The 30 Days Day 03-04: Revenge


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"God Alex you're so cruel," she told him, "I love it."

~~ Day 4 - Monday ~~

The door swung closed behind Alex and immediately his hands had grabbed Grace by the neck, slamming her into the wall, hard enough to send a shockwave echoing through her head.

"Oh fuck," she thought aloud, as she came to her senses.

"I hope you had fun playing your little game yesterday," he barked at her, inches from her face, "because I'm going to have a lot of fun punishing you for it."

"Y-yes sir, master," she panted back, her mind already racing, thinking of the possibilities. She was excited, scared, thrilled, so many emotions flooded her brain. She couldn't wait. A sly smile crept onto her lips, "I had so much fun having you tied up like that. Let's do it again some time!"

Immediately her words had the desired effect, and she saw an inferno ignite in her master's eyes.

"Let's see how much fucking fun you have being on the other end of it," he snarled. Without waiting for a reply, Alex spun and threw her from the wall onto the bed, his strong arms moving her slender frame effortlessly. As Grace landed face first with a smack and a grunt he stormed over to her, and grabbed a handful of her long curls, pushing her head down into the bed.

"You're gonna pay for what you did. You're gonna pay for every second it," he warned her, growling into her ear. Each word sent an excited tingle down her body, from her ear down her spine, down to between her legs.

"Yes sir," she replied, trying hard to hide her smile because she knew it would only get her beaten harder.

"Don't fucking move," Alex ordered, as he stepped away. Storming around the room her threw open drawers and unzipped bags, assembling his orchestra of instruments of pain, and of pleasure. Finally, he turned back to face his audience, his victim. Without him noticing she had perched herself on the edge of the bed and had been watching him for the past few minutes. Playfully she twirled her hair in her fingers, and gave him a smile, half innocent, half mischievous.

"I told you not to fucking move," Alex warned her.

"Oh, did you?" she giggled, her smile had changed, it was pure mischief now. "I guess you'll have to come and put me back in my place, then." He did not need inviting twice. Handcuffs in hand he stormed over towards her, and with a strong hand, he grabbed her by the neck. The force of his impact caught her by surprise, and her expression changed from mischievous and playful to fearful in a fraction of a second.

"You will do exactly as I fucking say. Or you will regret every time you step out of line. Do you understand that, slut?" His voice was deep, booming, angry. It was like thunder and it left Grace shocked and slightly shaking.

She tried to reply but his hand was crushing her voice box and the words would not form. "Do you fucking understand that you pathetic bitch?"

Grace nodded quickly, as her eyes grew wide from lack of oxygen.

"Good." He barked, at last, releasing his grip and dropping her gasping body back to the bed. Without waiting for her to recover he spun her over, and pulled her hands up to the top of the bed. The cuffs clicked closed and the metal dug into her skin as it fastened her in place, face down. Grace grunted as she tugged and wriggled, but it was no good.

"How's that for keeping you in place?" her master laughed, as he tugged at the fastenings.

"I'd say it's working," she admitted, giving the cuffs another hard tug and feeling them dig harder into her wrists. "But keeping me in place, and putting me in my place are two very different things. And I'm not feeling very put in my place yet... sir," she mocked.

SMACK. Alex's palm slammed into the small of Grace's back, leaving a bright red print on her skin and making her squeal loudly.

"Well we'll have to work on that then, won't we?"

"Fuck... yes sir," Grace grunted back, instantly more subdued.

Reaching to the collection of toys he had assembled, Alex picked up his crop and admired it in his hands. Slowly he ran the black leather tip up Grace's legs, watching her struggle and squirm as it moved up and up. Up over her fit thighs, and perfect behind. Up over her bruised and sore back, and all the way up to her flushed red cheeks.

"I love this thing," he said with a smile, as he held it there. "It's nimble, it tickles, it stings. And it leaves lovely marks." Drawing back he quickly repositioned and brought it down onto her bum, sending a hot shock through her body, and making her squeal gently. "Don't you love it too?"

"Yes, master," Grace replied. It hurt so good. She loved the marks it left. It was her favourite toy.

"But the marks it leaves are so much better on bare skin, don't you agree?" As he asked this Alex pushed her t-shirt up her back, baring the red and bruised skin.

"Y-yes, sir" Grace whimpered back, as she felt the crop touch each and every sore spot on her.

SMACK. "I'm glad you agree." The crop hit a clean spot on her skin and immediately left a red mark.

"And the marks look so much better on your behind." Laying the crop down he reached under Grace, and undid her jeans, pulling them down to reveal her lacy underwear beneath. Running his hands over the bare skin he felt the heat radiating from each and every red mark he had left on her. And then they moved back and down, following the lines of her body to arrive between her legs. She couldn't help but whimper as his hands moved over her sensitive areas.

"Oh," Alex smiled, as he pressed a thumb against her underwear, "I can feel how excited you are already... you must be enjoying this."

"Y-yes sir" grace whimpered back. Through the thin fabric of her underwear, his hands were making her flush hot and the slightest pressure drove her crazy. And he knew. Slowly his fingers began to rub up and down, teasing softly against the cotton as Grace whimpered with every movement. She felt a moan in her throat, and tried her best to stifle it, gripping at her restraints, holding her breath, but every passing second made it more difficult to hold. And it slipped free. As the desperate, needy little moan escaped her lips, Grace buried her head in the pillows so that her master couldn't see that she had flushed red... If he knew how excited she was, he'd not be able to resist torturing her.

"Oh my," laughed sir, as his voice dripped with the sexiest kind of evil, "you must be excited..." His hand stopped and retreated slightly down her thigh, which only made her whimper more.

"I... yes," she replied shyly, still panting softly into the pillow.

Master's hand drew back from her leg, and spanked her hard, the stinging impact forced a high pitched squeal from Grace's lips as it sent sparks shooting up her spine. Far from dulling her excitement, though, the sharp pain brought everything into focus and made her all the more aware of the wetness between her legs. Again Master swung, striking her on the other cheek this time, and Grace couldn't help but whimper as his hand a left burning red mark on her pert behind.

"Yes, what?" he snarled, as he again grabbed the crop from the bed.

"Yes... sir," Grace corrected herself. "Yes, yes you make me fucking excited. Yes, you make me ache for you. You make me wet. You make me want you. I need you. Is that what you want to hear you sick fuck? Yes, I'm fucking desperate. Are you fucking happy?"

"Sick, huh?" He asked, "You think I'm a sick fuck?"

"Yes," she spat back, "you're sick, and your twisted, You beat me, tease me, use me, torture me. You're an evil little cunt and you fucking know it."

The crop swung, and struck her on the back of her thigh, sending shakes through her muscles.

"Yes," Master barked, "You're right. I am fucking sick." SMACK. The crop slammed into her other thigh, and grace shook in her restraints as she let out a pained cry. "I am fucking twisted." WHACK. The crop struck her on the bum, making her arch her back as she squealed and moaned. "I am an evil cunt." With every sentence he hit her again, on the thighs or on the bum, marking her and hurting her. Sending pain shooting through her body and with every second of torture he inflicted on Grace her noises grew louder, but also more lustful. The pain focused her mind, and the one thing that she felt more than anything was the burning, aching need between her legs. "And you fucking love it. You love how bad I hurt you. You love that I don't fucking care. You love that I will do anything to you. That I will push you. Punish you. That I will make you fucking mine."

"Yes, master," Grace panted, as she felt her whole lower body pulse with pain. "I love it. I love you. I love what you do to me. But-but-but please, I'm so sore. I'm so... needy. Please, I need some relief." As she spoke she squirmed in her restraints, trying to get comfortable, trying to get some relief from the pain, if nothing else. Instinctively she arched her back, pushing her red behind into the air and displaying it for her master. Alex couldn't help but stare at her perfect body as it lay there before him. Her long, slim legs and firm round bum looked their very best as she curled and squired. And from head to toe, she was marked red and black and blue. She was marked as his.

As the crop ran over the wet patch showing through her underwear, Grace gasped and let out a lustful, whimpering moan.

"Please master," she begged, "I want to be touched, I want to be fucked... I wanna cum... Please."

Suddenly, he grabbed her underwear and pulled it from her legs, exposing her completely. The chilly air made Grace shiver when she felt it on her wet and sensitive lips, more from excitement than from the cold.

"If you wanna be touched, and fucked, then we can do that. You can be touched and fucked all you want." Master's voice was mischievous, and Grace knew he'd have something planned, there was no way he'd just give her what she wanted... Was there? But she didn't care. She just needed to be touched, she was going crazy like this. The end of the crop slid under her hips, and with the lightest touch master pushed her into position, with her back arched and her bum pushed slightly into the air. He didn't need to use force on her, not now, her whole body would follow his every whim.

"Stay," he ordered in a stern voice. The word alone sent a bolt of lightning down her spine. Reaching into the locked box under her bed, he produced the wand which he had bought her. She'd never had a toy like that before he'd come into her life. It was powerful, powerful enough to make her buck and shake and scream like nothing else she'd felt. Just the feeling of its head pressing against her every more needy cunt was enough to make her squirm. And as Sir bunched up the quilt of the bed underneath her tummy, so that could rest in position just like that, he turned it on.

Instantly the vibrations were like a storm between her legs, and Grace let out a lustful, satisfied moan.

"Oh fuck. Thank you, master" she purred, as the wand worked its magic. Already she was grinding against it, pushing hard into the bed to feel the vibrations pulse through her whole body. Each and every second of it was a relief, like rain after a hot day. And then he reached down between her thighs and turned the toy from low to high. The rain turned into a storm. The welcome relief was now torture of its own. Working her sensitive clit so hard it made her sore, and made her squirm hard against it. The feeling was too intense to bear, but whenever she lifted herself away from it her whole body cried and begged and demanded more. Desperately she tried to wriggle and find a spot where the feeling was enough but no too much, but even the lightest touch of it made her feel as if she was hooked into the mains. With each moment of the torture Master was inflicting on her, her moans got louder and more desperate. At the same time more pained and more pleasurable. And then she felt the hand press against the small of her back, and another push the toy hard into her. The pressure made the vibrations so much more intense. She could feel them through her whole body. Everything seemed to tingle at once and the pain and pleasure between her legs spiked like she'd never felt before. A long, loud squeal filled the room as every nerve in Grace's body was overloaded at once.

"If you want to cum, then fucking cum. Now." Master's' voice cut through everything.

"10." He counted. Oh fuck.

"9" Desperately Grace tried to block out the pain...

"8" ...And focus on the pleasure

"7" Using every ounce of strength she tried to pull herself into a better position

"6" She felt the cuffs dig into her wrists, but she didn't care

"5" She arched her back and pushed with her legs, but his hands were strong enough to hold her in place

"4" Another desperate shriek escaped her mouth as a spike of pleasure shot through her whole body.

"3" Maybe she could beat the soreness and the intensity

"2" 'Oh fuck that's not long enough.' She thought as she grit her teeth against the pain and pushed into the toy

"1" Her body refused to cooperate though, and every muscle recalled from the over-stimulation, helplessly pushing against his hands

"0. Times up, cunt." The toy switched off and was pulled away, leaving Grace humping helpless against the sheets of her bed, feeling her lips pulse and tingle along with every other inch of her body. She could feel the wetness running down her and knew she was making a mess of her bed but she didn't care at all. She just wanted to cum. She needed to.

"Nooooo, sir, please! Master! Please! I wanna! Let me cum, please please please please pleaseeeee! Fuck!"

But her protests fell on deaf ears, as Master simply watched her writhe and thrust and grind, moaning and groaning and grunting as she did. For a few moments he let her struggle, taking enjoyment from her pained desperation. But then he raised the crop, and brought it down hard on her behind.

"Lie the fuck still!" He ordered, his voice booming and angry.

Trying to obey, Grace fought against her shaking, convulsing muscles and desperately tried to follow his orders. With deep breaths and clenched fists, she managed to steady herself, coming to rest with her sensitive cunt elevated above the bed. Even the feeling of the soft cotton bed sheets was enough to fuel the fire inside her.

"Such a shame you couldn't cum today," he teased in a sultry and venomous voice, "maybe we'll try again tomorrow."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Well written

Yes, it is well written. It really brings the two together in a marriage of revenge and real enough beatings. Finally, she did get to her safeword and true enough he did stop immediately. However there was no real aftercare to take care of the welts, and purple bruising caused by the severe beating caused by the belt. Sure, we are drawn to the fact that she loves it and he really enjoys beating the hell out of her. What we don't get is that she is already broken and needs help. One time he is going to go too far and he will put her in the hospital. After getting tied up and beaten he gets out and beats her so badly that she finally yells our her safeword. THen the next day he slams her into the wall and tells her that she is going to get punished for what she did the previous day? Watch the area around the kidneys as hitting those areas can be deadly. Wonder just how far this goes. I like the writing but the sadistic beatings often make me squirm.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

If she is broken then so am I cause hit damn that is sexy. CNC is not nice. It isn't supposed to be. Some couples negotiate before every scene but when you love the "No, no, no, yes" game that negotiation trends to happen early in and never again, unless something changes. That's why they make safe words. Being a masochistic sub that has a brat side, this is well written.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Still a hard no.

Despite the fact that you’ve written this as a consensual scene and that he did indeed stop when she called red, just like any good Dom should, this whole thing just comes across as off.

I’m sticking by my earlier comments on earlier chapters, she definitely needs counselling for previous trauma and he can’t see it. Instead of coming across as a fantasy scene he seems bipolar and she is really really broken.

So kudos for making it seem realistic because it does indeed come across as very real, which in my opinion is essential in any story. The events needs to be believable unless you’re talking about something entirely impossible like alien abduction.

I can’t give any recommendations on how to make it look more like a fantasy it might just be me or a limited few who read it the same way I am.

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