Tai's Story Ch. 05


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It was another long and restless night.

I was woken early by Luce. It was good news Tane and Talia were both in the finals of the motocross club championships. "Can you come home for it babe? It would mean a lot to the kids if you could be there."

I didn't hesitate. "I will be there I promise."

"Tai... Mark is going to be there so I don't want any trouble."

Just keep him away from me and there will be no problems.

"Tai wouldn't it be easier if you met him and talked to him. It might change the kid's attitude towards him. They blame him for us being apart."

"That's not my fault Luce. No I don't want to meet him. I kept my girlfriend away from you and the kids and I expect the same from you." I had an evil little thought. "The other thing is I guess I could bring Alex with me, I am sure you would love to meet her, and I know the kids would love her."

"Tai you can be a fucking prick when you want to be. Mark and I are actually in a relationship, unlike your slutty girlfriend. Mark is going to be in my life wouldn't it be easier on all of us if you got along?"

Her spiteful accusation hurt. "I don't care about your mister wonderful. If he isn't getting on with the kids and they don't like him then maybe they should come and live with me."

She screamed. "Like fuck they will. Don't come playing those games Tai otherwise you will never see them again."

"You forget Luce they are old enough to make up their own minds. You can't keep us apart now. They know that I love them and want to be part of their lives. I will be home for the races just keep your dipshit boyfriend away from me."

"Tai you should be careful about making threats towards Mark he is not your average guy he won't back down from you."

I laughed. "Bring it on Luce."

About lunchtime I got texts from both Ben and Alex thanking me for a wonderful night. Strangely today I felt embarrassed. Why? I don't know I couldn't explain it... I felt weak It was like the essence of my masculinity my mana had vanished...

Ben sent me a bunch of premises to look at. Fuck everything was spinning out of control. I wasn't ready for this it was just a passing comment...

Alex rang me later to see if I wanted to get together again that night. I explained that I was busy. She was a little disappointed but I wasn't ready for that. I didn't know whether she meant just her or both of them. I didn't want to hurt any feelings so I said no.

Pete called as well and said he would be there to help out with the kids at the racing. He had been looking after them every weekend. I asked him what he knew about Luce's new beau. He replied that he had met him and he seemed OK. Luce was right he was a big guy. Pete had got most of his shit sorted and said he might fly back with me.

Evie came around for dinner and of course she wanted to know all about how it went with Alex and Ben.

There was no holding back from Evie she just kept on and on until I spilled the beans. She giggled when I told her the story. "Well the only question is babe did you enjoy it?"

I couldn't deny it. "I nodded yeah physically I enjoyed it but now I feel terrible."

"Stop beating yourself up. Keep it simple. You enjoyed it that's all that matters."

I got saved from the drama by work. They wanted me back on site. I happily agreed and flew out early the next morning.

Alex seemed almost pissed off when she found out I had flown out.

When I returned it was straight on a plane back to NZ and home. I arrived Thursday night. So I had a chance to talk to Pete.

We rocked up at home early Saturday morning. The moment the kids saw me they came running out and Talia jumped into my arms. Wow she has become a real tomboy. Tane was filling out as well. I gave them their gifts which were some new riding gear and they were super excited. Talia ran inside to try hers on. Tane helped Pete and I load the bikes and get them ready for the racing.

As we were loading the bikes I asked Tane how things were going. He was pretty long in the face. "Mum keeps bringing that Mark guy around and sometimes he stays the night." He spat out with real anger.

I gave him a hug. "Its OK mate no need to get worked up. What's wrong with him?"

"I hate him dad he is always trying to get us to do stuff with him and Mum keeps telling us we have to do what he says. He is a prick."

I shook him by the shoulders. "Cut it out mate, there's no need to be nasty." He put his head down and said. "Sorry Dad, he isn't coming today is he?"

"I don't know mate. As we were talking Luce wandered out and she walked up and we hugged.

As we talked Tane interrupted. "Mum that prick Mark isn't coming today is he."

Luce was aghast. "Stop it Tane there's no need for that language. Yes Mark is coming he wants to see you race." Tane ran off muttering. "I don't want him there I hate him."

I turned back to Luce. "Perhaps it would be good if he stayed away until after I have gone."

"No Tai don't you see this is the problem. The kids think that there's a chance we will get back together. If they could see the two of you together then it would show them that you are OK with it."

"The problem is Luce I am not OK with it and I don't want him around. If he comes today then he better stay well away from me or there will be trouble."

She was about to say something when Talia came running out wearing her new riding gear. She hugged me. "Wow Dad this is amazing and it fits perfectly..."

"I laughed glad you like it champ." As we chatted I could see that there was real tension between them. Talia skipped away and Luce shook her head. "That girl has been a real little bitch lately. She is so arrogant and nasty especially to Mark. She is downright rude to him."

As we were finishing up both kids ran up and asked if they could come with us instead of waiting for their mother. I nodded. "Jump in and I will go in and tell her."

When I went in to tell her she hissed. "Yeah fine whatever."

We stopped on the way and picked up food and drinks. Pete was excited and he started talking about the fact that the local Honda dealer was going to be there watching today.

At the track we sorted the bikes and sat on the trailer eating. The dealer wandered up to wish the kids well and he asked if we could talk after the races.

I saw Luce and her new boyfriend turn up. He was a big guy, and I guess by most standards you would say he was good looking. He was smartly dressed and looked completely out of place today. Today gumboots were more the go. Thankfully they stayed in the stands and she kept him well away from me. Tane's race was first. He got a good start and was going hard at the font dicing and changing the lead with another rider. The pace was heating up and Tane was pushing way too hard. I could see the risks he was taking. On the final lap and coming close to the finish Tane again tried to go around the outside but pushed too hard and crashed on the exit of the bend. He was able to scramble frantically restart and limp to the finish and still finish second.

He was heartbroken as Pete and I dragged the bike back to the trailer. We checked the bike and the forks were bent and there was no chance of repairing them before the next race.

Luce came running over to see if Tane was OK but he was inconsolable he had stuffed up and he knew it. As Luce was fussing over him he bit. "Cut it out Mum I'm OK." She looked at me for help but I turned away leaving her fuming quietly.

As they were fighting I took a walk around the pits and found one of the parents had a spare set of forks. We haggled for a few moments before settling on a price. It was way too much but he had me over a barrel.

By the time I got back to the trailer Luce had vanished back to the stands. The look on Tane's face said it all as he saw the new forks under my arm.

Pete laughed. "How much bro?"

I winced. "Don't ask mate."

He looked at Tane as he patted him on the shoulder. "Lucky boy."

Tane whispered." Thanks Dad." Talia was busy getting ready for her race so I went with her and Pete started the fork replacement.

Talia was totally different to Tane. Where he was all power and physicality she was smooth and effortless. She sprinted to the front and was hardly touched as she rode effortlessly for the win. I screamed with pride and joy as I watched her.

As she rode back to the trailer she jumped off the bike and ran into my arms as she jumped with joy. We all ended up in a circle jumping with her.

We worked hard and Talia joined in and helped as we worked hard getting Tane's bike ready. It was a rush but we made it.

Like the first race he had to work hard. He had to take a lot of risks and he fought really hard with the other riders. Unlike Talia he wasn't a natural. He had to fight and scrap every inch of the way. But I guess he got that from me. He scrapped and he fought and eventually he won. With Talia, Pete and I standing on the finish line screaming. It was done he had won the championship.

As we got back to the trailer he jumped off the bike and we all hugged. Luce came scooting across and joined in the celebrations.

Next up was Talia and as expected she cruised to the win. This was far harder than she made it look. She was racing against boys and they had a lot more experience than she did. However she made it look easy she got a great start and was soon leading and the other riders just couldn't stay with her.

It was another screaming session as we congratulated her. Again Luce came over and celebrated with us. I noticed that same tension as earlier. The two of them were definitely not getting along.

After the trophy ceremony the dealer from earlier came over and dragged me away. He wanted to sponsor the kids, both of them. In truth he was more interested in Talia but I think he admired Tane's spirit.

It wasn't going to be all plain sailing. His sponsorship deal was he would supply both kids with brand new bikes but I would have to pay for them. His sponsorship was I would get them at cost so he wasn't putting any mark up on them. He would cover all parts and any repairs. He would supply tyres and spare engines. It was a great deal but I would have to pay and it was still a lot.

The kids were all over me as we drove home trying to find out what we were talking about. I sort of got the feeling Pete knew. He didn't say anything but he definitely had his finger in this pie...

We unloaded the bikes and put away all the gear. I had a gift for them that I hadn't given them. I had T-shirts printed out with their names and a big number one. They happily pulled them on as Luce pulled into the driveway behind us. I had held on to them until after the race because I wasn't going to give them out if they both didn't win.

The kids couldn't wait to show off their t-shirts. Strangely Luce didn't seem that impressed that she had been excluded, which made me smile inwardly at least.

As we were getting ready to go inside I pulled Luce aside. "Hon we need to talk and it's important."

She nodded. "OK." And walked back to her car where Mark was sitting.

I Grabbed Pete. "Mate I need to talk to them about the offer you organised, can you give us a few minutes?"

He laughed knowingly. "Yeah no worries mate. I will come back in half an hour."

I patted him on the back. "Thanks mate I promise I will make it up to you."

The kids were at the table when I got inside and we were talking as Luce walked in with Mark. I walked up to him as he reached out his hand to shake mine but I pushed it aside. "You are not welcome here we have family business to discuss."

Luce came up pushing herself between us. "Tai like it or not Mark is part of this family now."

Before I could say anything Tane yelled out. "No he isn't."

I saw from the look on Luce's face she was pissed at Tane. Mark looked like he wanted to say something but I jumped in. "Mark I am afraid this is none of your business. You should leave."

He stood his ground. "Sorry bro but I think Luce wants me here."

"Mark I asked you to leave politely. This is my house. I pay the mortgage, the rates, the insurance and the repairs. You are not welcome so just leave."

Luce pushed me hard in the chest. "Oh yeah you're the big man aren't you well we don't need your money bigshot."

Mark and I hadn't moved we were standing toe to toe staring into each others eyes. "Mark I think we need to take this outside."

He nodded. "Fine with me pal..."

Luce tried to stop us but Mark held her tightly. "No Luce maybe this is the only way to sort this out."

We walked out the door. I made sure I walked out first and the moment we were outside I spun quickly and punched him hard in the stomach. I will give him his due he could take a punch. He sagged but he didn't go down. I hit him again quickly as he was trying to get his breath back. I stepped past him and stomped hard on the back of his knee and this time he folded and as he dropped his guard I hit him in the throat with a knife strike. It wasn't hard but it was perfectly placed and it took the wind out of his sails. He fell forward trying in vain to get air into his aching lungs. I knelt down beside him. "Mark this time I am going easy on you, the next time I won't hold back. Now please stay out of my family business OK. Now I am asking you again to leave."

I walked back inside leaving him on the floor gasping for breath. As I walked in I could see Luce was shocked, I think she thought Mark was going to kick my arse. She looked past me and saw Mark lying on his side trying to breathe. She screamed and ran out to look after him.

As I sat back down at the table Tane had a huge smile on his face but said nothing. Even Talia had a smirk on her face. We sat in silence as we waited for Luce. She came back in after we heard Marks car backing out the driveway.

"You fucking arsehole." she screamed. "What the hell was that all about? Do you feel like a big man now?"

I didn't say anything and I think that riled her even more. "Yeah you think you think you're so shit hot don't you. What would everybody say if they saw you in a dress aye... What then Mr Bigshot"

She was venting but I saw out of the corner of my eye Tane's face had dropped and he was looking at me strangely.

"Yeah that's right kids perhaps it's time you knew about your father." She glared angrily at them. "He is a fucking queer, a fucking sissy crossdressing perverted freak. That's why I kicked him out he is a fucking queer."

Her face was a twisted mask as she screamed out her vitriol. The look of horror on Tane's face explained how he was feeling. Talia on the other hand snapped. "Fuck Mum you are such a bitch sometimes."

That brought Luce back to earth she was shocked and just stared back at her. I interrupted and grabbed Talia and hugged her. "Its OK baby just calm down. You can't speak to your mother like that."

She pushed her head under my arm. "I'm sorry Dad but she being a bitch."

Luce sank down in a chair and put her head in her hands. He body was wracked with sobs. "Fuck you Tai, just fuck you."

Tane went to her and cuddled her as she sobbed.

My face was red with embarrassment and shame. It was out now they knew. I couldn't look either of the kids in the face I was completely humiliated.

I turned and walked towards the door. "Yeah go on run away again." Luce bawled.

I stopped at the door tears welling up in my eyes as well. "I didn't run away Luce you chased me away. I never wanted to leave. Tane, Talia you both need to know I never wanted to leave you. I will always be there for you. Always understand."

As I walked up the road fuming at Luce for outing me to the kids and to do it like that... Fuck her she would get no more help from me. Just as I was about to explode Pete pulled up beside me and swung open the door. "Jump in Tai." We didn't go back to his place we went down to the pub where we proceeded to get absolutely hammered. The rest of the night disappeared in a drunken haze.

I woke with a hangover and a mouth that felt like a dusty birdcage.

I rang Luce to see if we could talk before I flew out which was later that night. She answered on the first ring. "Tai I want to say sorry..."

I interrupted brusquely. "I don't want to hear it Luce all I want is to see the kids before I fly out. We need to sort out what's going to happen about the bikes."

"Of course you can see them, Talia hasn't come out of her room since you left. We had a big fight." I borrowed Pete's wagon and headed round. Luce tried to talk as she opened the door but I silenced her with a wave of my hand. She was struggling to hold it all together. She called the kids out.

Talia walked up to me and hugged me, Tane was more standoffish but we all sat together at the table. "OK the reason for me getting us all together is yesterday I received a sponsorship offer for you both. It would mean new bikes and gear for next year and a chance to race in the national championship."

The kids eyes lit up and they jumped up into each other's arms bouncing up and down like crazed jack rabbits.

Luce picked up that there was more. "OK what's the bad news?"

"Well they are prepared to provide the bikes but we need to buy them. It will be at cost but it's still going to cost $12,000."

Everybody stopped talking and the room went quiet the elation gone and the room went quiet until Talia muttered. "Oh well we don't need new bikes, we can do OK without them."

I snapped. "No don't be silly those bikes are too small for you now by next year they will be miles to small. If you want to race then you will need new bikes anyway."

"But Dad you can't afford that."

"I don't care about the money I just need to know you want to do it. I need to know that you are both committed to it."

They were both nodding their heads in unison.

"OK if you want it then we are doing it done deal."

Luce muttered. "So how is this going to work?"

"I can sell the old bikes, the Honda dealer is going to sell them for me, and I will pay for the new ones." There was lots of head nodding but nobody said anything.

"Part of the deal is the dealership will cover for half of the fuel and travel I will cover the other half. They will have other riders going to the events so you will travel with them."

Luce muttered. "It's a big commitment but we can do it. Mark will help he has already said he wants to."

I wanted to bite at her words but I couldn't. With Pete moving to Aus they were going to be on their own.

"Kids I need to say there will be implications. This is a lot of money and I may not be able to make it home as much, or I may not be able to buy you other things."

Talia hugged me. "It's OK Dad we understand. I don't want you to do it if it means we can't see you."

I hugged her back lifting her off the ground. "I will always try my best to do whatever it takes when it comes to you guys. You are my life."

Tane was a bit hesitant but he did come in for a hug as well. "Thanks Dad."

Luce stood up. "Kids can you leave us for a while we need to talk about somethings."

Talia hung around and cuddled me before walking off. The moment they were out of earshot she started. "Tai you won't want to hear this but Mark wants me to move in with him. His place is much bigger and will be better for all of us."

So that was it... I felt anger building. "That's good Luce we can sell the house and split the money. It will make it all easier. What did the kids say?"

She flopped back in the chair. "I haven't told them yet, but it's happening whether they like it or not."

She looked tense and uncomfortable. It was as if she was expecting something from me but I couldn't put my finger on it... "Well good luck with that Luce it seems to me that Mark isn't that popular with the kids."

"That's your fault Tai. God yesterday was a classic example while they see Mark as the thing that's keeping us apart they will never accept him." She got angry and animated. "Don't you see that's been the whole issue? If you had just shown some acceptance of Mark none of this would have to have gone down."