The Accidental Voyeur Pt. 02

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Peeking at a young woman in her bath.
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It was not long after my voyeuristic experience on Wimbledon Common, when I had so enjoyed watching and wanking to an amorous couple, that another voyeuristic experience came to me. It was not quite so presented on a plate this time. I had to choose to peek rather than it just being there to see.

I shared a flat at the time with some friends in an old building in London, South Ken. area. Victorian perhaps, maybe earlier. We were up on the third floor and our bathroom was over the bathroom of the flat of a few young women below. Our flat wasn't that bad but clearly the ceiling of the bathroom in the flat below had problems. It wasn't all there. What was more, a chink of light in one corner of our bathroom at floor level revealed there was a passage for light to come up from the bathroom below. The question, to my mind, was whether there was a view down into the bathroom if one got down on the floor and peered through the chink coming through a crack at the end of a floorboard. I was so pleased to find there was!

It was a remarkably good view of the room below or specifically the bath. Perhaps luckily the lavatory was not in view. Personally, I don't get off seeing women sitting on the loo. Or at least certainly did not think I did. But I appreciate it takes all sorts to make a world.

I do get off, though, seeing girls undressing in a bathroom, washing perhaps in underwear at the wash hand basin or better still getting into or out of, or being in the bath. There was no shower. We knew the girls vaguely and, actually, that made it better. I'm not sure my other flatmates took a peek, but I was pretty much glued to the crack in the floor when they were out and the girls in! So pleasurable to lie there, stark naked and erect whilst playing the so naughty voyeur. Lots of wanking. Yeah, lots of cum on our bathroom floor!

There was a lovely, tall, blond Aussie girl. Should I call her Sheila? Same sort of age as me back then -- early twenties. Loved the accent when we spoke to her. And I had the joy of not only mentally undressing her whilst we talked but knowing exactly what she looked like under tee shirt and jeans. Some days I even knew the colour of the underwear she was wearing!

There was one glorious day when I met Sheila going out of the front door onto the street and had a little chat not long after I had been at my voyeuring. I knew that, not that many minutes before, she had had a lovely solo orgasm with the shower hose. I knew how the spray had played on her open thighs up there in the supposed privacy of her bathroom. How the water had sprayed into her gorgeous blond curls and stimulated those swollen pink lips. Sheila having had no idea that above her, through the damaged ceiling a naughty voyeur had been enjoying her play as much as she was. The way she lay back in the bath with her eyes squeezed shut and her mouth open as she came had thrilled. Beautiful really. Erotic certainly. And clearly a first rate coming and release for her. An orgasm that had been shared by me, in my own way!

It all went on for quite a time until one day the landlord had the ceiling repaired. It was going to happen and did. All at once no voyeuring. The girls even told me about it with some pleasure saying how unsightly the ceiling had been. A real eyesore. And they complained just how long it had taken the landlord to get the work done. They had hated looking at the hole -- not of course realising just how grateful I had been to look down through that hole and... sometimes see their holes. It wasn't just Sheila I saw. It really was not!

Never though, two girls in the same bath playing with that rubber shower hose together. That would have been so good. Hands upon the other girl's boobs. Perhaps soaping them and making them all slippery -- four soapy, rounded oranges or melons - as I watched from above with penis straining. Or the fun sight of one of the girls with a boyfriend in the bath. That would have been just so good, even if no 'hanky-panky' had gone on. But if it had...

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DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 1 year ago

However brief I can only ever give you 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Keep up the good work as it keeps my cock up

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice story, nice view, but a mite rough on the style, mate.

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