Taking The Class Pt. 03


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Ugh, it's so easy to forget with how fun being with Tiff is. Poor Will, though. She caught herself eyeing her date's cleavage again. I may not be trying to get a threesome with Tiff for his sake, but I wouldn't say no to one for my sake. "Anyway, it's definitely not a Class thing," she said. "I think whatever that Quirk is that's affecting you is also affecting me in the same way. I, um... I just can't tell exactly right now..." Thirty seven...

Tiff began running her fingers over her date's hand once more. "What do you mean you can't tell?" she asked.

Alaina sighed. "I... This thing with Will is affecting my Class somehow. I'm..." She realized something and looked around. "It's probably not safe to talk about it here."

Tiff gave her an amused look. "Alaina, it's totally safe to talk here. See this?" She gestured up behind her to the wall over the booth at a painting which was subtly different from the others around the room. "There's a Skill dampener in here. It's the same kind the CEA uses in their prisons. No Skills or Traits can activate in this booth. Or on anyone in this booth."

"But why..." began Alaina before she glanced at the placard under the painting. She goggled. "Your mom owns this booth?"

Tiff giggled. "No, silly. She owns the building. Mommy runs a real estate company, and she gives this restaurant a deal on their rent if they keep a booth here for her."

The redhead blinked. I should have expected that much, I guess. "So... It is safe to talk here?"

Her dark-haired date nodded gleefully. "Mommy comes here for business meetings sometimes. She likes impressing snobby people by just walking in and sitting in her booth without a reservation."

Their waitress stopped by long enough to deposit a small plate with their appetizer, wink, and then vanish once more.

This waitress is amazing. The appetizer looks more like a modern art display, though.

"This is so good," said Tiff, eyeing the new arrival with enthusiasm. She released Alaina's hand and picked up her fork. "How about I feed you while you talk?" she said with dimpled cheeks, wiggling her eyebrows cutely.

"Um..." Alaina's mind shut down at the cuteness overload. She absently opened her mouth when her date brought the crab meat-laden fork closer and then closed it around the food. The fork slipped out from between her lips, and she chewed.

This is so good. Tiff, your sense of taste is the best ever. She swallowed, then smiled when she spotted Tiff bringing the fork to her own mouth.

Her eyes widened.

"Tiff, no!" she hissed, grabbing the other girl's wrist just as the fork was about to reach her mouth. "Not that fork!" The piece of crab meat her date had speared fell off the fork and into her dress.

Tiff clapped a hand to the top of her chest where the food had dropped and gave her dinner companion a confused look. "What's wrong with this fork?" She looked down and tried to fish out the piece for a moment before giving up.

"Sorry," said Alaina, staring down her date's dress and wishing she were a piece of crab meat. "It's just, you can't. If you touch my saliva—or any of my body fluids at all—very bad things will happen." She looked back up at Tiff. "Um... You remember Floyd from Monday night, right? He only got a little bit on his hand. If it got in your mouth..." She trailed off and stared at the appetizer plate."

"Oh. Oh!" said Tiff, her expression finally registering her shock as her eyebrows raised. "That was super close, then!" She put the fork down on the plate. "Wow, Alaina. Is that like, an always-on kinda thing, or..."

Alaina turned back to her, and Tiff's eyes flicked up to meet hers. "Kind of? Um, it sort of is... But I think once this Laura thing blows over and my Class goes back to normal then it might be a little less permanent." She fidgeted. "Maybe. Um, probably just for you?"

Tiff pressed her lips together, her eyes moving up and to the left. Then her nose wrinkled. "Okay, well, we can see what happens, then." She leaned her upper body forward, staring up at Alaina with a new expression. "In the meantime, I could use some help getting that meat out of my dress. You wanna help me out?"

Alaina's gaze involuntarily went to her date's near-bottomless cleavage. She managed to look back up after a few seconds. "Um," she said.

"Alaina," Tiff's tone became more seductive as she spoke, "I really can't reach it myself without pulling down my dress, and I'd hate to have to get up and leave you all alone." She grabbed Alaina's left hand and slowly maneuvered it to the top of her dress. "I was just teasing you on Monday night when I offered, but," the tip of her tongue poked out between her lips, moistening them, "do you wanna feel them now, Alaina?" she whispered, her gray eyes staring into Alaina's brown ones.

Alaina gulped. What happened to cute Tiff? She nodded, her body on autopilot while her mind tried to catch up.

Tiff's lips parted slightly, and she grinned. She tugged on Alaina's hand again.

Is this really happening? Fuck, how am I this turned on just from my fingers brushing against some boobs? I have boobs! She made a narrow cup with her fingers and pressed them down the top of her date's dress.

Tiff's eyebrows raised, and she inhaled sharply at the intrusion.

They're so soft! Her hand inched deeper. How far down can my hand even go? She felt what seemed like miles of soft skin pass by her hand as it continued its torturously slow descent. On impulse, she activated her massage Skill at a mild level in her hand.

"OhmygoshAlainawhatareyoudoing?" asked Tiff in a quiet, frantic voice. She let out a squeak and closed her eyes.

Alaina felt her hand brush against something moist. Found you. She deactivated her Skill, snagged the crab meat, and carefully extracted her hand. She held the piece out in front of her.

Tiff's eyes opened. She was breathing harder, and she glanced at the piece of crab meat before her gaze moved to Alaina's lips.

Alaina popped the piece into her mouth, chewing slowly and savoring the flavor.

Tiff blushed.

My turn. Alaina picked up her own fork and split the appetizer in half. "I guess you can't eat with your fork anymore," she said, scooping a piece of crab onto her fork and then spearing a leaf of watercress. She adjusted the crab on her fork with a finger from her other hand, then brought her tongue out of her mouth to lick the digit clean. "But it would be a shame if you didn't get to eat any after saying how good it was." She put her other hand under the fork and raised it towards her date. "Why don't we take turns?" she asked, her lips curved into her best seductive grin.

If I wasn't constantly using my cleaning Skill, I think between my Quirk starting to activate and how this date is going I'd be sitting in a puddle by now.

* * *

"This date is the best," said Tiff softly, her mouth close to Alaina's ear as she rested her head on the taller girl's shoulder.

It kind of is. She held Tiff's hand under the table. Tiff picked such a great place to eat. Alaina leaned her head onto her date's. "I think so, too," she said. I can't get enough of this coconut smell! "We'll have to do this again. And not only because you know all the best places to eat."

Tiff's head shook slightly. "Which one did you like better? The roll or the tail?"

Alaina looked down at the two empty plates in front of them. The lobster tail was really, really good. The flavor of the lobster came through, but the herb blend they used gave it a nice zing without being overpowering. The roll was almost the opposite. Heavy with mayo and on that buttered bun, it was like being attacked by the flavor. I'm not even sure I could pick, though. "Both?" she said.

"Same," sighed Tiff. "They're both so yummy!"

They sat together for another moment.

"I know I probably shouldn't," began the raven-haired girl, "but do you wanna split a dessert?"

"I..." Alaina trailed off. An idea flitted through her mind. "Tiff, do you like blueberries?" she asked.

"Yup! Blueberry pie especially!"

"What if I told you I have the absolute best-tasting blueberries you've ever had back at my house?"

"Um, do we have time to stop on the way to my club?"

Alaina laughed. "Well, there's kind of a catch." She stroked her date's thumb. "It's, um... You'd have to share them. With Will."

They were both silent for a few moments.

"I like Will a lot," said Tiff.

"I do, too," said Alaina, bringing the other girl's hand into her lap so she could rub it. She activated her massaging Skill and started to work her thumbs into the palm. "And I also like you a lot. They're my blueberries. I'm not asking for anyone but me, alright? I don't..." She frowned. "I've never said this on the first date, but do you want to stay over tonight? And maybe have some blueberries, too?"

Tiff shifted her head out from under Alaina's and sat back up, looking intently at her date. She scrunched up her face. "That's a kinda lame pickup line." She freed her hand under the table, then moved it slightly out of Alaina's lap and began rubbing the inside of the younger girl's thigh. "If you want me to stay over for a threesome with you and Will, you should just ask that," she said. She rubbed her lips together, her gaze locked onto Alaina's mouth.

"But you said earlier—"

"Alaina, you think too much," said Tiff, her hand moving upwards at a glacial pace. "If my hand keeps moving, will it get wet?" She waggled her eyebrows. "You said something bad might happen to me if I touched any of your fluids. I'm not gonna stop moving until you ask me what you really wanna ask."

Alaina gulped. She really wants me to ask? But she said earlier that she didn't want that! Did she change her mind?

"Alaina, don't you trust me now?" said Tiff. Her face inched closer. "Ask."

"Um... D-do you want to stay over tonight with Will?" Alaina asked with wide eyes.

Tiff's questing fingers moved even higher up under her dress.

"And maybe, um..." She shuddered as Tiff's fingers grazed the edge of her panties, then leaned forward, her lips nearly touching the other girl's. "Tiff, I need you tonight," she whispered, desperately trying to restrain herself from moving forward that extra little bit. "Don't make me beg."

Tiff's eyes sparkled, and she withdrew her hand, dragging it lightly along Alaina's thigh until it emerged from under her dress.

Alaina shivered.

"If you were a guy, I'd be a lot more aggressive," said Tiff. She leaned in and kissed Alaina softly on her cheek. "Guys are really dense." She wrinkled her nose. "Even Will doesn't get it sometimes that I'm horny unless I make it super obvious. You're kiinda dense, too, though, so I'm gonna make it super obvious to you." She grabbed Alaina's left hand and tugged it under the skirt of her dress, turning her legs to allow easier access.

She's soaked! She stroked her finger gently across the fabric of her date's drenched panties. This is so hot.

Tiff pressed her lips tightly together and let out the cutest, quietest whimper Alaina had ever heard.

If Alaina moved forward the tiniest bit, her lips would brush against Tiff's. I want to so bad! Ugh, this Trait is the fucking worst! But maybe I can... She activated her massage Skill.

Tiff's eyes flew open as wide as they would go, and her thighs clenched tightly together. She buried her face into Alaina's shoulder and began whimpering softly, doing her best to suppress the sound.

She's really got my hand locked in there. I never imagined my Class might be good for this, too. She increased the intensity of the vibration in her hand and stroked her middle finger up and down, pressing down with more force.

Tiff jerked her hips. Her whimpering cut off abruptly, and her hands shot out to grasp shakily at Alaina's arm. "Stop, stop. Too much for in here." She gave Alaina's shoulder a wet kiss and gasped for breath. "Wow."

I should at least clean her up a little while I'm in here. Instead of pulling her hand out, she awkwardly forced it a little farther in, doing her best to cover Tiff's entire crotch.

"Laina!" Tiff hissed desperately, her thighs clamping down once more.

I can't do the full body cleaning for her anymore, but at least she won't have to be sitting around all sticky the rest of the night. Alaina cleaned, then withdrew her now-dried hand. She held it up in front of her. I didn't think that through. I wanted to know if she tastes like coconut!

"What—What did you just do?" Tiff whispered, pulling her head away. She tugged her dress back down and wiggled her butt on the bench. She stared at Alaina with raised eyebrows. "And how'd you do that, anyway? You shouldn't be able to use any Skills in here!"

"Oh." Oops. "I, um... I thought maybe you wouldn't want to be all sticky the rest of the night, so I used one of my Skills to clean you up a bit?" Alaina gave her a nervous grin. Should I not have done that?

"You have a Skill that can do that?" Tiff exclaimed excitedly. "That's so cool!" She grabbed Alaina's hand, which had just been under her dress, and held it up to her mouth. Maintaining eye contact, she gave the back of her date's hand a soft kiss with plenty of tongue. "I almost came," she whispered, "and you barely even touched me. This really is the best date ever."

Alaina sighed in relief.

"I'm suuuper curious what your Class is now," said Tiff, rubbing the hand that she'd once again captured. "You were doing that vibrate-y thing with your hand, and you have that weird Quirk, and you can somehow clean stuff by touching it?" She wrinkled her nose. "I've never heard of anything like that. Um... I mean," her eyes went wide and she shook her head, "not that I'm trying to pry!"

Should I tell her? Alaina pressed her lips together. I don't know...

"Oh! Shoot, I should've checked the time a while ago. We kinda need to get going," said Tiff, staring at her watch. She looked up worriedly. "Not that I really wanna go anywhere else right now, but..."

Ugh, I know exactly what she means. This is so nice. Nothing weird happened, I didn't get stressed out about anything... It was just fun. Tiff even relaxed a bit and stopped forcing herself to be so over-the-top energetic. Excited Tiff is really cute, but Relaxed Tiff is also cute in a different way. "I know what you mean, Tiff." Her lips quirked upwards. "But I did promise you some blueberries later..."

Tiff blew a raspberry at her. "I bet you don't even have blueberries at your house." She giggled. "That was super lame, Alaina. I've gotten better pickup lines from guys who couldn't pick their eyes out of my boobs for more than two seconds at a time."

Alaina leaned in until her face was almost touching Tiff's cleavage. "So you're saying I'd have better ideas for getting you into bed from this position?"

Tiff laughed. "It's been so weird going out with someone who doesn't stare at them nonstop. Even Will has trouble sometimes when we hang out."

"Hey!" Alaina sat back and forced a glare onto her face. "I have boobs, too, y'know."

"I know," said Tiff, looking down longingly at the boobs being discussed, "and this is gonna sound weird, but I'm super jealous. I wish mine were more like yours. It's so hard to find anything cute that fits!"

"Hm," said Alaina. She held up her hands in front of her, then slowly looked back and forth between them and Tiff's chest. "I think these will be a good fit later tonight."

Tiff lapsed into a wild fit of giggles, covering her mouth with both hands. "You've really been hanging out with Will a lot lately, I can tell. That's totally something he would say. Now c'mon, let's get going!"

"Fine, fine," said Alaina. She shuffled off the high bench and onto the floor, then stood there with her hand out. "Ms. Stanton," she said in a deeper voice, "would you like some assistance?"

Tiff rummaged around in her bag for a moment before tossing something on the table. Then she steadied herself on the offered hand as she stepped out of the booth and onto her heels. "Thanks, Alaina," she said with an adoring look. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to the side of Alaina's neck, leaving a wet, lingering kiss.

Alaina shivered, shifting awkwardly in place as she rubbed her thighs together. The rest of this night had better go this well, too. I'm going to lose my fucking mind if I can't get off at least once tonight. Fuck, I don't even think most of this horniness is from my Quirk! She snapped out of her thoughts and grabbed first her bag, then the jacket out of the other side of the booth, draping the latter item over her date's shoulders.

"You know, I could get used to this," Tiff commented.

"I'm going to make sure you can't live without it," said Alaina, giving her date a predatory look. Mine now.

"Eek!" Tiff squeaked, clapping her hands to the sides of her face. "Are you going to eat me up?" She asked innocently.

Alaina snorted. "I think Will probably beat me to that, didn't he?"

"Kinda. But now I want you to," said Tiff. She tweaked her bottom lip with her teeth. "You know how much I want you to. But first we have to go save Will, don't we." She frowned, then started off back towards the main room of the restaurant, her heels clicking with each step.

I'm not sure if I'm more mad that I didn't get to taste her before, or because I know she's not going to taste like coconut even though I really want her to.

Alaina started walking after the older girl. Wait, don't we have to pay? She saw Tiff wave to their waitress, who was waving back from in front of the kitchen. Nobody approached as they headed towards the exit.

Tiff stopped to wait in front of the door. She turned her head back and fixed her date with a pout.

I wonder if she does this with anyone else or if it's just with me? She smiled warmly at the idea of it being the latter—on the inside. Outwardly, she rolled her eyes at Tiff and pushed through the door, holding it open for the other girl's egress.

Tiff walked through and stopped Alaina before she could move to the next door, allowing the first door to swing shut. She wrapped her arms around the neck of the taller girl and looked into her eyes. "Thanks, Alaina. I had a really, really good time tonight. I never, um... I never thought I'd go out with a girl like this? But I'm really glad I did." She leaned in and planted a trail of fluttery kisses up the taller girl's neck, beginning at the nape and ending at her chin.

Alaina wrapped her arms around Tiff's waist, holding her hips. "I feel exactly the same way. We'll do it again, alright?" She winked. "Think about the next place you'd want to take me and we'll figure it out." Her hands moved to the back of her dress, and she kneaded the smaller girl's butt. "But for now, don't we need to get going?"

The raven-haired girl squirmed against her paramour's hands. "How did you... Ooh, did Will tell you about that?" She pushed away, giving Alaina a cute scowl. "I can't believe he told you!"

Alaina blinked. "Told me what?" she asked.

Tiff pressed her lips together. "He really didn't tell you?"
