Take Me, Tom Pt. 36-40


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"When you put it like that, yes. We'll take it slow. I know how tough it was for you to say that, but I appreciate it. I do."

"It wasn't tough, Tom. It's just the way it is. I'm so in love with you. I would walk away from Em...if I had to. It doesn't mean my feelings for her aren't there. They are. I just see the wonderful possibilities with the three of us. Am I selfish? I don't know. I just know what I need. And it's you. It's up to Em and you really," she smiled, just as our food arrived.

We kissed across the table and ate, Chrissie, enjoying her choice. We talked about next week, my plans and what else we'd be up to. I had to play it by ear, for the most part.

"I'll go into work for, perhaps, half a day Thursday, just to catch up and say goodbye. I have our tickets already, so that's set. We need to pack Friday as it may take all day. I need to check the flat and all before we leave Saturday. Ben has to get his new car! I've already arranged a rental at O'Hare. Monday you have your meeting with Alison. It really leaves us Tuesday and Wednesday to pootle about here. I have an idea, but let's see how the week goes, okay? It's a busy week!" I explained.

"Whatever works for you, Tom, all right? I don't want to put any pressure on you to guide me around when you have serious work to do. Just let me know what I can do to help. I'm pretty handy with lists!" she laughed.

We finished our delicious meal, paid and headed out. I drove to the grocery store, and we grabbed a trolley. Chrissie had our list, but I had a better idea of where everything was. After half an hour, we had it all, with no extras!

As we walked back to the car, Chrissie saw a huge sign saying M&S. She smiled, and shrieked.

"Can we, Tom? Please? You HAVE to show me M&S!" she giggled.

I was hoping she'd see the sign. "Of course, we can. You ready for the highlight of your trip?" I asked, chuckling.

She hit my arm, then grabbed it and we walked over to the store.

Her first impression was underwhelming. Well, it is M&S so...

"What's so bad about it, Tom? It looks, well, like a regular shop. Let's go see the lingerie,

okay? That'll be the test," she laughed.

We walked together to the section, me trying not to laugh too much. It wasn't bad, just not Michigan Avenue.

Chrissie began running through the racks.

"Look, Tom. A two-piece set for £14! That's a steal! And this," she said, holding up flowered knickers, a nice silk-and-lace plunge bralette, a couple of body bras, various nightdresses and God knows what else.

"I understand what you said about utilitarianism, but this is great everyday underwear. Are you telling me that you wouldn't want to see me in these? Hmmm?" she smiled, holding up a particularly fetching two-piece set.

"I was saying this facetiously, Chrissie. It's nice stuff," I said.

"Stuff? Humph! I'm buying some! For Em, too. Help me, buster," she giggled. "I can always use these."

So, for the next thirty minutes, I was the awkward guy looking through lingerie. Chrissie had four sets for herself, and a few for Emily, everything from virginal white to the pale-flowered set that caught her eye first. I picked out a few bralettes for both of them. I was just helping. I grabbed the bags, again, and we headed out. We had more than a few things to tick off my list.

We found the car, and took the short trip back to the flat. We carried everything up, plonking it on the counter. Chrissie went to put away her new purchases, so I grabbed the list, but let her decide what we could get away with prepping today.

I suggested we call the kids, as we weren't going to be back in time tonight. She grabbed her iPad and connected up. We had a bet on who would pick up first. We both lost, it was mom. Everyone crowded around, excited to hear what we had been up to the last twenty-four hours. Janet wasn't there, as she had essays to complete, but mom and dad had everything under control. They were heading down to the woods for a long walk and swimming, if the weather held out.

Chrissie told them about the party last night and all the people she had met. Both parents were beaming with joy. They seemed to be more accepting as the days went on. This was definitely a good sign, making everything a bit less stressful when we returned. I had to think it was our ages, what we had both been through and the level of our maturity. I felt for certain if we had been twenty-one and twenty-twenty-four, they wouldn't be as understanding. We knew the dynamic with them would change drastically when we got back. All those family events would take on a different tone. But that would wait. We caught up with Chloe and David, both of them in good spirits, but I knew they missed their mom. After forty minutes, we said our goodbyes and signed off.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yes. I am actually. Of course, I miss them dreadfully, but I could see how happy they are with Grammie and Gramps, so that makes it a whole lot easier. So. Next? Should we gothrough the recipes, and see what we can do? I know you're itching to get everything

ready," she laughed. "I'm just going to go and change, then we can get started," she


She came out, ten minutes later, wearing my still-unwashed, flannel shirt and her yoga leggings. I swear I saw a little smirk on her face. We really had to get cracking on the meals, so I ignored her subtle teasing.

Chrissie was marvellous, especially since she didn't know where anything was. In an hour, she had pre-made the quiche, her Baba Ganoush, and the casserole. We just had to bake everything in the morning, and we were set. She made it look so damn easy. I laid out the ingredients for the assorted drinks and cocktails, laid out the plates, cutlery, napkins, et al. This was a doddle!

We grabbed a drink, and sat watching the skyline. We had a few hours before we needed to get ready for this evening's excursion.

"One more thing, Chrissie. You know our talk at lunch?" I started, looking at her.

She put her fingers to my lips, and whispered, "Shhh..... I'm not going to, Tom," she said, her eyes intent on mine.

"You're not going to...what?" I asked, unsure of what she intended.

"Have sex with Em," she stated, earnestly.

"How...how did you know I was going to say anything about that?" I asked, taken aback by her intuition.

She put her glass down, turned to me, cupped her hands on my cheeks, and brought her forehead to mine, touching each other. She whispered, "I know you, Tom. We know each other. I could tell that you wanted to ask about that, even if you didn't realize you needed to. I belong to you, Tom. Until we can sort this out, it wouldn't be fair to any of us. It'll just confuse things, and God knows we don't need that!" she chuckled.

"I do love the balance we have, Tom. You're the more methodical, organized, thinking things through, and I'm a bit shambolic, all over the place, when it comes to matters of the heart," she giggled. "We work well together...in so many areas."

I pulled her roughly by my flannel shirt, enveloping her and kissing her wet lips.

"Which is yet another reason why I'm in love with you," I sighed. "So, as we're all caught up, for now, we can either go for a walk or just hang out here? What do you fancy?"

"I'm getting the impression we have a full evening, so let's just stay in? Packing we can do anytime. I'd really like to just laze about. Is that okay?" she asked.

"Sounds wonderful, actually. You want your book? I'll go over a few things for work, and we can just relax for a while."

Chrissie pulled the quilt over her, and snuggled down with a book, her feet stretched out on my lap as I pulled up some reports, and half-heartedly read them. My left hand lazily stroked her leg as we both read, the soft music adding to the ambience of the room.

I had Chrissie's little toes poking up between me and the laptop. She had painted them a subtle red, which suited her. I would feel her surreptitiously press her foot down on my crotch, but ignored her.

I decided to look for a car online for when we were back in Chicago then began researching houses here in London. It was a wonderfully indolent day.

Out of the corner of my eye, I would watch Chrissie read, her face so serene and relaxed. Too many of the buttons on my flannel shirt that she was wearing was undone, a side view of her breasts enticing. I closed my laptop, and placed it on the floor. Chrissie quizzically looked up from her book at me.

"Just read, okay?" I said, as I picked up the book I was almost finished with.

I could feel her feet rubbing my groin, nothing overt, but she certainly was. My fingers on her legs teasingly stroked her legs and thighs, whilst I read. We could both feel me getting hard, Chrissie's toes gliding over my length. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye, but she continued to read, as if what she was doing was natural. I moved from her leg, and gently grasped her foot, slowly massaging her, my thumb digging into her insole. I could feel her squirm a bit, but nothing was said. Her other foot continued to trace the outline of my hard shaft, Chrissie not acknowledging what she was doing.

I turned my head and stared at her.

"What?" she asked, so coyly.

"Nuthin'. Everything good?" I smirked.

"Absolutely, Tom," she cooed, as her toes wiggled themselves on my cock.

I put my book down, and picked up her foot, bringing it to my mouth. Chrissie continued to read. I kissed her little arch, then her tiny toes. I touched each small toe, rubbing between them and slowly massaging them. I brought the biggest of her toes to my mouth, and sucked it into my mouth, my tongue wrapping around the firm digit. Chrissie moaned, and put the book down on her stomach.

I looked at her, and whispered, "Read, Chrissie. Just ignore me...and please, be quiet."

She picked up her book and continued reading. I switched toes, savouring each one. I could feel her foot on my hardness, slowly stroking me with more intent. I caressed her other foot, my fingers gripping her ankle and lightly touching her.

"Ohh, Tom," she groaned.

I slapped her thigh, saying, "Shhhh."

She had her book in one hand, the other under my flannel shirt, gently touching her excited breast. My free hand roamed up the inside of her legs, Chrissie spreading them just a bit. I teased her inner thighs, my fingers lazily stroking her. I was still holding her one foot, pressing into it, hitting all those little nerve endings. My left hand drifted over her legging-covered pussy, my thumb pressing into her.

"Keep reading, Chrissie," I hissed.

I stroked her labia, my fingers idly running between her outer lips and her thigh. I made slow, torturous circles, fingers slipping between her labia, teasing her little clit. I lifted myself up and knelt between her legs. Chrissie looked up at me, expectantly.

"Read to me, Chrissie," I whispered. "Read to me."

"The sky was overcast, permeated by a strange illogical brightness. I tried to calculate the exact time of twilight. Most likely I would have..." Chrissie read, as I slowly ran my fingers across her labia, protected by her tight leggings. Chrissie's foot moved up and pushed against my covered cock. "...looked it up on my phone if it wasn't dead. I removed my boots on the way back and walked barefoot in the frigid waters. As a nonswimmer..." she continued reading aloud.

Chrissie stopped reading, and moaned, saying, "Please, Tom...just..." I swatted her pussy, whispering, "Shhh. Just read."

"...that's as far as I go. I thought about Sandy. I thought about Sam. I thought about Roberto Bolano, only fifty years old, dying in a hospital instead of a cave off a rugged coast, or an apartment in Berlin..." she continued, my thumb swiping against her clit, the little nub, almost protruding. I could smell my sister's excitement, her growing desire.

"...or his own bed. Anticipating Ernest's appointed hour, I stayed close by. Through the arc of the afternoon I sat writing at the small white card table by the hotel window...Ohh....Tom..." she moaned, putting her book down again.

I pulled her over, and slapped her ass.

"Just...read, Chrissie," I said, pushing her on her back.

"...There was a picture of my daughter between the pages of my notebook. She was smiling yet seemed on the verge of tears. I wrote of..." she continued, her slim hips undulating under my constant attention, as she put the book down on her chest.

I slapped her thigh, and she recovered the book, shakily lifting it, her eyes fixed on the next sentence.

"...signs, strangers, yet nothing of my children though they were ever present. The sun was at its height. I felt myself surrendering, drawn by their abstract quiescence. I awoke with a start. I couldn't believe...," Chrissie's gentle voice wafting through the mid-afternoon air.

I could see her wetness seeping through the flimsy material of her leggings. My fingers were touching her dampness, rubbing it back onto her excited pussy. I played with her clit, slowly skirting around her sensitive spur, applying more pressure with every pass.

"Tom...please..." she pleaded. I lifted my hand, and she picked up her book and continued reading.

"...I had fallen asleep again, sitting at a card table, no less. I quickly set up the ironing board, a portable one with a yellow oilcloth cover, unrolled the bottoms of my damp trousers..." Chrissie groaned. I could feel the little tremors coursing through her stomach, her pussy gushing her juices, and her legs frozen. She dropped the book, her hand coming to mine and she came. She rolled around on the sofa, her hips thrashing as she was

lost in her tiny orgasm. I rubbed my now-soaked fingers around her, making gentle but firm contact, feeling her shiver under my touch. I kept my hand on her cunt as she came, feeling her cum as she leaked onto her leggings. I loved the look on her face. Her face beautifully contorted, her mouth in that erotic 'O', and her eyes closed.

"Ohhh, Tom...that's so....God, Tom...just...ahhhhh," she moaned.

"That's it, darling. Cum, sweetheart. Wet your leggings. Come on. Cum for me, darling," I teased, and guided her through her release.

I wanted to lower my trousers, stroke my cock and cum on her sodden pussy, but this was for her. Her hand was on mine, forcing it down onto her aroused pussy, looking for more release, more relief.

She pushed my hand away, and rubbed herself. I swatted her hand away, grasped both sides of her leggings, and stripped her of them. She lifted her butt, allowing the tight material to slide down, and lifted her legs in the air so I could pull them off. She laid there, naked, desirable. Her hands were on my belt, desperately trying to undo it. I pushed her hands away again. I stood up, my trousers now on the floor. Chrissie looked at me expectantly. I took the two steps to her side, and lifted her up in my arms.

"Tom! Where? What...?" she shrieked.

I laid her on the table, in front of the large picture window.

"NO, Tom...not...here..." she pleaded.

I spread her legs, slapped her pussy then ran my hardness through her labia, sliding over her erect clit.

"Tom...we shouldn't..." she pleaded.

I slid my cock into her wet sheath. Her legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me into her. I took both her hands and lifted them above her head. I saw Chrissie look out the window, and then she closed her eyes and took my onslaught. She was so wet, so open. I loved it. I moved my hips around, my cock piercing her from a different angle with every thrust. I slid inside my sister, holding my cock there, both of us feeling the fullness of her little cunt. I had two fingers on her exposed clit as I fucked her. Chrissie had melted onto the table, her sweat keeping her on the wooden surface. I could feel her legs, tight around me and undulating with every thrust.

"Cum for me, baby. Do it for me, Chrissie," I teased.

The shirt she was wearing, mine, was open, her breasts heaving under my undiminishing fervour. I lifted Chrissie's legs, and placed them on my shoulders. Her eyes snapped to mine, but she said nothing, just long 'ohhhs' with every hard thrust. I turned my head and licked her legs, Chrissie's release coming soon. I looked down at us, her pussy red and swollen, oozing our delicious nectar. I gently but firmly ran those little circles around her clit, and she came. She pushed up, needing all of mine as she exuded hers. As I felt her muscles contract, I thrust in and spurted a long stream of my sperm deep inside her. With every lurch, I emptied more, my balls tingling and full as I slapped her ass with them. I saw Chrissie turn her head and look out the window. I knew what she was thinking. It was

too late. If anyone was watching, they saw my beautiful sister in the throes of a satisfying orgasm. That set me off again, thrusting my slick shaft in and out of her gaping cunt. Chrissie was so good, as she kept her hands above her head, moaning and shrieking as her release slowly subsided. I kept shafting her, my balls empty but my hardness not waning. I could see Chrissie gasping for breath so slowed my molestation down. Her body went limp, and almost lifeless, as she lay there, panting. Eventually, she pushed me backwards, my cock sliding out and her legs cascading down from my shoulders.

I looked down at her, my cock leaking our sap on the floor.

"You okay, darling?" I asked.

"You're...you're so...bad," she breathed.

I went to the side of the table, slipped my arms under her and lifted. I walked us to the bedroom where I tenderly laid her down, wiping the hair from her face. I walked to the other side of the bed, and laid down with her, my arm on her stomach.

"My God, Tom. My...back is..." she chuckled.

"Oops," is all I could come up with.

Chrissie swatted my chest, half-heartedly. I laid my head on her moist chest, nuzzling and kissing her breasts.

"I was reading, Tom!" she giggled. "Was it that sexy for you?" she laughed raucously.

"You breathing is enough for me, darling. Drink?" I asked.

"Please, God, yes!" she chuckled.

I sucked one of her nipples and then slid out of the comfortable bed. I was back in minutes with our drinks, which didn't last long.

"Can I just say, though...That was SO exciting for me! I was trying to ignore you, but it was so erotic reading to you while you played with me. God, Tom!" she laughed.

"Spur of the moment, Chrissie. What can I say?" I said, sheepishly.

I pulled the duvet over us as we lay there, quiet, contemplative and tired.

"Do we have time for a little nap?" she asked.

"Close your eyes. Of course, we do," I said, as she turned over, pulled the duvet up, pushed her ass onto my half-flaccid cock, and dozed off. I wrapped my arms around her, and followed her.

Chapter 40


A Night at the Opera

We both had a pleasant hour's nap. God, were we getting old? Either way, it was wel

come. We both began rustling around at the same time, but it was Chrissie playing Ms

Creepy. It was nice to wake up smiling though. I felt her warm hand on my cheek, as she leaned over and kissed me.

"Where are we going tonight, Tom?" she asked, thinking she may get an

answer if I was hazy.

"Chicago, if you don't behave!" I snickered.

"Humph!" she pouted.

I pulled her naked body close to mine, my hands on her soft, snug body. I pushed a few strands of her copper-red hair from her face and just looked at her.

"You gettin' creepy now?" she giggled.

"Always, darling," I sighed. "I just find this incomprehensible at times. I'm with my perfect partner, who just happens to be my sister. In my fantasies, yes, but in reality? Hmm? Never. Anyway, we should have a little something to eat before we head out. I don't want to hear your tummy grumbling! Let's wake up, shower then get started, okay?" I asked.
