Tales of the eKids:.. Ch. 03


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"glacier at the fjord. In Greenland! It's"

"going to collapse soon."

"Best case is five years,"

"but worst case is it's already"

"collapsing – or maybe even collapsed."

Andrew thought he saw where this was going. "What happens if it collapses?"

"Ice age!"

Eamon's head popped up and his mouth dropped. "You're saying a glacier collapsing in Greenland is going to cause an ice age? That's crazy!"

"It's going to drop millions of tons"

"of cold fresh water right where"

"the Gulf Stream runs along the"

"coast of Greenland. Salinity is the"

"pump that drives the stream. Other factors"

"have already slowed it down. This will"

"stop it entirely. No more Gulf"

"Steam. The median temperature in"

"Europe will begin to drop immediately."

"The ice age will start within ten years."

Andrew asked, "Is there any precedence for this?"

"The same thing happened 8,000"

'years ago. A freshwater lake emptied into "

"the Atlantic from Canada and slowed the Gulf Stream almost"

"to a stop."

"Have you told this to anybody yet?"

"No one. But we aren't the"

"only ones working on"

"this problem. We just have"

"the best computers and"

"computer model. We wrote"

"the program, after all; and designed the computers. Okay"

"so Ethan and Eric helped. And"

"our super-computersare"

"super-computers. Not like those"

"beefed-up PC's at the"

"National Weather Service."

Emma asked the obvious question. "Is there anything that can be done to stop this; like a well-placed nuclear weapon, or building a damn to hold back the fresh water?"

"Too late. Maybe if we started ten"

"or twenty years ago. But if our"

"readings are right, we might not"

"have ten or twenty days."

Andrew had to make a decision, as much as he hated to do so. "Emmy, you get together with Edie and Eddie and get the whole story. Then contact every government that needs to know. Contact Washington, the EU. Who runs Greenland, anyway, Denmark maybe? The African nations too, I guess. They'll probably be affected negatively. They always are.

"Set it up so we can give as much information as we have to these countries' weather establishments so that they can run their own models. If you truly believe this, then maybe you should call a press conference or something. We've had trouble in the past with the government taking us seriously. If we can't stop it, maybe we shouldn't do anything."

Emma responded, "We can mitigate the effects, maybe, but we have to start right now. We can't wait five years while governments argue about what the results are going to be. We can't let the American government spin the truth until suddenly it's a good thing that the glacier collapsed. We need to do a pre-emptive media strike. Let's make sure the whole world knows what is really going to happen."

Eamon decided to speak up. "Maybe my Granddaddy can help. He still has lots of close connections in the government. Want me to ask him?"

Emma took over. "It wouldn't hurt, E-man. Why don't you and Elle take care of that while I handle the diplomatic side?" She turned to the other twins. "Come on girls. Let's go back to your lab and get our thoughts together. I want your information to be a slam dunk."

Emma, Edie and Eddie headed back to New Man U., followed by their younger brothers. Elle and Eamon went to the den to call home. That left the parents in the living room.

Deirdre finally spoke. "There really doesn't appear to be much we can do about this, does there? Are we really going to see the start of the next ice age? How do we handle this?"

Donnie answered her. "We've had the eKids working on lots of things that will help. Our biology department has been creating super plants, highly resistant to disease, far more nutritious than the vitamin-depleted veggies available in super markets as long as our nutrient compounds are used. They have a much shorter growing season. And not only that, they taste good. I've served them here for dinner more than a few times. And best of all, no genetic engineering.

"But Andrew, we've got to speed up the Star Project. What might happen if we have food riots? What will happen if the electricity goes off? Who will control the mobs? We are going to be targets. New Man will be targeted. We've got to get them off of the planet as soon as possible."

Deirdre disagreed somewhat. "Donnie, the Star Project is decades away at best. First we have to improve our security. Ethan planned New Man U. so that it would be impervious to anything less than a significant nuclear blast. And even that might not do the trick. But we have to make it attack-proof from conventional forces, too. Andrew, we have to be ready to abandon the plantation and get over to New Man U. before it has to be locked down from the world when the time comes."

Andrew said, "Okay, I'll talk to Emma about it. Maybe she can think of some defensive strategy we haven't considered yet. If she can think it up, Eddie and Edie can build it.

"But these aren't our decisions to make, ladies. New Man is going to take the brunt of this, so New Man will have to be the ones controlling their own fate. Let Emmy make the decisions. She'll consult Elle. She'll get data from Edie and Eddie. Maybe this Eamon kid can add his two cents, I don't know. But I do know that if I have to put the fate of the world in someone's hands, I choose Emmy. We've got to give her all the help we can. But in the meantime..."

Dee Dee and Donnie looked at each other and nodded their heads. Over the years when things became tense, they had developed a solution that always seemed to relieve the pressure. It usually involved skin to skin contact with Andrew.

The two ladies stood as if one, each offering a hand to help Andrew up. Then they noticed that Andrew was already up.

Donnie said, "Is that an iceberg in your pants or are you just glad to see us."

Andrew merely took the offered hands and led his lovely wives up to their bedroom. As they climbed the stairs he thought, 'God I love my hobby!'

Part 9

Eamon and Elle were in the den making a phone call. With the phone in his hand, Eamon said, "I don't think this is a good idea, telling my family this way. Maybe we should drive down there. I mean, a lot has happened in two days, and they should know about it; especially about you and Emmy."

Elle smiled her eye-lighting smile. "I think that's a wonderful idea! You've got a car, right? I seem to remember something about you cutting Daddy off on the highway."

Eamon said grumpily, "Everyone seems to know about that."

"Well then, let's tell my folks that we are going; grab an overnight bag, and go! Shall we ask Emmy to go too?"

Eamon nodded. First he was eager to show off both of his new girlfriends to his family. Secondly, he had no intention of pissing Emma off by not asking her. He suspected that he never wanted to see Emma pissed off.

Elle got a bit glassy eyed, as if she were somewhere else. Then she turned and said, "Emma has too much to do today. She's going to be the coordinator for contacting the governments. Our publicist, Helen Randolph is setting up the press conference, but Emma and Daddy will be doing the talking. And Emma is driving Edie and Eddie to submit a paper forNature magazine. They know us well enough that they will probably publish anything we submit as long as it is properly documented.

"So I guess it will just be you and me, Eamon. Do you have enough rooms at your house down there, or will we have to share?"

Elle had a small sexy smile on her lips, and Eamon realized the he may have a shot at two different virgins in two consecutive days in two different states. Damn, he knew he was going to love New Man U.

"I'm sorry, Elle, but we may be a bit cramped. Actually, that's not true. We live in a house that's bigger than this one. Still, I would be more than happy to put you up in my room.

Elle put her arms around Eamon and snuggled close to him. She whispered, "I bet you would! Did Emmy tell you that I'm a virgin, E-man? Did she tell you that I don't want to be a virgin anymore?"

Just then someone answered the phone at the other end. Elle had observed a definite expansion taking place in Eamon's pants. He seemed to be breathing with difficulty. But then he said, "Hi, Momma. It's me. Yeah, yeah, things are great. But something happened up here, Momma. Would you mind if I came back for a visit?

"I know, I know, I only just left yesterday. I won't be alone. No, I'm bringing my girlfriend. Yes, I said 'girlfriend'. No, don't worry about getting a room ready for her. I'll make room for her with me. Well that's none of your damn business, Momma, so just don't ask!

"And Momma, make sure Daddy is around; and Grandmother and Granddad, too. Yes, this is pretty important. What time is it now, about 3 o'clock? Well it's a little over four hundred miles. Yeah, I know it should take me around seven to eight hours. But if my wheels don't hit the ground I can make it in six hours. So you can expect me around 9, Momma. Don't worry 'bout me, Momma. I hear you Momma, I hear you. Momma, back off. Bye."

Elle looked at Eamon with a raised eyebrow. He said, "If she doesn't want to hear how fast I'm gonna drive, then why does she always ask me?"

Elle said, "Well let's go tell Daddy. And please don't tell him how far it is or how long you think it'll take us, okay? Daddy is much happier when he is ignorant. Facts only make him worry."

When they went in to the living room, they discovered that Elle's parents were gone. Elle got a far-away look in her eyes, and then rolled them.

"Geez, is that all they do? You would think at a time like this my parents would be trying to save civilization or something. But no! They have to get laid."

Eamon was shocked and more than a little titillated. "What, you mean your parents are doing the deed? All three of them? At the same time?"

"Cool off, E-man. I know you have the hots for my mother. They claim that sex is their hobby. I personally think it's their obsession. The heck with them, let's just take off. I'll call Daddy from the road."

Part 10

Eamon Turner had made this trip only yesterday, and it was a long, boring excursion. But today it was fun and exciting. His passenger drove him to distraction with her little mannerisms, her perky body, her lovely smiling face.

Once they reached I-95, Eamon engaged the semi-autopilot that had been installed on the really big roads. That freed him up for all but the most unexpected situations.

"Did your sisters develop this auto-pilot?"

"No, but a lot of the work was done at New Man U. The automobile industry likes our work. They keep donating laboratories as long as we use them some of the time to develop new auto gadgets. They ask for no promises, we give them no commitments. But the eKids like to play with cars, especially the boys. A few of them are working on a really powerful energy-efficient engine."

"Well that I'd like to see, Elle. Your father drives that little wimp-mobile. It must be embarrassing as hell."

Elle laughed. "He doesn't mind. Very few things embarrass Daddy. When you are considered to be the sexiest man alive, generally your ego can handle almost any little thing. The only way we can embarrass him is to talk about sex."

"Your dad is embarrassed by sexual talk? That doesn't sound like him."

"Well, he's embarrassed when Emma or I proposition him. He prefers to think of us as five-year olds. The thought of us actually having sex is painful to him."

"Geez, Elle, he must hate me."

Elle laughed again. "No, I rather think he's grateful to you. We've been pressuring the poor man to take our virginity. You came to his rescue."

Eamon gaped at her. "You wanted to go to bed with your father?"

Elle said, "E-man, every woman alive wants to go to bed with my father. That's why he's the sexiest man on earth. But besides that, Emmy and I aren't getting any younger, you know. We didn't have like a wide range of possible partners. Daddy was about it." She smiled an extremely intimate smile, then leaned very close to Eamon's ear and softly whispered, "at least until you came along, Eamon."

Eamon's cock almost strained itself, flying into an extremely erect posture. He kept his hands on the wheel and his eyes on the road. But all he could feel was Elle. Suddenly a little hand was slowly massaging the tent in his pants.

"E-man, why don't you move the seat back just a little, baby? That's right; the car will take care of itself for a while, sweetheart. "

Eamon felt the zipper of his pants slide down. That soft, tiny hand found its way into Eamon's pants. He felt his boxers being eased down. He lifted his hips a tad, and suddenly his dick came free.

"Oh my God! I wouldn't want to be in the middle if Daddy and you ever got into a cock fight! Eamon you're so big!"

Elle wrapped her hand around Eamon's cock and gently rubbed up and down. The feeling was exquisite, and Eamon couldn't help but close his eyes. Suddenly the head of his cock felt the liquid warmth of Elle's lips. Eamon gasped his ecstasy, his ass pushing off of the seat, his dick sliding into Elle's mouth.

Elle pulled her head back. She continued to softly stroke his pulsing erection. "Emmy did this for you, didn't she? She didn't tell you, E-man, but I was there. Did you know that? I tasted you through Emmy's mouth, saw you through Emmy's eyes, felt you inside Emmy's pussy. Did you know that? Did you guess how far telempathy really goes?

"Emmy's back in her office right now, E-man. She's alone. She has her feet up on her desk and her pants are around her knees. She isn't wearing any panties today, Eamon. Neither am I, sweetie. Emmy's got her finger slowly, slowly rubbing up and down her pussy lips, just like my hand is slowly, slowly rubbing up and down your dick.

"Can you feel her, E-man? I can. She's waiting. She wants me to make you cum. Would you like to cum in my mouth, E-man? If you do, Emmy will feel it in her mouth, too. Would you like that? What do you say, E-man? How do you like being with the New Women?"

Eamon's mouth was open. He was panting. He needed more pressure on his dick. "Please, Elle. Suck it. Put it in your mouth again, baby. You've got the softest, warmest mouth in the world."

"E-man! Now don't you go hurting Emmy's feelings, you bad boy."

Eamon groaned. "You know that anything I say about you goes equally for Emma. So does she. Elle! Stop playing! I need you!"

Elle leaned up and their lips met. Her little tongue worked its way into his mouth and they shared a passion and love-filled kiss. Elle slowly lowered her face back down to Eamon's dick. And then all he felt was that tongue, licking beneath the head, licking the base. Her lips slid over the head and then he was in her.

Eamon surrendered to total lust. His hands found the sides of Elle's head as he guided her, pulled her closer, buried his length into her mouth. Eamon felt his own passion. He felt Elle's passion. Then he realized he also felt Emmy's passion.

He understood for the first time what it felt like to finger one's clit, even though he didn't have a clit. He was wildly humping Elle's face while with closed eyes he saw both of his beautiful lovers servicing him. He had two mouths on his dick!

Elle felt Emma too. She felt Emmy's finger on her own clit. They had never considered a girl-to-girl relationship before, but when sharing Eamon it was unavoidable.

Elle was glad it was unavoidable. Eamon's dick was so big she needed both hands plus her mouth to properly service it. Emmy's finger on her clit, imaginary but oh-so-real, was just what she needed. Her hips were moving with the ever more demanding rubbing. Suddenly there were two phantom fingers in her pussy.

Elle screamed around Eamon's dick, then began to furiously suck and lick that glorious member. One hand gently squeezed Eamon's balls; the other was wanking the base of his shaft with a soft, firm grip.

Eamon felt Elle's orgasm begin. He felt Emmy push herself over with her own fingers. The double orgasm triggered a massive climax. His already large dick seemed to swell. He began squirting streams of semen down Elle's throat. Each ejaculation seemed stronger than the last, his ass clinching with passion. He was dizzy with lust as the almost painful climax wound down.

When Eamon finally regained his senses, he saw Elle lovingly gazing into his eyes. He reached down and pulled her up to him, his warm loving arms surrounding her soft femininity.

They held each other for long minutes, coming down from their passion while their love continued to grow.

Elle was choked with emotion. "Eamon, I love you. I know you don't know me. But I know you. I will love you forever, no matter how you feel about me."

Eamon softly kissed this beautiful, sexy, warm-hearted creature. "Elle, I know about the bonding. We are bonded; you and Emmy and me. We are in love forever. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. You are the thing I've always wanted but never knew it. Now that I know it, I couldn't live without you."

Elle lowered her head back on to Eamon's lap. She licked Eamon's now-flaccid member clean, gave the head a loving kiss, hugged it against the side of her cheek and slowly dropped off to sleep.

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thebulletthebulletalmost 20 years agoAuthor
Author's reply to Eric of Melbourne

Sorry Eric, but your solution may be too little, too late. It is possible that the events set in motion by global warming are irreversible. At least that is the thesis of my current story. In any event we are getting dangerously close to the precipice. Melt off in the Artic and Antarctic may have gone too far already.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
Tales of the ekids Ch.03

Great story it really got me in. But ha! what?s this New Man when mots of them are women .And solving the climate change problem is easy. Energy Affiances, Hygroton power, curve the power of the fossil fuel industry. And if you don?t like the Government then change it a few weeks work for the ekids. Solve the worlds problems first be for leaving it. [I thort You were an old yippy you know peace and love cooperation to solve the worlds problems.]

OK tell me to pull my heed in.

Keep up the good work


Melbourne Australia

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

GREAT!!! Please keep up the good work with this hot story.

amiselahamiselahalmost 20 years ago
very interesting

Loved "DbyF". This ome seems to be as good, if not better. Don't know where this Ice Age can take us, because we know that the D-Girls lived another 20 or 30 years. If you ever put this into book form, you might intersperse the two stories, in chronilogical order. Great Job

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
A worthy successor

The more I read this story, the more I like it. I was scared that the sequel to Death By Fucking wouldn't measure up, but it does, it does very well!


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