That's What Friends Are For Ch. 03


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Without waiting for agreement, Leah rearranged her body so that Barbara had to kneel on the edge of the mattress at the foot of the bed, positioning herself perfectly for rear entry sex with me standing behind her. Moments later, Barbara was in place and lowered her mouth to Leah's pussy.

When Leah's cries indicated that Barbara had found her clit, I stepped up behind her, grasped her by the hips, and eased my cock into her pussy, duplicating a position we had employed Wednesday night that resulted in mind-blowing orgasms for both of us.

For the next couple of minutes, I slowly fucked Barbara while she used her lips and tongue to push Leah closer to the edge. I'd had sex with both women enough to have a feel for their arousal curves, so all I had to do was wait for signs that Leah was about to cum and then pick up the pace.

After another couple of minutes it was nearly over. Leah started making a lot more noise so I began ramming my cock into Barbara as hard as I could. Leah went over the edge first, with Barbara running a close second, her contractions igniting mine.

No one was able to move for several long moments. Eventually, Barbara slid further up on the bed and I collapsed on the mattress beside the two women, my dripping cock rapidly diminishing in size. The only sounds in the room were three people trying to remember how to breathe.

Eventually I recovered enough to get dressed and Barbara accompanied me to her front door.

"Leah and I always go out for a late lunch and a couple of drinks after we have sex, including when we do a three-way, so you're on your own for a bit. I'll call you when I get back," she informed me after turning her face up for a kiss.


A Big Mac, large order of fries, and a super-sized Pepsi satisfied my culinary needs and slaked my thirst. Pleasantly full, I went home to take a shower, have a nap, and await Barbara's call. When I arrived, I was surprised to note that it was not yet three o'clock. I had been in the bedroom with the two women for only about an hour, the remainder of the time having been devoted to travel and junk food.

I had been asleep for a couple of hours when Wild Thing, my phone's ringtone, dragged me back into consciousness.

"Can I come over?" Barbara asked.

"Of course," I replied, smiling to myself.

Twenty minutes later she was seated on my sofa, looking nothing like a woman who had enjoyed three sensational orgasms only a couple of hours earlier. Once again wearing her hippie costume with sandals, her hair pulled back into its usual disorganized mop, I thought her to be the most beautiful woman on the planet and told her so.

"Why thank you kind sir," she replied with a smile.

"How was your lunch?" I inquired.

"Nice. She's still my best friend and I love her, even though she and Kyle have been fucking around behind my back."


"No. I'm just annoyed by the duplicity. I wish everything was out in the open, but I can live with it until Kyle comes home and I can have it out with both of them."

"Until then..."

"Until then," she interrupted with that wicked little grin I was beginning to look forward to, "I showered before I came over but forgot to put on any panties."

"That was a very unfortunate omission. You'll pay a heavy price for you negligence. Come with me," I said with a straight face I offered her my hand. Seconds later I had her folded over my dining table with her legs spread and her dress hiked up above her waist.

"What on earth are you doing?" she inquired with a giggle as I stepped up behind her, dropped my shorts and boxers down around my ankles, and ran my hands up the back of her naked thighs.

"Getting ready to fuck you," I replied as I began to tease her pussy with the head of my cock.

"Oh good. I said I wanted to have sex with you a thousand times. We're way behind schedule," she responded and then let out a soft, sensual moan as I slowly entered her.


Obviously, we never got anywhere near her goal, but not for lack of trying. We spent a lot of time together, having fun and thoroughly enjoying sex several times each week. Every month or two, Barbara and Leah would have sex, but there were no more three-ways.

Barbara's prediction turned out to be accurate. Leah and I never spent another weekend together. She wanted sex more often than I expected, but as time went by the intervals slowly expanded, which seemed to confirm our suspicion that she was just marking time until Kyle returned. For my part, I found myself looking forward to his arrival so we could all stop pretending.

About halfway through Kyle's deployment I realized that I felt incomplete when Barbara and I weren't together. And it wasn't just the sex, which remained phenomenal; it was a compelling need to share everything else with her. Eventually, I understood that I had fallen in love with my best friend's wife. For her part, she had not used the L-word since our lunch date after we had sex that first time. And so I remained silent, having little reason to believe she had similar feelings about me. It was a depressing thought.

A month or so before Kyle's return, Leah and I stopped having sex. No one said anything, we just quit doing it. When I told Barbara, she burst into tears. I held her close for a long time, completely in the dark about what might be bothering her. Crying turned into the hiccups, so I held her some more, rubbing her back in the hopes it might help. Eventually she was quiet.

"Let me go," she murmured. "I need to sit up straight or I'll get the hiccups again."

Barbara never wore makeup, so there was none of the goop running down her face like I'd seen on other women, but her nose was red and her eyes were puffy. She still looked gorgeous to me.

"A couple of months after you and I started having sex, I began to hate it every time I knew you were with Leah. At first I thought I was just jealous because you were fucking her and not me. No one has ever made me feel the way you do. After a while I realized it was because I was in love with you."

"I...," I began.

"Hush. I'm not finished. I know you're fond of me and I've known almost since the beginning that you prefer me to Leah."

"That's true, and I...."

"I'm not trying to put you on the spot," she interrupted again, "but I can't keep my feelings inside any longer. I love you Jake," she added as her eyes filled once more. "That wasn't supposed to happen, but it did."

"Barbara, I've been in love with you for months," I assured her as I reached out to brush a tear away. "I had no idea you felt the same way, so I didn't say anything."

"Do you really mean that?" Barbara asked with a hopeful expression on her face as she wiped away the remainder of her tears.

"Oh yeah," I replied, "I've never been more certain of anything in my life."

"Then please make love to me right now, and make it last a long, long time."


The day of Kyle's return finally arrived. Barbara and I had agreed to sleep in our own beds the night before, each of us needing to deal with the stress in our own way. Barbara had to prepare herself for what we both believed would be a very unpleasant confrontation with her husband. My distress was caused by pure selfishness based on a nagging fear that Barbara and Kyle might somehow reconcile and I would lose her.

Fortunately, Kyle's flight was a redeye that was due in at nine o'clock on a Saturday morning. If we'd had to wait for an afternoon or evening arrival, nerves would probably have killed us both. As it was, I got little sleep and would not have been surprised to learn that Barbara got none at all.

It was not my place to get involved in Kyle's arrival. I had never done so before when he had been deployed, and this time would be no different. Barbara and Kyle had much to discuss. My job was to stay out of the way and let them deal with their issues alone.

I couldn't concentrate enough to read a book and nothing appealed to me on television, so all I could do was pace back and forth and wait for a phone call that would come from either Barbara or Kyle depending on how things went. Instead I got a knock on my door.

"May I come in?" Leah asked with a smile on her face. If she suffered any uneasiness, it wasn't apparent.

"Of course," I replied, gesturing for her to enter. "Can I offer you coffee or tea?"

"Tea would be nice." Five minutes later, we were seated at my dining table, her clearly at peace, me holding my mug with both hands to keep from spilling its contents.

"To what do I owe the honor of your visit," I inquired in a lame attempt at levity.

"I'm here to put your mind at ease," she answered with another smile. "Barbara and I had a long talk late last night at her place. I initiated it," she said, informing me of a meeting I wasn't aware had taken place.

"Does she know you're here?"

"She does. After we cleared the air between us, she asked that I pay you a visit while she went to meet Kyle's plane. She was very concerned that you would be a nervous wreck."

"Bingo," I responded, frowning at her.

"Then let me do the talking."

"I'm listening."

"Our discussion was very candid. She asked me outright if Kyle and I had been having an affair. When I admitted that we were, she said she had been suspicious well before he left for Japan and that you pretty much confirmed everything when you told her about my satellite phone."

"That wasn't very long after he left," I interjected.

"I knew we were busted when you saw it in my kitchen. I was certain you'd seen her phone because she keeps it in a charger on that little table in her bedroom. Considering what you do for a living, I didn't think you'd miss the fact that the phones are identical, which had to have been a pretty strong clue."

"It was. When did the affair start?" I inquired, curious to hear her answer.

"Shortly after he returned from his last deployment."

"So it's been going on for the better part of two years?"

"Yes, but it was in the works before that. The three-way sex started it all. Neither of us intended to let things get out of hand, but it happened anyway. A month or so before Kyle left we realized it was no longer just about sex. We were in love with each other, but it made no sense to create an uproar just prior to his departure. So we decided to wait until his return."

"Then how do you explain our involvement?" I asked, although I already knew the answer. "You and me, I mean."

"Kyle was concerned for Barbara's safety and mine. Enlisting your help solved a lot of problems. Kyle loves you like a twin and was entirely comfortable with you servicing both his wife and his girlfriend. I was fine with it too. Like Barbara, I have strong urges that need attention from time to time. You are a very attractive man and I was more than happy to share the same arrangement Kyle set up for her."

"But you were largely an unknown to me," she continued, "which is why I decided to push things a bit soon after Kyle left. You surprised me. Sex with you was very good and I quickly grew to like you a lot. Had we gotten together earlier, I might have fallen in love with you instead. Our three-way was good too, although I could tell you were focused mainly on Barbara. And I understand why. In all of our three-ways with Kyle, she ended up playing second fiddle."

"She told me about that," I acknowledged, "so I was determined to put her first. But that didn't prevent me from understanding how fortunate I was to have sex with the two most beautiful women in the universe at the same time."

"Thank you for that," Leah responded with a smile.

"Did you tell Kyle we knew about the two of you?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Not at first. I agonized over it for quite a while, and then decided there was nothing to be gained by telling him when he couldn't do anything about it from halfway around the world."

"So you just soldiered on."

"For a while, Yes. And then I changed my mind."


"A month or so ago," Leah replied.

"About the time you and I stopped having sex."


"What did you do?" I inquired, now very curious.

"I told Kyle you and Barbara figured it out because I was stupid enough to leave that damned phone out in plain sight."

"How did he react to that?"

"He said it didn't matter any longer. We were going to be together soon. Much, much later he told me he had just been selected for promotion to Master Sergeant and was expecting orders to Camp Lejeune after his tour in Japan ended."

"He didn't tell me any of that in our e-mail exchanges, Barbara either as far as I know," I responded with raised eyebrows, surprised by the revelation.

"I only found out about the promotion a week ago and Kyle said the orders to Lejeune are a result of that promotion."

"Any other surprises?"

"After I confessed to the affair," she continued, "Barbara admitted that she's in love with you and intends to file for divorce. In return, I told her that Kyle and I were also in love and I was going with him to North Carolina. She seemed relieved and said she was genuinely happy for us. It was the last thing I expected to hear."

"Neither Kyle nor I ever suspected that the two of you had fallen in love," she continued. "Had we known, we would have brought everything out in the open and put everyone's mind at ease long ago."

"So what is it that's supposed to make me feel better now? What if Kyle pitches a fit when he finds out about Barbara and me? What if they change their minds and decide to stay together?"

"They won't. Kyle already knows everything. He had a two hour layover in Hawaii last night. I was able to catch him between flights and bring him up to speed. He and Barbara will have an easy conversation when he lands. All of this is going to have a very happy ending."

"I'm stunned," I admitted as I felt the stress begin to drain away.

"Are you hungry?" Leah suddenly asked with a wide smile. "I just realized I'm famished."

"Hungry? How can you think about food at a time like this?" I replied, my voice raised in annoyance.

"Because one of us is going to get a call telling us to meet them at Dominic's for lunch. You do remember Dominic's right?" she asked with a mischievous smile. Dominic's was the restaurant where Leah and I had enjoyed dinner right after Kyle's departure, and she was clearly referencing that first weekend we had spent fucking ourselves senseless.

"Oh sure. Lunch at Dominic's. The four of us acting like nothing unusual has happened," I summarized sarcastically.

"Yep. Just four old friends having a meal out on the terrace," she confirmed, still smiling. "I'm sure we'll talk about the future, but it will be a pleasant conversation. I promise. You can relax."

Moments later, my phone did its thing and Barbara's number popped up on the screen.

"Did Leah tell you everything?" she asked, her voice literally vibrating with excitement.

"I guess so. Is everything going to be okay?"

"Oh yeah, everything is going to be perfect. Kyle and I will be waiting for you in Dominic's parking lot. Shouldn't take you more than half an hour to get there. I love you."

"I...I love you too," I stammered as I grinned into the phone.


Kyle, sporting his new Master Sergeant stripes, gave me a bear hug the instant I got out of my car.

"Love you dude, but you'll have to excuse me for a few moments," he said as he trotted over to Leah's Miata. She was smiling as he swept her into his arms.

I don't know how long their kiss lasted, because Barbara was suddenly crushing her body against mine and kissing me hungrily.

"Get a room!" another restaurant patron shouted from somewhere nearby.

The four of us ignored the guy, continued what we were doing for a bit more, and then finally broke apart.

Throughout what turned out to be a very pleasant lunch, Kyle and Leah held hands under the table whenever possible. Barbara and I grinned at each other in recognition of the fact that they hadn't seen each other in nine months.

When lunch ended, we reassembled briefly in the parking lot while Kyle stuffed his duffle bag into the little trunk of Leah's Miata. Barbara would be following me to my place where we would temporarily take up residence while Kyle and Leah got reacquainted and then begin preparations for their move to North Carolina. Many decisions needed to be made, but they could wait for a few days.

Kyle gave me another hug before joining Leah in her car.

"Fuck you Kyle," I murmured in his ear, but without much malice. "You set me up. I ought to punch you in the nose."

"I thought it was necessary," he responded as he grasped me by both shoulders, "and it certainly worked out okay."

"Pure fucking luck. It could have ended very badly."

"Maybe," he said with a wide grin. "But it didn't. Thanks for taking care of my women."

I studied him for a moment and then punched him on the arm. We'd been best friends as far back as I could remember, and would remain so for the rest of our lives.

"Yeah, well," I responded with a grin of my own, "that's what friends are for."


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Beautifully written.




MorovarMorovarabout 1 year ago

Very believable characters. As a former Marine, given the situation, I could understand having a trusted friend "take care" of the women I cared about.

Writing was excellent, as were the references to Marine "stuff".

SkinTicklerSkinTickleralmost 2 years ago

An epilogue would be very much appreciated. Maybe a reunion where their children play together?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
What goes around comes around

very very enjoyable very good read and believable. love can be vey funny at times never sure when Cupid arrow will strike!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Bastard Kyle

whatshername86whatshername86about 4 years ago
Perfect harmony

The conclusion seems to have been in the works for years. Jake was just missing all the signals from Barbara. Being friends first always makes for a much stronger relationship. Although all the sex scenarios were very arousing, it was obvious that the sex between Barbara and Jake really was “love making”. Kyle was the big loser in all of this. Barbara and Jake need to select their new friends more carefully! What I really like about this writer’s stories is the characters always seem real to me. I become totally involved in the story line. Looking forward to the next one.

yowseryowserabout 4 years ago


A highly complex tale with enough plot turns to make a game of Twister. Ambitious, thoughtful, carefully constructed, an interesting crew of characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
It appears to me....

that this is the end of the line for this story. Loved every word of it and hate to see it finished. Well done all the way. Great character development, super plot, and hot sex.

mindventuremindventureabout 4 years agoAuthor
To my readers:

I have absolutely no idea how this story ended up in the 'Group Sex' category. Although there is one short group sex scene in the story, group sex is not its dominant feature. My intentions were to have it posted in 'Erotic Couplings' with the first two chapters. My apologies to anyone who feels like they've been mislead.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
A Pleasure once more

As I mentioned in Chapter 2, your writing is well crafted. The story line comes to a wonderful conclusion. You careful developed your clues of the affairs skillfully. Without hitting the reader over the head, you presented two love stories. The ending could have been a little more explicit, in that Kyle had deliberately planned for Barbara falling love with his best friend. These three chapters are keepers. I've re-read the first two again because of the way you handled the characters' emotions and showed that sometimes loss of love can create newfound love. Thanks for the adventure. K

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