Tank's Revenge Ch. 02


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Chavez pointed his fork at the younger man. "Bullshit, everyone has a plan in their lifetime, don't they hombre?" He took another bite of chorizo and eggs, "In fact when I was your age, I was plotting how I was going to take over and build my own empire. Had a few friends to help me and within a year, I had more power than the boss."

"Boss, I am not thinking about taking over."

"Did I say you could speak yet Juan?" When the young man didn't say anything, Chavez cut into some more chorizo, taking it and chewing it in his mouth. "It's ok if you have these ambitions, in fact I respect them. Just remember I am not ready to retire Juan, nor am I ready to meet my son in heaven."

Juan looked over at him with a mixture of respect and distaste. "I understand boss."

"Good! So, tell me what your next move is to getting my prized gringo?"

Juan took a bite of the food in front of him, relaxing a bit. "The wife told me before I killed her that he is traveling with a red-haired girl. He sometimes asks his old team for help to hit our associates. So, I've put the word out across all our areas of operations about him and her. I've sent them his picture and a description of her. Hopefully, they will appear on our radar soon boss."

"Have you heard from Javier or Refugio?"

Juan lowered his eyes, "No sir, not since they checked in arriving at the cemetery yesterday."

Chavez dropped his fork and wiped his greasy chin with the silk napkin. "I want you to leave immediately and head to Texas and find them. Report to me if they finished their job."

"Yes sir!" Juan stood and walked out of the dining room. As he walked across the foyer, all eyes were on the young man. Most looked at him with respect, some thought he was a god, while a small few wanted to be in his place.


Later that evening.

The RV parked about two miles away from the fortress of Chavez Tejada's. They walked to the top of some tall buildings near the fortress looking over the walls. Mark looked through his binoculars, finding only three armed guards in the courtyard, and two at the gates outside. He looked for any signs of Chavez himself. Kelsey noticed him first, pointing him out near the pool in the back, near two bikini clad ladies. The house was a Hacienda style home, with a courtyard and fountain in front, a pool in back and an eight-foot wall surrounding the entire property.

Mark motioned for them to fall back, so they moved away as quietly as they could. Once back in the RV, Mark went over the plans with Kelsey. Both were calm and silent for the evening, and decided to hit first thing in the morning, when most were sleeping. Mark knew it was risky to take Kelsey on this mission, but no way was she going to stay back. He hoped the training she received would be enough.

Meanwhile in Dallas, Reynolds had been in the interrogation room trying to break the two men they encountered at the cemetery. He thought he was making some progress with one of them when a high dollar lawyer showed up and told him to shut up and stop questioning his client. At his desk, he drank the remnants of what was supposed to be coffee, wondering if he would have another chance in the morning to talk to one or both of the men.

His cell rang, and on the other end was Robbins. They were trying to repair their friendship as much as they could, Reynolds still gave him a cold shoulder sometimes. "What's going on Big Fella?" came from the other line.

Reynolds sighed, "Just finishing up here, why?"

"The boss wants to meet and talk about those two yahoos. Tell me you were able to get something out of them with those cold brown eyes of yours."

"Are you done being funny? Just once, be serious."

"Sorry man, was just trying to be friendly."

"I know what you were being, the same old Bobby. Listen they both lawyered up once he showed up. I was getting somewhere with the one, but he shut up like a clam when his defense arrived."

Robbins sighed heavily, "Sorry Morris, I was certain one of them were going to talk"

"Yeah me too, but I always have tomorrow. I have to run; I'm getting another call."

Reynolds hung up with Robbins and answered his desk phone. He listened to the other end and was in shock and wondered how this could have happened. He found that both men were killed in an accident while being transported to the city lockup. Shaking his head, he figured the cartel was behind it, and the lawyer showed to make sure they never talked. When he hung up, he pounded his desk with his huge fist, alarming a few lingering agents still working. He grabbed his coat and started toward the elevators; tonight's meeting would be interesting to say the least.


The next day- Early morning, before sunrise.

Mark was correct about the town and the security for Tejada. It seemed that their security was light due to the town either being in his back pocket or so afraid of him, they wouldn't let anything bad happen to him. As they drove the Suburban from the RV to the hotel two blocks down, he observed very few people up at the hour.

He parked the vehicle, putting on his black cap, checking his weapons, then looking over at Kelsey. "You remember the instructions I gave you?"

"Yeah Mark, give you ten minutes, then ram the gates and cause all kinds of hell."

He smiled and patted her shoulder, "That's my girl, now put your game face on. Your sister's killer is just beyond those walls. If we do this right, he won't be breathing when we're done."

Hopping out of the Suburban, he looked around and started to walk along the shadows of the walls of the adjoining buildings. She climbed over the console and began to get ready herself as she set the timer on her watch. She took the night vision and placed it on her dominant eye and watched him maneuver to the fortress wall.

Mark felt the cold adobe wall against his palm as he guided himself silently along the structure. Being careful not to be noticed by the two guards out front, he looked around the corner of the wall and found the two guards talking sharing a caballero.

Mark unsheathed his Ka-Bar BK2 Becker and very quickly and quietly snuck up as the second man had his back turned. He grabbed the first man's chin and with one motion, cut his throat from ear to ear. Blood flooded from his neck like a waterfall. As he threw the man down on the ground, he was already moving to the next and stuck the knife through the man's skull, making him drop instantly.

He opened the gate just enough to allow himself in before closing it. Looking across the courtyard to the main doors, only one guard could be found. He was leaning against the fountain reading some magazine. Only one light was on in the house, which looked to be a kitchen light. Looking at his watch, noticing he had four and a half minutes left before Kelsey would be busting through the gates, he made his way around the structure to the rear of the house.

There he found three armed guards, one walking around to the opposite side toward the front, and two stationaries about fifty yards apart beyond the pool. They were periodically taking in their surroundings showing discipline unlike the men in the front. He looked at his watch and had about forty five seconds before she would be coming through those gates, so he pulled out his .40 caliber and aimed it at the farthest of the two men.

Meanwhile Kelsey had been sitting in the truck going through the plan again. She never felt ready for anything in her life than this moment. For once in her life she wasn't nervous, her fears were gone, a sense of confidence calming her. Her breathing was slowed, as she checked her weapons one by one, while she looked at the timer on her watch, with one minute to go. Turning the key, the engine roared to life, she put her hair in a ponytail, wrapping it with a rubber band.

Both of their watches hit zero, when she stepped on the gas crashing into the gates a couple of seconds later. The lone shooter at the fountain must have been nodding off because it startled him badly enough where he jumped up and dropped his weapon. Before he could pick it up, Kelsey had hit him with the huge front grill of the Suburban sending him back into the fountain. As she exited the vehicle, she noticed he wasn't moving, and blood filled the clear water.

Two shots rang out from the back, and then short bursts from an automatic rifle. Kelsey was about to head to the back when gunfire rang out toward her bouncing off the SUV. She ducked behind the vehicle, trying to gauge where it was coming from. She heard two more shots from a .40 caliber she knew and then more shots from the front. She lowered herself to the ground onto her stomach, looking under the vehicle. What she found were two men with what looked to be AK-47's behind bushes, one to her left and one center of her.

Mark had taken the two out finally, one quickly, but the second one gave him a fight. He was able to take him down when he reloaded. Lights began to come on in the house, which worried him because he now wondered if they miscalculated the number of shooters they would be facing. Kelsey grabbed a grenade off her vest and threw it in between the two. When it blew, she came from behind the vehicle, rushing over to their position. She found one still alive, but he wasn't for long as a hole formed in his head from her .40 caliber.

Both carefully made their way to the house, one from the back and one from the front. Both making entry at the same time, Mark found no resistance. As she came into the door, she found nobody in her visual, as she walked through the door, someone grabbed her from behind with a knife.

She quickly turned away from them but dropped her handgun, with him coming at her. Grabbing the wrist that he wielded the knife with she pulled it away from her body and quickly jabbed him in the throat. Still holding onto the knife, he was stunned, she went for her own Ka-Bar pulling it out of the sheath. He punched her, making her fall back, losing her grip on his arm, allowing him to slash at her. The cold steel went through the material of her clothes and across her shoulder as she tried to move away from his attack. She grabbed his arm with one hand, brought her own blade under his arm, then slashing the inside of his thigh and his neck. The man dropped in a pool of his own crimson fluid.

Mark had gone through what was the kitchen to the rear staircase, taking each step carefully. He raised his M4 to the top of the stairs as he came to the top. Before he came to the top steps, he scoped out the hallway through the bannister then slowly walked up. He heard a shout downstairs, then a pop, but continued to the hallway. Not knowing which way, he needed to go, his instincts told him left.

Kelsey started up the front staircase, after encountering two men downstairs, she was on high alert. Her confidence though was not shaken, but more fine-tuned. She felt more at peace. When she reached the top of the landing, she immediately dropped to one knee. To her right, from an open room she caught movement. She rolled to her right as the person came out, wielding a handgun. Her bullet caught the man in the eye as he fell to the ground. She heard a female scream from the same room. Walking over she looked inside and found a half-dressed woman lying on the bed. Leaving her behind, she went to the next room.

Mark came to the last door that he had unchecked. He knew Kelsey was already upstairs as she had been barking out orders to people who were surrendering. The women he was sure she let go, but the men wouldn't be so lucky as he heard a pop occasionally. Mark tested out the handle, feeling it was locked. As he was about to kick the door in, he heard what sounded like someone cocking a shotgun. He quickly went to the floor just before the door turned into splinters from the blast.

"No saldrás vivo de aquí." Chavez laughed as he cocked another shell intot he chamber.

Mark yelled out, "Te llevaré conmigo Chávez."

Another shotgun blast rang out over Mark's head as more of the door turned into splinters. As Chavez was cocking the shotgun once more, Mark took the opportunity to rise and inspect the room. Tejada was nowhere to be found, but he was most likely behind the bed which was on its side. Mark leapt into the room and rolled in front of the bed for cover as Chavez came from the back of the bed firing once again aiming at the lower portion of the door, hitting nothing.

What Mark hadn't noticed though was a woman in the closet, and she fired at Mark hitting him just under his vest in the lower left abdomen. He returned fire hitting her at least two times and giving up his position. Mark shuffled himself back from his position toward the far wall as he aimed his gun at Tejada's location.

What seemed like minutes but only seconds, silence was only heard. Kelsey could be heard across the comms asking Mark if he was all right, which he wasn't replying to. She was furiously going from door to door to find him, only to find the carnage he had left behind. She heard two short pops and a loud blast, then she heard two more short bursts of pops but a different caliber than what she knew Mark carried.

Chavez held the gun at Mark, as he walked toward him. "So, I finally have the man who shot my son?"

Mark lied there staring at the man. Both were wounded, with Mark shot in his abdomen and his shoulder. Chavez was shot in his upper chest, too high to have hit his lungs though. Mark just smirked at the cartel boss. "Killing your son hasn't crossed my mind since that day. You won't either after today."

He laughed hard at the wounded man. "I am the one with the gun Senor, and I will remember this day for the rest of my life." He cocked his gun and was about to squeeze the trigger, when the side of his head exploded from a bullet that came from the doorway. Mark looked over at the fierce woman standing there and almost didn't recognize her as she holstered her handgun and came running over to him. She quickly looked at his wounds and asked if he could walk. He nodded and she helped him up, and they walked out of the house to the Suburban.

There were people from the village outside the gates cheering as the whores walked out telling the people that Chavez Tejada was dead. She helped him into the back seat, and quickly left the village toward the RV. He felt like he was going to lose consciousness, but she would ask him questions to keep him awake. Upon arrival to the RV, she called Justin and told him what happened, and with Justin's guidance, she was able to stop the bleeding, but she needed to get him medical help.


February 1st, 2019 Oklahoma City, OK

Mark opened his eyes finding Kelsey in her usual place lying in the crook of his shoulder, with her leg over his. He was still sore, but well into his recovery from his wounds and wouldn't have made it out of that house without Kelsey. He also noticed a difference with her since that day. She was more in control, telling him what to do, and not taking no for an answer. She made the decision to go to Scott and Lorrie's house after he was released out of the hospital. She even drove the whole way, which he wasn't in any shape to do so.

The past week he had been able to do things on his own. Kelsey had been training at the local gym daily with Lorrie, while He was getting caught up with the latest in the news. Scott was busy doing more improvements to the 'Tank Mobile' as they were calling it now. Mark kept asking what he was doing, but he kept saying, "Patience is a virtue."

As for Reynolds and Robbins, they hadn't talked to Alex Johnson since the killing of the prisoners. Reynolds resigned from the FBI and started working with Downey's agency full time alongside Robbins. They were busy doing investigations of all kinds, and since Tejada's death, stopped working on the corruption. The crime rate in Texas, especially in Dallas had dropped in the past couple of weeks, and the FBI were taking credit saying they were the ones taking out Tejada's cartel.

Downey and Reynolds' relationship had blossomed even more since they started working together again, while Robbins and Reynolds started to mend their friendship. Being away from the agency had made Morris more relaxed, and that helped in the repairing of both.

Justin was safe with his now wife in Montana. He called right after the mission to tell Mark and Kelsey the good news. It seems when danger was staring them in the face, they decided never to be apart again. He also stated he would not be tagging along anymore because she also was pregnant.

Mark didn't think he would be pursuing his crusade anymore, as he accomplished what he set out to do. Even though Kelsey and he had not been physically intimate except that one time in the RV, he felt closer to her in the past couple of weeks. His bitterness and walls were breaking, and she was quickly making her way inward. He decided he would be telling her he wasn't ready for anything serious just yet. Maybe she wouldn't want that, and back off. Either way, he closed his eyes, pulling her closer to him and fell back asleep.


"Hello?" Simmons answered the phone to the unavailable number.

"Hello Director Simmons, so glad that I can make your acquaintance. My name is Juan Guijosa, and I am now in charge of the JAG cartel, formerly Tejada's organization."

Simmons voice was shaken, he thought he was done with the blackmail from Tejada since he was dead. "What do you want from me? Don't you know who I am? I can hunt..."

Guijosa laughed cutting him off, "Silence. I have the videotape right here; you know what you did. All I need to do is send it to your Senate and I am sure they would love to talk to you." Juan became serious now that Simmons remained silent. "You will call your friend and let him know that we are will be opening business next month. When we do, expect some deaths from his program. He should never have tried to double cross us."

Simmons didn't know what he should say. "I will tell him, but he doesn't like threats."

"Well if he doesn't stay out of our way this time, we will come after his entire family, starting with his lovely daughters. I think they would look nice in my bed. Same as yours Mr. Simmons."

The phone hung up and Simmons starting to cry thinking about his two twenty-year-old twin daughters in the hands of some cartel scum.


Authors note:

This is the end of Tanks Revenge series. There are some unanswered plot lines in this chapter. I did that for the sole purpose to use in other parts of Tank series. I hope you enjoy this one as much as you did the first one, and the ones to come.

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DearfieldDearfieldover 3 years ago

I really enjoyed the story, money talks bullshit walks, our government agency are in disarray, some truths and some fiction made this a great Story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Edit Please!

I found the story interesting. What was most distracting was the need for a serious edit to remove/correct words (too many misused, they make dictionaries, it would help if you used one). Too many poorly structured sentences made reading a chore. Not what I want to have to do when reading. So, will we see some improvement in this respect when you post again? Polish up this dull finish and I can rank it higher.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefalmost 4 years ago
Awesome story

There may be more truth than fiction to this story. Cutting off the head only leaves room for others to take it's place. Nice finish to an awesome story otherwise. Looking forward to more Tank stories where revenge isn't the driving force. Thanks

Sunset154Sunset154almost 4 years ago
Great Story

Thanks great story. Looking forward to other story lines.

5 stars

BBELLCBBELLCalmost 4 years agoAuthor


I am currently working on more stories of tank and his companions fighting corruption and crime across the nation. Hope to have the first one out by end of month.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyalmost 4 years ago

This 'boys own' adventure was an enjoyable return to old fashioned shootem up stories.

What other tank series were you referring to at the end?

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 4 years ago
Great job BBELLC

Looking forward to seeing Tank again.

BBELLCBBELLCalmost 4 years agoAuthor

To all my readers: this is FICTION!!!!!!!!! I introduced a character that was neither trump, Biden or anyone else. Please keep politics off the comment secrion

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

A halfway decent story? The last 2 guys don't have to worry about defunding the police. When the current president who just happens to be a communist stooge for Vladimir Putin hands the country over to the Russians we're going to have plenty of police presence in our lives. "Can I see your papers comrade?" will get a lot of usage. Well at least then they'll remove the bounty from the heads of the troops in the field.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Delusional politics.

Your politics and vision of the virtuous and righteous administration is sophomoric at best. You should put your tin hat back on because the big bad evil liberals might use radio waves on your brain. Lol too cartoonish.

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