Teenage Fantasy Ch. 01


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"Is this about Jake?" Mabel asked, slowly descending the stairs.

The doorbell rang, and Beth glanced towards the entrance.

She didn't move to answer. "Not in particular."

"Really? Because you've never said that before."

"I haven't?" Beth feigned surprise, "Strange. Ok, well, I will see you on Monday."

"Bye," Mabel grumbled.

Beth opened the door and smiled up at Scott, who bent to kiss her.

Scott grinned at Mabel. "Hello Mabel. Good to see you."

Mabel bit her cheek while eyeing her mom. "Yeah, you too Scott."

"Love you, honey," Beth said as she reached for the doorknob.

"You two behave," Mabel mocked, running back up the stairs.

Her phone was buzzing when she sat back on her couch. Maggie's face popped up on her screen.

"Hey," Mabel answered.

"Why didn't you tell me Jake and Steven fought because of you today?"

"They didn't!"

"That's not what I heard!"

"Well, you heard wrong."

"Snapchat isn't wrong! I'm so mad you didn't tell me."

"What difference does it make, Maggie?" she sighed, leaning back against the arm of her couch.

"A big freaking difference, Mabes! Jake just fought over you; do you know what that means?"

Rolling her eyes, Mabel shrugged, "No, what?"

"He likes you!"

Mabel thought back to Wednesday. "You think so?"

"Duh, no one is gonna get into a fight over someone they don't like."

"Maybe he's just a good guy."

Maggie scoffed, "Please. There has to be more you're not telling me."

"No." Mabel's voice rose an uncontrollable octave, and she silently kicked herself. She was a terrible liar.

"You did the thing," Maggie said.

"What thing?"

"The 'I'm-lying-so-my-voice-squeaks' thing."

"All right," Mabel conceded to her friend. "We might have accidentally... kissed."

Mabel had to pull the phone away from her ear as Maggie squealed on the other end.

"You kissed Jake Edwards and didn't tell me!"

"Yeah," she bit her thumb nail, "it wasn't a big deal."

"No big deal! Mabel, this is a huge deal!"

"Or not," Mabel replied, "I think it was just a rebound thing. Him and Tonya just broke up."

"When did this happen?"

"Ummmm... Saturday."

"What? He came over?"


"I'm hurt, Mabes. I'm your best friend."

"I know, but like I said, it was an accident."

"Was that the only time?" Maggie asked.

Mabel paused.

"Mabel," Maggie demanded.

"Would you be mad if I said no?"

"Oh. My. God. Do I even exist to you anymore?"

"You know you're my best friend! I just didn't know what to say."

"How about: Hey Maggie, I kissed Jake Edwards!"

"Ew. I don't sound like that!"

"Not the point, Mabes," Maggie laughed.

"Anyway," Mabel tried to change the subject. "Do you want to come over? I can order some food and we can binge, Big Mouth."

"That sounds fun, but..." Maggie hesitated.

"What?" Mabel sat up.

Maggie tried to hide her excitement. "I, um, have a date."

This time, Mabel squealed into the phone.

"With who?"

"Drew Michaels."

"Sexy skateboarder, Drew?"

"Yes," Maggie squeaked, "he asked me out yesterday!"

"Talk about not telling your best friend," Mabel grinned, "I hope you have fun."

"Thanks, I can come over tomorrow."

"You have to. I need details. Bye Mags."

"Bye Mabes."

She hung up as her phone rang again.

Jake's picture displayed on the screen, and without hesitation, she slid the icon over.


"Hey, come open the door."

"What," she asked, "You're here?"

"Yeah, I'm out front."

"Um, ok. One sec."



"Are you ok?"

Mabel swung the door open, looking up at Jake with worry clouding her features.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he smiled reassuringly.

"You didn't answer my calls."

She stepped aside so he could come in.

"I was getting yelled at. Coach is pretty pissed we're missing tonight's game."

Mabel shook her head. "You shouldn't have done that."

"How else was I supposed to follow up that needle dick comment?"

Mabel smirked before pressing onto her toes to get a better look at his lip. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Really. I'm fine. I forgot to give this back."

He held up the battered copy of Macbeth.

Mabel thought of the fight he had gotten into because of her today. She stared at the book before meeting his gaze.

Without thinking, she drew him down, claimed his lips, and dove her tongue into his mouth.

Dropping the book, his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Their tongues entwined as they greedily tasted each other. Mabel pressed herself against him and slid her hands up his torso.

His dick was growing in his jeans, pressing against her stomach.

His hands roamed down to her ass, gripping her flesh possessively.

Mabel pulled away and peered into his lust darkened eyes.

"Maybe... you could... stay with me tonight? If you want to."

Jake thought of how soft her skin was on Wednesday and how eagerly she had kissed him.

The thought of her body being just beneath his fingertips in this moment filled his mind as he searched her eyes. "You sure, Mabel?"

Mabel held his gaze, contemplating his question. Pressing up on her tiptoes, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him down into a deep kiss. Her tongue played with his before she slowly sank back down.

Taking his hand in hers, Mabel guided him to the stairs. Jake watched her walk in front of him as she led him up the stairs and down the hallway to a lavender door. Mabel didn't look back at him; instead, she turned the knob, opened the door, and brought him into the room.

"My room's a mess."

Nervously, she watched him take in the space.

The room was painted a deep violet and decorated with personal photos and Broadway posters. A large wall opposite the window was painted light gray to balance out the richness of the color. Mabel's queen-sized bed centered the space with an emerald green upholstered headboard and matching ottoman. A desk littered with books and a laptop sat under a window in a nook opposite the bed. A small TV and a plush black loveseat with a blanket draped over it completed the unit. It was designed like a mini-apartment, with a bathroom and walk-in closet.

"Looks fine to me," he responded, landing his eyes on her.

"Mabel?" he said softly. She looked up at him, almost as if she had forgotten he was there.

"Yeah," she asked, chewing her top lip.

"Have you ever... done this before?"

She dropped her gaze, thinking of the reputation she had around the school. "No, I haven't."

"Hey," he whispered, tucking his thumb under her chin and bringing her eyes back to his. "I'm saying that we don't have to do this. If you're not ready."

Butterflies fought with fire in her stomach as she took Jake in. His concern helped abolish her fears. Instead, she thought of Wednesday and how good it felt when he touched her. Slipping her arms around his neck, she pulled him into another kiss.

"It's ok," she whispered against his lips, "I'm ready."

Jake read her determination as she peered into his eyes. He bent to kiss her, and Mabel opened to him, delving her tongue into his mouth. Pulling her closer, Jake ran his hands along her sides, easily wrapping them around her slender waist as he skimmed his fingers just beneath the hem of her shirt. Lifting her up, he brought her lips back to his, invading her mouth as he carried her to the bed. Mabel eagerly returned the kiss, raking her hands through his hair as he set her on the mattress. His strong hands moved further up her body, gathering the fabric of her shirt as they ascended. Jake's lips moved to her neck, briefly tasting her skin before pulling Mabel's shirt over her head.

Tossing it to the side, Jake took in the girl beneath him. He had stolen a glance at her body at the lake, but it didn't compare to seeing her now. The curves of her hips were contoured by her slender waist. A toned ab line traveled down her smooth skin towards her small navel before disappearing beneath the button holding her shorts in place for now. Naturally, Jake's eyes were drawn to her breasts, which strained against the confines of a green polka dot bra, spilling over the cups and revealing a small peek of her pink areola.

Mabel watched Jake as his eyes darkened. The consuming look inflamed the deep desire swelling in her womb. Licking her lips, she watched his gaze follow her tongue before meeting her eyes. Jake knelt down on the mattress, keeping one knee between her smooth thighs. Reaching up, he took her glasses off and set them on the bedside table before claiming her lips again. Mabel moaned, clutching his shirt and using the fabric to pull him on top of her as she laid back on the bed. His rough hands gripped her hips, creating indentations in her skin as he kissed her.

Breaking away from her lips, he trailed hot kisses down her jaw, nipping at her neck before sucking her flesh and leaving red marks in his wake. She exposed her throat, allowing him to taste her as much as possible. The brief kisses and alternating nips sent soft courses of pleasure through her body. Desperately, her fingers grappled with his shirt as she moved her hands to the hem and began removing it. Jake sat up to assist her, pulling his shirt off and tossing it to the side. He looked down at the beautiful redhead beneath him.

Lust dilated her glossy green pupils as her eyes slid down his body. Blonde hair swirled over his chest and ran down his abs, disappearing below his jeans. Mabel reached up, running her hands along his tan skin and over the defined muscles of his taut chest and stomach. Jake's blue eyes consumed her, making it difficult for her brain to digest what was happening. She'd fantasized about him for so long, picturing his rough skin against hers and his strong arms holding her. Now, he was here in her room, and the dream was slowly becoming a reality.

Pressing forward, he crushed his lips against hers again, thrusting his tongue into her mouth as his hands moved beneath her. Mabel arched against him, feeling Jake's fingers pinch her bra clasp. The tight undergarment released its hold on her breasts. He broke away from the kiss, taking a strap between his fingers, and moved it down her arm before doing the same with the other side.

Mabel slid her arms free of the straps, freeing her breasts completely. Jake watched her expose herself to him, a low rumble sounding in his throat as his eyes consumed her tits. He had thought about this moment repeatedly over the past month, but his imagination had failed to capture just how enticing she would be.

With each shaky breath, the full milky white globes perched on her chest rose and fell, topped by stiff rose-pink nipples that beckoned him to taste them. Dipping his head, he closed his mouth around the hardened nub, circling his tongue over it.

"Mmmm," she moaned, trailing her fingers along his back.

His hand glided over her skin, taking her other breast in his palm, which he squeezed gently, feeling the weight of it, before lightly pinching her nipple between his fingers. Mabel reacted without thought to the new sensation. Pleasure flooded through her body, and she melted into his touch, gripping his shoulders as he moved his mouth to her other nipple, flicking it with his tongue and eliciting a quiet moan.

Her pussy throbbed as he rolled her other nipple, and she tried to squeeze her thighs together to relieve the deep ache. Jake's leg prevented her from doing so, and he gently grazed her nipple with his teeth before pressing his thigh against her pussy.

"Ohh," she groaned, grinding against him. The pressure satiated the need somewhat but increased her desire.

"You like that?" He whispered, his breath fanning her skin and causing small goosebumps to surface.

"Yes," she whimpered, her nails digging lightly into his skin. Suddenly, Jake grabbed her waist again, lifting her up and yanking away the blankets. He moved her further up the bed and blanketed her body with his before moving his hands down to the waistband on her shorts. His finger toyed with the button as his mouth took her nipple again, sucking greedily.

"Mmmm fuuuck!" Mabel's hand tangled in his hair, not wanting the incredible sensation to stop.

Jake undid the button, pulling the zipper down. His fingers remained above her matching cotton panties as his hand moved beneath her jeans. He thought of how wet she was from their makeout session on the couch before pressing his hand against her pussy. Her juices had soaked through her panties, coating his fingers as they circled over her clit.

"Oh shit!" She cried, bucking her hips, as the pleasure jolted through her.

Jake continued the assault, pulling away from her nipple to watch her reaction as the grip on his shoulders intensified. Mabel's eyes were clamped shut, with her mouth opened in a full o, she squirmed against his fingers. He wanted more. Pushing off of her, he removed his hand and hooked his fingers in her waistband, pulling on the tight shorts.

Mabel, dazed by the gratification, clumsily lifted her hips, allowing him to take off her pants and panties, leaving herself completely naked before him.

Placing himself between her legs, he ran his eyes over her body. Trimmed red hair veiled her pussy. Moving his hands up her thighs, he parted her legs, revealing swollen lips glistening with the same moisture that coated his fingers. His dick jumped at the sight of her sprawled on her back, her red hair fanned around her body, contrasting her flawless white skin. Her stomach trembled, quaking with anticipation. The urge to fuck her right then filled him, but he knew he couldn't—not yet, at least.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered.

She smiled sheepishly at the compliment, her heart thudding in her chest as she opened for him. Nerves clutched her stomach, and she didn't know what to say. He loomed over her, still clad in his jeans. His blue eyes drank her body in, and she felt feverish under his gaze. Excited embarrassment gripped her as she lay naked beneath him.

Jake gently pressed his fingers against her puffy, pussy lips, parting them and revealing the pink flesh within. He stroked her pussy, his dark eyes catching hers as he found her clit and flicked the swollen nub.

"Shit!" Mabel jumped, grasping the blanket as he stroked her pussy. It surprised her that she could be so sensitive to the slightest touch. Jake leaned down, balancing his weight on one hand and kissing her neck before rapidly circling her clit.

"Ooooh FUUCK!" Her legs tried to close, wanting to prevent the assault that melted her body into a trembling puddle of nerves, but Jake's large body prevented that.

"Mmmmm!" Mabel squirmed beneath his fingers; the rapid pace on her clit caused her legs to tremble as he coaxed her to an orgasm. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the explosive sensation that flooded her body. Jake took her erect nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue over the sensitive areola. Letting his thumb continue working her clit, he rubbed his fingers along her labia before pressing against her tight hole.

"Ooh!" Mabel gasped, feeling the slight pressure against her entrance. Using his middle finger, he pushed slowly inside of her.

Being expanded as he sucked her nipple caused her body to flood with varying waves of pleasure. She let out a long groan as Jake's finger worked within her, stretching her virgin pussy more than ever. Her walls contracted around him, preventing him from going any deeper than his second knuckle. She was astonishingly tight.

"Damn Mabel." His breath caught. Cautiously, he began working his finger in and out of her, licking and sucking her nipples as he flicked her clit. Mabel's body was on the verge of an explosion. Her hands gripped Jake's muscular back as her legs squeezed his sides. "OOOOoooh, my God. Mmmmm fuuuck!" Her body and mind wrestled, caught between pleasure and an unexplainable instinct, preventing her from toppling over the edge.

Jake trailed kisses along her neck as he fingered her. "That's it, Mabel," he whispered, nipping her earlobe. "Cum for me."

Mabel's first orgasm crashed through her body. Juices flooded his palm as her legs quaked, releasing their grip on his sides. Jake thrust his finger deeper, greedily claiming her lips as she screamed her release. Her nails scraped across his back. She bit Jake's lip as he continued working over her clit. Her hips ground against his hand, desperately working to keep her body floating in deep ecstasy. Jake pulled away from the kiss. His hard-on strained his jeans as he watched Mabel cum on his hand. Her full, red lips were opened wide, and soft auburn strands of hair clung to her skin. He sat up, causing her hands to fall to the sheets and grip the covers.

He pulled his wallet from his back pocket and fished out a condom.

Leaning down beside her, he kissed her again, waiting for her orgasm to subside.

"Mabel," he whispered, stroking her hair lightly.

"Mmm?" she moaned, turning her head towards the sound of his voice.

Jake pressed another light kiss against her lips, gently tugging the strands of her hair. Slowly, she lifted her eyelids, turning lust-glazed wide orbs towards him, accompanied by a slow, lazy smile.

Jake paused, caught by how utterly fucking gorgeous she looked in this moment. He skimmed his thumb across her lips, feeling her body shiver as another wave of her orgasm pulsed through her. Her eyes closed, and she gripped the sheets again.

Jake laid his hand on her trembling stomach, waiting for it to pass.

"Listen to me, Mabel," he said softly but intently, and she opened her eyes to look at him again.

"I'm gonna take this slow." Jake's words were meant for her but served as an affirmation for him. He thought of the way her pussy gripped his finger.

"I need you to talk to me. If it gets to be too much, tell me."

Slowly, Mabel nodded. "I will."

Jake held her gaze for a moment, wanting to make sure she understood. The intense look in his blue eyes increased the desire flaming through her body.

Reaching up, she pulled him into an eager kiss, tangling her hands in his hair and crushing herself against him while wrapping her legs around his waist. His large body enveloped hers, and he wrapped his arm around her torso, lifting her up. Using his free hand, he undid his jeans, pulling them and his boxers down before laying her back on the mattress. Removing them completely, he stood on his knees, turning his gaze towards her dripping cunt. He reached for the gold-wrapped condom before looking back at her.

Mabel's eyes were wide with awe. Fear and excitement gripped her gut as she took in Jake's cock. A fat mushroom tip topped the thick protruding member dripping drops of precum. Licking her lips, she balanced herself on her elbows, running her eyes along the curve of his veiny cock and down to his full, heavy balls.

"C-can I-" She looked back up at Jake, curiosity spurring her on, she returned her gaze to the enormous dick sticking out above her. Taking a shaky breath, she sat up higher.

"May I touch it?"

He couldn't help the rush that coursed through him at her reaction. A mix of fear and amazement caused her hazel eyes to dance enticingly. "My cock?

"Yes," she nodded, tucking her knees beneath her and nervously looking up at him. "May I touch your cock?"

Jake waited to answer and just enjoyed the way she posed her question. Her voice, hoarse and clouded with lust, was soft and submissive, causing his cock to jump. She gasped, bringing her hand to her lips.

"Yeah," he responded, "you can put this on."

He held up the condom and watched excitement light her eyes. Tucking her bang behind her ear, she returned a determined gaze back to his dick. Bashfully, Mabel reached out, carefully wrapping her hand midway around his shaft. The smooth skin surprised her; she could feel the blood pulsing up toward the tip. It was warm in her palm, and a gap remained between her thumb and fingers as they closed around it. His dick jumped in her hand, and she brought the other up, wrapping it around the top and stroking her thumb over the precum glossed head. Jake grunted at the sensation of her soft hands stroking him.