The Adventures of a Slut Mommie Ch. 12


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"The Summit restaurant at Mount Coot-Tha is open for lunch," Freddy suggested. "We could eat, get our ice creams, and still make the guided tour through the gardens I've organised."

"Are you asking, Freddy?" I smilingly said.

Laughing at himself and the situation, Freddy made a U-turn at the next set of lights and redirected us to Mount Coot-Tha. We had a pleasant lunch at The Summit restaurant before grabbing an ice cream cone each and driving down to The Botanical Gardens. Freddy had paid for a guide from the gardens to show us around and teach us about the native flora displays for which the gardens are so famous.

It was a pleasurable afternoon stroll through the gardens. The guide was intelligent, quite witty and clearly knew her stuff. As we walked, I showed Freddy when he should hold my hand and when to put his arm around my waist. He eventually figured out that when he first took my hand, he should lightly kiss its back before guiding it around his waist or holding it.

After the tour, we wandered around the gardens, looking at some of the exhibits we hadn't already seen. Around three, I suggested we head home. Travelling through the 'Mom O'clock' crowd would be bad enough, and we certainly didn't want to risk peak hour traffic.

"Back to my place?" Freddy suggested.

I shook my head, and Freddy looked downcast momentarily. However, he perked up when I said, "I need to shower and change to get ready for tonight. You'll need to do the same. And Freddy?" I added and waited for him to look at me. "If you're wearing the same shirt, socks, and jocks when you pick me up tonight, I will be very disappointed. Even more so if you haven't shaved."

"Katie, how would you know if I wear the same underwear?" Freddy asked.

I smiled seductively and said, "I won't until I sexily take your clothes off after dinner. Then their sweaty smell will tell me. You wouldn't want me to tongue your stale sweat-smelling balls, would you, Freddy?" I smiled and ran my fingers over Freddy's suddenly tented pants front. "Hmm, I think little Freddy wants to play," I said in a soft, smoky voice. "Maybe I should take him out and see if he'll spit for me."

Freddy shifted uncomfortably but didn't protest as I unzipped him and took 'little Freddy' out. The poor boy must have been on a knife's edge because I'd barely begun stroking him when he groaned and his hips lifted off the seat. Desperately looking around, I couldn't see anything I could use to capture his essence in. I had tissues in my purse, but I wouldn't be able to get them out in time. So, hoping there weren't any cop cars around, I unbuckled, got on my hands and knees and took Freddy's sturdy wang into my mouth. I was just in time because as soon as I wrapped my luscious lips around his cock's head, it erupted into my mouth.

Of course, there was a delivery truck in the lane beside us. I received a horn toot, a thumbs up, a massive smile, and a cheery wave for my effort. Giggling, I waved back and sat back down before buckling up again.

We reached my home without any further incidents. Once again, Freddy proved to be an interesting travelling companion. Once he'd relaxed and forgotten he was trying to impress me, Freddy showed himself to have a lively intellect. He was intelligent and well-spoken, plus his interests roamed over a wide variety of subjects.

One moment we were discussing our nation's economy and the work our current treasurer, Jim Chalmers, was doing to reign in and recover from the profligate spending of the former Morrison/Frydenberg government. The next, we discussed the Broncos and Lions seasons and the wasted opportunity they had to bring a rare double to our city. However, we agreed they'd both lost their respective Grand Finals to worthy opponents and that there was no shame in their losses.

When we got to my home, Freddy insisted on walking me to my door. A gesture I appreciated and rewarded with a long, loving tongue kiss. I unashamedly groped his sturdy tool as he did the same to my sexy ass. Freddy had me so hot that I would have taken him upstairs and let him fuck me, but Johnny would be home soon, and I knew he'd want to talk to me about my day. Reluctantly, I broke the kiss and shooed Freddy away.

"Sorry once again for the rather inauspicious beginning to our day, Katie," Freddy said as he stared into my eyes earnestly. "I'll see you at seven for our dinner date."

Laughing, I told him he was forgiven and stepped through my door, closing it behind me.

"Katie Ashley Muggleton, you slut!" Patty pretended to growl from my kitchen. "Wipe the smirk and cum from your luscious lips and come and tell us all about your day!"

Even though I knew I didn't have any on them, I still instinctively wiped my lips and blushed embarrassedly.

"See?" Jennifer tittered. "I told you she would have blown Freddy on her way home!"

"I don't know what you're crowing about," I teased Jennifer. "You'd have made him stop somewhere so you could fuck him!"

"Well, maybe if someone waved a magic wand and changed him from my favourite brother from another mother into a man like your husband or Johnny," Jennifer dismissively said, confirming my thoughts on my girls' opinion of my latest 'project'.

"Consider the wand waved," I shot back. "The end result may be a few weeks or even months away, but I'm sure you'll get your wish."

Jennifer looked at me speculatively before saying, "You're preparing him to be a suitable husband for Kristy."

I nodded to show she had surmised correctly and turned my attention to the others in the kitchen. Only then did I realise that Patty and Charmaine were preparing a salad for everyone's dinner. They were laughing and joking, which wasn't a surprise, but the soft touches and flirtatious looks they were exchanging were.

Jennifer wrapped her arms around me from behind and nodded in their direction, "I think Patty's found an antidote for her husband dumping her, and our little Miss Charmaine has found a dominant lesbian she can explore with."

Turning so I could hug Jennifer back, I said, "Let's hope it's not just rebound sex for Patty and that she doesn't break our young friend's heart."

Patty and the girls cracked open a wine bottle and continued to laugh, joke and tease as they went about preparing their dinner. Johnny and Gina were due home at any moment, but it was too early to put dinner on. I refused a glass of wine and stuck to mineral water. I wanted to be at my best when Freddy arrived to take me to dinner.

Thinking of which, I excused myself from the kitchen's frivolities and went to my en suite to shower and change. I had time, so I did a full workup, from shampooing my hair to repainting my toenails and filling in where my fingernails had grown since I'd last had my extensions done.

As I sat naked at my vanity, blow-drying and styling my long, black locks, my bedroom door opened, and Patty slipped inside. I turned my hair dryer off and pulled her into my lap. Kissing her soft lips, I hugged her and asked, "How are you doing, my beautiful one?"

Patty sighed and then smiled tremulously. "I'm still bummed about Billy," she said sadly. "But young Miss Charmaine is a nice distraction. I'm only worried that I'm rebounding onto her, and it's the sadness and loneliness that's driving my attraction to her."

"Just be honest with her and yourself, babe," I told her. "If you're unsure it's anything more than a rebound affair, ensure she knows that. If Charmaine wishes to pursue a relationship with you knowing that, then it's on her if it blows up, and that's all it was."

"What if I don't know, Katie?" Patty asked. "What if she is the one, and I let her slip through my fingers because I think it's only rebound sex, and I'm too afraid to pursue it for fear of being hurt?"

"Only you know your heart, Patty," I reminded her as I gave her a comforting squeeze. "But, I say, give it a go. As long as you're honest with Charmaine and yourself, what's the worst that can happen? You have some great sex with a gorgeous teenager, which helps you get over the pain of losing your best friend, and you move on with your life. Charmaine will survive because I've promised her she'll be mine and with me until she finds her one."

"You're having sex with Charmaine?" Patty asked incredulously. "Wait," She looked intently at me as I blushed. "Shit!" She exclaimed. "You're fucking Jennifer, too! What about Sean? Is he...?" Patty saw my guilty look and added, "He is!" Patty tipped her head back and roared with laughter. "Oh, my darling Kaitlyn, Katie, Kate. What happened to the prudish little girl with whom I went to high school?"

"She grew up and discovered sex was a whole lot of fun," I said primly, trying to hold a straight face.

"And tonight?" Patty asked. "You're going out with one of your son's friends, a young man barely more than half your age. Are you planning on fucking him tonight, too?"

"Again, you mean?" I mischievously asked.

"Again?" Patty queryingly asked.

"Am I going to fuck him again tonight?" I explained, grinning delightedly.

"Katie Ashley Muggleton, you slut!" Patty exclaimed. "You mean you've already fucked him?"

"More than once," I replied smugly. "In fact, Freddy has banged me like the slutty drum I am on several occasions."

Patty laughed again as her hands casually roamed over my luscious curves, stroking my already budding arousal. The last time someone had taken me to their home to make love to was early in my relationship with Sean. The first, of course, was a night after Sean had deflowered me and made me pregnant. I was really looking forward to being in Freddy's arms and bed and felt delightfully naughty knowing I'd wake up in someone else's bed tomorrow.

Slapping Patty's straying hands, I said, "Enough! Otherwise, I'll be leaving wet spots wherever I go!"

"Well, tart, wear some underwear for a change!" Patty laughed but ceased her exploration of my lush body.

Pushing her off my lap. I said, "Help me choose somewhere to wear, please?"

"Sure," Patty replied as she stood and walked into my robe. Looking around, Patty added, "Fuck, Katie! You could open your own fucking clothes store in here!"

Patty looked through my collection before taking down my orange cut-out, short-sleeve, round neck, side split, ruched dress and bringing it out. The 'cut-out' part of the dress' description refers to the series of panels cut from the dress' front, which revealed delicious views of my large, firm breasts and exposed the belly button ring on my toned tummy. The dress clung to my every curve and only barely covered my sexy ass and divine pussy. With the dress clinging to my superbly mounded breasts, I could go without a bra, but I needed to wear underwear in case I bent too far over and my recently waxed perineum and entrance showed. I had a pair of beige with orange straps and wedge heels to go with this dress.

After putting everything on, I preened in front of the mirror, examining how I looked. Happy with it, I sat at my vanity table and did my makeup. As I said earlier, I do my makeup regularly, so it didn't take long.

Patty, who was sitting on my bed admiring me, muttered, "I wonder if I could clone you, take you home and chain you to my bed?"

We laughed together before linking arms and going downstairs. Entering the kitchen, where my girls were busily adding to their dinner to cater for the extra people, I saw that Courtney, Allie and Maggie had arrived. As they'd promised, they were ensuring our friend, Patty, didn't spend too much time alone. Kath wasn't there, but Tuesday night was when one of the shows she hosted aired, so that was expected.

Seeing how I was dressed, Maggie wolf-whistled before saying, "Hubba, hubba, hubba, come to me, Momma. Katie, you look good enough to eat!"

The kitchen burst out with laughter as some agreed with Maggie, and others teased her for being so wanting and needy. I laughed along with everyone else but watched Charmaine move through the gathered people and press her lithe, petite body to Patty. 'Interesting,' I thought as the two slender women embraced and shared a soft kiss.

Johnny and Gina arrived as Jennifer put some seasoned chicken pieces under the grill. Johnny took me aside and confirmed that I was going out with Freddy tonight and wouldn't be home until tomorrow. "I'll be home for lunch tomorrow, Mom," he informed me. "You can explain last night to me then."

'Oops,' I thought. I'd added Patty, Allie, and Maggie to my list of lovers without his permission. Because they were all female, it wasn't too big of an infraction, but I knew there'd be a price I'd have to pay for not asking for his consent first.

Looking at the ground, I said, "Yes, Sir. I will see you then."

Johnny chuckled as he tipped my face up and kissed me, "Have fun tonight, Mom. I know Freddy will."

Hugging my son almost convulsively, I tried to smile and said, "I'm sorry I disappointed you, Johnny."

"You haven't disappointed me, Mom," Johnny smiled. "I'm just ensuring that you know what you're doing and not becoming hedonistic on us."

I looked at the time, and it was close to seven P.M., so I hugged my son and promised to be here at noon tomorrow to meet him.

As if on cue, there was a knock on my front door. "I'll get it," I yelled, knowing it was Freddy. Surprising me, Freddy had changed his suit. Tonight, he wore a gunmetal grey two-piece suit with a white business shirt and the same black ankle boots he wore during our lunch. Freddy had on a subtle Armani cologne that had my senses soaring and my arousal peaking.

"Wow, Katie!" Freddy exclaimed when I opened the door. "You outshine the brightest stars in the galaxy and look like any man's wet dream!"

"You're looking pretty darn hot yourself, Mister Rick Singleton," I replied as I lightly kissed him on his lips.

"Hey, Johnny," Freddy said, blushing bright red when Johnny walked up behind me.

"If Mom isn't glowing and giggling like an awe-struck teenager when I meet her for lunch tomorrow, you and I have a problem. Do you understand me, Freddy?" Johnny forcefully stated.

Freddy chuckled and made a mock salute, "Make her giggle like a teenager. Got it, Sir. Anything else, Sir?"

"Get out of here, you Muppet!" Johnny laughed. We all laughed as Freddy took my arm and steered me toward his car. "Have fun, you kids," Johnny joked. "Don't stay out too late because it's a school night."

Freddy drove us into town and parked in the Albert Street carpark, which was close to Fuego Nero. The restaurant would 'validate' our parking ticket, meaning our parking would be free. Freddy kissed me as he helped me from his car, hugged, groped and kissed me in the elevator to the Albert Street level, and then put his arm around me and pulled me close so that my hip matched to his as we walked up the street to the restaurant.

Entering Blackfire (Fuego Nero), Freddy told the Maître D his name and that he had a booking for two under that name. Dinner was its usual exquisite combination of textures and flavours. I ate heartily because I knew pushing a salad around my plate when a man takes you to dinner only annoys him. I allowed Freddy to choose my courses and the wine to go with them. Freddy proved an adept dinner companion. The dishes he chose for me were tasty and well-proportioned, allowing room for a small dessert at the end.

We finished our coffees just as Marc, the Maître D, brought the bill and said the restaurant was closing. I felt pleasantly full, as if I'd eaten just the right amount of food to sate my hunger without feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Freddy had been charming and witty during our repast. He regularly took my hand and held it as he ate with his other. Or, he'd kiss its back and smile warmly at me before releasing it so I could continue eating.

Once he had ordered the coffee, Freddy moved to sit beside me instead of opposite me. He turned his upper body so he faced toward me and held both of my hands, occasionally releasing one so he could brush an errant hair off my face and tuck it behind my petite ear. We gazed into each other's eyes as only lovers do as we sipped our coffee.

His devout attention to me and my needs ensured that I was as hot and wet as I could be without actually climaxing. I was sure a mere touch on my breasts or nipples would have sent me into orgasmic bliss, so it was probably better that he had more class than to do so. At least in the restaurant, he did! In the lift on our way back to his car, Freddy grabbed the back of my neck and passionately kissed me. His gifted hands roamed my body before his powerful right one slid between my weakened and parted thighs and onto my love button. Groaning into his kiss, I climaxed on Freddy's probing fingers.

Supporting me, Freddy helped me into his car's front seat before getting in and driving us to his place. I smiled, anticipating what was to come (and who was to cum, if the truth was to be told). I hadn't brought a change of clothes, and I looked forward to making the 'slut walk of shame' into my house tomorrow, still wearing the clothes I'd left in the previous night. It wasn't something I'd done before, and I was looking forward to the barbs and jokes my girls would make at my expense.

The ride home was a lot of fun. I'd tease Freddy by flashing him my luscious, braless breasts or by lifting my feet onto the dash and playing with my slickly wet slit. But every time he tried to touch me, I'd playfully slap his hands away and cover up. By about halfway to his place, Freddy figured out that if he talked to me without trying to touch my lewdly displayed, divine assets, I'd keep them uncovered for him. However, as soon as he reached for me, I'd slap his hand and cover them up.

Everything was going well until we got to Freddy's place. We backed through the door, locked in a fiercely passionate kiss and embrace, our hands roaming over each other's bodies, and I noticed how musty Freddy's unit smelled. At first, I ignored the smell, thinking it was probably only because the unit hadn't been aired that day. However, when I stumbled back onto the couch and realised I was sitting awkwardly, I pushed Freddy back, stood up and turned the living room light on.

I looked around, disgusted by what I saw. It wasn't just the unwashed clothes thrown over every flat surface; it was pizza boxes left beside the couch, takeaway containers piled on the coffee table, and dust in every corner.

"If you think I'm getting into your bed when your place looks like this, you have another think coming, Mister Freddy Albert Singleton," I stormed. "Given how this looks, Gawd knows what horrible germs and/or diseases lurk in there!"

"But I changed the sheets this afternoon, Katie," Freddy protested.

"It looks like you should have changed apartments!" I shot back. "Take me home, Freddy. Your chances of getting fucked tonight have gone from guaranteed to less than zero!" Looking around, I felt my blood boil. "You'd take my daughter home to this?" I screeched. "No self-respecting woman would allow you to bed her in this disgrace! And any woman who would, trust me, you do not want to bed her because lawd knows what diseases she's carrying!"

Huffing angrily, I adjusted my clothing back to decency, crossed my arms, tapped my right foot and glared at the young man. "Well, Mister Freddy? What have you got to say for yourself?"

Freddy looked around despairingly. Suddenly, tears welled in his eyes, and he looked absolutely miserable. "I've doubly fucked up again, haven't I, Katie?" Freddy stated.

Seeing the young man's misery, I felt horrible for lashing out at him. Relaxing my posture, I knelt before where he sat. Taking Freddy's head in my hands, I tipped his head back and kissed him. "Freddy, you must have more self-respect than this, honey. This is not an acceptable way to live by anyone's standards."
