Taking The Class Pt. 03


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"No?" Alaina gave her a curious look.

"Oh. Well." Tiff leaned in to whisper into her date's ear. "I like it when you squeeze my butt." She gave an impish smile and pushed through the other door on her own.

Chapter 13: Friday Night, 8:29PM

"Were we supposed to pay or something on the way out?" asked Alaina as she buckled her seatbelt. She shivered. Fuck, how cold is it outside? Absolute zero?

"Nope!" said Tiff. She waited for her date to buckle in before she pulled her car out into the lane. "It's all part of the rental agreement with Mommy's company. Any time we eat there, they just put it on a tab and she deducts it from their rent at the end of the month. Some kinda tax loophole that lets them save money in the end."

"Oh. That's pretty cool. So you can just reserve your own private booth whenever you want and not even have to pay?"

"Yup! Or we can even just walk in any time they're open without one!" Tiff halted at a stop light. "Just needed to leave a tip since the staff still needs to get paid regularly!" She looked over with a smile. "I left a big one because our waitress didn't bother us."

Way to go, Tiff! Alaina corralled the other girl's free right hand with her left and entwined their fingers on the center armrest. Much better. "She was pretty efficient," she remarked, stroking her thumb along Tiff's. "Does your mom own a lot of buildings around here?" She rubbed her thighs together. Why is holding hands so arousing suddenly?

Tiff accelerated as soon as the light turned green. "She owns most of downtown and a bunch of buildings in the city. Her company's based on the principal that people should want to sell their properties to her instead of own them. So she always charges as little rent as she can get away with, and people keep selling to her since she's really good at taking care of all the repairs and management stuff. Which she also only charges minimal overhead for."

"Huh." That's a weird business model. "How does she make any money if she always charges so little?"

Tiff giggled. "She owns a lot of property. It's not all around here, either. She buys everywhere. Her Class changed a few times and she got lots of Skills to help out. She always knows how her buildings are doing and what might need to be done, so she doesn't have to hire a lot of staff, either. Low overhead and high volume," said Tiff, looking extremely proud. She pulled onto a highway onramp.

I guess it would work if she owned enough real estate. Huh. That's surprisingly cool. "Your mom sounds like a very smart woman."

"She's super smart! I think you would get along really well." Tiff squeezed her hand. "Oh." She frowned. "Maybe not? She's kinda snobby about Classes. I mean, I don't know what yours is, but she didn't like Will very much because she thought his Class was lame. Not something he could directly monetize, she said. Oh! How did you do that back in the restaurant, anyway?" She looked over at her passenger. "Skills shouldn't work in that booth, but you used that vibrate-y one on me!"

"Um..." Alaina pursed her lips. "I'm not really sure? I sort of forgot about the dampener after you mentioned it and just used them normally."

"Didn't you just get your Class last week? How do you already have two Skills? Oh! Sorry, sorry, I just got really curious because it seemed cool." Tiff gave her a worried look. "I'm really not trying to pry, I promise!"

Should I tell her? I really, really like Tiff. A vision of the two of them laying on her bed, lips locked together, flitted through her mind. And I really want to do that later. I hope she's a good kisser. She knows Will, she'd have to be, wouldn't she? But what if she starts looking at me differently after? It's that kind of Class, after all. She tapped her fingers on her armrest. No, she wouldn't do that. I know she wouldn't. Ugh, I just don't want to actually say the words.

Wait. Idea! "Tiff. It's okay. I think... I want you to know, alright? But, um... Can you just use your Skill? It's really embarrassing to explain." She looked over, giving the smaller girl a questioning look.

"Um, you really want me to, Alaina?" asked Tiff, continuing to look concerned. "I mean, it's totally cool if you do, but I'll know everything. So if there's any part of it you want to be secret..."

Alaina rubbed her thumb. "I think the Class itself is the secret. But I want you to know. I just..." She took a deep breath, trying to once again dispel the butterflies she was feeling. "I hope you won't think differently once you know. All right?"

Tiff gave her a serious look. "Alaina, I'm not like Mommy, okay? I like you a lot. And no Class is going to —" her eyes widened. "What the fuck?" Her gaze turned incredulous. "Really? [Onahole]?"

"Yeah, that's me," said Alaina. She fidgeted with her dress with her free hand.

"That's so..." Tiff's brow furrowed, and her face scrunched up cutely. "Wow," she whispered. "What... I don't understand your level, though. How is it both one hundred six and thirty five? How is it either of those!"

Ugh, it went down again? "My Class is losing levels because of Laura," she growled. "Will's forgetting about me."

"He's what?" Tiff harrumphed. "I really don't like her at all," she continued with a scowl. "Why is she such a bitch?"

Alaina giggled. I hope hearing Tiff say vulgar things never stops being funny. "She really is, isn't she?"

"Totally. Wow, your Skills and Traits are all so weird, though!" Tiff squeezed her hand reassuringly. "You're so lucky that you got paired with Will. Imagine if it'd been someone like Daniel!"

Ugh, the idea of that makes me want to throw up. She shuddered. "I don't want to imagine that. Ew ew ew ew ew! Gross!"

"Oh, oh! Can you show me the tentacle thing? That sounds so awesome! Pleaase?" Tiff gave her a pleading look.

Is she serious? Alaina hesitated. "You want to see that? I mean, it's pretty, um..."

"I wanna see!" said Tiff, nodding her head furiously. "And how are you so high level, anyway? You were really over a hundred earlier this week? Isn't that some kinda world record?"

"It just sort of happened," said Alaina. "Um, this is all secret, by the way. You can't tell anyone, ever. All right?"

Tiff nodded again. "I'll never tell anyone, not ever!" She started bouncing her left leg. "Now hurry up, I wanna see!"

"Er, actually, hold on," said Alaina, having a realization and looking out the window at the car next to her. "I'll show you later. I really don't want anyone else to see this, alright?"

"Oh." The older girl pouted. "Fiine, but I definitely wanna see it later, okay?"

"Tiff, if things go well tonight, I won't just let you see it," She looked over and tried waggling her eyebrows.

"Alaaiina!" Tiff whined. "C'mon, I really can't stand being any more horny than I already am. I'm gonna ruin my dress!"

"So you want me to help you out again?"


* * *

"This is all part of your club?" asked Alaina as they started to walk through the meandering hallway inside Superior Accounting, just past the pair of massive security guards.

"Yup!" said Tiff, twirling her bag while she walked. "Well, it's not my club. Yet. Someday, I hope, but I wanna earn it!"

"Earn?" Couldn't you just ask your parents to give it to you?

"Well, yeah!" Tiff shouldered her bag. "I don't wanna be one of those people who gets to run a business because their parents gave it to them. When I started working here, I was just mopping floors and cleaning gross stuff off the furniture during the day. Now I'm Assistant Manager Tiffany!" she finished, accenting her title.

"But... Why?" Alaina persisted.

Tiff frowned, looking over at the taller girl. "You mean why work at this club? Or why work at all?"

"Yeah, that. Why do you want to work so hard? Your parents have lots of money, right? You could just, y'know, hang out." Wait, that makes it sound like I'm telling her not to work. Don't give up your dreams, Tiff! "I mean, I'm not saying you should—I think it's pretty responsible of you to have this kind of attitude—it's just... Well, it's not quite what I expected after meeting Daniel and Don. Not that I think you're like them, either!" Ugh, I really put my foot in my mouth there.

Tiff sidled over and grabbed Alaina's left hand with her right. "It's okay, I know what you meant," she said, beginning to swing their joined hands back and forth. "I, um..." She frowned. "I grew up really spoiled. My parents gave me everything. Especially Daddy. And I was a total fatty, too."

Alaina squeezed her hand, giving her a warm smile of encouragement.

"I didn't make a lot of friends," Tiff said slowly, her arm stopping its pendulous motion. "Everyone always made fun of me. Or they'd try to be my friend so I'd buy them stuff. Mommy always saw through it, and she was really mean to those girls. They didn't talk to me anymore after she found out. But it was my fault, because I just wanted people to like me, so I didn't care if they were using me or not."

That's really depressing. How are kids so cruel? And how long is this corridor? They rounded yet another corner.

"Anyway, um, some stuff happened when I was almost fifteen that I don't really wanna talk about. After that, I decided I had to change. So I pestered Mommy, and she got me a personal trainer for a while until I got into a routine and started eating better.

"Daddy took me to Sky one night right after he bought it—when I was still fat—and I thought it would be suuper cool to manage a place like this someday. All the lights, the music, the people, the energy! I thought it was the most awesome thing ever!" Tiff gestured exuberantly with her hands to drive her points home, dragging Alaina's own hand along for the ride.

"Then, when I turned sixteen and could get a job, I said I was gonna apply to work here. And I made Daddy promise not to pull any strings. So I applied as Tiffany Dalton—Mommy's name—and got a real job here on my own. And it all worked! I have a job I'm proud of, and I've got real friends now from people here." She held Alaina's hand in both of hers and giggled. "And you and Will, obviously," she added, squeezing the hand with hers as their feet stopped.

They had reached an elevator.

Tiff's really trying hard, isn't she?

"Um," said Tiff, running her fingers over her captive hand and breaking Alaina out of her thoughts. "Before we go up..." she trailed off and set her bag down. Then her nose wrinkled. "Why is this so much harder to ask you? If it was Will, I wouldn't—Okay. Um, can you maybe..." She sighed in irritation and her face scrunched up adorably. "Can you do something about this?" she asked, stepping forward.

Then she dragged Alaina's hand under her dress for the second time that night.

How is she this wet again? Or has she just been this turned on all night?

Tiff was giving her a pleading look. Then she leaned in and began kissing Alaina's neck, leaving a wet trail down to her shoulder. "Please, Alaina?" she half-whispered as she kissed back up to the taller girl's ear.

Alaina shivered from the knowledge of the effect she was having on Tiff and the sensation of her kisses.

"I really, really need to cum before we go up," Tiff said. She brushed the long, auburn hair away from Alaina's ear and began nibbling on it. "You made me so wet, Alaina. I'll do anything if you help me cum before we go up. Please?"

Alaina's other hand dropped her bag on the ground before snaking under Tiff's dress and hiking the velvety fabric up a little. She pressed the smaller girl's back against the wall, moaning as Tiff kissed an especially sensitive place just under her ear.

"Please?" begged Tiff once more, kissing under Alaina's chin and forcing the taller girl to tilt her head back.

Her kisses feel so good! Must. Focus. She raised her hands higher up, pulling the skirt of Tiff's dress completely up around her waist and causing the other girl to whimper. One hand scrabbled against the elastic waistband of the smaller girl's underwear, and the other squeezed her butt.

Tiff moaned against Alaina's neck, mid-kiss, the sound flowing directly into her.

I never thought of my neck as an erogenous zone, but Tiff's really making me reconsider. Mmm... She ran her fingers down into the other girl's sopping panties, feeling nothing but smooth, silky skin. She shaves completely? How is her skin this soft? I think her clit should be right around here...

Alaina probed at the spot, but there was minimal reaction.

"A little lower," Tiff whispered hotly into her ear. Her tongue ran over the top of the ear, and she began to trace its path with kisses afterward.

Lower? Like here? She caressed the new spot. Mine's a little higher up.

Tiff let out a louder moan. Her hands came up and she began rubbing her thumbs along Alaina's breasts.

Mmm that feels nice. She brushed against Tiff's clit again, then a third time.

The smaller girl, her already-short dress bunched up around her waist, thrust her hips forward against Alaina's hand and bit down gently on her shoulder. She began to whimper continuously.

Ooh, she likes that. Not being able to kiss while I'm doing this is the worst, though. She reached down lower, dipping a finger into Tiff's dripping pussy. How is she so tight! I can barely even get my finger in. She worked the digit in and out slowly, making some progress.

Tiff clutched both arms under Alaina's, holding tight and pressing face to shoulder as her legs trembled.

Wow, Tiff, you must need a ton of foreplay to get a cock in here. She continued sawing in and out, trying to keep a steady rhythm despite the girl's shaking. Alright, I give up on trying to get any deeper. I'll just—

"Laina!" Tiff screamed. She shuddered and let out a loud, echoing whine that was barely muffled by the shoulder she was pressing her face into. Then she came explosively and squirted all over Alaina's hand. She sagged, her legs losing their strength for a moment.

Fuck! Alaina pressed her more tightly against the wall with her body, frantically activating her cleaning Skill. I can't believe she squirted on me! "I think I found the spot," she murmured.

"Mm-hmm," Tiff replied as she tried to steady herself. "Thanks," she whispered, tickling Alaina's ear.


"Mm-hmm." Tiff began kissing her shoulder again. "So much better, Alaina," she said. "Ohmygosh. You're really good at that!"

Alaina pulled down the skirt of Tiff's dress and straightened it. "Am I?" she asked dubiously. "I've never done it before." It's a lot harder doing it on someone else. And standing. And the angle strained my hand.

"Really?" asked Tiff, her head finally coming up. She stared at Alaina's mouth and licked her lips. "You seemed so experienced tonight. I thought..."

"Tiff, until a few days ago, I never would have imagined doing this with any girl. Just like you."

Tiff leaned in and kissed her nose. "It was perfect," she said softly. "I haven't cum that hard in a while!"

Alaina felt hands come around and squeeze her butt. She raised an eyebrow.

"You squeezed mine first!" said Tiff, putting on another innocent look.

"I guess I should do this to even it out," Alaina said, reaching up to fondle Tiff's boobs.

They stared at each other for a moment before they broke into giggles.

* * *

"We're gonna have to work on your dancing," said Tiff. She pressed a card to a pad next to the door. "It's like you've never even been to a club before."

"Um," Alaina said, sipping water from the glass in her hand with a straw and breathing heavily. "I haven't, though?" They stepped into the slightly cooler air of the private room upstairs. I never thought dancing would be so tiring. Tiff looked hot out there though, even when she wasn't obviously trying to eye-fuck me to orgasm.

"That explains a lot," said Tiff. She motioned for Alaina to have a seat on the sofa. "Like why you almost tried to kill that guy who was hitting on me when he switched and tried to dance with you." She giggled. "Laina, you're pretty possessive for a first date."

Alaina heard the door click shut behind her as she set her glass on the table in front of the couch before carefully seating herself on it. "Laina?" she asked, arching an eyebrow at the shorter girl.

Tiff set her own glass down on the table, a coy smile on her face. She stepped up to Alaina, then placed her left knee on the side of her leg. Her right knee swung up on the other side of the sitting girl's legs, and she knee-walked forward, straddling her.

The raven-haired girl wrapped her arms around Alaina's neck. "I thought it sounded cute," she said, wiggling her butt.

Alaina stared into the other girl's gray eyes. It's like she's got an unlimited supply of energy when she gets horny. Am... Am I going to survive tonight? She licked her lips, and her hands came up to circle Tiff's waist. "Cute, huh?" Her lips quirked upwards even higher. It does sound cute when she says it. "I don't usually like people calling me by nicknames, but I like how you say it."

"Oh?" Tiff said, her hands stroking against the back of her date's neck. She leaned forward, molding herself against the other girl. "And how do I say it, Laina?" she said in a breathy voice.

Alaina shivered, feeling Tiff breathing into her ear. How does she switch from cute to seductive so fast? Need to stay focused now. As much as I want to just stay and play with Tiff all night, I have to make sure we stop Laura tonight. Otherwise I'm never going to get to find out what Tiff tastes like!

Fine, and we also have to stop her because I miss Will's banter, and his grin, and how flustered he gets when he thinks I'm upset, and how he's always been right there when I needed him over the past week, and how kissable and tasty his lips are, and how tasty other parts of him are...

The girl sitting astride her kissed her neck again, drawing her out of her thoughts.

"C'mon, Laina, tell me," Tiff said, kissing upwards. "Does it turn you on when I call you Laina?" She whispered the last word into the recumbent girl's ear, drawing it out before she buried her face into Alaina's hair and took a deep breath.

Right now? She felt her pussy clench and used her cleaning Skill for the billionth time that night. Like you wouldn't believe. Alaina pressed back gently but forcefully on Tiff's hips. So hard to hold back. "Tiff, please, if you keep this up I'm going to do something that will hurt you. Let's stop for now, alright?"

Tiff brought her head back and pouted, grinding her butt into Alaina's legs.

"We need to figure out what we're going to do about Will anyway, don't we?" Alaina tried. "You said we needed to get going from that restaurant earlier to get here in time?"

Tiff blew a raspberry. "Of course we did, silly. I wanted to make sure we had time so you could see the club and we could dance!" She stared at Alaina's mouth again while her fingers ran through the other girl's hair at the back of her head. "And then also cuddle a bit after—before everyone got here."
