That Girl Next Door Ch. 03

Story Info
Jason discovers one of Jessica's Secrets.
24.3k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/03/2023
Created 11/19/2021
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The following is entirely a work of fiction. Any similarity to real persons, alive or deceased, including but not limited to names and/or personal descriptions is purely coincidental. Nothing in this story is intended to be defamatory or metaphorical. This work was produced entirely with the intent to entertain the reader. Nothing more. All characters in this story are assumed to be at least 18 years old at the time the story takes place. This is an original work of fiction and the author retains all rights to it. Limited license is granted to 'Literotica' for publication according to their requirements and conditions. Copyright © 2022 by Scottish Texan.


My sincere thanks to shakna, NWX217, middleson, Sinthet, and Lady_Lierin for their valuable time, suggestions, and for just putting up with me in general. Editorial credit goes to both shakna and NWX217. Thanks, guys! Also a thank you goes out to Snappy38US who provided a suggestion for the July 4 th events in the story.


This is the third installment of a multiple chapter story. For the avid fan, Chapter One has been resubmitted with revisions. While the substance of the story has not changed, some of the background information on Jason and Jessica's childhood together was expanded which you might want to revisit for further enjoyment. This installment was not written to stand alone and the author strongly suggests that you start at the beginning of the story in [Chapter One] <a href=">before reading any further. Travel at your own risk!

In order to help the reader picture the various characters in this chapter in their own minds, think about Robert Urich when he was about 25 years old as Jason. Think of twenty year old Jennifer Connelly (as she appeared in Career Opportunities) to play his sister Jessica. Think of Emily VanCamp at eighteen years old (as she appeared in Everwood) to play Melanie. And finally, Rebecca would be played by Carol Decker of the musical group T'Pau (see the music video for 'Heart & Soul').


***Chapter Three***


Jason bent down and brought his lips directly to his sister's. Opening his mouth slightly he kissed her mouth and began probing with his tongue.

Jessica, for her part had already been awakened one morning in this same particular fashion. Those memories were foremost in her mind as wakefulness descended upon her. She and her new lover/best friend had fallen asleep in the same bed the previous evening holding each other close and kissing. "Mmm-hhhmmm!" Jessica moaned an affirmation into her brother's mouth. She broke the kiss and spoke into Jason's ear, "Melanie, darling! I just absolutely love it when you wake me up like that!" as she threw her arms around her lover.

It wasn't until she had her bed partner in a hug that something felt totally off. This wasn't Melanie! The shoulders were too broad. The upper arms were too firm. The scent was all wrong. There was stubble on the cheek. Jessica's eyes snapped open in alarm as she jerked back and focused on her brother's face.

Melanie had rounded the corner from the kitchen just in time to hear Jessica speak her name while making her pronouncement. In perfect sync, she and Jessica together both said, "Oh shit!".

"Damn straight!" Jason replied. "What the actual fuck, Jess? Why did you think that was Melanie frenching you just now?"

"Uh...I...ah," Jessica stammered. Her brother only gave her a little more than two seconds to answer his enquiry.

"Luuu-see! You got some 'splane-in to dooo!" Jason said using his best Desi Arnez impersonation. Melanie covered her mouth but she still couldn't stop the snicker that escaped. It sounded more like she was trying to cough or clear her throat as she laughed.

"Wait a second," Jessica exclaimed as her brain began to catch hold for the first time that morning. "Wait...just...a...goddamn...second! You kissed me! I didn't make the first move this time. It was all you! Oh my God, Jason! You kissed me first!" Jessica's voice had assumed a tone of wide eyed wonder. She could not contain her excitement as she reached out with both hands to cradle Jason's face in her palms. "Oh, Baby! Honey! Darling! You kissed me!" Looking over to her girlfriend while nearly in tears, she pointed at her brother and exclaimed, "He kissed me!"

Jason wasn't about to let this item get sidetracked by a different discussion. He had heard Melanie snicker under her breath just a moment ago so he looked back over his shoulder at her. "Get over here, Mel! Front and center! You're totally involved in this right up to your neck too. I want to know what in the hell is going on between you two. Right now. Out with it!"

"Jason, honey. Please calm down." Melanie said as she closed in on Jason. She placed her hand gently on his shoulder as she moved around to stand in front of him beside the bed. She looked over at her best friend, "Jess, babe? Have you come out to anyone else other than me? I mean, have you told Jase yet?"

Jessica shook her head 'no'.

"I think that you should start by coming out to your brother, since apparently I'm the only one that knows right now."

Jessica nodded her head briefly before looking her brother straight in the eye. Placing her right hand gently against his cheek she calmly stated, "Jason...Honey, please don't be angry. I need to tell you that I'm bi. I get really turned on looking at naked girls. Don't get me wrong though, I get plenty turned on thinking about guys too. I'm fairly certain that I actually prefer guys. But I've tasted pussy and I loved it." Admitting this to Jason made Jessica extremely nervous, enough so that it elicited a small giggle from her.

The only reaction that she got from her brother was his eyes opened wider. He continued to look at his sister for a moment before looking up at Melanie. Melanie just nodded her head in agreement with her best friend's statement.

"You too, I assume?" He asked her.

Melanie winced a little. "I don't know for sure. Maybe? A little? The only thing that I can say at this moment is that I am still trying to figure it all out. I mean, I know that I am strongly attracted to Jessie, but I really feel that it is more of an emotional attraction than a physical one. Well, it's both emotional and physical, but I love her, Jase. I really, really do. Just as much...and pretty much in the same exact way that I love you. I'm totally crazy about both of you. Maybe I could find myself attracted to another girl but until Jess seduced me, I didn't even realize that I could swing that way."

"Me too," Jessica added. "I love both of you. Neither Mel, nor I would ever force you to choose between the two of us. I know that you are in love with both of us. And we both love you too. But its time to let you know that Mel and I are in love with each other as well. It is a perfectly balanced, equilateral love triangle, hun." Then after a momentary pause she put on her best 'game show host' voice and said, "Jason Stewart! You have just won the lottery! Your Grand Prize is that you get to have your cake and eat it too!"

"Jessica Anne Stewart!" Jason roared. "There is a proper time and place for levity and this ain't it, girl!"

There was still a residual feeling of anger lingering in his system. But the more that he thought about it, the more that he realized that he wasn't angry about finding out that Jessica and Melanie were lovers. His anger had arisen because he hated being kept in the dark and fed nothing but bullshit. He often referred to that as the 'Mushroom Syndrome'. So after a short pause to calm himself, he continued in a softer voice, "so, it's true then? The two of you are lovers?"

Melanie got down on her knees so that the three of them would be closer to eye level with each other. "Yes, darling. Jess and I have only been intimate twice so far, but we are lovers. I love her, Jase."

Jessica leaned into Melanie and their lips parted as they met. They locked lips in a short but passionate kiss. Neither girl had completely withdrawn her tongue back into her own mouth as they broke their kiss making it obvious to Jason that they were not faking. The kiss was only about ten or fifteen seconds in duration, but it was enough to impact Jason's libido causing an almost instantaneous erection.

"Wow! That is SO totally hot! I!"

"I think that we just gobsmacked him." Jessica giggled.

"Naaahhh! Not us!"

"Well, since I don't hear him making more of a fuss about outing us, I'm guessing that everything is still good here." Jessica once again reached out with both arms to her brother inviting him in for a hug.

"Well so much for me taking your virginity then." Jason said in exasperation.

Jessica's first reaction to that statement was a flash of anger. "Mel! You told him about 'the plan', didn't you!?"

"Jess, hun. That's not important right this second. Think damage control. Don't make things worse by fighting. Think about it for a second. What is the end goal here? You have been pining over Jason for years and years, but this morning...for the first time ever, HE made the first move on you. Until today, you have always flirted and made moves on him. Right? Calm down dear and focus."

Jessica paused to take stock, then nodded at Melanie. Turning back to her brother she said, "Darling...babe? Eyes up here. Mel and I both still have our cherries intact. I have kissed a couple of guys, but I never let any of them get inside of my clothing. Mel has been felt up a couple of times, but nothing more than that. We have both gone full oral on each other. But G.M.T.A. So she and I were both saving ourselves for this one particular guy." At this point, Jessica was still dealing with a bad case of frazzled nerves so she once again broke down in a giggle fit and couldn't continue.

Melanie picked up the narrative. "Sweetheart. Crazy as it sounds, without either one of us ever discussing this with the other one until after the birthday party...We found out that we were both fixated on having our first sexual experience with the SAME guy. I'm fairly certain that neither one of us planned on having our first full blown sexual experience with each other. It just was kind of how the cards were dealt. But as far as heterosexual things go, all of it belongs to you and no one else. For the two of us, we both fantasized about our first time happening with you, Jase. We didn't know that we both had the same fantasy until just recently."

The three of them paused and looked between themselves as the girls let this knowledge fully sink into Jason's brain. He sat there for nearly a minute in contemplation of this new knowledge. But the only thing that he could think to say was, "Wow." He repeated it at least twice more.

"Jase?" He turned back to his sister as she continued. "Can I ask you something about Becky? I was thinking about when you told me of the breakup on my birthday and I was kind of troubled by a few things. Were you really in love with her? I mean...How can I put this delicately? I know by the way that you were avoiding me that you were trying to live a (Jessica motioned air quotes with her hands) 'normal life'. Were you just using her? I mean, did you ever actually love her at all or were you just using her to try and get me out of your head?"

Jason was totally silent for a while. His gaze shifted from his sister to his girlfriend and back again. Then he looked at his lap and sighed loudly. "I hope that you girls can accept 'both' as a valid answer." He raised his eyes back to look directly at his sister. "You and I both agreed not to ever lie to each other, so please try and understand. Sure, I wanted to get you out of my head. But at the same time, I wasn't just using her. I really and truly did care about her as more than just a friend and roommate. Not once did I ever just fuck her. Not even the first time that we were intimate with each other. Every time that we were coupled together sexually, I made love to her. I realize that I'm probably driving a stake straight through both of your hearts right now. I know that this has surely got to be hurting both of you. But you have to understand that I am NOT (Jason made air quotes this time) 'that guy'."

Jessica twisted herself the rest of the way out from under the bedding and crawled into Jason's lap while putting her arms around him. As she maneuvered herself he never broke eye contact with his sister, so when she faced him again and she leaned in for a kiss, he didn't hesitate to accept her advances. Their lips met and parted. Their tongues caressed each other lovingly. Not only did Jessica moan into her brother's mouth, she sighed with satisfaction as well.

"Baby, I know that you're are not 'that guy'. I could never love you if you were. I am sure that Mel feels the same. I would be lying if I said that I never held any jealousy towards Becky. But my heart isn't breaking right now either. What's in the past is the past. If I had to explain it, I would put it down to the paradigm shift in our relationship that we have experienced this morning. You're mine. And you're Mel's. Fifty-fifty straight down the middle. We're staking our claim to you right here, right now." Then poking him gently in the chest with her forefinger for emphasis, "You belong to us, buddy! Everything is back to exactly where it should be. I mean, we three are back to being tight and close again. Right?"

Jason nodded his head in agreement.

"I understand what you did with Becky and why you did it. In the grand scheme of things, it's not what I wanted for us, but it is what it is. I'm totally good, Jase. I love you more than any man on God's green earth. Mel?"

"Same. And just for the record, I'm not hurting either. Would I have preferred that you had saved yourself for me and Jessie? Absolutely. But in the grand scheme of things, it was probably never a realistic goal. If all three of us could have gotten past our hang ups and fear back when you were 14 or 15, then it could have been something to work towards. But even without everything being fairy tale perfect, we are working it out right now. We ARE going to work it out or I'm going to bang some heads together. I'm going to go put the food on the table. You two love birds break it up and get ready to eat."

Jason chuckled lightly. "She sure can be feisty when she wants to be."

"Jase honey, can I tell you something? I want you to know that since you have stopped fighting against the feelings that the two of us share, I am in a R E A L L Y good place right now." Jessica stretched out her pronunciation of the word 'really' for emphasis. "If Becky happened to knock on the front door right now, I would gladly welcome her into our home and give her a big huge hug. My jealousy was all centered around her actually getting...I mean possessing and loving, the man that I so desperately wanted. I shouldn't have hated her. I was just so totally focused on thinking that she had taken away from me something that was mine. In my mind, you have always belonged to me. I'm really, very sorry that I was so horrible to her. Sitting here now and thinking clearly, I feel like that I could have possibly shared you with her like I'm sharing with Mel right now. Maybe? Who knows for sure. What I do know is that now that I have my grip on you, I am never, ever going to let you go again. Do you understand mister?"

"Yes ma'am." Jason grinned and kissed his sister passionately one more time before gently pushing her off of his lap, as he stood to go to the dining room.


Later that morning, the trio loaded themselves into the Pilot with a 'pick-a-nick-ah' basket full of treats to eat at lunchtime. Yes, all three of them had a love for the Yogi and Boo-boo cartoons of Hanna Barbera. The drive to Rusk would take roughly 45 minutes, so they departed from Nacogdoches at half past seven in the morning. They traveled west on the El Camino Real (Texas State Highway 21) to Linwood where they changed to Farm-to-Market Road 241. FM 241 was a shortcut to reach US 69 instead of going all the way into downtown Alto. From there, it was a quick dash up to Texas Loop 343 outside of Rusk. Turning west on LP 343 to US 84, then west again to Park Road 76 had them arriving at their destination.

They arrived early enough that there was plenty of time to tour the shop facilities at the Rusk end of the railroad. Jason and Jessica were both saddened to see Locomotive 500 still unrestored and resting in its component pieces around the shop area. It was originally built for the Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe railroad and operated as their number 1316 throughout the western part of Texas.

"Hey Jase. Do you think that they will ever put her back together and run her again?" Jessica asked.

"I certainly hope so. I have heard rumors that the new operator wants to restore all of the steamers back to their original paint schemes and number them for the road that they originally worked for. I am totally behind that idea if they do it. It could be our own Texas version of the Kodachrome Club."

"The Kodachrome Club?" Melanie pondered.

"Yeah. It was an idea that started with a few fans back in the late 1980s. The original members were all 4-8-4 Northerns that had been restored to original paint schemes and original numbers. At first, it was only the Espee 4449, UP 844, and N&W 611. But the list was later expanded to include others like Cotton Belt 819 and Milwaukee Road 261 plus a few more. The idea for accurate restoration caught on and gained a lot of traction. It is almost a standard practice now."

The engine crew for that day were busily working themselves around Consolidation #300, getting it ready for service. Jason and Jessica both used their cell phones to capture video of the 2-8-0 being brought from the shop and coupled onto the head end of the train.

The weather that day proved to be extremely mild for an East Texas July day. The expected temperature that day was only going to reach a high of 79°. It felt like early April-type weather for the region and was very comfortable. The trio sat together in the open-air cars enjoying the cool fresh air rich with the wonderful aroma of the Piney Woods. As the train began to pull out of the station, Melanie looked over at Jessica and received the nod that she was expecting.

The exhaust from the locomotive sounded almost like explosions as it reverberated off of the surrounding forest. CHUFF!......CHUFF! CHUFF! CHUFF! CHUFF! CHuff! Chuff! Chuff! The exhaust beats became less dramatic while sounding out closer and closer together as the train gathered speed westbound out of Rusk. Jessica reached into her bag and pulled out two Bluetooth® speakers, setting one on each side of Jason's bench seat while Melanie pulled up a song on her cell phone.

The opening beats to "Maybe I'm Wrong" by Blues Traveler featured guitar and harmonica chords that imitated the sound of a steam locomotive trying to accelerate from a dead stop. Melanie and Jessica had obviously choreographed a routine and practiced it together as they both positioned their arms, bent at the elbow to imitate the driving rods of a locomotive and moved them back and forth in time with the guitar chord chuffs. Ironically, the locomotive at the head of the train decided to cooperate and kept its chuffing beats in perfect sync once the music reached its full tempo. The uphill grade shortly after departing the Rusk depot was definitely a contributing factor. Nearly one half of the passengers in their coach focused their attention in that direction because the music had piqued their curiosity.