The 70 Show


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"No! No! You have to believe me. I have never cheated on you before. Never even thought about it before last week. I was ticked off about you bugging me about sex and I felt like such a failure....and felt so bad about turning you down all the body was willing, but my head just couldn't get excited about it. I...."

"So, now it's my fault? My fault for trying to make love to my beautiful wife? For trying to perk things up?

"Am I that awful to look at, Emma? Am I that old, that wrinkled, that awful to touch, that you went to Hugh? Who's what, 60?"

"No, Theo, it isn't like that. You're still the great sexy guy I married. You still look terrific to me. I..."

"So, I'm that awful in bed? Well, I GUESS WE DON'T KNOW BECAUSE WE NEVER FUCKING DO IT. Did he do all those wonderful things for you that the romance novels talk about? Did you get butterflies, lose all track of time. All that shit?"

"He didn't do anything that you and I haven't done and he's no better than you at any of it. It's just..."

"'s just that I'm the same old Theo. Solid, predictable, dependable, always there. Like a good book on the shelf that you can pull down and read a chapter of and remember the old days.

"While Hugh is new. Exciting. The new car. The place you've never been. The mysterious, forbidden surprise around the corner. I make love to you and he fucks you. That's the difference right?"

Holy crap! He's right. He hit the nail on the head. But I think I need both! I need Hugh to fuck me and Theo to love me and make love to me. But how can I make this work after creating all the pain I see?

"Theo. I know this is going to sound strange, but....Yes, I did it for me." Better not confess how much I loved it or that I want more of it. "But," very timidly, "I did it for you. I did it for 'us', too."

He got up. "BULLSHIT! What kind of rationalization is that....I've had enough." And he started to walk away.

"Theo, please! Please don't walk away. I know it sounds crazy, but I love you so much... I've felt like such a failure, such a disappointment because I haven't been able to give you the closeness, the sex that you wanted. It just got worse and worse until, I guess to protect myself, I shut off all desire.

"I've felt so old. So ugly. So wrinkled. It's so awful down there, I hate it. I didn't see how you could ever want to touch me. How any man could ever want me."

"But, Emma. I tell you every day how beautiful you are. How special. So apparently Hugh made you feel special. And noting how all the guys clustered around you at the social after church, like flies on shit, I guess you know that others find you attractive. But I'm still plain old, vanilla, Theo. Nice."

"Theo, you still look great. Hell, look at yourself and compare it to all the other guys our age. You're young, vigorous, alive...."

"Until I'm old Theo. I'm broken Theo. Thanks for that. And did he fire up your flames of desire?"

"He did, Theo. And that's why I need to show you how much I love you and I want us to start making love all the time. I won't ever turn you down again. Ever."

''I don't want pity sex, Emma. And I can only assume if one midmorning fuck fest did that much for you that you may need some booster shots to prevent a relapse. I'll never be able to trust you again. Tell me I'm wrong."

How the hell does he know all this? I really underestimated Theo. I'm sunk. I'm going to die all alone without the man I love.

"Theo. I understand your pain and sense of distrust and disappointment. I would feel just the same. I don't know what I was thinking or how I rationalized it, but you're right about everything.

"What you're wrong about is how much I love you. How much I would miss you if you weren't here. Turning a back to all the things we shared for over 45 years...."

"Quit throwing this shit back on me! You're the one who turned her back! Not me! I tried everything I could to get us going again. To make it so special, but you just couldn't be bothered. Turn on the fucking tv and let's watch some fucking Bonanza reruns we've seen 100 times and reminisce about the good old days.

"I don't want to sit in the sun and think about the good old days and wait until I get cancer or have my heart attack or just fucking die. Hell, if I wanted to do that, I'd go to the garage and turn on the fucking car right now and suck in some fumes.

"I want to look towards the future. To make new memories. To be spontaneous. To share it with someone. And I can't do that with someone who may be skipping her knitting club to have sex with someone else."

"I understand, Theo and I would feel the same. I've longed to look forward, but I keep getting sucked into the whirlpool of what has been. I want to do something new, build something new. And I want to do it with you.

"Please, Theo. If you can't forgive me, please give me a chance. Please don't rush right into something because you're hurt or pissed. Which you have every right to be of course.

"Can't see that happening."

"What if you just think about it overnight and we can discuss it again tomorrow. Forty-five years, Theo. Please...well, at least let's talk again before you make a final decision. Fair enough?"


Next Morning: "Here, Theo. I made you some waffles and I opened a bottle of that special maple syrup from the farmer's market.

"So, have you had a chance to consider what we've had and all that we'd be losing? And, Theo, if I need to apologize a thousand times a day or beg for forgiveness, I'll do it."

"I appreciate your apology, Emma, but it hasn't changed my mind about going our separate ways."

"But, Theo. The kids. Our kids will be so upset if we separate. I mean..."

"Why? Half of them are divorced and at least one of the others is on shaky ground. You can just tell them I'm an ass and they'll feel sorry for you and hate me. It'll be fine. They never talk to me anyway, just you."

"Alright, Theo. OK. In that case. I have a proposal. The girls and I talked about it and...."

"JUST. FUCKING. GREAT! The gaggle of hens discussed MY problem and what you could do to fix ME!" Theo's never used that kind of language. This is not going well at all.

"Theo, please. Please listen. Hear me out. It will sound crazy, but it kind of makes sense and I think you might like it."

"Alright. I'm all ears."

"The girls and I discussed this all morning..."

"Just great! You all discussed how great it was for me to be a cuckold and what a loser I am."

"No, Theo. Just the opposite. They think you're hot and most of them would like to jump your bones. They have the same problem I do, er, did.

"Their husbands want to do it, but though the flesh is willing....anyway, they would be willing to let their husbands have sex with someone else, as long as they were able to have sex with someone new as well. They all felt like I do, that this would reignite their desire for sex with their husbands. A jump start to the road of marital intimacy. I..."

"What the hell? Do you guys take drugs at that meeting? Did you take a trip to another dimension? An altered reality state?"

"No, Theo. They think this could work. They really do. You could have sex with the women in the club who want it and whose husbands OK'ed it. And I would have sex with the men that got permission from their wives..... And if it goes alright, then they could discuss this idea with friends outside our group and get their feelings about it and get a feel for the level of interest."

"So, you and I switch to an open marriage after forty-five years? Set up a senior escort service for the neighborhood....Is that where we're going with this?" She's, no they're ALL, fucking nuts. But I guess it's worth riding this train for a while to see where the hell it goes before I have her served. What have I got to lose? I already lost everything I care about.

"And then when it blows up in our faces, we move to the other coast."

"No, Theo. They think this a service that's needed. Sort of the community of friends with benefits or something." She reviewed the knitting circle's discussions.

"I don't know, Emma. I have a bad feeling about this. And when I think of the women vs. their husbands and their....well, how shall I put it....physique. And when I think about their likely levels of interest, you know, horny males vs. nonhorny females. Seems like I get the short straw. So let me think about it overnight."

That night she moved close and said, "Theo, my fires are burning again. Can we, maybe, get close for tonight?"

"No, I don't think so. Every time I think about us, all I see is you and Hugh."

"Theo, I'm so sorry. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be a one time thing, you'd never know about it, and I would be fired up once again to have sex with you whenever you wanted. I did it for 'us'."

"Bullshit! It was supposed to be a secret? My ass! You threw it in my face! You came home walking like you'd just pulled a train with the football team. Reeking of cum. You can't look me in the eye. And then you go in take a shower and call it a day.

"I'm surprised you didn't ask me to go down there and clean you up or give me sloppy seconds like a good cuckold! Hell, it's been a week and you're so 'fired up' that this is the first time you've suggested it."

"It wasn't supposed to be like that! I don't know what I was thinking. I was really stupid. I never did anything like that before. Never even thought about it. Please, Theo."

"Good night, Emma. This is what you did 'for us.' In fact, fuck it! I'm going to sleep in the guest bedroom."

"No, Theo. Please?" She turned on her side and cried. As she thought back about the last week she realized he had not kissed her at all. She had kissed him and he gave a tiny peck in return, but no kisses, hugs, pats, or any signs of affection.

He hadn't teased, joked, or laughed with her for a week. And it took me a week to even notice. I HAVE been treating him like a piece of familiar, comfortable furniture. How long have I been like that? God, I've been terrible to him.

Then she thought back to all the things they had shared and how much she loved him and their life together. Will he ever forgive me? Will he ever be my husband and lover again? Good Lord. As Theo put it, for a midmorning fuck I traded it all away.


"So, OK. I guess I'm willing to try. When does it start?"

"Well, right away, I guess. Sure, why not? If you're agreeable."

"Sure. Might as well get on with it. What about some rules?"


"Sure. If we're going to set up an escort service or really a servicing service and potentially serve our retirement community, don't you think we need some ground rules?"

"Well, I guess I hadn't thought that far ahead."

"Seems like you haven't thought about a lot of things. Sorry. Cheap shot. So I have some ideas. Actually a lot of things have to be clarified. Remember, misunderstandings lead to anger and more problems. Make sense?"


"First, we never do it, do anything, in our house and especially not in our bed. Period! This has to be a protected space so the non busy party can watch tv or whatever and not have to think about what's going on in the bedroom or whether they have to hose down the furniture before sitting on it. Thoughts?"

"Very reasonable."

"Second, as you explained it, the spouse, if there is one, has to be supportive and fully agree to it, right?"

"Correct. We don't want any surprises or angry spouses. They're our friends, after all."

"So what if we say the spouse has to be the one to call to set up the date. So if Linda thinks it's alright for you to have sex with Steve, then she needs to call you and set up a time, etc.

"Thoughts? Further, the wives would have to call you to set things up and the husbands would have to call me. That does not include the widows, widowers, or divorced folks, right?"

"God, Theo. I never thought of any of that. Good ideas. That way there can be no misunderstanding."

"Third. We are supposed to be nonthreatening to the spouse and to each other." She nodded. "In order to remain non threatening and to prevent emotional entanglements and since these encounters are supposed to be merely physical and 'a public service', isn't that what you called them?"

She nodded again. "Then they should be one time events unless the spouse agrees to us doing it more than one time and, further, I think we have to tell each other that we are repeating. So if you were going to do it a second or third time with Steve, then Linda has to call again and I would have to be notified and agree. What do you think?

"I think it's reasonable. When did you become a lawyer?"

"I'm an engineer, remember. No loose ends. Fourth, I think it should be like an escort service. If one of the guys takes you to dinner, dancing, a hotel or whatever, they pay. If the women sign up with me, they pay. I'm not sure I want to foot the bill for you having sex with someone and vice versa. Thoughts?"

"I agree, but there should be some flexibility."

"Agreed. Then fifth, I have a whole bunch of miscellaneous stuff. Does it matter what time of day or night? How many times a day?"


"Well, once you really get your fires going," he said sarcastically, "you might want to meet someone in the morning, one in the after noon and one at night. And what about overnights or, hell, what about weekends or vacations?"

"I think those would be threatening to the spouses, so no limits to days per week or times per day. Overnights would be spouse requested and I would have to notify you. No weekends or vacations."

"Agreed. And is it just folks in our neighborhood and the church or are we open to all comers?"

"I think it should be neighbors and church."

"Do we have to say 'yes' to each request or can we turn some invites down?"

"I think we can turn any of them down for any reason, but we have to be sensitive to the fact that they are friends and neighbors and we don't want to create any ill will."

"What about condoms?"

"I'd say it's a pretty safe crowd, so optional."

"Agreed. Not looking forward to some of the potential requests....I must say. And I may want to wear one. And with that in mind, I would suggest that whenever possible, we take a quick shower before we come home to rinse off and then throw our clothes into the machine as soon as we get home so we don't bring all the smells, perfume, and remnants home with us.

"And either party can terminate this agreement without cause and without explanation."

"Agreed. Damn, Theo. You've made this a lot more complicated than I thought. I thought it would be pretty simple."

"This is a fucking freak show, Emma! Nothing simple about it. And we both carry our phones and we leave them on in case of emergency or we need help." And so I know where your sorry ass is all the time.

"Alright! Alright! I agree to everything, to everything. Give me that stupid paper and I'll sign it. But what about us Theo? Do we go to church, to functions, to the store as a couple?"


"And what about sex between us?"

"That I can't answer. TBD. I think you'll be busy enough that you won't want to, but I just don't know. Maybe when there are so many faces I can't see Hugh's anymore...."

"Theo, I'm sorry that it happened. I'm sorry I hurt you. it's just that I love you so much and I need you to make love to me, not just have guys fuck me."

"Probably should have thought of that before and we could have discussed it."

"You're right. There are a lot of things I should have done. Or shouldn't have done. So Mr. Social Engineer, when would you like the escort service to start."

"No time like the present. Why down you go ahead and send a group email to the knitting circle and let's see what happens."

Moments later. "Holy crap, Theo. That didn't take long! Linda says Steve would like to get together at noon for the afternoon. What do you think?

"I think this is your idea so have at it."

"Right. But, Theo if you would rather I didn't...."

"We've already agreed to the terms, right? So it's OK, Emma. Hope you have fun. Should be interesting."

"Well, interesting for you, too it seems. Lydia would like you to come over today, a little after noon. So I guess we should have some breakfast and then get ready."

Oh, no! The reality of Theo actually being with someone....It just hurts. How did we end up here? Simple answer. We're here because of me. I blew it. Well on with the show. Let's see if this helps get us back together or just hastens the end.

Just before noon she walked around the corner to Steve's house. Linda was already gone. I am so nervous, but also very excited. This arrangement could be a lot of fun, but I still want to be with Hugh again. I just can't get caught this time.

"Er, hi, Emma. I'm not exactly sure how this is going to go? I've been with, uh, escorts, before, but you're a neighbor. Do I kiss you, not kiss you? How do we start?"

"Hell, Steve, I've never done anything like this before. My thoughts were that you would treat me like your girlfriend or something. And I will try my darndest to make you happy and I hope you will do your best to make me happy. Sound like a plan?"

"Sounds great! I've wanted to do this for a long time. I swear, I'm hard already."

"Well, Steve," moving up to kiss him and putting a hand on his groin, "I can feel that he's already very happy to see me. Are we going to the bedroom?" He nodded. She grabbed his penis through his pants and pulled him back to the bedroom.

"Now let's get some of these clothes off and get on the bed. Alright? After all, we only have until what, 4 o'clock or so." He nodded. Well, here goes.

"Uh, sure. Anything you say, Emma." She lay next to him on the bed. The second guy she'd been with since she married Theo. A flicker of paralyzing guilt hit her, but she buried it. She reached down and took hold of his cock. Smaller than Theo's, but not bad. Let's see what he can do with it.

She started gently stroking it while he went to town on her boobs. Mashing and squeezing, tugging at her nipples. Seems like he's in a rush. Rougher and more urgent than Theo, or Hugh. I hope it's not a wham bam thank you Ma'am sort of thing.

She stroked harder and he groaned. She slowly kissed down to his cock. Still stroking slowly so he didn't cum too quickly, she licked his scrotum and took each testicle into her mouth in turn. Then grabbing the base of his scrotum in her hand and gently pulling, she took the head of his penis into her mouth and swirled around the head with her tongue. Gently probing the hole she could taste a bit of precum.

"Ummmm. Nice, Steve." She slid her mouth down the shaft able to bury her lips in his pubic hair. The cock just reaching the back of her throat. She started moving up and down on him. He grew quickly more excited and she wanted to slow things down a bit.

Let's try this, Stevie and see what you think. She slid to the base of his cock, licking the base with her tongue, then stuffed his balls and sack into her mouth along with his cock and swirled her tongue around.

"Oh, God, Emma. That's amazing no one has ever done that before. I'm, I'm....Here it comes!" And he stiffened and squirted streams into her mouth while she released his sack and continued to gently move up and down on his cock.

Almost immediately he started to shrink and get soft. She started stroking it again trying in vain to keep it hard. "That tasted great, Steve. Can you do something for me now?"

They went back to embracing. He didn't want to kiss her cum smelling lips and roughly inserted two fingers into her. Pumping them in and out, virtually ignoring her clit, she was having a hard time heading towards her own orgasm. Not like I used to be down there, she thought.