Tales from the Natural Order Pt. 14


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Again he erupted in her and again I served them like a 'cleaning slave'. The musty taste of semen now seemed to be a permanent fixture in my mouth with my face was sticky from the repeated clearing of Master's essence from Susan's sweet pink pussy. It was demeaning, but I didn't mind; I had made my own decisions and chosen my new life, and these were the moments to treasure.

In that one night I lost count of the number of times the two Lovers combined their bodies in lust, but finally, Susan curled up in a foetal position on the bed, Raoul pulled her gently to him and they fell into a deep and satisfied sleep. They were as one in their love and I, as their cuckold, switched out the bedside light and went to sleep on the carpeted floor by the bed -- Susan's and my own marriage bed.

"Come on cuckold! Wakey wakey!"

It was Master Raoul and he was standing over me, naked. His foot had been nudging my arm for minutes to bring me out of my sleep, but it was his voice that woke me.

"I have to get away early for business, and I need a shower," he continued.

I scrambled to my feet and replied quietly, because Susan was still soundly asleep, "Yes Master."

There was no need for me to question just what was required of me. Clare had trained me well in those nights with her and Master Marcus and I understood now just what was required of me in that shower room attached to our bedroom.

Having shown Master the taps and controls I turned on the water and stepped aside as the big man entered, adjusted the temperature to suit his needs, and stood under the streaming warm water. Quickly, I pulled down my black hold-up stockings, dropped my panties to the floor and stepped naked inside the cubicle that was large enough for two people to wash together (It had been Susan's requirement when we had had the new shower unit installed, and I wondered if she had foreseen this moment).

"Business on a Saturday?" I asked as I reached for the natural sponge and shower soap.

"Afraid so!" he replied as I knelt before him and start to wash his feet -- with his big ugly brown manhood resting on my shoulder. "I haven't told you what I do, have I."

It struck me at that moment as I thought to myself, 'You are washing your Wife's Lover's feet,' that I was now completely conquered. If there had been any vestiges of manly pride in me I would not have done such a thing; I had willingly given myself over to complete humiliation and servitude to my Wife and her Master. Everything a real man should be -- I was not. So there was only one thing a feminized-cuckold should do.

I completed the washing of Master's naked body in very quick time. The sweat that had dried on his body from servicing my Wife overnight was washed away and he was now fresh and clean, and ready for the day ahead - almost.

"So what do you do for a living Master?" I asked as I knelt before him again and took his big dark organ in one hand and his manly balls in another.

"I am the Chief Executive Officer of the 'Black Master Organisation'. Have you heard of it?"

I lifted my head up from where I had been licking the underside of his helmet shaped glans, and replied, " No Master. And I haven't seen it listed either. At my bank that is."

"No you won't," he replied between little hissing noises of pleasure as I went into serious work with my head bobbing up and down on the now erect ugly monster that filled my mouth with its warm smooth strength.

"We are very private, but very influential. And our mission statement tells you everything that we are."

With the taste of his pre-ejaculate seminal fluid now in my mouth I lifted my head briefly again, and asked, "And what is that Master?"

"To bring 'The Natural Order' to all the Wives whose desires are not met."

"Tell me more!"

"Maybe.... later," he replied as the pre-ejaculation stress affected his speech.

"Of course Master," I said, as I redoubled my excitement of his now very hard and tumescent organ.

I felt his rod jump in my mouth just milliseconds before the first spurt of his semen hit the back of my throat. It was if a dam had burst and warm fluid was erupting into my stretched open mouth, down my chin, and dropping onto my legs and penis cage. After a night spent ejaculating into my warm and very willing Wife I had expected to be drawing just a few remnants of seed from this virile mountain of a Black Man, but I was wrong. In his sleep overnight his strong body had regenerated his manly essence. Stream after stream washed down my throat into my stomach, into my eyes as I pulled my head away to catch my breath, and over my face.

Gradually his erupting subsided so his member softened and dropped out of my mouth to rest on his thighs. I was exhausted and, with my mouth still full of his jism, I could hardly speak.

"Marcus did say you were a natural," he said after we had both regained our composure, "but he missed out telling me that your are an expert. And a very enthusiastic one at that."

I was still consuming the last remnants of his baby making cream so I could not answer directly, nevertheless my 'thumbs up' gesture was a sufficient reply to confirm that I felt pride in his evaluation of my skills and appreciated him saying so. The pat on my head as he exited the shower cubicle told me that he understood my message.

I washed his seed from my body as he dried himself on my towel, which he then handed to me so that I, now cleansed of his salty lotion, could use after he finished. Back in the bedroom he dressed himself without disturbing Susan, while I slipped on my bathrobe and waited outside the bedroom door for him to finish. After giving my Wife a tender kiss on her forehead Master followed me down the stairs; we said nothing (so as not to wake Susan) until after I had made some coffee and toast.

"I've asked Susan to bring you and the children over to my place in Westerham this afternoon," he said as he sipped the coffee I had made for him, "so we can get together, let the kids play in the pool, and discuss our future."

"Our future, Master?"

"Oh yes cuckold. Susan and I have been discussing where this affair is going and we both think that our relationship should be open and acknowledged. And the first thing is to tell Jenni and Tom that their Mother and me are now in a loving relationship. From now I'm their Uncle Raoul. Do you think they will understand?" he said.

I thought about Jenni and decided that she would like to have an Uncle Raoul, but Tom? He had already asked if the big Black Master in front of me was his 'Mum's Boyfriend' but I wasn't sure if he would accept the idea of his Mother being Raoul's Girlfriend. I was still thinking about how to handle this situation when Susan entered the kitchen wearing her own silk robe.

Pouring a cup of coffee for herself she turned to Master and said, "Have you told him?"

He welcomed her soft warm bottom onto his lap before he replied, "Yes My Love. I'm waiting for him to think over what I have said."

"I think that we should tell the kids first," I said, " and then your parents..."

Susan interrupted. "They already know," she said.

"Then I suppose, there is only one more question for me to ask," I said, as my sweet Wife and her Master looked back at me -- perplexed.

"What is it Dear?" asked Susan, suddenly concerned at the seriousness in my voice.

"On the first night of our holiday, I asked you if Raoul was my 'Replacement."

"I remember," Susan responded slowly and thoughtfully, clearly wondering where my enquiry was leading.

"So just to be clear. Is the man we now refer to as Master, my 'Permanent Replacement'?"

Broad happy smiles erupted on both of their faces at my question, but Master remained silent. This was his Mistress's moment, and there were tears of love in her eyes as she look across the kitchen table at me.

"Of course he is David."


As I had thought, Jenni took the news without caring or understanding very much, whereas Tom shrugged disinterestedly and said, "I thought so!" However, a month later, after Master had allowed him to sit in the co-pilot seat of his Citation jet as we jetted off for a weekend in France, Tom was more enthusiastic about 'Uncle Raoul'. And Brenda, Susan's Mother, was pleased that I had given up my manliness in the cause of her daughter's future happiness and was even nicer to me than before the holiday.

On the Monday, before I went into work, I made sure that I was registered with the Financial Conduct Authority and ordered a full range of computers, uninterrupted power supplies, and the fastest internet package on the market. When all of that was set up I gave my manager my notice to quit my job at the bank, but not without dropping hints to all of my clients that I was setting up on my own. Happily, seventy percent of them followed me, so within the month I was a fully operating financial advisor for investments.

After discussing the matter with Master and Mistress, it was decided that the requirement to wear a penis cage when travelling should be abandoned, this was after a particularly embarrassing incident on the train while sitting opposite a pretty girl. The cage put a lump in my trousers that had the appearance of an erection -- the girl left in a hurry. Nevertheless, to this day, I have never removed my 'slave chain', except for hygiene; similarly, now free from routinely commuting by train to London, my cage is also a permanent feature of my manly diminution.

I had believed Master Raoul when he had said that the Natural Order was a bigger movement than was appreciated, but any last scepticism I had about his claim was washed away at the astounding number of the little 'Ace of Spades' chain's on pretty ankles I had noticed when in London; even one or two in the bank. Not just on Ladies but men too - presumably fellow cuckolds. This realisation was further compounded when Master Raoul (as CEO) took both Susan and I, as guests, to a Black Master Organisation 'White Mistress Auction' evening when the full understanding of just what was meant by the 'Natural Order' became real as we watched as twenty two cuckolded husbands stood naked, in chains, and silent as their equally naked Wives were sold to rich and powerful Black Masters as Breeding Mistresses. (Note: I may write further about that revelatory evening - but later and in addition to this story.)

It was in the July of that year that Clare contacted Susan to let her know that she was now pregnant with Marcus's baby, and that she was sure that my ploy of preventing her from falling forward when her Master erupted his seed into her was the reason it happened so quickly. Needless to say, that she, Marcus and, including her cuckold hubby, Clive, were very appreciative of my efforts in those wonderful sensuous nights in the hotel suite. And they were even more happy with me when Clare gave birth to baby Suzie in the February of the following year. Susan of course was delighted when she was asked to be Godmother to the little brown bundle.

As Susan and our Master have become even closer, both physically and emotionally, I have learned to accept my new position as that of the diminished husband. But this new way of life is not as unfortunate as it seems; no longer do I have to wake at five thirty in the morning to get on to smelly over-packed trains to London and then, after a ten hour working day, arrive home at eight in the evening. Additionally, I see more of my children and enjoy taking them to, and collecting them, from school. And it was during one of my school 'collections' that I became better acquainted with Abigail McIntosh's husband Jack, who told me that their Master had impregnated his Wife. "It was only to be expected," he had said in confirmation of his emasculation.

As the years have rolled by, all doubts concerning my total submission to cuckoldry have completely disappeared. It is those nights when the three of us can be together in our bedroom while the kids are away, that confirm to me that I have made the right decision with my life. To see Susan's love for our Master grow incrementally with each penetration of his member into her welcoming body, each thrust of pleasure, and every flooding of her womb with his seed has been a joy for me (and her of course). And as my own little penis -- now all but permanently encased in a cage -- shrank even further due to lack of sexual use, I took even more satisfaction from routinely honouring and pleasuring Master's manhood.

Like Clive before me, I became the stay at home husband who looked after the kids while his Wife has a wonderful time with her Lover. Because of this, Susan and Raoul were often jetting away in his Citation to nice warm beaches where they could be alone and free to physically confirm their love for each other -- often. And to their credit, they were always happy to send me notification that their desire for each other will never be diminished.

It is amazing how history repeats itself. Our lives were settled, Tom and Jenni were established at their respective schools, I was happy in my feminized cuckold life, and my Wife was contented and very satisfied as Raoul's Mistress. But one evening, before going to bed, Susan an Master asked me to sit down as they 'had something to tell me'.

Previously, I had instinctively felt the change in their relationship; their (our) outrageous sexual exploits had become more considered and thoughtful, their chatter became a loving and peaceful companionship. So it was no surprise when Susan told me to remove my panties and then deftly hung a small plastic phial containing her birth control pills from my penis cage.

There it was! My total cuckolding! My Wife was now going to make a new life with her Lover and I, her husband, was expected to play my part in the whole process. It should have been the most degrading moment in my life and my world should have fallen in. I should have cried pitifully at my humiliation, made angry threats, or fell to the floor begging them not to present proof to the whole world of the total capitulation of my manliness. But I said nothing and meekly obeyed Mistress when she told me to go up to our bedroom and prepare our bed for the night ahead.

"Yes Mistress," I replied as I meekly climbed the stairs to turn down the bed for our Master and my Wife.

You may recall that my hands had trembled with suppressed emotion when, in Crete on holiday, I had started to prepare Susan for dates with Raoul. Gradually, during that holiday and in the years since, helping her look attractive for him had become a normal part of my life and I was now doing so without the 'suppressed emotion from which I had initially suffered. But with the phial now swinging gently from my penis cage as I moved as confirmation of my total cuckolding, the trembling returned.

It was Susan's voice in my ear that calmed me. She could see that I had become anguished at the latest development of my being replaced as her 'mate'; and it was her gentle cool hand on my shoulder as she said, "I was always going to give our Master a son or daughter David. Surely you knew that?" that all but stopped the shaking.

She was right. Clare had done so, Abigail had done so, all of those auctioned Mistresses had done so, and countless other Wives had also been willingly impregnated by their dark Lovers despite being married. So why had I thought that it wouldn't happen to me? The truth was that I had put it to the back of my mind, but now it was going to happen it had shaken me to the core. And I knew that it was something that I would have to get used to.

"Undress us cuckold," Susan said quietly, so as not to startle the quivering mouse of a man kneeling on the floor before her.

"Yes Mistress," I replied, unclipping her stocking tops from the red silk suspenders belt she was wearing (as was I), "and I'm sorry for being so weak."

"That's alright," she replied a moment later as she lay on the bed with her long legs open wide waiting for me to finish licking, swallowing, and stroking Master's member to its full size and strength, "we both understand. Don't we Master!"

"Indeed we do," he replied as he pulled my head forward in order to push the hard round glans of his manhood down onto my tonsils.

That night was the first of many nights we enjoyed together engaged in a new purpose. With my 'emotions' now under control, I was now the perfect cuckold 'cleaner reviver' and worked assiduously at ensuring that their mating was always enjoyable and effective. So effective that just two months later Susan presented Master and me with a positive result on the test kit she had kept in the bathroom cabinet. And three months later the outcome of her love for our Master was there for all to see.

I have often asked myself why I let this happen to me -- to us even. Why in the very first place did I suggest to Susan that she should find a replacement for me? Why did I stand aside as Master seduced her (or did she seduce him?)? Why did I embrace the sticky humiliating gay acts of subjugation in those nights with Clare and Marcus? And why did I welcome those same nights with my own Wife and her Lover? These are all good questions to which a real man would know the answer -- he would not.

Brenda, it seems, had chosen well and could foresee that one day I would recognize my inadequacy and that Susan would once again return to the Natural Order. As she was later to tell me, she had seen in me the very traits and characteristics of a cuckold even when I was dating her daughter. Susan had known it too but still developed a love for me despite knowing what our eventual future would be; and still does but in a much more moderated way. As she rightly says, "My capacity for Love has no limits. My children, my parents, and you my sweet gentle cuckold -- my rock!"

"And what of Master?" I asked, "what of your love for him?"

"It is complete, total, physically passionate, and forever," she replied.

"Replacing me?"

"Your Replacement? Of course!"

So why am I a cuckold? One could try and psychoanalyse it all and arrive at many different conclusions, and good luck to you if you try. But let me tell you, since that very first moment of understanding of who I am, I have loved every minute of my journey into the delightful realms of the Natural Order.

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Bham487Bham487about 2 months ago

Is he going to push his son into this lifestyle as well?

Pavel246246Pavel2462466 months ago

The only lucky thing is that no one has to live in such a world.

Anthony1965Anthony19656 months ago

I have read all of the previous chapters and I absolutely loved all of them. I have read many cuckold stories in the past and this story has to be one of the best ones I’ve read. It’s definitely in the top three. It’s very well written and very detailed and very erotic.

Prairieboy3gWMPrairieboy3gWM6 months ago

Pure fantasy! I have no predilection for or interest in the ‘lifestyle’ NOT FOR ME!

Bham487Bham48711 months ago

I don’t understand why she would even have the cucks children?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Another dickless loser wimp story and his children also maybe become a loser wimp or pimp. He should be cut his dick thrown into sea. Better he wear a ladies shoes and dress and his parents going to be proud.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

A wonderful series,clearly written by a man with a deep understanding of what being a submissive cuckold entails.

With Susan and Raoul so devoted to each other,but with no intention of rejecting or divorcing David,the cuckold was free to enjoy his "training" and loving every moment of it.

With so many interesting characters and relationships established,I hope the author will consider writing more about their adventures.

Will Clive and David meet and form a mutually satisfying relationship?

Will Jenni and Tom follow the path of their parents?

Will David relish caring for Susan's babies?

Hopefully so much more to look forward to,reading about these happy and fulfilled people.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I would never put my children through something like this. If my wife wanted this more than me she can leave me and the kids. If she had ever loved David she should have told him when she first meet him.

YoloSwagginsYoloSwagginsabout 1 year ago

Awesone story, though I would like to know how their children will be raised for being a pert of natural order, both son and daughter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

As usual, a very well written chapter. Disappointed that this has come to an end. I feel there are many spin offs possible here. Including the bidding ceremony, dynamics with Susan’s family who are already into the Natural Order as well as more of Claire and Marcus. Hope there will be more stores to come and perhaps some are already being written. Do keep us posted.

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