the other gals make a proper day of it when we go there; we do a little shopping, watch a movie, and get a couple of shags in with the locals! Hee-hee! Always a good time."

This peeped Björn's interest. "Oh...umm, ahh, sounds like a fun town, yes."

Carla chuckled. "Just wait and see, lad, wait and see. Be warned, it's bloody humid down there! Oeww! Gets your kits off as soon as you get in. I'm always naked when I go down there, naked when I come back too -- but covered in just...all sorts! Hee-hee!"

On the other side of the table, Sally was stroking Tammie's face with the back of her hand. "Gosh, so soft, wow, I'm just so happy to have you here. Tammie, I hope this isn't a rude thing to say, but me and Teddy have been pleasuring ourselves to beach volleyball for years, be-because of gorgeous girls like you, you know: Amazonian Asians. Hee-hee! Gosh, I hope that wasn't a rude thing to say, I'm just a little nervous...I've seen your tapes."

Tammie kept her pokerface, just a simple smile and an alluring gaze. "Thanks so much...I appreciate"

The usually cool and confident Sally felt all giddy inside. "Oh my, phew, I think my panties are getting a little breezy, woo, my oh my."

Tammie smiled at Regina, and then at Sally: "You got great...taste," Tammie placed her thumb over Sally's cheek, directing it toward Sally's lips, then placing it inside the gal's warm mouth. "Hmmmm...Milky. Now I have to go help your brother work on his thrust." Tammie took her thumb out, stood up, and grabbed the waiting Teddy by his hand and took him to his bedroom.

Sally rubbed her hands through her blonde hair. "Gosh! Her confidence is so fucking sexy."

"Yes, yes," agreed the pants-less Regina, her bare bum on the wooden seat, letting the cool cream sooth her puffy vagina.

Carla joined in this conversation. "My Sally is a right little flirt, ain't she? Eh? Sally, I know you can swing on both ends, but as your Mum I know you favour the girlies, don't ya? Ever since I caught you lip-kissing your girl pals on the porch, remember? What did I say?"

"'Bring them inside, don't make them cold.'" Sally giggled. "You'd give them tea, some cake...then me and the girls would go to the bedroom and have our 'sleepover.'"

"I did the same," said Regina. "I'd bring girls over to my bedroom and tell my parents it was just a sleepover. Looking back, I'm sure they must have known. Why else would my dad buy so much baby oil and lotions and put them in my room?"

"We have understanding parents." Sally kissed her mother on the cheek.

"You're welcome, darling," Carla responded with a peck to her daughter's lips. "Though it was bloody obvious what you and the other girls were doing in there. Gosh, you'd make a right racket with your little girlfriends, wouldn't ya!? You girls would be louder than me and your father. Though I think your moans motivated him more than anything, to be honest! I best be thanking you, because when he heard you make your girly moans, gosh, he shagged me well into next week!"

Björn tried intercepting but fumbled with his delivery. "Umm, ahhh, ahh!"

"Oh," Daniel looked at his watch, "Björn, we should go say hi to Brian."

"Hmm, yes," agreed Björn.

"Guess I'll be coming with," said Kelly.

The three stood up.

"Hey, where you all going?" asked Carla.

"Going to visit our friend, Brian. He came here during a school field trip and decided to stay."

"Oh that lad with the harem? You're taking your lass to that? Lord no, Kelly, you don't want to be going to see that."

"Umm..." Kelly thought about her decision.

"She's right," said Daniel. "You don't want to go; it's a pretty weird situation. Go on, hang here with the girls."

"Yeah come on, come on," said Sally, she salivating at the tightness and cuteness of this Hebrew School Hottie.

Kelly shivered, she feeling Sally's bad intentions. But she decided to hang with the girls, taking the chance to get to know them better.

"Okay," Kelly stood on her tiptoes and kissed Daniel's lips. "Do not take part in anything sexual!"

"I won't, I won't."

Björn was halfway out the door, repulsed at the relationshipy-style exchange. "Umm, ahh, let's go."

"Right, bye," Daniel waved to everyone and left with his friend.

Kelly turned to Regina, Carla and Sally.

"Come 'er," said Sally. "Tell us all about you."

Kelly walked with her head down and sat at the table of horny women.

Sally licked her lips and started the conversation: "All right gals, let me tell you about my favourite stud..."


Thirty minutes later...

"And when I ride him, oh Lord, he's so big and strong, he's got so many muscles, oh, I never use the saddle: I'm bareback riding all day, hmmm!" Sally had her cheeks glowing from the memory of her encounter with the local stud.

"The bucking, oh it's an endless orgasm," noted Carla. "So, what do you do for pleasure, Kelly? Apart from your fella', how else you get your rocks off?"

Red-faced Kelly had a confession: "Uhh, well, before I met Daniel, I used to, I mean, I still do, I, umm, now this is weird, okay: I get my giant teddy bear, get on top of it, and just, oh I'm so embarrassed! I...kinda hump it, rub my pussy on it. I-I, the fur gets me going..."

"How big was he?" Regina asked with a straight face.

"Big, as big as me...And, and after I met Daniel, like, when I was alone, when he went to school, I missed the feeling of something inside me, so I put a strap-on on the bear, and-- oh my God! This is so embarrassing, hee-hee-hee," Kelly broke into a fit of giggles.

Regina was surprised. "Wow, Kelly, that's so kinky and cool. Nice, nice, nice."

Carla was impressed. "Clever little lass! Eh? That's how I like my lads sometimes: big cock, on the floor, no talking, just getting me off."

Sally was turned on. "Hmmm, oh, oh, Kelly, that's so hot!"

After Kelly had confessed to violating a stuffed animal, the other women felt more connected to her. As they tucked into an array of snacks, the women talked about such topics as Kelly's misdeeds with Rupert, Sally's riding experience, Regina's favourite squirt taste (unsurprisingly, it was Tammie's Lucozade), rounding off their talk with Carla telling the young ladies some valuable advice:

"We got a nice collection of tits on this table: We got cute little ones, nice peachy ones, juicy pert ones, and, mine, my big 'uns!" she said as she grabbed her own breasts. "But, girls, it don't matter how they look, just matter how you use them -- and with that knowledge, lasses, you got power: Give 'em just a glimpse of these and you got them fellas -- and some lasses -- where you want them, doing whatever you want."

"My mom says the same thing," said Kelly. "But she says the real power is my butt: when I get older, it will get rounder, and I'll have people turning to look."

"Wise woman, wise indeed...Right! Before dinner, I think we girls should get in that tub, what do you say?"

"Yeah, let's do it, Mom!" Sally stood up and began unbuttoning her shirt, keeping her gaze on Regina.

"I'm in," Regina took her shirt off, revealing a well-fitting black bra.

"I-I-I think I'll go change into my bikini," said Kelly, she walking towards the door.

"Teddy! Tammie!" shouted Carla. "Come down and join us."

Seconds later, the fully naked Teddy came hobbling down the steps.

"What she been doing to you, lad!" Carla said with a big smile. "Look at ya: you're dripping, lad, dripping."

"Train, training," he said in a shrill voice.

Next came Tammie, she in her grey t-shirt and black thong.

"Come on Teddy, hands up, hands up, show them you're a champ," she said as she ran her toes down his little butt. "Hey, what's going on here? We're all getting naked now?"

"We're all going in the hot tub," said Kelly as she walked past Tammie.

"Great, I can finally see this tightness." Tammie whacked Kelly on the butt.

"Oww! No! My tightness will remain tight!"

"Have it your way...Oh, Sally, those nipples look nice, can I have a lick? Yeah? Like I need to ask permission: Get those cupcakes out -- now."


The Woroalman family hot tub was in a prime location: near to the house, looking over a sparkling green meadow, with a picture-perfect view of the sunset just over the horizon. This coupled with the fresh countryside air made for a blissful atmosphere. That bliss, that bliss mixing in so well...with the sin.

Inside the hot tub were three teen girls, one teen boy, and a particularly excited mother.

Carla was thinking about her husband Tobias, who was at the farmer's market: "Oh me fella is working so hard, ohh, he's gonna be so stiff and red when he comes back, mmm, he'll fuck me sideways he will, give it to me right and proper..." she opened her eyes and looked at her nude son, Teddy.

"Son, since you've been working so hard with Tammie, you can watch the girlies have their fun. Go on lad, have a proper little wank! Go on! But you're cleaning up after this is all done, hear?"

He nodded intently, his eyes locked on his mother's bountiful breasts. "Yes, yes, yes."

"Steady lad, steady, don't burst yourself right away, have a slow wank, yeah, a slow, nice wank. Like when you watch my stripping shows: don't spunk when I'm in my knickers, start going hard when I'm shagging good and proper, yeah? Just like that, Son."

"Yes, Mother," he said as he slowly ran his thumb and index finger down his shaft.

Carla's cheeks were red while she watched her son's purposeful tugging. "Oh, yeah, that's the way, lad! Slow and steady, slow and steady..."

"Y-y-yes, Mom."

Kelly, the only person clothed in the tub (in a cute stripey form-fitting two-piece bikini), was sitting at the south-end of this large tub, a little surprised that she wasn't more aghast at what she was witnessing; that being this mother teaching her son proper 'wanking' etiquette. Kelly actually found it all a little endearing, kinda cute, watching Little Teddy's cheeks getting more and more red, his mother watching on with a big smile. That was not the only action going on: to the right, three nude teen girls were getting into some very frolicly hijinks.

Sally was sitting between Regina and Tammie, rubbing her soft shoulders between the two.

"Ohhh, I don't know who to start with. Yummm. Regina, the memories of our night kept me cumming for days, but Tammie, ohhh, you're like one of those comic book sex heroes! Tall, exotic, strong, hmm, it's like you're right out of Paradise Island!"

"Thanks, Hot Bitch," said Tammie. "Now go with Regina first and save the best for last."

Regina smiled at her girlfriend, then, held Sally's chin, leaned in, and planted a silky wet kiss.

"Hmmm," Sally hummed. "So soft, ohhh I feel myself gettin' wet! Woo! Now Tam --"

Tammie grabbed Sally by the back of her head and planted a hard, powerful kiss.

"Oh, oh my." Sally felt her heart racing, galloping with Sapphic lust. "Wow, oh, oh I can't say which is better. Gosh, I just want you both."

"Who said you can't have both?" said Regina before she kissed Sally's cheek.

"Hmm, we're like a tag-team," said Tammie as she worked over Sally's neck. "She brings the Axe, I bring the Smash!"

"Yes, yes!" Sally put her arms around the girls. Regina and Tammie's free hands then proceeded to go down to Sally's well-trimmed vaginal region.

"Ohhhh! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Sally's mouth was wide open as she took it all in.

"Hmmm." Teddy felt his body redden, even more so than before, very much due to Tammie and Regina's actions, they grabbing his sexy sister's peaches with both rough and soft claws. "Oh! Oh!" Teddy was pinching his foreskin, using a modified Vivi Special to keep his load from spilling.

"Uh? Lad? What the heck are ya doing?" Carla shouted. "You're not doing it right. Aw looka at ya, all ready lettin' it spill. Boy I said wanking is a slow game, take your time and -- oh, let me!" Carla reached her hand over, clasped it around her son's wet willy and held it with a loose grip. "Right, lad," she swum closer, sat beside him, her shoulder against his, her dangling wavy hair tickling his neck. "Let me show you the proper way. Okay, see how my hand moves? Soft strokes, yeah, soft, keep it going all smooth like. Yeah, keep it soft, slow, like this."

"Y-y-yes," he said as his crotch and thighs tingled with wild merriment.

After a minute, Carla put a tight grip on her little boy's wet wiener. That feeling of palm on pecker made his feet rise up. Carla then squeezed in even tighter, snuggling up to her boy, her breasts bouncing off his face. "Oh yes, let me just give you a start-up, get your motor warmed up, yeah, getting it warm. Eh, lad, here's a neat ol' trick I learned back from my Dada." She released her pinkie finger from her grip, lowered it down and used it to tickle her son's balls.

"Ma-mama!" suddenly the water felt very, very hot.

"Nice, eh Son?" She felt a distinct lack of hair in her son's nether regions. "You shaven down there? Eh? Now this I ain't used to. Son, back when I was a wee one (a legal teen), fellas would shove 'em in my mouth, full of iron they were, all fresh from the fields! Gotta be honest though, yours feel nicer, like a couple of polished marbles they are. Hmmm, I think I can tickle these all day!"

"I-I-I-I," Teddy had his thoughts scrambled, his mouth jittery due to the excessive pleasure flowing into his system. Indeed, from the jerking of his penis to the mesmerising power of his mother's mature well-ripened breasts, it was hard -- literally -- for him to speak. But, even with his jaw stuck in place, Teddy was able to make one request...

"Can-can-can I?" he asked as his eyes were on his mama's boobies.

"Me tits? Oh, all right, but only one hand on one tit, okay? I ain't no bad mum: I ain't letting you get all the reward with none of the effort, ya hear Son? You're gonna make this pool spotless after this is all done, got it?"

"Hmph!" As soon as she confirmed entry, he put his hand on his mother's right teat and groped and fondled with God's greatest squeeze toy.

"Ah, ah!" His fingertips dug into the soft surface. Then, Teddy opened his mouth, stuck his tongue out and moved his head down, towards his mama's nipple.

"Oh!" Carla felt a wet shiver down her back. "Ohh, I'm getting a little bit of wetness -- Theodore!" She saw her son's tongue on her erect pink nipple. "What I tell ya!?" She gently shoved his forehead, removing his mouth from her teat. "Don't get cheeky with me, lad! Got rules for a reason! Now squeeze, lad, go on, just squeeze, no licking, just squeeze."

"Yes, Mother. Sorry."

"It's all right," Carla rubbed Teddy's soft black hair as he cupped and fondled her breast. "I know how lads get. Just follow the rules, yeah? Discipline, Son, you earn your licks, you hear?"

"Yes, Mother," he said with rosy-red cheeks. Teddy's hand then went in deeper, giving his mother an erotic, deep-tissue breast massage.

"Oh that's good, lad, ahhh nice."

Meanwhile, on the other end of the tub, Regina and Tammie had their fingers deep inside Sally's vagina, the hot bubbling water only adding to their collective wild hungry lust.

"Oh sweet Jesus all mighty," moaned Sally. "Lord, Lord, yes, yes, yes!"

It wasn't just the fingering, licking and groping that was stimulating this hot farmer's daughter; she was also turned on by the viewers, her mother and brother, they watching her as she lost her inhibitions, watching her twitch all over as a titanic orgasmic tidal wave was rushing all over her. Sally had not had this much fun since she and her classmates had a naked pool party...with cream whip as the only item on the menu.
