The Actress


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"Ok, I'll do." Glori said. "Let's get started before I change my mind."


Eight Months Later - The Premier

Glori and Bill were escorted to their seats. The theater was packed. Bill couldn't believe the amount of celebrities that were in the building. VIc and Livvy were sitting down to their left one row up. Bill felt a little joy when Livvy waved at him. Just then, the lights blinked, and everybody got quiet. At the front of the theater stood Christopher with a microphone in his hand.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for attending our premier. This is the one and only time this version of the movie will be shown. I warn you it is very graphic. To avoid an NC17 label the theatrical version will be edited. I want to give a special thanks to Miss Susan Montgomery, Glori's body double for being so accommodating. To Vic's body double, you should be thanking me! Enjoy!"

Christopher then sat down up front a few rows to the right. Then the theater got dark and the movie started.

The move was about a married woman with two young children who has an affair with a local rising star politician. The whole movie slowly built up sexual tension when she was impressed with his power and the way people bended for him. Christopher had a great way of framing the story, bringing the little girl crush out the main character and watching her slowly lower her guard to his advances. The audience watched how his woman who supposedly loved her family got sucked into this other exciting world where she was wined, dined, and romanced. Here she was no longer mom but the center of desire.

Bill was impressed with Christopher's ability to show this transition in the main character. He also felt his wife's acting was very impressive. He could see the chemistry between her and Vic, and it made him a little uncomfortable at times. The movie had been pretty tame sexually so far, it was more of an emotional build. He wondered what was in store with the buildup Christopher gave at the opening speech.

Then the sex scene started. It was a very passionate scene where the main character could not take it anymore and let the politician ravage her. The characters had an animalistic intensity that could not be matched. Bill was very impressed with his wife's acting as it reminded him of their early days together. He was a little sad that they have not had sex like that in the longest time.

Bill was brought back to earth when her shirt came off revealing Sue's perfect tits. The whole scene felt so seamless. Sue's tits were one full display again during the blowjob scene. It looked like she was really going to town on his cock. Christopher was not kidding about the graphic nature of this scene. Bill felt some porn he had watched had less action.

Then it happened. Glori was moaning underneath Vic in a missionary position where for just a fraction of a second showed a dick thrusting inside a vagina from a side angle. Bill knew that was not Sue's pussy when he saw the beefy labia side angle. Bill's heart nearly stopped when he realized his wife was really getting fucked!

The camera angle then focused on Glori's face. She was lost in a lustful gaze while she moaned uncontrollably. Her face revealed an expression of vulnerability as she panted. Her cheeks were red and flustered when her lust filled eyes unfocused. Bill then realized as Vic took her, that he was really taking her from him. This made him really sad as he realized the woman he loved was not who he thought she was. The camera remained on Glori's face as her head tilted back and her orgasm exploded. During this time, Bill erupted into her. Glori's whole body was shaking. The camera was able to capture her facial expression of intense pleasure and bliss slowly change to guilt and regret as she came to the realization of what she had just done. To add to Bill's pain, the camera showed another split-second scene of a slimy limp penis pulled from a cum soaked vagina. Bill turned to look at Christopher, who had clearly added that scene for him. When he caught Christopher's eye, Christopher gave him a "can you blame me?" shrug. Bill then looked at Vic. When Vic saw him looking at him, he put his head down with a sheepish expression on his face.

Bill was completely numb. He decided to keep quiet and not make a scene. He was determined to get through the rest of the event pretending as nothing had changed. Throughout the rest of the move, he just reflected on his life with Glori. All the good times they had had and instances they were there for each other. Bill was not a movie start, but thought he was a great husband and a great catch. He knew of Christopher's reputation and wondered if he pushed her into doing it. Bill had to give it to Christopher, he really did what he set out to accomplish even if it was at the expense of his marriage. Did Glori really care about her career more than their marriage? It now seemed that way to Bill. He did not think he could ever put his restaurant before his marriage.

Bill thought long and hard, at one point he started wondering how he could go forward with the marriage. He got too carried away in his thoughts and let a tear drop. Nobody noticed this except for Livvy who just happened to be looking over at the time. She wondered what was up with him.

When the movie ended there were loud cheers and applause. Christopher was seen reeling in all the praise shaking people's hands. Bill and Glori tried to make their way out, but Glori was rushed with people who wanted to talk to her and whatnot. Bill told her he would meet her in the lobby and made a solo trip there. Bill ran into Sue and her girlfriend in the lobby.

"Hi Sue, you did a fantastic job!" Bill said. He was then hit in the arm not realizing that she thought he was mocking her for giving a blow job. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that!"

Sue smiled at him, "That's, OK," she replied and introduced him to her girlfriend Abby.

Bill turned to Sue, "Do you usually go this far with people for these body double scenes?"

"Not usually," Sue laughed. The guy whose dick I sucked was a guy Abby and I sometimes have threesomes with. Yes, we are both gay but also both like a stiff dick once in a while. Abby was ok with me dining the scene with him."

Abby joined in, "I even let her fuck Vic in the name of art. Christopher is very convincing. It's such a shame Sue, that most of your scenes got cut," Abby revealed while looking at Sue.

At this, Sue started blushing, quickly looked at her phone, and grabbed Abby's hand, "Shit, the car is here, we gotta go."

Sue and Abby took off for the door. Soon the crowd started dwindling and Glori joined up with Bill.

"Are you ready for the after party?" she asked.

"Why don't you go ahead without me," Bill stated. "Don't know what it is, but I'm suddenly not feeling well. I'll grab an Uber home and you can go and have fun with your friends."

"C'mon Bill, I don't want to go alone. I'll come home with you," Glori pleaded.

"No, go have fun. It's your big day. Enjoy it!" Bill insisted.

Glori went off to join the others while Bill grabbed an Uber home. Once he got home, he started packing. His restaurant had a small apartment on top of it where he occasionally crashed. He decided to go there. Once he got there, he did a bunch of shots, turned his phone off, and passed out.


When Glori got home a little tipsy Bill was not up. She went into the bedroom hoping to find him, but he was not there. She did find all his drawers open with his clothes missing. Her heart started racing. She quickly ran to the window and noticed his car was gone. Then she saw a note on top of dresser that read:

"Dearest Glori,

I was so proud of you tonight and how far you had come as an actor. You are a much better actor than I could ever have imagined. If fact, our entire marriage was an act. You fooled them all, even me. Seeing the passion in your eyes tonight, reminded me of the love we used to share. I missed that person. Not the person you have become. The one who puts her own personal interests in front of our interests. I would have done anything you asked me to. I even sat there quietly while you cucked me in front of an entire audience. Well you have a really large audience now. Enjoy your time on the top alone. I hope it was all worth it.

Your future ex-husband,


P.S. Please do not try to contact me. You will be hearing from my lawyer as soon as I retain one"

Glori's heart was still racing when she finished the letter and collapsed on the floor. She had hurt the person she cared about the most. She wondered how Bill knew she wasn't acting but at this point, did it matter? There was not anything she could say now. She did the crime and now had to do the time. Glori tried to call Bill but only got his voicemail. She left several hysterical messages throughout the night but kept getting voicemail. The next morning, she left one final message to call her back, but figured he just needed some time. She was served divorce papers 3 days later. Glori retained a lawyer herself who advised her to leave Bill alone for now. He told her that many times when given time apart, the anger subsides, and the divorce case is dropped. Against all her better judgment she listened to the lawyer and gave Bill his space.


The next week Bill buried himself in work. Working at the restaurant kept him busy. Then one day he received a surprise visitor, Livvy.

"Hi Bill, I've heard about your split up with Glori. I saw you were upset at the premiere and noticed you didn't attend the after party," Livvy said. "I don't want to intrude but can you tell me what happened?"

"Well, the honest answer is Glori and Vic weren't acting during their sex scene," Bill revealed. "I saw a scene with her double the day we went to the studio. Let's just say they have very different looking vaginas. The one I saw with a dick in it on film was not the stunt doubles."

Livvy was shocked, "I guess that means I was cheated on too?"

"Well, I can't be certain it was Vic's dick in her, but I do know my wife's vagina and it wasn't my dick in it. Also, apparently Sue the stunt double had sex with Vic. I guess with her being a lesbian and all, she didn't give a convincing enough performance," Bill revealed.

"Wait, Vic fucked your wife and the stunt double? I'm losing my mind," Livvy announced. "How did you find that out?"

"Sue's girlfriend Abby told me she let her fuck him. Apparently, they get off on fucking dicks from time to time. This was all orchestrated by that asshole director Christopher. He intentionally added my wife's vagina scenes to humiliate me. It was like he wanted to prove to me he would do anything for art, even blow up my marriage," Bill angrily stated.

"Shit, I need a drink," Livvy cried. "I never thought Vic would do this to me. We were so in love before this production started. I really thought he was my future husband. But no, he's just your average cheater. I guess I should have known better than to date an actor."

Livvy stayed at Bill's restaurant for the rest of the night. They ended up at Bill's upstairs apartment and had sex.

For the next week, Livvy practically lived at Bill's apartment. They were like two friends finding comfort in each other. Livvy was a very beautiful girl but she was still in her twenties and being a popstar was always followed around by paparazzi. Eventually, one of the tabloids got a picture of them holding hands so their secret was out.

Before the picture of Livvy and Bill went public, Glori decided she needed to talk to Bill. He had her blocked on; phone, messenger, and social media, so she decided to confront him at the restaurant. She assumed he was staying at the apartment, Glori picked a morning when she thought he would come out and waited in her car staring at the apartment door.

Glori almost had a heart attack when she saw Livvy sneaking down his steps. It was at this point where she knew her marriage was over. She realized she had pushed her husband into the arms of a younger hotter woman. Glori sat in her car and cried for a good hour before she found the strength to drive home to her empty house.


Bill and Livvy continued comforting each other another week. After practically living at Bill's apartment for two weeks, she told Bill she had something serious to discuss.

"I've had fun with you these last couple weeks," Livvy told Bill. "However, I have a tour coming up and I don't want to confuse this for what it really is. Two friends helping each other work through ugly break ups."

Bill agreed with her and the two ended their romantic entanglement on positive terms.


Bill and Glori's divorce went through relatively smoothly. The two split their assets 50/50. Bill actually ended up with some extra money on top of keeping his restaurant as the movie was a huge hit. The day they signed the papers was the first time they had talked to each other since the premier. Glori asked Bill if they could grab lunch. Surprisingly, he agreed.

"Bill, I've made the biggest mistake of my life listening to Christopher," Glori admitted. "But in the end, it was my decision, I will live with the bad decision every day of my life. I hope one day you can forgive me."

"Never in a million years would I have thought you could do this to me," Bill sadly revealed. "I'm still mourning the death of our relationship."

"I know how you feel in a way, your little tryst with Livvy hit me really hard as well." Glori revealed. "I can't make any excuses for what I did though. Yes, Christopher told me he would end the whole movie if I didn't do it but in the end of the day, I wanted to fuck him. He was a hot movie star, and this gave me the excuse I needed. In my mind, I was saving the show, getting my rocks off, and you would never find out. However, I regretted it deeply after it was over. There were so many times that I almost told you what I did. I knew you would react the way you did so I decided to take the secret to my grave. Vic is a hot movie star, but he isn't you. Losing you wasn't worth a million orgasms."

"Livvy was just a distraction," Bill said. "She really helped me get through those first two weeks. It's funny how having sex with a 20 something popstar can help out an ego."

"Vic was devastated when Livvy left him. He had a ring picked out and everything," Glori replied.

"I don't give a fuck about VIc, he can rot in hell for all I care," Bill lashed back. "Have you been working through your pain with him this whole time?"

"No, we've talked a few times, but that is it," Glori revealed. "We only had sex that one time, I haven't been with anyone else since. My therapist says being alone will be good for me. We are trying to get to the root of why I did this to you. She thinks I should go public about how Christopher manipulated me."

The two continued their lunch and discussion for another hour. At some points it felt like old times, but they both had a long road ahead. Finally, their lunch ended and the two newly single people went their separate ways.



One month later, Glori came clean publicly about Christopher Simon. Apparently, she was not the only one he manipulated. Dozens of women came out of the woodwork with stories of him using his position of power to manipulate them. Some of these incidents went back 20 years. Christopher was shunned by the Academy and has not made a motion picture since.

Once the story that the sex was real came out, sales of the DVD went through the roof. It quickly became one of most viewed videos on the free streaming sex sites. Funny how society works, people buy your product privately while shunning you publicly for making it in the first place. Unfortunately, Christopher had to sell all his rights he had in the movie to support his relentless legal expenses.

It turns out, Bill and Livvy did more than just comfort each other during their 2-week tryst. Nine months later Livvy gave birth to Bill's baby. She was told a few years back that she would never be able to have a child, so she was ecstatic with the news of a pregnancy. She and Bill never got back together romantically, but Bill is a big part of the child's life. Little Billy, now a toddler, wants to be a cook like daddy.

When Glori's story about Christopher Simon broke, Bill's restaurant got tons of publicity. He has since expanded and opened a second location in Napa Valley.

Glori became a voice for women due to her revelations. This new fame along with her style led her to become a popular talk show personality. She is currently pregnant with Bill's baby. As of yet, the two have not remarried. Her biggest mission in life is to rebuild the trust with Bill that she squandered, one day at a time.

The End

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KiwihunterKiwihunter2 months ago

Another story about a misogynist who throws away a loving relationship because he is too much of a wimp to suck it up and get over himself. Although he reconciled later he was a gutless snivelling little boy that had to run away from a wife who had been manipulated and taken advantage of. No real man would behave like this , abandoning the woman he professes to love

26thNC26thNC5 months ago

Not much to this one. Just alright "

theVikingSailortheVikingSailor5 months ago

Awww c'm on, Wanderlust. Make Bill give her another chance. She only screwed Vic once. For Hollywood, that's nothin'. Have him mete out a little punishment and then remarry her. What punishment? Maybe let him spank her a few times, let the baby bite her tits two or three times, then make her take it up the keister once or twice. That oughtta be enough. RAAC, RAAC, we need more RAACs.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Well written but the ending rather strained credibility and I've never been much of a fan of the wronged hubby sneaking off and refusing all contact - something of a cowardly approach to life methinks.


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Well written but the ending rather strained credibility and I've never been much of a fan of the wronged hubby sneaking off and refusing all contact - something of a cowardly approach to life methinks.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is a fantastic story. The characters feel like real, mature adults dealing with betrayal. It is so refreshing to see mostly level-headed characters making mistakes and owning up to them, instead of the teenage behavior the children in the comments section expect.

The only way I think this story could be improved, is to "show" more about the real sex in the sex scene, rather than "tell" about it in the epilogue. For example, the author could include a flashback, so to speak, returning to Glori's experience on set.

@Wonderlustovered this is one of my favorite stories on the site. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Meh. Three ,3 Average stars.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Would of been nicer if the director was kidnapped beaten to a pulp and had his eyes cut out, first popped, then burned, then cut.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Story was somewhat disappointing, leading to my 2 stars. Not enough about the torment Glori had to go through on the set, & even her thoughts/ interplay, so to speak, with Vic. The talk between Bill & the director was almost non-existent & also somewhat belittling ('You Americans & your...."). The talk between Bill & Glori was muted, no real emotions that I read. Although, her admitting she wanted to've sex with Vic was not the best move.

--- I was hoping that, through professional help, there'd be a reconciliation, even if Bill had a child with Livvy, as they didn't get married. But overall, the story was disappointing big time; the give & take between everybody wasn't enough to give interest. Bob

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What happened to the director, other than losing money, which fails to balance the scales.

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