Th Boarder or Was It


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I was spent, but she kept sucking, no longer a starving beast, now it was a gentle caress, encouraging and hopeful.

When she came back for our kiss, she whispered, "We should take this to the bedroom, don't you think?"

Who was I to say no to that?

It seemed wrong to be in our bed, but Gloria sniggered when I tried to direct her to her room. "No way, that bed is not going to stand this."

Naked and hungry, we attacked each other, but I wanted to repay her earlier assault. Oral sex is my favourite, and I was dying to taste her.

"Oooooohhhh," she purred as she realised what I was doing. She laid back and let her legs fall open, easing the way for my tongue. I was going to savour this. If killed my marriage, then I wanted a sweet memory.

I started slow, exploring her sweet-tasting swollen lips, her pussy inviting and delicious. The moment my tongue dipped inside, I felt her desire. I could smell it, her lips coated with her dewy essence. Slippery and aromatic, the perfect mix.

It was slow at first, my tongue more exploratory than sexual, but as she writhed beneath my mouth, and her words made me wait.

"Don't tease me, Luke. I don't need it."

I let my tongue fuck her, it was deepening and my fingers joined my tongue. I fucked her, leisurely, like a tourist enjoying the trip. I let her desire grow with mine, faster and deeper. My hand plunged and drove into her squelching pussy.

She shivered and squirmed as I increased my assault. Her delirium grew as her head rolled from side to side. Her sighs surged, her voice like dripping treacle... sexy and hoarse.

Her orgasm when it arrived was like a bucking bronco. She jerked and shuddered. Her whole body vibrated and trembled, her skin pink with the rush.

Our kiss afterwards was sweet, the taste of her juices only heightened our need.

I reached to the bedside cabinet for a condom, but she brushed aside my hand. "No need, Luke."

I remembered her operation and realised what she was saying. The feel of her body as I sank into her depths was a fantasy coming to fruition. A desire finally made.

It was everything dirty sex should be. It was ferocious, passionate, her gasping purring moans of pleasure as I fucked her were musical and impudent.

Her body responded as one always hopes. My ardent thrusts were met with her own. We rushed towards a mutual crescendo that rattled the headboard. It was fucking, pure unadulterated wanton sex expressed through the coupling of our bodies.

Afterwards, we lay in each others arms and she sighed a deep satisfied purr. "Wow, that was amazing."

"Oh yeah. At least if Leah divorces me, I will have a nice memory to keep me warm at night."

She sniggered, her mouth a sexy smirk. "Don't be silly, Luke. Leah knows what we are doing. We talked about it before she left. I wouldn't be here if I thought there was any chance she would be angry with me, or you."

"Jesus, Gloria, I don't understand her. Why wouldn't she be angry?"

"Because we're different to you. It's not right or wrong. We learned a long time ago that sex is just that: sex."

"But, shit I don't get it. We're married."

"Luke, sex is fun, it's a joyous activity between two consenting people. In this case, four consenting people. Jake knows I'm here, and he knows what is happening. Leah knows, although she might be surprised by how much I enjoyed it. But why shouldn't we enjoy this moment?"

"I don't know, I guess it's the way I'm programmed."

"Exactly, society pushes us towards monogamy, and for some people that's fine. I hate cheating and lying. I would never condone that, but when it's between consenting adults, why shouldn't we enjoy it."

I had no logical answer. I know that our beliefs are built by other people, our parents, schools, churches. We are told in every medium that we should search out the one. Then marry them and live happily ever after. It was a form of programming, like our dislike for homosexuality, anything that sits outside the norm.

It was too much for my brain to unravel or understand, but for the moment. I pushed it aside. As we lay there, I realised I hadn't even called Leah, and cringed. "Fuck," I said quietly.

"What's the matter?" Gloria, asked nervously.

"I should have called Leah."

"Then call her, silly..."


"I have to go to the bathroom, then I'm going to get us a drink. Call her."

"Hi babe," she gushed. "How was your day?"

"Good, busy," I replied feeling as guilty as fuck.

"How's Mum and the girls? I rung earlier when I got back to the hotel. They sounded happy."

"Yeah, they certainly love your Mum. No question there." Trying to change the subject, I asked. "How's your room?"

"Sweet as, babe. The conference is boring as shit, but we had a few drinks and that was fun. I'm crashing now though. I hope you're looking after Mum?"

Was that a giggle; was she teasing? I didn't know what to say, but decided to bluff. "She seems happy, satisfied."

"Good, give her a kiss from me. Goodnight, babe, sleep tight."

Gloria turned out to be every bit as insatiable as her daughter. She loved sex, and every morning and every night the passion grew to such exhilarating passionate workouts I feared I was going to be the one who couldn't keep up.

I was both thankful and sad when the week was over and Leah was due home. I got home Friday night early to find Gloria had already started dinner. When I walked in, she met me with a very sexy hungry kiss. Her body melded with mine, taking my breath away.

As we separated, she said, "Leah just called. She will be home in about half an hour. You get changed, the girls are putting on clean clothes. They're pretty excited."

The girls were excited; they made us wait outside all holding hands. The moment Saul's car pulled in the driveway, the girls rushed towards the car screaming. "Mummy, you're home."

They flew into her arms, and she had to try and fend them off with cuddles and kisses. It was impossible, I knew what she was feeling. It was often the way the girls met me, and they were so all consuming and overpowering. They were a force bigger than their size.

Gloria and I laughed loudly as Leah tried to get some breath. Saul waved and called hello as he extracted Leah's bags from the boot.

Finally, after kissing her mum, Leah was in my arms. Her mouth was on mine. Strangely, she attacked me open mouthed, her eyes hooded as the kiss ignited.

As we parted, her tongue ran over her bottom lip. Her eyes met mine, and she said, "Tasty."

"Dinner's ready, sweetheart," Gloria said softly. "I'm going home. Jake is waiting We'll have to wait till tomorrow to catch up on your trip."

"Thanks, Mum," Leah said, giving her a final squeeze and kiss.'

The kids dominated dinner, they were so happy to have Leah home. They were full of questions, and afterwards, all they wanted to do was play with their new toys.

As they ran off to the bedroom, I started clearing the table. Leah snuggled up behind me. "Oh babe, I've missed you so much."

After placing the dirty plates on the bench, I turned to hold her in my arms. Her kiss was powerful and needy. Her lips wet and inviting. "How was Mum; did you look after her properly?" she asked.

I didn't answer, I was swamped with feelings of guilt, shame and fear. There was no way she was going to be happy.

I guess she felt my body stiffen, and she absolutely had to see the guilt. "Was she a good kisser?" she said with a snide giggle. "Don't tell me you didn't, I could taste her lipstick all over your mouth."

"Leah... I don't know what to say."

She kissed me. "Do you still love me? Or are you going to run away with her?"

"What, of course I love you. More than ever."

"Good, because I love you so much it hurts. I hated being away from you."

"Me too," I spluttered.

"Yeah, but at least you had somebody in your arms every night. Tell me, was she good, did you enjoy it?"

Again, the air around us vanished, and I struggled to breathe. How do you tell your wife her mother is a wonderful lover?

Leah stared into my eyes, "Yes... No? Come on, babe. I know what happened. She called me every day. I'm surprised she left. She was pretty enamoured with you, my sexy man. She thought you were the greatest. She was sad the week was over."

The girls rushed back out and we had to have hot chocolate before they would go to bed.

Thankfully, we managed to get them to settle down and we had the night to ourselves. Leah demanded. "Bed, babe, I need you."

It was fast and furious and over way too fast; the second time, though, was filled with the languid joy of lovemaking...

Cuddled together, our breath slowly returning, Leah asked, "Did the world end?"


"Do you love me less because of your passion filled week with Mum?"


"Is the sun still going to rise in the morning?"

"I hope so."

"Yes, babe, it will. It is what I have been trying to tell you. So long as it's open and there's no lies, no cheating, sex can be enjoyed with other people. It can be just a fun little exercise in enjoyment."

"Maybe, I'm still covered in guilt, and shame. Jesus, I had sex with your mum. Doesn't that seem wrong to you?"

"She's my Mum, not yours. She loves you, and I think that love is returned. All I hope is you enjoyed it, had fun."

"You don't feel anger, jealousy?"

"A little, but for me it's more envy than jealousy. You had a wonderful week, and I'm glad for you. Both of you. I'm not angry, why should I be?"

"I don't know. When you were with Felix, I could have killed him. I felt rage and hatred."

"I'm sorry you felt that way. It took me a while to understand why you felt that. Mum explained some of it. I hope that your week with her showed you what is possible with an open mind. Sex can be enjoyed outside of relationships."

I was in no position to argue. Not after the week I had experienced.

Our lives returned to normal. Well, as normal as they could. Every time Gloria came around home, there was always a deep kiss, and embrace. The feeling of her in my arms reignited memories that I tried to keep locked away.

Leah, though, refused to let me. She wanted to hear all about it during sex, and I had to relate every salacious detail...

The one marvellous outcome, was Leah decided it was time for our third child. We stopped using birth control. Leah took great fun in teasing me. She suggested she went and visited Felix, in the hope we had a boy. It was her way of teasing and trying to take away some of the anger I had built up towards him.

She told me several times, that was the sad thing for her. She felt guilty about her relationship with him because it destroyed his and my friendship. Even as she spoke, I felt surges of anger towards him. It was stupid, but I could never reconnect with him. Our friendship was dead.

As the arrival date of our new daughter neared (Yes we decided we wanted to know before she was born), Leah had to take maternity leave. The school decided to take on a substitute, as Leah planned to return after the birth.

She started about a month before Leah's leave started. The board wanted Leah to help her get started and settled in.

Leah was at the stage of her pregnancy that she waddled rather than walked and she was struggling to get around.

Over dinner the first day her replacement started, "What's she like?" I asked.

Leah smiled. "She's wonderful, actually. The kids love her already."

"Awesome, any chance you'll be able to start your maternity leave earlier?"

She nodded as she ate, then replied, "I'm hopeful; you may have noticed I'm not moving so quickly these days."

I laughed, enjoying the fact she had maintained her sense of humour. "Yeah, I noticed."

"So, what's she like?"

"Really nice, she's from Invercargill, doesn't know anybody. She's fresh out of teacher's college."

Leah had to sit down. This pregnancy had taken it's toll. I was worried; even Gloria was worried, which meant she was at our house every day, staying long past when Leah got home. She did all the cooking and cleaning. It was nice, but distracting. Having her around every day was hard for me, it was like a painful reminder of my infidelity.

A couple of days later when I got home from work, and we were having dinner. Leah casually asked. "How would you feel about a boarder?"

I felt my stomach tighten... "Oh god no. Not again."

Leah laughed snidely. "Yes, again."

"Don't you think we have enough going on around here at the moment without introducing more problems?"

"It will be fine."

"We don't have any spare room; once the baby's born, we will need the other bedroom."

"That's not for a while. I still have two months to go."

"Yeah, but then what, we kick him out?"

"Relax, we can figure it out as we go. It'll be a bit of fun, nothing to get all wound up about."

I realised that I was wasting my time. This wasn't an argument I was going to win. The girls were excited as well, which only made it harder.

Leah went off to bed early, much like she did every night lately. I finished up in the kitchen and put the girls to bed. Then it was an hour or so of invoicing and paperwork. When I got to bed, Leah was out to it.

The morning came quickly, and when I got up, Gloria was already there. "Hey sexy," she said with a seductive purr. "How's Leah this morning?"

"Still asleep, she seems pretty buggered. Maybe it would be a good idea if she rang in sick today?"

Gloria moved closer, her arms circling my waist, her mouth caressing mine. "You get off to work. I'll let her sleep for a while. See how she feels. Trust me, I'll look after her." She leaned back in, and this time the kiss was stronger, our mouths glued together in passion I couldn't hide.

"Wow, you're feeling it huh, sweetheart?"

I pulled out of her embrace. It was hard, in more ways than one. "Gloria, I can't do that. Leah is struggling this time around, and the doc said no sex."

"Luke, I see no reason why we can't enjoy physical contact. I wasn't going to rape you. It was just a kiss. We shared something; it doesn't always lead to sex. I like you, and that was nothing more than a kiss."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Gloria, I'm a little on edge this morning. Leah's talking about taking on another boarder. I don't think it's a good idea. Could you help me out and try to convince her?"

I switched off the ignition in the driveway that night. The strange car parked out front filled me with fear. It had been a hard day at work, full of stress, and I didn't need this."

Gloria met me at the door with the girls. They all got a kiss, and Gloria took my bags. Inside, I found Leah in the lounge. Sitting with her was a very attractive young girl.

"Hey babe, this is Kirsten. She's my replacement. She's going to be our new boarder. So long as you two can get along."

I leaned down to give her a kiss, and Kirsten held out her hand. "Hello, Luke."

She was really nice, and I felt like a hypocrite because by the end of the evening she was moving in. We had a new boarder. As Leah and I climbed into bed that night. I asked, "Why didn't you tell me the boarder was a girl?"

"Because I saw the look on your face. You immediately jumped to a conclusion, and it pissed me off. I was trying to help out a young girl, and you thought I was looking for a hook up. Shit, Luke, I can't even have sex."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. It was stupid." I saw her eyes darken, and her mouth tighten. Always a sign she is angry. "Before you say anything, I know it's stupid, but when you said the words boarder, my guts knotted up."

"Why?" she said with a frustrated sigh. "I had hoped your experience with Mum would have proved even to you that it's possible to enjoy sex outside of marriage."

"Nothing I say here will show me in a good light. I am going to seem like a hypocrite, and maybe I am. Or perhaps my programming doesn't allow it. I loved that week with Gloria, but I'm not convinced that sex can be just a casual encounter with no ramifications."

She shook her head, her lips tightly drawn. "It is what it is, Luke, we will just take it day by day. If we are being honest, and I do want us to be completely honest. If another chance arises, like Felix, I will want to be able to enjoy it without any of the drama of the last time."

"Yeah, don't worry. I am well aware of your expectations. All I can promise is... I will try."

Kirsten turned out to be perfect. She drove Leah to school, came home with her and helped around the house. The fact our girls fell instantly in love with her helped. It meant Gloria could take a break.

Most importantly, it gave Leah the chance to finish early: stay home and rest as the doctors were concerned she wouldn't carry full term. We had some serious consultations with the medical team. It was serious enough that Leah took their advice and rested. That, for her, was probably the most difficult part.

She, as always, stopped drinking any alcohol, stopped smoking pot. Those were the tools she used to take the edge off the world. Now all she could do was read, which in many ways was a blessing. She loved reading, but with her usual hectic life, she never had time.

Kirsten helped, not just by carrying some of the housework. It was the mental aspect of having a young vibrant woman around who was so eager to spend time with Leah. They were best mates in no time, and they were always together around the house. Kirsten brought the light conversation, and her love of fashion and makeup gave them a connection.

I also found a connection with Kirsten, we hit it off right from the first introduction. There were no awkward pauses in our conversations, our political views were aligned and we managed to agree on most things.

She was young and attractive. I expected her to want to go off to the pub and mix and mingle with people her own age, but if she felt that, she never said and the only times she went anywhere in a social capacity was birthday parties for the teachers at school.

Kirsty and I could be found at any time laughing and joking as we did jobs around the house. She was like a shadow when I was home. I loved her flirty teasing persona; with Leah in a slightly dark place, she provided the light.

"I hope you realise Kirsty, has a huge crush on you." We had only just climbed into bed and snuggled down.

I laughed. "Don't be ridiculous. She likes to flirt, that's all."

"Luke, I'm serious. She has like the biggest crush on you."

"Leah, you have got things mixed up. It might be your hormones or something."

"Cheeky bugger," she replied playfully. "I'm being serious. She likes you a lot."

"Roll over so I can cuddle you," I said trying to deflect.

"Luke, I'm trying to be serious. If you feel the same way about her, and I think you do, then you have my permission."

I lifted myself up on my elbow as I stared at her lying on her back. "Jesus, you are being ridiculous. Firstly, Kirsty, and I are friends, nothing more than that. Secondly, I'm not interested in her. Thirdly, I think she would slap my face if I said anything remotely inappropriate to her."

"Luke, sex has always been a big part of our life. I know you, and I know how horny you are right now. The handjobs might be taking the edge off, but you need more. Kirsty is interested, I know because she told me."

"What the fuck!" I gasped. "What is it you two talk about?"

"I sensed her interest. It made me smile, seeing her fixating on you. So I told her. If she was interested, I had no objections. She was shocked, but then I told her about our marriage, and reaffirmed I had no problems with it."

"Jesus..." I stammered.

She sniggered as she stared back at me, her hand coming up to rest on my cheek. "Babe, don't play games. I've seen the looks you give her when you think nobody's watching. It's okay, I'm not angry."

"Leah, you've got everything mixed up. She's bloody attractive and I have admired her many times. But, that's it, I don't want to have sex with her."
