Th Boarder or Was It


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"The peach one will be," I said as I got up and wandered out to the little brew room I had behind the workshop. I grabbed a couple of bottles and returned to the porch. Leah had grabbed glasses.

I poured, and we touched glasses. "Cheers." I offered as a toast.

"Oh sweet Jesus." Leah said after a small taste. "This shit is potent, but bugger me. It tastes delicious. This could be dangerous."

She wasn't wrong. It went down easily. The sweet but biting flavour was addictive.

An hour later, we hadn't moved. The sun was gone, and we were shit faced. She giggled constantly, which meant she was as high as a kite. She wriggled against me, her mouth wet and seductively nuzzling any exposed skin.

My hands found their way to her breasts, soft and pillowy. I caressed, squeezed and fondled, her nipples prominent even through her lacy bra.

"Hmmm, take it off." She sighed like a contented kitten.

She wriggled as I unhooked and removed her bra. "Damn you're good at that," she purred.

My hands quickly returned to those boobalicious orbs of deliciousness. Tweaking and pinching her nipples brought more whimpering sighs of bliss. She once told me she could orgasm just from having her boobs sucked.

I decided to put that statement to the test. My lips opened and I nuzzled and kissed. Sucked and nibbled. I felt her writhing under my touch. Her body was an open book to me, I knew her signs.

I alternated, nibbling with pinching. Biting and mauling. On and on I went, my touch becoming firmer, urgent. Then it was there, her orgasm was breaking down the gate, escaping through her body.

She shuddered violently, her legs sticking straight out, trembling, her toes curling. "Fuck, Hon," she whispered breathlessly as I eased my pressure, returning to a slow gentle caress.

Her arms wrapped my head and her mouth crashed against mine in a kiss that could only be described as lascivious. Her tongue attacked mine in a fearsome assault, slithering sloppily around my mouth, trying intently to ensnare mine.

My hand ran up her inner thighs, and her legs fell open exposing her damp white panties. My fingers traced her labial lips up and down, the sodden cotton sticky with her desire.

God, I could smell her arousal. The scent of her desire intoxicated. I squeezed her lips, let my fingers push the cotton up between her lips. Back and forth my fingers slid, the cotton damper, her pussy pungently moist.

Sliding out of her arms, I fell to my knees between her legs and tugged hopefully at her knickers. "Lift your bum," I pleaded.

With the panties gone and her desire inviting me in, I let my mouth do the walking. She smelled delicious, but her taste was divine: sweet and succulent. Licking her pussy was one of my favourite things in the world. I adored the way she tried to move and capture my tongue when I teased.

I loved the way her lips swelled and opened, the way her vaginal walls convulsed trying to hold my tongue, and then fingers. Her legs lifted and curled around my head, and I knew I had her.

My hair hurt as she pulled on it, trying in vain to direct my attack. I was having too much fun; if I let her, it would be over quickly. I wanted this to go on forever.

With my hand now a knife blade, it plunged squishily into her womanly core, deeper and faster as I sucked and lapped at her clit. It wriggled seductively in my mouth as I tugged playfully trapped between my teeth.

Bloody hell she was so juicy and sticky. My fingers slid in so easily, the squelching sloshy sounds of heightened arousal filled my senses, and before I could slow down to keep her on the edge, she erupted violently. Her legs crushed my head in a death lock. Her pussy sucked greedily at my face as she ground her whole pussy against me.

When she released me, I fell back on my haunches watching as she continued to tremble. "Oh my fucking god." She sighed deliriously. "Shit, oh fucking dear babe. God..."

Leah regathered her senses and stood quickly, dragging me into the bedroom. The lovemaking was intense, deep and complete.

Afterwards we lay together, thoughts swirling, physically sated, but emotionally open. "Why didn't you sleep with Mum?" she asked from nowhere. "You must have wanted to, you have always had a thing for her."

"I thought it was your idea. That you set it up to appease your guilt, or your desire to be with Felix."

"No, I mean okay. I encouraged her, but I never set it up. I only wanted you to have some joy in your life. I became clear that you weren't getting any of that from me seeing Felix. I mean that surprised me."

"What surprised you?"

"The fact you didn't want to hear about what we got up to. If it was me, I'd want to know everything. Every dirty sexy little detail."

"Jesus, you're a perverted bitch."

She giggled at my mock disgust. "Luke, I believe ninety percent of people would want to know. That might be different if it was cheating, but if it was me watching you go into a bedroom with another woman. When you got back to our bed, I'd jump you before you hit the mattress."

She gave me a coy little smile. "Come on, be honest with me."

"I'm no different than everybody else. Yeah, I wanted to know."

"Then why all the moral bullshit, the cold shoulder when I got to bed?"

"Because... I didn't want to encourage you."

She laid on her back, her hand reached for mine, and clasped it tightly. "We have got to get you laid."

Her little comment made me nervous. "What do you mean by that?"

"I have to prove to you that sex doesn't destroy a wonderful marriage. Yes, I had sex with Felix, but that hasn't changed anything. I still love you, still respect you. I love you so much. I think if you experience it as well, you'll understand. It's possible to have sex with somebody else and still love your partner."

"You want me to go out and pick up some bird, and that will prove what?"

"No, not some random person. It has to be somebody you like, somebody you care for. I could never do random sex, I need to have affection for the person I'm with."

"Maybe I should have banged your Mum then," I sniggered bitterly.

"Yes you should have. She would be perfect for you."

"Jesus, Leah. Have you seen my nose. Jake is not a forgiving man. Imagine what he would do if he knew I followed through with that plan..."

"Don't be daft. Mum said Dad knew where she was and what she was doing. He was okay with it. His opinion of you has faded a little since you walked out. He would still be okay with it. It's how they lived their life. Their marriage is completely open. They are free to see whoever they want."

"I couldn't do that, Leah."

She sniggered softly. "Neither could I. All I wanted was for us to be able to have occasional sexual experiences if the opportunity arose." She sucked in a deep breath. "You do realise, when Felix and I were pashing it up on the couch I was sort of hoping you'd get excited and want to join in. Not run away."

"Join in..."

"Yes dummy... Join in, as in a threesome."

"Fuck me," I said in a deep disbelieving sigh.

"No, you were supposed to fuck me." With no reply she asked. "Haven't you ever considered, or dreamed about it?"

"Yeah, I think most people have, but in my dreams it was always two women." I chuckled as the thought flashed into my mind. "How would it work, two men? Does one sit and wait for their turn..."

"Oh god, you really are so unbelievably naive sometimes. Haven't you ever watched porn?"

"Some, not much."

"Two men, one woman. I would love to be sucking on my lovers cock while you fucked me rotten. The other way works, as well. Sucking your beautiful cock while he banged me hard... That would be fun. Seeing your face, yes I want that."

Sleep came remarkably easily after that. A combination of the booze and the smoke made for a deep sleep. We were both awakened in the morning by the girls clambering onto the bed and burrowing down under the blankets for cuddles.

"Yay, Daddy's here," Jewel cried out.

Serenity shrieked as loudly as humanly possible. "Daddy."

"Serenity... right. We should have got to know her before giving her that name. She was a noisy little thing, full of energy and life.

Leah dragged them down beneath the quilt. "Sleep, little ones. Just ten minutes more, please," she begged.

I climbed out and dressed. "Come on, girls. Let Mum sleep. Let's go get some breakfast."

They set the table as I scrambled some eggs and made toast. There was even some bacon in the fridge. Watching the girls climb up and down on chairs as they tried to lay the table was comical. They tried, bless their cotton socks.

I helped them finish up, and said, "Okay now you can go and wake Mum."

They scooted off and I heard them trying to get her out of bed. If she felt like I did, they had their work cut out. That cider packed a punch.

When she finally got out, the food was served, the coffee was hot and the orange juice was chilled.

"Blimey, you went all out this morning." She kissed me deeply, much to the delight of the girls, who giggled happily.

After breakfast, Leah stared across the table at me. "Are you staying?"

It was the question that burned within me. Was I? If I agreed, it would be accepting her desire for an open, or slightly ajar relationship. There was no doubt of our love, it all came down to whether I could accept her conditions.

"I don't know, Leah. I want to, you know I do, but not if you're going to be hanging with Felix."

"I won't be seeing anybody until we are both comfortable with the decision."

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"No, it's not about what I want. It's what I need, and that is my family whole. Anything else is just superfluous stuff."

Moving back home was a lot more fun than moving out. Leah seemed more eager than ever to please. She was also penitent. "Luke, I'm sorry about what happened with Felix, I sort of went off the rails a bit."

"It's in the rear-view mirror now. I would rather we focus on the windscreen."

Over the next couple of weeks, we talked about our future and Leah explained that she still wanted us to be able to play when the opportunity arose.

Things got a bit tricky when she told me she had been selected to go to Dunedin for a week to attend a teachers' conference.

Maybe it was the Felix thing, but I was nervous. "A conference aye... Who else is going?"

She picked up on my anxiety. "Betty and Saul." I knew them both. We had met on numerous school-related projects. They were both middle aged and married, although not to each other.

"What about from the other schools?"

"Not sure, but Saul is putting together a list so we can car pool." When she saw my scowl she said. "Luke, Hon. We have to trust each other. I made you a promise that I wouldn't do anything until you were ready."

"Yeah, I know, but what happens when you meet some really buff dude, you have some drinks, and he invites you to his room? Do I get a phone call saying, 'Hon, do you mind if I bang this dude tonight?"

She laughed loudly. Not the reaction I was expecting. "Contrary to what you think, Hon. I am not a nympho, or a slut. I am capable of saying no."

So, she packed her bags and prepared to leave. She was leaving on the Monday morning. Sunday, we spent together as a family. That night in bed, she said, "Mum's gonna be here every day looking after the girls. You'll need to get home as early as possible to help out."

"Yes dear," I moaned in a sad voice.

She laughed at my attempt at humour. "You have to look after Mum, as well. Make sure she gets what she needs."

The way she said it made me look at her quizzically. "What?" she said provocatively.

"Are you trying to set me up?"

"No, not at all, although Mum still has that crush, and she did say something about sleeping over so it wasn't so rushed in the mornings."

"Oh shit," I gasped. "At least be honest with me, Leah. What have you done?"

"Honestly... all I said to Mum was, if she wanted to sleep with you I'm okay with it. The rest is up to her, and you, of course."

"Shit, babe. Don't bullshit me. You would honestly be okay with me banging your mother?"

"God no... making love with her on the other hand. Yes, I am totally okay with. Luke, believe me. She would be the perfect lover for you. She cares for you a lot, and I know you feel the same. She respects you, and as long as you were the same with her, I'd be happy."

Shaking my head in wonder, I replied, "I don't believe you. Holy mackerel. The whole idea is whacky. If it goes tits up, it fucks up everything. We lose your mother, our baby sitter, and your best friend. You two are so close. I don't want to fuck that up."

"What the hell could go wrong? So long as you're nice to her and respect her, it would be fine. Trust me, Hon, she is a very sexy lady. If you listen up, she might teach you something new. I always wondered what she was like. Now you will be able to tell me."

"This is crazy, Leah. I'm not fucking my mother-in-law. It's too weird to even think about."

"Hey... I'm not forcing you. All I'm doing is saying if you want to, I'm okay with it."

Gloria arrived early Monday. I stayed back to say goodbye to Leah. Saul was picking her up at eight thirty. As she kissed me goodbye, she whispered, "Make sure you give Mum everything she wants." She giggled sexily as she climbed in and they drove away.

"What time do you want dinner, Luke?" Gloria asked. Damn, how could she look so damn sexy this time of the morning? Bloody hell, she smelled nice as well. Maybe it was all Leah's teasing that had me so worked up and I was envisioning things that weren't actually there.

"I'll try and be home by six, if that's not too late for you."

"It will be fine," she said soothingly. I wish I could say that it was an easy day at work, but I couldn't clear my mind. Gloria, I could still smell her...

Walking in at home that night, I was stunned with the smell of dinner cooking. The girls rushed up to me and jumped into my arms for hugs and kisses. Gloria walked out from the kitchen, and her eyes showed her love. She took my bag and lunch box out of my hand as I held the girls. "You go and get showered and changed, I'll take these." As she walked away, she called back, "Come on girls, leave Daddy to get changed. I need a hand with dinner."

Dinner was lovely. Gloria, was a great cook. That night was no exception. It wasn't just the food, it was a fun dinner: the girls loved Gloria, and she adored them. That was completely obvious. The girls giggled and chatted happily, which I enjoyed because it released the tension I felt.

It was after the girls were in bed and asleep that the tension started to resurface. Gloria and I shared a couple of wines as we did dishes and cleaned up. Somehow, we kept bumping into each other, her hips rubbing against mine, her twinkling eyes catching mine as she topped up my glass.

God, This whole thing had me so worked up. Gloria was a very attractive woman, and yes, I had admired her as many men would have. But the thoughts that bounced around my head at the moment were fuelled solely because Leah suggested that those thoughts could easily become reality and she was fine with it.

Now, the air, well, the air I breathed in, was full of sexual energy that I found impossible to suppress. What worried me was... Am I the only one feeling that way, and if I tried to act on it what the hell would happen? The flirty nature of our conversation was nothing new; that was Gloria. If I tried something and she wasn't feeling it, was I going to get another visit from Jake?

The tension felt oppressive, but when I glanced at Gloria, she looked concerned. "Gosh, Luke, you seem very tight. Come and sit in the kitchen and let me rub your shoulders."

I finished my wine as I sat in the chair, the stress building like a slow moving Jenga game.

Her fingers kneaded my shoulders, and it felt good, the muscles relaxing a little. "Good heavens, you are so tense," she said softly, her hands lifting off my sweatshirt. "That's better." She sighed. "Now I can really work."

She wasn't wrong. For a small woman, her hands packed strength I wasn't expecting. She knew her stuff, because within a very short time, my muscles had released and I was feeling good.

Her hands worked under my T-shirt, running down over my chest, squeezing and more caress than massage. "At least you seem relaxed," she whispered, her mouth close to my ear, her lips moist as they grazed my flesh.

Somehow the fleeting touch of her lips turned into little kisses, moist and seductive. The tension I let build up inside me was returning, but now it was different.

Her purring soft sexy voice cooed in my ear as she nibbled, her teeth pulling lasciviously, her fingers now toying with my nipples, which were solid rubbery little nubs in between her pinching fingers.

Her mouth, now open wide, openly sucked urgently on my neck. I could feel there were going to be big red blotches there in the morning. I wanted to say stop, I really did, but her mouth, her succulent lips, those sexy kisses worked around onto my cheek, then her mouth was over mine and what had started innocently enough was now a raging pash.

Her tongue flitted and danced seductively with mine. It was hungry and demanding. The weight of her body on my knee caught me by surprise. Her gorgeous boobs crushed against my shirt, like mine, her nipples jutted out and rubbed against my own.

Her arms circled my neck and her kiss deepened. Her tongue now sought out my tonsils in some satanic ritual of removal.

My hands moved of their own volition. Sliding up under her T-shirt, her bra-less boobs filled my hands. "Oh... Yes..." She moaned into my gasping mouth.

"Gloria, this isn't a good idea," I spluttered in a final attempt to stop this craziness. I was not going to have sex with my mother in law... Was I?

"Luke, don't over think this. Relax and let go."

"It's wrong. I'm not cheating on Leah."

"We're not cheating, Luke. She knows exactly what's going on here."

Her hands lifted my shirt and her mouth kissed and nuzzled wetly on my nipples, her hands running all over my stomach, caressing and massaging. My resistance was dying. Especially when she lifted my hands and put them back on her tits. Fuck, for an older woman, they felt incredible.

Her mouth attacked my neck ravenously before the kiss resumed in all its starving unrelenting energy.

She raised her arms as I slipped off her shirt. I raised my arms as she lifted off mine. Our naked skin rubbed together, creating a fiery inferno of lust.

There was no other word for it. Her hands quickly pushed down the elastic waist of my track pants and my throbbing cock was encased in her tiny hands. They worked their magic, and I thought it was impossible, but it grew larger, pulsed so hard I thought it might explode there and then.

She giggled sexily as she slipped off my knee and dragged my pants with her.

She knelt between my legs, my pants around my ankles. Her wanton luscious mouth engulfed my erection in a furious oral assault. Her head bobbed up and down as she sucked and licked my whole shaft.

Her wet tongue swirled all around the bulbing head of my cock. Her fingers cupped and massaged my balls, then ran up and down my inner thighs. God fucking damn. What a blowjob. She was insistent, bestial, like some primaeval spirit idolising some icon.

I had to drag her by her hair back up for a kiss. "Why did you stop me?" she gasped questioningly.

"Because I was about to come..."

"And..." she said mockingly.

"I didn't think."

"Stop it, Luke. I said don't over think this. If I didn't want to do it. I wouldn't." With a gentle sensuous kiss, she dropped back to her knees, my cock back inside the furnace that masqueraded as her mouth. Up and down her mouth went, faster and faster. She sucked like an out of control vacuum until I could hold back no longer, and I exploded inside her mouth.
