Teenage Fantasy Ch. 01


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He scoffed, "What? No. I'm an excellent actor."

"Oh gosh. Well, at least one of us is."

"Both of us by the end of tonight." Jake pushed off the couch. "Get up."

"What?" Mabel, wide-eyed, asked. "I thought we were running lines?"

"We are." Jake nodded, reaching his hand down to pull her up.

Mabel groaned, unfolding her legs as Jake pulled her arm. "Why can't we sit and read lines?"

"C'mon, Miss Mabel." Jake grinned, easily holding her weight. "Grab your book."

Mabel glanced down at the coffee table and then back up to him, "Maybe we could-"

"Nope," Jake said, shaking his head and grabbing the worn copy from the table. "Here."

Sighing, she took it, and they stepped around the coffee table into the open area between the TV and the couch. "I don't even start in the scene, you do."

"So?" Jake shrugged clearing his throat he began, "'If it were done 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly'..."

Mabel watched him recite the famous monologue and couldn't help smiling. Jake became serious, seeming truly distraught and nervous. She watched him pace as if the marks were laid out on the floor and present himself with clear confusion. He was really good.

"Mabel?" Jake glanced at her. She had a dazed smile on her face and was watching him with faraway eyes.

"Yeah," she asked, shaking her head to clear her thoughts.

"This is where you come in."

"Oh!" Mabel flipped open her book. "Uh, 'He has almost supp'd'," she mumbled, trying to find the page, "'Why have you left the chamber'?"

"Well, it looks like you know the lines." Jake smiled and walked over to her. He hooked his finger beneath her chin and lifted her head.

She swallowed, meeting his eyes.

Jake skimmed his thumb across her plump bottom lip, watching the deep blush flood her cheeks. He dipped his head, and her breath hitched.

"Stand up straight," he whispered.

"What?" Mabel breathed before his words registered, "Oh."

Jake released her chin. "Good. You've read this play a thousand times. Just be Lady Macbeth."

Mabel nodded, trying to make sense in her befuddled brain. It wasn't fair that he could simply touch her, and she fell apart.

Walking back to his original place, he continued, "'How now! What news?'"

Mabel set her jaw and began reciting the lines.

They ran through the scene for an hour. Jake gave Mabel small critiques, but once she stopped thinking about the lines and started acting, she was really good. Glancing towards the window, he noticed the sun was starting to set.

"'Who dare receive it other'," Mabel started.

"Hey," Jake interrupted.

"Did I say the wrong line?" Mabel asked, reading over her book.

"No," Jake shook his head, "it's getting late. Should we order some food?"

"Oh," she smiled, "yeah, I am hungry."

"Chinese," he asked, reaching for his cellphone.

Nodding, she requested Kung Pao Chicken and sat down on the couch.

He called in the order, watching the redhead as she picked through some textbooks.

"So, what next?" she asked without looking up at him.

Jake was done studying.

Sitting down beside her, he grabbed the math book from her hands, pretending to survey it, then looked back up at her.

Mabel tried to ignore how close he was to her and how his scent overpowered her nostrils, making her feel dizzy. Jake took the book from her hands, and she glanced up at him, willing the butterflies in her stomach to calm down. She watched him review the pages and then close it, moving his blue eyes over to her. It was happening again; her brain turned to stew as he leaned closer to her.

"I'm all caught up on math," he said slyly, his blue eyes with their clear orbs reading her every emotion.

Nodding, she bit her lip, unable to take her eyes off his.

"What would you like to do?" Her words came out in a breathy whisper.

"Hm." Jake pretended to think about it. He knew what he wanted to do. Running a hand through her bang, he tucked the strand behind her ear. His eyes moved purposefully to her lips.

"Chemistry," he answered.

Mabel briefly thought that was the wrong subject reference but struggled to respond. His warm hand slid down her neck, and her tongue darted out to wet her lips.

Jake caught the action and gently guided her towards him before bending to press his lips against hers.

Mabel sighed, melted by his touch, she pressed into his kiss. She couldn't help the way her body responded to him. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. Jake read the sign and used his arm to hold his weight as he shifted them, pressing Mabel back against the arm of the couch. A soft moan sounded deep in her throat as Jake's hand ran through her hair, gently tugging the soft strands, while his other arm slid under the small of her back, bringing her body against his.

Mabel mirrored the action, running her fingers through his hair. He traced his tongue along her bottom lip before slowly pushing further, delving into her mouth. The intrusion surprised Mabel at first, and her tongue tentatively met his. She curled her fingertips in his hair and shyly pressed herself against his body, shifting her legs to allow him to get even closer.

Moving between her legs, he licked her bottom lip before taking the plump flesh between his teeth. He pulled back, taking in the girl beneath him. Mabel's chest rose and fell with deep, unsteady breaths as she watched him with glazed hazel eyes. Cherry lips, swollen from their kiss, were slightly parted.

"Did I... do something wrong?" she whispered, unsure why he pulled away.

"No." Jake shook his head before greedily kissing her again, driving his tongue inside her mouth and claiming her lips. His hands snaked over her sides, gripping her body and crushing her against him.

The same warm ache from the shower consumed her, driving her to kiss him with equal fervor.

Mabel's tongue found his, and she pulled him against her. Passion flowed between them as their tongues danced. Mabel wrapped her legs around his waist, hitching her skirt up.

Releasing her lips, he pressed hot kisses along her jawline and down her neck, sucking the soft flesh and gliding his tongue over her skin. Reflexively, her hips ground against him, and Jake grunted, tightening his grip. He ran his hands down over her smooth thighs just below the hem of her skirt.

"Mmm. Jake."

Jake moved his lips back to hers, invading her mouth again and forcing her tongue to play against his. His fingertips lightly skimmed over the exposed fabric of her panties. She was soaked! Mabel's body jolted from the slight contact. Wanting more, she pressed herself against him. Her breath caught when she felt his hard bulge against her sensitive flesh. Without thinking, Jake responded by pushing his dick firmly against her panty clad pussy.

"Oh!" Mabel whimpered, shocked by the sensation. She could feel how hard he was through his jeans. Her body made a decision for her, and she moved against him, tightening her legs around his waist. Jake's self control teetered on the edge as he felt her grind, causing the jeans he was wearing to strain even more.

"Mabel," he spoke. He didn't want to push her too far, but she didn't let him finish, pulling him back into the kiss. Her hands slid down his arms. The shirt he was wearing frustrated her. She wanted more of him and tugged at the fabric. He pressed harder against her, increasing the pressure on her drenched pussy. Thrusting his tongue into her mouth, he forcefully claimed her as his hands pushed her skirt up around her hips. Her skin was soft beneath him, and he gently squeezed her thighs before slinking down to grab her ass. He lifted her hips, feeling her grind her pussy against his cock.

The high-pitched melody of the doorbell echoed around them, and Jake pulled back. The sound didn't register with Mabel, and she blinked up at him, using her arms to pull him back into the kiss. He ran his hand back down her smooth thigh, sliding his fingertips along her panties again. Mabel's body shivered beneath him. Wanting to ignore the sound, he placed more pressure against her pussy. The thin layer of panties folded into her as his fingers deftly stroked her.

"Oh shit! Jake." She gasped his name, arching her back and pushing up to increase her pleasure. He didn't want to stop. Watching Mabel squirm from his touch left his blood running hot and his cock throbbing in his jeans. The doorbell rang again.

"Food's here."

Jake slid his hand back down her thigh. Mabel turned her head toward the door.

"Oh," she whispered before slowly unwrapping her legs from around him. Running shaky hands through her hair, she took a deep breath, readjusting herself.

Jake got up from the couch and went to the door.

"Here, man, keep the change."

Returning with the large brown paper bag, he smiled at the flushed girl now sitting up on the couch.

She returned a shy smile and then looked at the food, her hunger returning. "I'll go grab drinks." Bouncing up from the couch, she swept past him.

"Hey, where's your bathroom?" Jake asked, setting the bag on the table.

"Down the hall on the right," she said as she crossed the room to the kitchen.


Jake took a moment to steady himself while looking in the bathroom mirror and taking deep breaths. His cock was rock hard. He thought of the shy redhead humping him through his jeans. Her pussy was soaked as she struggled to remove his shirt. It amazed him that he hadn't noticed her until a couple of weeks ago. Now, all he wanted was for her to be his. He shook his head again and ran some cold water over his face before leaving the bathroom.

When Jake returned, he saw that Mabel had set the food out.

She grinned up at him and handed him some chopsticks.

"Thanks," he said as he sat next to her on the couch, looking at the TV then back at her. She still had a faint blush along her cheeks. Jake silently chided himself; he hadn't intended to push her that far.


"What do you wanna watch?" she asked, turning towards him.

"Huh?" Jake looked at the screen. "Oh, I'm not picky."

Slowly, Mabel nodded. She didn't want to seem clingy, but she wanted to kiss him again. Her body was still buzzing from the experience. She had never been touched like that before, and it felt... amazing!

"Hey," Jake observed her, "you all right?"

Mabel came out of her daze. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Their heads snapped towards the door as Mabel's mom and Scott walked in.

Beth wasted no time making her way to the living room. She glanced between the pair. "How'd studying go?"

"It was good, mom," Mabel said. "We just got the food."

Scott sauntered over to the living room and placed a hand on Beth's back. "I told you the kids were fine."

Beth took a breath and glanced towards Jake. "I know."

Scott pressed a soft kiss against her lips, and Mabel quickly turned towards the TV.

"I have a meeting in the morning. Are we still on for this weekend?"

Beth smiled, "Yes, of course."

"Wonderful," he turned his eyes to the two on the couch, "it was lovely meeting you, Mabel. Jake."

"Nice to meet you," Mabel replied.

Jake nodded, "You as well."

Scott let himself out, leaving Beth standing next to the couch. She took a seat on the arm. "So what are you guys watching?"

Mabel shrugged. "I don't know yet."

"Ok," she said anxiously, "I'll let you guys finish your food."

Beth went to the kitchen and washed a small amount of dishes in the sink, then spent time opening and closing cabinets while they ate.

Jake finished his food and stood up. "I should get going."

Mabel looked up at him then back towards the kitchen. "Yeah, thanks for helping me."

"Anytime," he said as he stuffed his backpack.

She got up and walked him to the door. "Bye, Jake."

Jake wanted to kiss her again but felt her mom's eyes watching them. "Bye, Mabel."

"Mom!" Mabel rounded on her mother, closing the door behind him.

"Honey, what do you expect?" Beth made her way to the entrance.

"For you to trust me!" Mabel retorted.

"You're a child!"

"I'm eighteen, mom! You can't treat me like a kid forever!"

Beth sighed and closed the distance between them. "I know. I know and I do trust you."

Mabel rolled her eyes.

"No, I do," Beth glanced towards the door, "I just don't trust him. That's all."

"I told you he wasn't a part of that."

"I believe you." She tucked her daughter's bang behind her ear. "It's just... I don't want you to get hurt, and after what happened at school... "

"You think he's too good for me?"

"What? No! Absolutely not!"

"Then what?"

"Guys are assholes, Mabel. They only want one thing, and then they leave you high and dry."

"Oh, like you and all your boyfriends."

"You know what? Yes! I have learned firsthand how shitty men can be. I'm trying to protect you from that."

"I don't need your protection, Momma. I'm grown, and I can do whatever I want."

"At least be smart, Mabel. Don't fall for some asshole."

"You don't even know him! And who are you to say who I should fuck?"

"Watch your mouth!"

"Leave me alone!"

Mabel stormed up the stairs and slammed her door.


When Friday came, Mabel couldn't help the nerves that tied her stomach. She was still unsure about acting in front of the class. Noble had arranged the tables to create a makeshift stage for the performances. Taking a deep breath, she went to sit by Jake.

"You ready?" he nudged her.

"No," she answered honestly.

"You'll be great."

She smiled up at him. "I'm sure you'll do well too."

Chuckling Jake nodded. "I'm sure."

Noble clapped his hands loudly to get the students' attention. "Today is the day we've all been waiting for. I hope everyone took time out of their busy schedules to actually practice. First up, Gwen and Patrick."

While surveying the class, Mabel noticed that she wasn't the only nervous student. Most had their books open, mouthing their lines.

"Pay attention," Noble called as the two students made their way to the front of the class.

One after the other, pairs of students stuttered through their lines, holding the books in front of their faces and hanging their heads as they spoke. Jake noticed Mabel lay her book on the table and grabbed it before she could open the cover. Shaking his head, he put it in his backpack.

"Hey!" Mabel whisper-yelled, narrowing her eyes toward him. "Give it back."

"You don't need it." Jake's eyes remained on the performers in front of them, but he could feel her glare.

"Yes, I do."

"You know the lines, Mabel."


Jake moved his hand under the desk and placed it on her knee. She thought about Wednesday and the rush of pleasure from Jake's touch. "You got this. Just be confident."

"Thank you, Jessica and Simon. Up next," Noble surveyed the paper he had written the order on, "Jake and Mabel."

Mabel's heart skipped a beat as Jake stood up. Taking a deep breath, she made her way to the front, standing off to the side as Jake took his place in the center and started his monologue. Once again, he effortlessly embodied the character. She watched as the other students actually paid attention to what was taking place in front of them.

Jake's words echoed in her head: just be Lady Macbeth. Steadying herself, she stepped in on her cue. Their lines flowed as if they had practiced them for years, and before she knew it, they were done. Turning back to the class, she was startled by the applause that followed their act.

Noble seemed incredibly impressed, and Mabel laughed as Jake took her hand, pulling her into an exaggerated bow. When they stood back up, a dollar was slowly floating down, landing in front of her on the tile floor. The room went silent. Mabel watched Steven snicker in front of her, then bent down to retrieve the money.

A wave of anger she'd never felt before flared up inside her, and she calmly walked over to stand in front of Steven. Setting the dollar on his desk, she planted her palms against the table and leaned in. "Keep your dollar, Steven; I only charge a cent for needle dicks."

Mabel watched his gaze harden as his smile dropped into a sneer.

A student sitting behind Steven choked on the soda they were drinking. The rest of the class looked stunned before erupting with laughter.

Noble stood up. "Hey! Hey! Reign it in! Thank you, Miss Humphrey and Mr. Edwards."

Jake couldn't help the stunned smile that spread across his face. Steven was clearly angry, his face turning redder by the second. Jake gave him a harsh slap on the back as he walked by him.

"Steven and Claire," Noble called, "you guys will be finishing the show today."

"Damn, no one wants to go after a whore," Steven snickered.

Jake's jaw clenched, and he wheeled around. "Shut the fuck up, Grant."

"It's ok, Jake," Mabel said as she reached for his arm. He pulled from her grip.

"Make me, Edwards." Steven pushed out of his seat.

"Hey!" Noble called, rushing to get between the two boys. Jake had the height advantage, but both were muscular, standing toe-to-toe with clenched fists at their sides. Noble used all of his might to squeeze between the two.

"Edwards, go sit down! Grant, go to the principal's office! Now!"

Neither moved. The class was silent.

"I said now!" Noble demanded.

"Fuck you, Edwards!" Steven said, finally turning away to grab his backpack. Noble stepped to the side.

"Get the fuck out of here, needle dick." Jake sneered.

The retaliation happened before anyone could respond. Steven rushed Jake, tackling him into the row of tables behind them. A girl screamed, standing up just before her desk crashed into the one behind her. Jake threw a hard punch that landed squarely against Steven's jaw, knocking him back before he could throw his own.

Steven recovered quickly, landing a solid blow against Jake's lip as Noble and two other guys scrambled to grab the two. Jake easily pushed past the teacher, throwing another punch that pummeled Steven's nose. The two other boys pulled Steven back before he could retaliate, and Noble pushed Jake back into the desks.

"Stop!" Noble exclaimed, pointing to Steven, "and get him out of here!"

The two boys wrestled Steven out of the room, and everyone turned their eyes towards Jake. He wiped his bloody lip as the bell rang.

"Go to the principal's office, Edwards." Noble commanded, shaking his head.

Jake nodded, brushed past Mabel, and grabbed his backpack. Slowly, the rest of the class began to gather their things, throwing glances between Mabel and Jake before Jake left the room.

"What happened?" Maggie met Mabel outside the class. She was waiting by the door and watched as Jake stormed down the hallway.

"Um, a fight." Mabel answered, turning to look at her friend.

"Over Shakespeare?"

"Kind of."

Maggie watched her friend and then shrugged. "Macbeth is a cursed play."


Mabel chewed her bottom lip as she aimlessly flipped through show titles on Netflix, anxiously glancing between her TV and her phone. Jake hadn't responded to her text, and she didn't want to seem too pushy. After debating with herself, she sent another.

Hey are you ok?

"Mabel," her mom called from downstairs. Sighing, Mabel set her phone aside and went halfway down the staircase.

"Yes, Mom?"

"I'm going away for the weekend," she said, looking up at her daughter. "Are you going to be ok by yourself?"

Mabel raised an eyebrow. Her mom had never asked her that before. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Beth shifted her weight. "Ok, there's food in the fridge. I just went shopping."

"Thanks, momma," she said, turning to go back to her room.

"Just," Beth halted her daughter.

"Yeah," Mabel replied, turning back to her.

"Just be careful. No random people."

Mabel's eyes narrowed. "No random people?"

"Yeah, you know, no parties, hangouts, boys." Beth sped through the sentence and then smiled up at her daughter, who responded with a glare.