Th Boarder or Was It


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Our intimate chats dried up, and it was Leah and Kirsty in a sneaky corner deep in intimate conversation. I felt like I was being pushed out. Not purposefully, but subconsciously. Unwittingly, I was being pushed aside.

I tried to push my way back in, made sure when I was there, that I was part of the lovemaking.

The paths we walk are often twisted, and ours was about to get harder. Well, for me at least. Feeling neglected already, it got worse because of work commitments. They were asleep before I got home, and still asleep when I went to work. I needed to change things, reduce my workload somehow.

It came in an offer from the national electricity generator. They had an A-class generator maintenance outage at Tekapo A power station and were looking for subcontractors. It was two months work, and the money was incredible. The bad news... Yep, isn't there always a catch?

I would have to live in Tekapo for the duration, and the schedule meant no weekends off. The flip side, they supplied the accommodation and food.

When I floated it to Leah, she screamed the house down. No way was she wearing it. "Bloody hell, Luke, we hardly see you as it is."

"Leah, I'm exhausted at the moment. Really struggling. This would be like a holiday for me. Steady hours, no driving. The money is impossible to match and it would be great experience."

We battled for three days, in the end it was Kirsty who convinced her.

It was awesome for the first few days. The hours were good, the work interesting. The accommodation was great, as was the food.

The downside was the nightly video chats with Leah and the girls. I organised a split shift so I could finish early enough to have an hour chatting with the kids and Leah, then went back to work before finishing.

What started to hurt was seeing Kirsty become tighter not only with Leah, but with the kids. They relied on her, went to her for everything. Having the group video calls only emphasised it more deeply. Leah sat together with Kirsty, on the sofa with the kids on their knees and Hannah in their arms. Serenity, especially, seemed to form a bond with Kirsty. She never wanted to release Kirsty, her arms wrapped around her neck squeezing and hugging her tightly.

I should have felt ecstatic, but inside I was being ripped asunder by jealousy. I knew it was stupid, it was petty, but every day those feelings wormed their way deeper into my psyche.

It got worse the night that Leah had Jewel and Hannah with her, but no signs of Kirsty or Serenity. When I asked where she was, Leah called out, "Serenity, we're talking to Daddy, come and say hello."

"No!" she screamed back. "Kirsty and me are baking a cake."

Leah looked sad and guilty. "Sorry love, she misses you. We all do. This is fucked, babe, the money might be good, but we miss you."

With scenes like that replaying night after night, resentment started building towards Kirsty. It wasn't her fault, I knew that, It wasn't rational, but subconsciously I switched off whenever she talked. Even Leah sensed the discomfort whenever Kirsty was in the group.

The night they video called me late at night from the bedroom caught me off guard. My phone buzzed, alerting me to an incoming video chat. When I opened it, there they were naked on the bed. Kirsty frantically licking Leah's pussy.

Leah was obviously holding the phone filming. The image was so unsteady and shaky. Her moans, though, were loud.

"Oh fuck, babe, I'm going to come, Fuck, Kirsty, you're gonna make me come all over your face."

Kirsty tried to answer, but with her mouth smothered by Leah's pussy, all I heard were grunts.

"Oh fuck, Luke, she's the best, babe. I love the way she does that, god she's so good." Leah's head rolled wildly from side to side, her eyes shut. I'd seen her many times like that, lost in her wanton lust, all she wanted was to come.

It should have made me horny, and I suppose I did feel my dick hardening a little, but the way Leah, kept saying over and over how Kirsty was the best pissed me off.

Then my world dived into a tailspin. "Oh fuck, Kirsty, I love you so much," Leah screamed, her orgasm blasting through her. As she recovered, she dragged Kirsty by the hair up her body so they could kiss. All the while she whispered and cooed. "I love you, Kirsty, you gorgeous creature. God you make me come the best."

Their kiss was full of passion, but there was tenderness and love. Genuine, emotional, I'm never letting you go love.

After the kiss slowed, Leah turned to the camera and whispered. "Did you like watching, love?"

I wanted to hear her say. "I love you," not "did you like watching." It wasn't lust that drove me at that moment. It was anger. I don't know what my expression told them, but I hit end call.

With my head spinning, I flopped back on the bed. "Fuck!" I hissed into my pillow. This was worse than when she was with Felix. At least that was all about sex. This was different. She was in love with Kirsty; I had watched the relationship change. It happened slowly, nonetheless, things had flipped. It was no longer a sexual experimentation, it was love.

Lying in the dark, my phone buzzed again. This time it was just a call. "Are you okay?" Leah, giggled. "You must have dropped the phone while you were wanking."

"Nah, the phone dropped out. I figured it was you calling, but nothing came through. I kept saying hello, but there was nothing there."

"Oh poo, Kirsty and I were making love. Didn't you see any of it?"

"Nah, I'm a bit tired anyway tonight. I've got to get some shut eye, got an early start in the morning."

"Oh, I'm sorry, babe. We just wanted to do something special for you."

I heard rustling, then Kirsty's voice joined the conversation. "Hey Luke, we miss you."

I wanted to spit out, "It didn't look like it," but I bit my tongue. "Are you still there, Leah?" I asked.

"Yeah love, Kirsty just wanted to talk to you as well."

"I have to go, goodnight." I hit end, my hand shaking with anger. My reaction didn't make sense even to me, but I couldn't shake it.

Leah tried many times to repeat the sexy video call. Each time I disconnected. Watching my daughters fawn over Kirsty, pushing each other so they could be the ones to sit with her, kissing her and saying I love you to her was galling.

Hearing Leah say it hurt even more, and those three words kept slipping into the calls on a more regular basis. It was one or the other expressing their love for each other.

When the month finally came to an end, I was ecstatic. The drive home though, was excruciating. I couldn't shake the resentment I felt towards Kirsty. All I knew was I wanted her gone, I needed her out of my life. The whole drive I went over and over what to say, what to do. I didn't want to start a war; I just wanted her gone. At least financially now we could do that.

The house looked amazing when I turned into our driveway. The lawns were mowed, the gardens looked amazing. When I pulled to a stop, Leah and the girls came rushing out to meet me.

Jewel bounced up into my arms followed closely by Serenity. Leah joined them and they smothered me with kisses.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad to have you home. We missed you like crazy."

"I missed you, as well." Her mouth crashed into mine. The kiss exploded into a passionate eruption.

Kirsty, who held Hannah, slowly walked over, and leaned in for a kiss. I ignored it knowing I needed to keep my distance. What I would say later was not going to go well.

Instead, I reached for Hannah, lifted her into my arms and kissed her. "Wow, my little baby has grown."

I saw the quick interchange of surprised glances between Kirsty and Leah.

"Don't I get a kiss as well?" Kirsty asked, almost pleading.

"Sorry, Kirsty, I have just missed my family so much. I just wanted to share with them."

Her brows arched, and she turned to Leah. She didn't know what to say.

Serenity broke the awkward moment. "Did you bring us any presents, Daddy?"

"Sure did, angel. I got each of my special girls something."

"Yay!" she and Jewel shrieked joyously.

I picked up my bag from in the van, still holding Hannah in one arm. I zipped open my bag and pulled out two gift wrapped little packets. Jewel and Serenity frantically ripped at the wrapping. I lifted out a third and slipped it into Leah's hand. "It's not much, but I thought you might like it."

She smiled warmly. "Thanks, love."

The two girls flipped at their new necklaces and head bands made from encrusted gemstones.

It meant more kisses from them as they rushed inside to look in the mirror.

I lifted out the last one, and held it. "This ones for Hannah, but we might leave it till later."

Leah opened hers and discovered a necklace with a huge heart locket. Inside was a photo of her and me on one side, and a family one on the other. "Luke, it's beautiful. They must have cost a fortune."

"Nah, I found a local lady who makes jewellery. She made them for me. Our initials are engraved on the back."

"Wow, Luke, it's amazing. Thank you, so thoughtful.

"Hey, nothings to good for my special girls, my family." Kirsty, stood motionless, watching the exchange. I sensed her feeling left out, and Leah, must have felt her discomfort.

"Didn't you get something for Kirsty?"

"Nah, just for family. I wanted it to be special for us. The trip was all about us getting a chance to get our life back."

"But Kirsty is part of our family," Leah said falteringly, her words wavering. I think she could feel it, just like when Felix lived with us.

"No, she lives with us. She's a boarder, not family."

Kirsty turned and walked inside. Leah just stared at me disbelievingly. "Luke, that was mean, totally uncalled for. Kirsty is part of our family. Without Kirsty, you wouldn't have been able to make that trip."

"Yeah well, that's something I wanted to talk to you about, later after dinner."

"Oh no you don't. If you've got something to say, spit it out."

Sucking in a deep breath, I nodded. "Okay, well, I want Kirsty to move out. I want my family back again. I know it's sudden, but I've thought about it a lot while I was away. The sex was a lot of fun, but I think it's time."

Leah stood staring at me, her mouth hanging open. "Luke, things have changed. Kirsty, is part of our family. She's no longer merely a boarder. I love her, I want her to be part of our life."

"You think I haven't seen that, Leah? I'm not an idiot."

"Then why did you say that?"

"Because it's not what I want. I like Kirsty, but I love you, I love our children, our home, our family. Since we met, that's all I've ever wanted. Having another person in that mix breaks our connection."

"Luke, love." She gushed trying vainly to hold back tears. "Including Kirsty doesn't break our connection. All you have to do is open your heart and let her in."

"No, what's been happening is she's been replacing me. I didn't pick up on it until I was away. Now I see it's been happening for a while. The girls go to her for things they used to come to me for. You, yeah, even you, when you're feeling blue, you go to her when you used to come to me."

"No, Luke, that's not true. You're feeling left out because you've been away. Once we settle back into our life you'll see."

Hannah made a little mewing sound, and when I saw her sucking her thumb I lifted her to my face and kissed her. As I snuggled her, Leah reached for my hand, and said, "Let's not fight, you're home and that's what matters."

We walked inside hand in hand. The girls swamped me to say thank you for their gifts. Kirsty was in the kitchen making a drink. She glanced towards me as I put Hannah in her crib. "Tea, or coffee?" she called out.

"Nothing for me," I replied.

Leah glanced sideways at me. "You must be parched." She turned to the kitchen and called out. "I'll have tea, same as Luke, thanks babe."

The girls had their building blocks all over the floor, so I dropped down to the floor and helped them as we built a huge castle. The moments we live for, the girls giggling and telling me about things and adventures from when I was away. The sad bit was Kirsty's bloody name was attached to every one.

Leah, who has scurried into the kitchen the moment I started playing with the girls, called from the dining room. "Your cuppa's ready. Come and talk to us, we're dying to hear all about your trip."

"Leah, I told you I wasn't thirsty. I drank like two litres of water on the drive home, plus I stopped for food in Geraldine."

"Yeah, well at least come and talk to us. Kirsty made your favourite caramel slice."

"I said I got food, thanks." I turned back to the castle we were building, and the girls. It was fun, but Leah managed to wreck that as well. "Serenity, Jewel, sounds like you better come and eat Daddy's share of the caramel slice."

"Yay!" Serenity yelled and jumped up to scamper into the dining room with Jewel hot on her tale. Rather than grab a piece and return, they sat up at the table.

With our building game apparently now over, I wandered out to my van and grabbed my bag. As I unpacked I noticed how much of the wardrobe Kirsty had confiscated. All my clothes were pushed up into one end. As I hung mine up on hangers and put away my bags, I pulled out what was obviously Kirsty's stuff and threw it on the bed.

Leah walked in as I put away the last of my stuff. "What the fuck, Luke? Why are all these clothes dumped on the bed?"

"She has her own room. Her shit goes in there. This is our bedroom, yours and mine. Jesus, Leah. All my shit was pushed into the corner." I snarled at her. "This is my fucking space."

"Yes, okay love. That's my fault I told her to use it. Shit, babe, you weren't here, it made sense for her to utilise it while you were gone."

"Yeah, well I'm back mow, so all her shit can go."

She stood staring at me, her eyes sad and confused. "Luke, talk to me... What's going on? You haven't said one word to Kirsty since you got home."

There was no chance to talk further; Serenity and Jewel came bursting through the bedroom door. "Daddy, can we finish the castle now?"

"Girls, Daddy and I were talking. Get Kirsty to play with you," Leah said curtly.

I saw Serenity's pout and grabbed her hand. "No it's cool. Come on, let's finish that castle."

The girls and I lay on the floor working on the castle. They giggled madly as children do. I watched as Leah walked into the kitchen where Kirsty, was obviously working on preparing dinner.

Leah and Kirsty, huddled together like secret agents. I noticed several glances our way as their conversation intensified, and then they were cuddled together, Kirsty's body shuddering as she sobbed into Leah's shoulder.

The girls and I played at building and rebuilding with the blocks until Leah called us for dinner. Leah sat opposite me, with Kirsty and Serenity on one side, Jewel, and Hannah in her high chair, on the other.

"Well, are we finally going to get to hear about your trip?" Leah said.

"Not much to tell. It was a good project."

"You're gone two months and that's it?" Leah huffed in frustration.

"We can talk later in bed when we're alone. Work was great, the money was good and they've offered me another outage at Highbank in Methven early next year."

"Wow, they must have been pleased with your work," Kirsty said.

Rather than answer I filled my face with roast lamb. Leah, glared at me, but said nothing. Luckily, the girls carried most of the conversation through dinner. Afterwards, I said, "Would you girls like a bedtime story?

It not only got me out of doing dishes, but kept me away from Leah and Kirsty. I didn't really know what to say. All I knew is I wanted Kirsty gone.

When I got out of the girls room, I found Kirsty and Leah, snuggled together on the sofa. The lights were dimmed, soft music wafted through the tense air.

Leah patted the sofa beside her. "Come and sit with us, love. I think we need to talk."

When I got to her, I reached down my hand which she grabbed, although she looked confused, anxious.

I tugged on her hand. "Sorry to seem abrupt, but it's been two months, and I want you so bad." I glanced at Kirsty, and said, "Sorry, Kirsty, but I need my wife."

Leah stumbled behind me, trying to find her balance. "Luke, slow down." She dug her heels in, grabbing the Hallway door frame for support. "Luke, for gods sake. What has got into you?"

"Sorry, I was hoping you might be feeling as horny as I was. Is there a problem?"

"Yes, there's a problem. We need to talk, put everything on the table."

"We can talk later. Tonight, all I want is to reconnect with my wife. Make love, catch up on what's been going on around here and talk about future plans. It's got absolutely nothing to do with Kirsty."

Leah sighed deeply; I could see her trying to find the right words. "I've been looking forward to catching up as well. I'm every bit as horny as you are, but I think we need to talk about things first. So much has changed; it's not just you and me anymore. Now we have to consider Kirsty; she's part of us now."

There it was... When I glanced at Kirsty her eyes were teary and she clearly didn't know what to say, hands clasped together tightly, her knuckles white.

"Nothing has changed for me, Leah. Kirsty is our boarder. You, you're my wife."

"Shit." Leah spat out. "Luke, Kirsty, isn't a boarder, she's our lover."

It was time for me to draw my line in the sand. "Leah, she is a boarder, nothing more, nothing less. The sex was fun, a sweet memory to carry into the future. We all enjoyed it, but now it's time to move on. I want our family unit back, just you me and the kids. We can't do that with her living here."

I turned quickly to Kirsty. "I'm sorry, Kirsty, but I would like you to leave as soon as you can find somewhere else to live."

She looked at me as if I had slapped her. Leah sighed sadly, her eyes fixed on mine. "Luke, please babe, you're not giving us a chance... If we could just sit down together, discuss things."

When she saw the determined look on my face, she gripped my hand and said. "Lets go to bed. We can talk in the morning."

In the bedroom, she stripped us both quickly. Her mouth found mine and the kiss quickly ignited the emotions we both felt. It was rough, brutal, and then warm and loving. Our sweaty bodies lay together afterwards and she said, "You didn't mean what you said earlier. I get it, you're feeling left out because so much happened while you were away."

"Leah, you don't get it. I want things to go back to the way they were. I like Kirsty, it was fun and exciting. I understand we... you have changed, but Kirsty is an adventure we shared. It's time to go back to just us. You, me and the girls. We are a family."

"It's not that simple, Luke. When I said things have changed I really meant it. I have fallen for Kirsty. I'm in love with her. We shared a lot while you were away. I know you liked having her around, and maybe you don't love her as such. Not yet, anyway, but I want her to stay. I want her to be part of our family."

"Fuck, Leah she's already taken too much away from me. The girls go to her first. When she's around, they forget I even exist."

"The girls do love Kirsty, but that's because she loves them. You missed out on seeing and feeling that because you were never here. I understand you did that for us, and you worked so bloody hard. But you weren't here, so yes, the girls leaned on Kirsty."

"Yeah, well, that can change now. I'll be able to spend more time at home."

She gave me a sweet smile. "That sounds good, but I've heard that before."

"Leah, I know some of this is my fault. I promise I'm going to reduce my hours."

"Thank god for that, but it doesn't mean Kirsty can't be part of it. She has real feelings for you. She was really looking forward to your homecoming and us putting everything we talked about into motion. You really hurt her tonight."
