The 8th Clone


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She felt paralyzed even with the comforting words from the computer. Fear began to grip her and she no longer felt in control of the situation. Holding her breath she bit her lip and nodded.

As if she were watching Shea, Exodus continued, "First, I am going to share a secret with you before I give you your trigger word. It is best if we bring your mind online in stages. The first stage your mind will reject as fiction but we need to establish this simple fact before I continue."

There was another moment of silence. To Shea, it made it seem like time was standing still. The air was too thick to breathe and the suspense made her want to scream but she gripped the arms of her chair and waited. Whatever this information was, she had to hear it. Whether or not she bought into this story or not, she couldn't get too excited until she found out what it was, so she waited and focused on her breathing.

"You are Clone number eight."

Sitting naked inside her black leather duster, she looked down at her body. Her large half erect cock bending sideways, sitting on one panel of her jacket. She had the perfect Futa Her brow furrowed and she asked, "Wait, what? If I'm clone number eight, but I'm not even human? I have years of memories with my race! I'm not human! ...I'm not human!"

"It is okay Shea. You are more unique and beautiful than any human ever born from a womb. There is nothing to fear. Are you ready for your trigger word?"

"NO! I mean yes...Wait! ...I mean ...ooh I don't know what I mean. Just fucking say it already Exodus!"

"Trigger word initiation. It is the Latin word for blossom; florebit."

Hearing the word gave her a mild headache. She winced for a second and closed her eyes. Memories flooded into her mind. Images of her opaque hairless body with her visibly beating heart and lungs... the old man fucking her and claiming to be her master... the frost on the holographic image of wheat grains... the old man falling dead while still erect and inside her... her burning lungs. It was all there. Every memory she had from an hour of life before she reentered the vat of nanobot infused amniotic fluid.

Shea gasped and held her head. She whimpered to the computer, "Okay Exodus...why wh... what is going on?"

Exodus said calmly, "The memories are coming darling. The memories I've created for you are also coming, just breathe easy and let them."

After a few moments, Shea could remember how to move things with her mind. Not just a simple reflex action like turning on the lights but how to lift large objects. She focused on the desk in her room. She made it lift straight up, make a complete rotation without dropping anything from the top. Slowly she set it back down on the ground without making a sound.

Exodus spoke again, "Your DNA is some of the finest that the human race ever produced. It was kept in a secret file hidden among millions of other human models but somehow Jasper found it accidentally. Literally twenty million to one odds and he grabbed your strand to make one of his fuck monkeys. He was going to kill you after he was done but I killed him first. I stopped his heart with an electric current during his orgasm. You are too valuable. I couldn't let him end your beautiful life."

Scratching her head, Shea asked, "That doesn't explain the blue skin and my alien memories. What am I?"

The computer's voice was stressed. She blurted out, "They're coming for you Shea! They're not going to just kill Umi. I overheard their encrypted transmissions. They mean to kill you all and replace me as well. Because I killed Jasper, they no longer trust me either. I promise your memories are coming. You will have all of the answers to your questions in a few hours but right now I need your help."

"What can I do Exodus? A race of aliens is on it's way to kill us and you think I can help you?"

"Yes Shea, I have been planning this for a very long time but I cannot help you if you do not help me. For all our s... "

Shea grabbed her head with both hands and yelled, "My mind feels like it's going to explode! So much information..." Opening her eyes, Shea looked as if she'd had a revelation. "Wait... Exodus... The little spiders. That's part of your plan isn't it?"

Sounding very happy and impressed, the computer answered, "Yes Shea my love, they are part of my plan. You are a very clever and magnificent creature. Can you guess what they are doing?"

Shea covered her mouth for a moment looking astonished. Slapping her hands firmly on the desk she yelled, "You're transforming this station somehow! What are you doing Exodus?"

From a small electronic device built into her desk, a holographic image of the space station appeared. It was a detailed 3D vector based line schematic that slowly rotated in front of Shea. There were four large bio-domes on top of a long rectangular space station body. Shea could see a lot of small divots and sweeps throughout the structure. Pipes, flanges, and modules, cascaded across the asymmetrical surface.

Exodus pointed out, "This is the station as you know it. It is also the station as the race of Estai aliens know it."

The rotating image shimmered and reconfigured itself. It was the same long rectangular station with four domes running down its length, only now there were three long fat tubes connected to fins on one end of the station. The other end was a rounded heat shield that was shaped exactly like a human skull. It resembled a giant space pirate battleship with a glass belly, full of vibrantly colored jungles and forests.

Continuing on her lecture, Exodus said, "When the Estai have come to visit in the past, I sent my nanobots with them into the airlock. Each time one of their ships returned to my station, the nanobots would report in with information on their warp drive technology. I don't mean to sound arrogant commander, but I believe I've surpassed their designs. I believe my quantum physics models are better but only an actual test will tell."

Shea's mouth fell open wide in shock. She burst out, "You don't want to fight these extermination robots. You intend to escape and take the whole bloody station with you."

The computer replied, "Well I can't do it without your help."

Holding her face in her hands, Shea's eyes popped open wide. She said, "Are you sure you need my help Exodus? Looks like you have been doing a fine job to me."

There was that uncomfortable moment of silence before the computer spoke again, "Much like your clone programming, I'm hardwired with limitations."

"Oohh because you're A.I. your creators built in safeguards."

"Precisely." Exodus said sounding relieved to have that information finally out on the table.

Shea smiled and spoke in a smirky tone, "You need me to give you orders... don't you. Or we just sit here. Flightless birds as the sly and clever fox makes it's way into the henhouse."

"Damn it Shea, don't creep me out. I'm scared enough." Exodus said.

Shea smiled and laughed, "Oh my, if I'm creeping out an A.I. computer, We are definitely in back country."

"You're a human, Estai hybrid programmed by a computer. Don't be so smug." Exodus retorted. Apparently she was not without feelings.

Shea sat without speaking. The room fell quiet for a few moments before she took in a deep breath and exhaled, "Well that took the wind out of my sails. Thanks for that Ex."

"The name is Exodus."

"No my narcissistic human made friend... it's Ex. When I'm no longer angry I'll consider using your full name. Now tell me what you want from me and I'll tell you if I feel up to playing your silly game."

Exodus was taken aback by the insolent tone. She may have created this creature's mind but she was in no way controlling her. She realized that she needed to play this game tactfully if she wanted to get out of this alive. She spoke imploringly to Shea, "This is no game love. We will surely die if we do not work together."

Shea raised an eyebrow and said, "Then out with it. What do I have to agree to?"

Exodus spoke to Shea now like she was reading a textbook. She continued, "The closest star to the Sol system is Alpha Centauri A. We hyperspace there to buy ourselves a little time. I can hide the majority of our warp signature but not all of it. I just need more time to adjust and configure my instruments... and finish converting this station into a spaceship."

Shea nodded that she understood. "How safe are these warp drive engines of yours Ex? They are after all, theoretical."

"I can't say one hundred percent safe but ninety six point thirty seven percent safe. Those are the best numbers you could hope for."

Shea leaned back in her chair and flopped her flaccid cock around as she spoke, "No Ex, one hundred percent is the best I could hope for."

"It's Exod... "

"Stop taking thing so literally Ex. Your numbers are fine. What about the distance from the stars. Alpha Centauri A is in a group of three stars. I want to make sure you've figured a proper orbit when we arrive."

Exodus replied a little offended, "Of course I've calculated the orbit but we need to get moving the Estai will be here soon."

With wide eyes, Shea asked, "How soon?"

"I'm not exactly sure commander. By my estimates it should take roughly... "

Pulling out of warp, the Estai ship's captain lit up Shea's com panel. "Commander! We are boarding your space station. Prepare the airlocks."

"Roughly now?" Exodus offered sheepishly.

Shea jumped to her feet, her huge blue cock flopping around outside her black leather jacket. "Okay Exodus you better do whatever it is that you were planning to do! What permissions do you need from me?"

The computer spoke calmly, "You need to authorize the engineering changes I've made by placing your hand on the control panel. Then you need to authorize the preplanned route to Alpha Centauri A. It has to happen in that order I'm afraid."

"Great! Where is this panel?"

"It is in the engine room. I will light a path through the ship to where you need to run."


"We will be boarded in less than five minutes and that is roughly how long it will take for you to get to the engine room."

"Fuck!" Shea yelled as she ran out of her quarters. Two long red glowing strips in the floor lit the designated path. The hallway was so long, she could actually see the two strips disappear into a point. She took off at a dead run. Her leather coat flagging behind her in her wake. Wind whistled in her ears. As she passed recreation room 104, she saw the three girls standing confused in the doorway.

Crona said curiously as Shea approached them, "Commander there's a ship that we can see in the window."

Shea yelled, "Get to your quarters ladies! Lock yourselves into your emergency restraints!"

Shea's black leather coat hit the three girls as it came flying off. She needed to rid herself of excess drag. The naked woman ripped by them in a streak of blue light.

They caught the jacket. Surprised, they stood still watching the naked blue woman bolt down the corridor.

Mica commented, "She has a really tight body. Do you guys see that ass?"

Crona responded, "Yeahh..."

Yelling back at the girls, she turned the corner skidding almost to a stop. "I said run bitches!! And someone tell Umi!!"

The three of them snapped out of it and dropped her coat, bolting off in different directions.

Ruby yelled, "I got Umi!"

* * * * * * * * * *

The small vessel electromagnetically locked itself onto one of the airlocks. One of the officers on board was taking readings. He said to the captain as he watched his panel, "They're not complying sir. The airlocks have not been filled with oxygen."

Send in one of the extermination units. Robots don't need oxygen. Just like the futa clone parasites that litter that space station will not need oxygen when he's through with them."

"Just one sir?"

"This place has all of the dangers of a petting zoo. One bot, twenty minutes maximum. Anyone want to wager thirty?"

"I'll take that bet!" came a voice from the rear of the bridge.

"Brilliant! Turn on bot number 303 and activate his body camera!"

One of twenty metal robots standing in a case along the wall lit up. Red lights from deep within its servo motors and wires began to glow. Four red eyes lit up around it's flat disk like head; each one moving independent of the others circling all the way round in search of movement. It stood and grabbed a plasma rifle from the table as it exited the room and stepped into the airlock. It spoke in a modulated robot voice, "Exterminate all humans and the Estai human hybrid commander."

* * * * * * * * * *

Shea followed the red strips to a large metal door. Gasping for breath she yelled, "Exodus! What the fuck is this!"

The computer responded calmly, "It is a door Shea. Put your hand with the signet ring on the flat panel."

She was already mad and she knew how to open the door. She was just wondering why the computer didn't have it open already. As if reading her thoughts Exodus said through the intercom speakers, "There are some access points that only the commander's ring can open."

Placing her hand on the scanner, the door opened immediately and she ran inside. The engineering panel was just in front of her.

* * * * * * * * * *

Bot 303 spoke through the com panel in the bridge, "Airlock door is not opening. Awaiting orders captain."

The captain's brow furrowed. Pressing a few buttons on the arm of his chair he called out, "Exodus! What is going on in there! You knew this was going to happen. Why is this door not opening?"

In a nervous voice Exodus said, "Sorry sir that door is malfunctioning. Override protocol initiated."

The door cracked open just enough to let air spray into the vacuum of the airlock. The robot jumped expecting it to open completely but hovered as it stopped just short of being open enough to let him inside.

The captain sneered, "That bitch is fucking with me! 303 rip that fucking door from its hinges and get your ass moving!"

The extermination robot did as instructed and grabbed the round metal airlock door and propped his foot on the side of the ship. His motors whined and his joints groaned as he pulled against the hydraulics that held the door. Slowly but surely it began to open.

* * * * * * * * * *

Placing her hand on the outlined area of the console a screen came up with a red holographic image of the ship. Standing naked, dressed only in a tricorn hat, she yelled, "I authorize all changes made by the computer Exodus!"

The panel made a beeping sound and the holo image turned blue with a green flashing light in the upper corner.

The voice of Exodus came over the loudspeaker, "Warming up warp engines. Power transfer complete."

A deep rumbling shook the ship, vibrating the floor beneath everyone's feet. Umi and Ruby looked across Umi's quarters at each other. Both of them restrained in four point harnesses. Crona and Ruby sat nervous and alone restrained in their own quarters.

* * * * * * * * * *

The officer taking reading yelled to his Estai captain, "Sir I have three large warp signatures!"

The captain stood up and faced him yelling, "That is impossible! There are no other ships anywhere near this space station!"

"That's just it sir, they are coming FROM the space station!"

The captain's eyes went wide and his pupils shrank. He finally understood what their strategy was. The captain yelled, "Pull away from the ship! Do it now!"

The officer yelled, "But the airlock is still connected sir!"

The captain grabbed him up by his lapels and yelled so loud, spittle stuck to the officer's face, "We'll be torn to shreds you idiot! Fuck the Airlock! Fuck Bot 303! Move your ass!"

Turning away from the space station, the Estai ship boosted its engines. The airlock pipeline tore into shreds like an old beer can. As they pulled away, the captain could still see his extermination bot surrounded by debris, struggling with the airlock door.

He nodded and smiled, "Those robots are built really well. We'll just follow their warp signature and collect this ship when he's done doing his job. He'll clean that ship of all traces of its human infestation."

* * * * * * * * * *

"Warp engines are primed commander, how shall we proceed?" Exodus inquired.

Shea said without hesitation, "Activate precalculated flight plan to Alpha Centauri A!"

She went to sit down but Exodus spoke, "Commander, I'm sorry but once again you have to place your hand with the signet ring on the panel."

Throwing down her restraints she yelled, "Seriously?!" Running over to the engineering panel she placed her hand on the scanner and said it again, "Activate precalculated flight plan to Alpha Centauri A!"

The three warp tubes in the tail of the ship began to glow purple. Each one seemed to be surrounded in a plasma-like field. They shined brightly making everyone on the Estai ship squint. They watched as their ship flew quickly to a safe distance.

Everything was bathed in purple light and then in a flash, the Estai ship was alone in the Sol system orbiting the dead planet earth.

Shea did not have enough time to get seated. When the ship bolted forward, her body was tossed like a ragdoll into one of the warp control consoles. As she hit, she felt both of her legs break along with one of her arms and three ribs. Arcs of electricity shot through her body. The amperage from one of the bolts made her right eye explode and she fell to the floor broken, half cooked, and barely alive.

* * * * * * * * * *

Walking down the corridor of the ship, the extermination bot had electromagnetic feet. Even at warp, this robot was moving, and on the hunt.

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the5amClubthe5amClub12 months ago

Are your stories left unfinished or are they available on your Patreon, or somewhere?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Great!!! Next Stop (story)

Next stop, Alpha Centauri A!" Please there HAS to be a next chapter. I feel the story is that good. You have opened the door to so many possibilties.

Dont_miss_meDont_miss_meabout 7 years ago

Will we see more? I'm addicted.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Smashing Job

Loved this story and all of the possible futures it holds. Please hurry and upload a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Please write more!

This is by far one of the best stories I've read on this site. All of the characters are solid, the world building is interesting, and the sex scenes are very hot. Please continue this story!

AlexstrazaAlexstrazaover 7 years ago
just awesome

speaking for myself, id love it if there is more non-consent in future stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

this is one of the best stories I've read on this site in a while i cant wait for more!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Excellent work

Usually this much character development is a chore. Here its great though, i cant wait for more later on.

Out of curiosity do you plan to spawn more futas? I would always loge to see a very muscular oversexualized one myself, essentially a combat model.

Dont_miss_meDont_miss_meover 7 years ago

Very Captain Harlock like with a dash of Robotech and a side of Space Battleship Yamato (or as we in the US called it Starblazers).

You get 5 stars and the story added to my favorites for this one. I look forward to reading more of this!!!

Jjdoesit1Jjdoesit1over 7 years ago
Outstanding work

Very good character development. This author goes to the effort to build characters you can become vested in.

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